21 research outputs found

    Large-scale Multi-view Subspace Clustering in Linear Time

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    A plethora of multi-view subspace clustering (MVSC) methods have been proposed over the past few years. Researchers manage to boost clustering accuracy from different points of view. However, many state-of-the-art MVSC algorithms, typically have a quadratic or even cubic complexity, are inefficient and inherently difficult to apply at large scales. In the era of big data, the computational issue becomes critical. To fill this gap, we propose a large-scale MVSC (LMVSC) algorithm with linear order complexity. Inspired by the idea of anchor graph, we first learn a smaller graph for each view. Then, a novel approach is designed to integrate those graphs so that we can implement spectral clustering on a smaller graph. Interestingly, it turns out that our model also applies to single-view scenario. Extensive experiments on various large-scale benchmark data sets validate the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach with respect to state-of-the-art clustering methods.Comment: Accepted by AAAI 202

    High-order Multi-view Clustering for Generic Data

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    Graph-based multi-view clustering has achieved better performance than most non-graph approaches. However, in many real-world scenarios, the graph structure of data is not given or the quality of initial graph is poor. Additionally, existing methods largely neglect the high-order neighborhood information that characterizes complex intrinsic interactions. To tackle these problems, we introduce an approach called high-order multi-view clustering (HMvC) to explore the topology structure information of generic data. Firstly, graph filtering is applied to encode structure information, which unifies the processing of attributed graph data and non-graph data in a single framework. Secondly, up to infinity-order intrinsic relationships are exploited to enrich the learned graph. Thirdly, to explore the consistent and complementary information of various views, an adaptive graph fusion mechanism is proposed to achieve a consensus graph. Comprehensive experimental results on both non-graph and attributed graph data show the superior performance of our method with respect to various state-of-the-art techniques, including some deep learning methods

    Multi-view Fuzzy Representation Learning with Rules based Model

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    Unsupervised multi-view representation learning has been extensively studied for mining multi-view data. However, some critical challenges remain. On the one hand, the existing methods cannot explore multi-view data comprehensively since they usually learn a common representation between views, given that multi-view data contains both the common information between views and the specific information within each view. On the other hand, to mine the nonlinear relationship between data, kernel or neural network methods are commonly used for multi-view representation learning. However, these methods are lacking in interpretability. To this end, this paper proposes a new multi-view fuzzy representation learning method based on the interpretable Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) fuzzy system (MVRL_FS). The method realizes multi-view representation learning from two aspects. First, multi-view data are transformed into a high-dimensional fuzzy feature space, while the common information between views and specific information of each view are explored simultaneously. Second, a new regularization method based on L_(2,1)-norm regression is proposed to mine the consistency information between views, while the geometric structure of the data is preserved through the Laplacian graph. Finally, extensive experiments on many benchmark multi-view datasets are conducted to validate the superiority of the proposed method.Comment: This work has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineerin

    Bi-nuclear tensor Schatten-p norm minimization for multi-view subspace clustering

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    Multi-view subspace clustering aims to integrate the complementary information contained in different views to facilitate data representation. Currently, low-rank representation (LRR) serves as a benchmark method. However, we observe that these LRR-based methods would suffer from two issues: limited clustering performance and high computational cost since (1) they usually adopt the nuclear norm with biased estimation to explore the low-rank structures; (2) the singular value decomposition of large-scale matrices is inevitably involved. Moreover, LRR may not achieve low-rank properties in both intra-views and interviews simultaneously. To address the above issues, this paper proposes the Bi-nuclear tensor Schatten-p norm minimization for multi-view subspace clustering (BTMSC). Specifically, BTMSC constructs a third-order tensor from the view dimension to explore the high-order correlation and the subspace structures of multi-view features. The Bi-Nuclear Quasi-Norm (BiN) factorization form of the Schatten-p norm is utilized to factorize the third-order tensor as the product of two small-scale thirdorder tensors, which not only captures the low-rank property of the third-order tensor but also improves the computational efficiency. Finally, an efficient alternating optimization algorithm is designed to solve the BTMSC model. Extensive experiments with ten datasets of texts and images illustrate the performance superiority of the proposed BTMSC method over state-of-the-art methods

