254 research outputs found

    Multi-user interference mitigation under limited feedback requirements for WCDMA systems with base station cooperation

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    One of the techniques that has been recently identified for dealing with multi-user interference (MUI) in future communications systems is base station (BS) cooperation or joint processing. However, perfect MUI cancellation with this technique demands severe synchronization requirements, perfect and global channel state information (CSI), and an increased backhaul and signaling overhead. In this paper, we consider a more realistic layout with the aim of mitigating the MUI, where only local CSI is available at the BSs. Due to synchronization inaccuracies and errors in the channel estimation, the system becomes partially asynchronous. In the downlink of wideband code division multiple access based systems, this asynchronism stands for the loss of the orthogonality of the spreading codes allocated to users and thus, for an increase in the MUI level of the system. In this contribution, we propose a framework for mitigating the MUI which builds in three main steps: definition of a cooperation area based on the channel characteristics, statistical modeling of the average MUI power experienced by each user and a specific spreading code allocation scheme for users served with joint processing. This code allocation assigns spreading codes to users in such a way that minimum average cross-correlation between active users can be achieved. Interestingly, these steps can be performed with a limited amount of extra feedback from the user's side

    A survey of self organisation in future cellular networks

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    This article surveys the literature over the period of the last decade on the emerging field of self organisation as applied to wireless cellular communication networks. Self organisation has been extensively studied and applied in adhoc networks, wireless sensor networks and autonomic computer networks; however in the context of wireless cellular networks, this is the first attempt to put in perspective the various efforts in form of a tutorial/survey. We provide a comprehensive survey of the existing literature, projects and standards in self organising cellular networks. Additionally, we also aim to present a clear understanding of this active research area, identifying a clear taxonomy and guidelines for design of self organising mechanisms. We compare strength and weakness of existing solutions and highlight the key research areas for further development. This paper serves as a guide and a starting point for anyone willing to delve into research on self organisation in wireless cellular communication networks


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    The key challenges to high throughput in cellular wireless communication system are interference, mobility and bandwidth limitation. Mobility has never been a problem until recently, bandwidth has been constantly improved upon through the evolutions in cellular wireless communication system but interference has been a constant limitation to any improvement that may have resulted from such evolution. The fundamental challenge to a system designer or a researcher is how to achieve high data rate in motion (high speed) in a cellular system that is intrinsically interference-limited. Multi-antenna is the solution to data on the move and the capacity of multi-antenna system has been demonstrated to increase proportionally with increase in the number of antennas at both transmitter and receiver for point-to-point communications and multi-user environment. However, the capacity gain in both uplink and downlink is limited in a multi-user environment like cellular system by interference, the number of antennas at the base station, complexity and space constraint particularly for a mobile terminal. This challenge in the downlink provided the motivation to investigate successive interference cancellation (SIC) as an interference management tool LTE system and beyond. The Simulation revealed that ordered successive interference (OSIC) out performs non-ordered successive interference cancellation (NSIC) and the additional complexity is justified based on the associated gain in BER performance of OSIC. The major drawback of OSIC is that it is not efficient in network environment employing power control or power allocation. Additional interference management techniques will be required to fully manage the interference.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Multi-Cell Uplink Radio Resource Management. A LTE Case Study

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    Técnicas de cooperação entre estações base para sistemas celulares

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesA cooperação entre células é uma das áreas de pesquisa em maior crescimento, sendo uma solução promissora para sistemas celulares sem fio, por forma a amenizar a interferência entre as células, melhorar a equidade do sistema e aumentar a capacidade nos anos vindouros. Esta tecnologia já está em estudo no LTE-Advanced sob o conceito de coordenação multiponto (CoOMP). Esta dissertação insere-se na área de comunicações sem fios e tem como principal objectivo, estudar, implementar e avaliar o desempenho de esquemas de cooperação entre estações base, projectados para os futuros sistemas de comunicações móveis de portadora múltipla (OFDM/A). Especificamente, o sistema cooperativo estudado é constituído por duas estações base equipadas com um agregado de antenas, ligadas a uma unidade de processamento central, e dois terminais móveis equipados cada um com apenas uma antena. O sistema referido foi implementado de acordo com as especificações do LTE e avaliado em diversos cenários de propagação. As técnicas desenvolvidas permitem contornar os problemas relacionados com a má qualidade de canal entre emissor e receptor, melhorando o seu desempenho, especificamente ao nível da taxa de erros de transmissão.Multicell cooperation is one of the fastest growing areas of research, and it is a promising solution for cellular wireless systems to mitigate intercell interference, improve system fairness and increase capacity in the years to come. This technology is already under study in LTE-Advanced under the coordinated multipoint (CoOMP) concept. This dissertation is inserted in the wireless communications area, with its main objective being the study, implementation and evaluation of the performance of cooperative schemes between base stations designed for the future mobile communication multiple carrier systems (OFDM/A). Specifically, the cooperative system studied consists of two base stations, each with multiple antenna, connected to a central processing unit, and two mobile terminals, each equipped with only one antenna. The system referred to was implemented in accordance with the specifications of LTE and was tested in various different propagation situations. The developed techniques ensure the mitigation of problems related to interference between the portable terminals namely at the cell edges, improving specifically the bit error rate performance