    Performance Gaps in Multi-view Clustering under the Nested Matrix-Tensor Model

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    We study the estimation of a planted signal hidden in a recently introduced nested matrix-tensor model, which is an extension of the classical spiked rank-one tensor model, motivated by multi-view clustering. Prior work has theoretically examined the performance of a tensor-based approach, which relies on finding a best rank-one approximation, a problem known to be computationally hard. A tractable alternative approach consists in computing instead the best rank-one (matrix) approximation of an unfolding of the observed tensor data, but its performance was hitherto unknown. We quantify here the performance gap between these two approaches, in particular by deriving the precise algorithmic threshold of the unfolding approach and demonstrating that it exhibits a BBP-type transition behavior. This work is therefore in line with recent contributions which deepen our understanding of why tensor-based methods surpass matrix-based methods in handling structured tensor data

    Machine learning and audio processing : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science at Massey University, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand

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    In this thesis, we addressed two important theoretical issues in deep neural networks and clustering, respectively. Also, we developed a new approach for polyphonic sound event detection, which is one of the most important applications in the audio processing area. The developed three novel approaches are: (i) The Large Margin Recurrent Neural Network (LMRNN), which improves the discriminative ability of original Recurrent Neural Networks by introducing a large margin term into the widely used cross-entropy loss function. The developed large margin term utilises the large margin discriminative principle as a heuristic term to navigate the convergence process during training, which fully exploits the information from data labels by considering both target category and competing categories. (ii) The Robust Multi-View Continuous Subspace Clustering (RMVCSC) approach, which performs clustering on a common view-invariant subspace learned from all views. The clustering result and the common representation subspace are simultaneously optimised by a single continuous objective function. In the objective function, a robust estimator is used to automatically clip specious inter-cluster connections while maintaining convincing intra-cluster correspondences. Thus, the developed RMVCSC can untangle heavily mixed clusters without pre-setting the number of clusters. (iii) The novel polyphonic sound event detection approach based on Relational Recurrent Neural Network (RRNN), which utilises the relational reasoning ability of RRNNs to untangle the overlapping sound events across audio recordings. Different from previous works, which mixed and packed all historical information into a single common hidden memory vector, the developed approach allows historical information to interact with each other across an audio recording, which is effective and efficient in untangling the overlapping sound events. All three approaches are tested on widely used datasets and compared with recently published works. The experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness and efficiency of the developed approaches

    Machine Learning for Informed Representation Learning

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    The way we view reality and reason about the processes surrounding us is intimately connected to our perception and the representations we form about our observations and experiences. The popularity of machine learning and deep learning techniques in that regard stems from their ability to form useful representations by learning from large sets of observations. Typical application examples include image recognition or language processing for which artificial neural networks are powerful tools to extract regularity patterns or relevant statistics. In this thesis, we leverage and further develop this representation learning capability to address relevant but challenging real-world problems in geoscience and chemistry, to learn representations in an informed manner relevant to the task at hand, and reason about representation learning in neural networks, in general. Firstly, we develop an approach for efficient and scalable semantic segmentation of degraded soil in alpine grasslands in remotely-sensed images based on convolutional neural networks. To this end, we consider different grassland erosion phenomena in several Swiss valleys. We find that we are able to monitor soil degradation consistent with state-of-the-art methods in geoscience and can improve detection of affected areas. Furthermore, our approach provides a scalable method for large-scale analysis which is infeasible with established methods. Secondly, we address the question of how to identify suitable latent representations to enable generation of novel objects with selected properties. For this, we introduce a new deep generative model in the context of manifold learning and disentanglement. Our model improves targeted generation of novel objects by making use of property cycle consistency in property-relevant and property-invariant latent subspaces. We demonstrate the improvements on the generation of molecules with desired physical or chemical properties. Furthermore, we show that our model facilitates interpretability and exploration of the latent representation. Thirdly, in the context of recent advances in deep learning theory and the neural tangent kernel, we empirically investigate the learning of feature representations in standard convolutional neural networks and corresponding random feature models given by the linearisation of the neural networks. We find that performance differences between standard and linearised networks generally increase with the difficulty of the task but decrease with the considered width or over-parametrisation of these networks. Our results indicate interesting implications for feature learning and random feature models as well as the generalisation performance of highly over-parametrised neural networks. In summary, we employ and study feature learning in neural networks and review how we may use informed representation learning for challenging tasks