    Dirty RF Signal Processing for Mitigation of Receiver Front-end Non-linearity

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    Moderne drahtlose Kommunikationssysteme stellen hohe und teilweise gegensätzliche Anforderungen an die Hardware der Funkmodule, wie z.B. niedriger Energieverbrauch, große Bandbreite und hohe Linearität. Die Gewährleistung einer ausreichenden Linearität ist, neben anderen analogen Parametern, eine Herausforderung im praktischen Design der Funkmodule. Der Fokus der Dissertation liegt auf breitbandigen HF-Frontends für Software-konfigurierbare Funkmodule, die seit einigen Jahren kommerziell verfügbar sind. Die praktischen Herausforderungen und Grenzen solcher flexiblen Funkmodule offenbaren sich vor allem im realen Experiment. Eines der Hauptprobleme ist die Sicherstellung einer ausreichenden analogen Performanz über einen weiten Frequenzbereich. Aus einer Vielzahl an analogen Störeffekten behandelt die Arbeit die Analyse und Minderung von Nichtlinearitäten in Empfängern mit direkt-umsetzender Architektur. Im Vordergrund stehen dabei Signalverarbeitungsstrategien zur Minderung nichtlinear verursachter Interferenz - ein Algorithmus, der besser unter "Dirty RF"-Techniken bekannt ist. Ein digitales Verfahren nach der Vorwärtskopplung wird durch intensive Simulationen, Messungen und Implementierung in realer Hardware verifiziert. Um die Lücken zwischen Theorie und praktischer Anwendbarkeit zu schließen und das Verfahren in reale Funkmodule zu integrieren, werden verschiedene Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Hierzu wird ein erweitertes Verhaltensmodell entwickelt, das die Struktur direkt-umsetzender Empfänger am besten nachbildet und damit alle Verzerrungen im HF- und Basisband erfasst. Darüber hinaus wird die Leistungsfähigkeit des Algorithmus unter realen Funkkanal-Bedingungen untersucht. Zusätzlich folgt die Vorstellung einer ressourceneffizienten Echtzeit-Implementierung des Verfahrens auf einem FPGA. Abschließend diskutiert die Arbeit verschiedene Anwendungsfelder, darunter spektrales Sensing, robuster GSM-Empfang und GSM-basiertes Passivradar. Es wird gezeigt, dass nichtlineare Verzerrungen erfolgreich in der digitalen Domäne gemindert werden können, wodurch die Bitfehlerrate gestörter modulierter Signale sinkt und der Anteil nichtlinear verursachter Interferenz minimiert wird. Schließlich kann durch das Verfahren die effektive Linearität des HF-Frontends stark erhöht werden. Damit wird der zuverlässige Betrieb eines einfachen Funkmoduls unter dem Einfluss der Empfängernichtlinearität möglich. Aufgrund des flexiblen Designs ist der Algorithmus für breitbandige Empfänger universal einsetzbar und ist nicht auf Software-konfigurierbare Funkmodule beschränkt.Today's wireless communication systems place high requirements on the radio's hardware that are largely mutually exclusive, such as low power consumption, wide bandwidth, and high linearity. Achieving a sufficient linearity, among other analogue characteristics, is a challenging issue in practical transceiver design. The focus of this thesis is on wideband receiver RF front-ends for software defined radio technology, which became commercially available in the recent years. Practical challenges and limitations are being revealed in real-world experiments with these radios. One of the main problems is to ensure a sufficient RF performance of the front-end over a wide bandwidth. The thesis covers the analysis and mitigation of receiver non-linearity of typical direct-conversion receiver architectures, among other RF impairments. The main focus is on DSP-based algorithms for mitigating non-linearly induced interference, an approach also known as "Dirty RF" signal processing techniques. The conceived digital feedforward mitigation algorithm is verified through extensive simulations, RF measurements, and implementation in real hardware. Various studies are carried out that bridge the gap between theory and practical applicability of this approach, especially with the aim of integrating that technique into real devices. To this end, an advanced baseband behavioural model is developed that matches to direct-conversion receiver architectures as close as possible, and thus considers all generated distortions at RF and baseband. In addition, the algorithm's performance is verified under challenging fading conditions. Moreover, the thesis presents a resource-efficient real-time implementation of the proposed solution on an FPGA. Finally, different use cases are covered in the thesis that includes spectrum monitoring or sensing, GSM downlink reception, and GSM-based passive radar. It is shown that non-linear distortions can be successfully mitigated at system level in the digital domain, thereby decreasing the bit error rate of distorted modulated signals and reducing the amount of non-linearly induced interference. Finally, the effective linearity of the front-end is increased substantially. Thus, the proper operation of a low-cost radio under presence of receiver non-linearity is possible. Due to the flexible design, the algorithm is generally applicable for wideband receivers and is not restricted to software defined radios

    A Survey of Self Organisation in Future Cellular Networks

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    Técnicas de equalização híbridas para sistemas heterogéneos na banda das ondas milimétricas

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    With the constant demand for better service and higher transmission rates current technologies are reaching the limits of the channel capacity. Although, technologies such as MIMO and Heterogeneous systems appear to increase the channel capacity by introducing more antennas at the transceivers making the link between users and base station more reliable. Furthermore, the current spectrum, sub-6GHz, is becoming saturated and due to the properties of such frequencies the deployment of heterogeneous systems can introduce some levels of interference. Towards improving future communication systems a new part of the frequencies spectrum available should be used, researchers have their eyes on the mmWave band. This band allows to increase the carrier frequency and respective signal bandwidth and therefore increase the transmission speeds, moreover the properties of such frequencies unlock some advantages over the frequencies used in the sub-6G band. Additionally, mmWave band can be combined with massive MIMO technology to enhance the system capacity and to deploy more antenna elements in the transceivers. One more key technology that improves the energy efficiency in systems with hundreds of antenna elements is the possibility to combine analog and digital precoding techniques denoted as hybrid architectures. The main advantages of such techniques is that contrary to the full digital precoding processing used in current systems this new architecture allows to reduce the number of RF chains per antenna leading to improved energy efficiency. Furthermore to handle heterogeneous systems that have small-cells within the macro-cell, techniques such as Interference Alignment (IA) can be used to efficiently remove the existing multi-tier interference. In this dissertation a massive MIMO mmWave heterogeneous system is implemented and evaluated. It is designed analog-digital equalizers to efficiently remove both the intra an inter-tier interference. At digital level, an interference alignment technique is used to remove the interference and increase the spectral efficiency. The results showed that the proposed solutions are efficient to remove the macro and small cells interference.Com a constante procura de melhores serviços e taxas de transmissão mais elevadas, as tecnologias atuais estão a atingir os limites de capacidade do canal. Contudo tecnologias como o MIMO e os sistemas heterogéneos permitem aumentar a capacidade do canal através da introdução de mais antenas nos transcetores e através da implementação de pequenos pontos de acesso espalhados pela célula primária, com o intuito de tornar as ligações entre os utilizadores e a estação base mais fiáveis. Tendo também em atenção que o espectro atual, sub-6GHz, está sobrecarregado e que devido às propriedades das frequências utilizadas a implementação de sistemas heterogéneos pode levar a níveis de interferência insustentáveis. Por modo a resolver esta sobrecarga futuros sistemas de comunicação devem aproveitar uma maior parte do espectro de frequências disponível. A banda das ondas milimétricas (mmWave) tem sido apontada como solução, o que permite aumentar a frequência utilizada para transportar o sinal e consequentemente aumentar as velocidades de transmissão. Uma outra vantagem da banda mmWave é que pode ser combinada com a tecnologia MIMO massivo, permitindo implementar mais elementos de antena nos terminais e consequentemente aumentar a capacidade do sistema. Umas das tecnologias desenvolvida para melhorar a eficiência energética em sistemas com centenas de antenas é a possibilidade de combinar técnicas de codificação analógica e digital, designadas como arquiteturas híbridas. A principal vantagem desta técnica é que, contrariamente ao processamento feito nos sistemas atuais, totalmente no domínio digital, esta nova arquitetura permite reduzir o número de cadeias RF por antena. Com o intuito de reduzir a interferência em sistemas heterogéneos, técnicas como o alinhamento de interferência são usadas para separar utilizadores das células secundárias dos utilizadores das células primárias de modo a reduzir a interferência multi-nível existente no sistema geral. Nesta dissertação, é implementado e avaliado um sistema heterogéneo que combina MIMO massivo e ondas milimétricas. Este sistema é projetado com equalizadores analógico-digitais para remover com eficiência a interferência intra e inter-camadas. No domínio digital é utilizada a técnica de alinhamento de interferência para remover a interferência e aumentar a eficiência espectral. Os resultados mostram que as soluções propostas são eficientes para remover a interferência entre as células secundárias e a primária.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Esquemas de cooperação entre estações base para o LTE no sentido descendente

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    The explosive growth in wireless traffic and in the number of connected devices as smart phones or computers, are causing a dramatic increase in the levels of interference, which significantly degrades the capacity gains promised by the point-to-point multi input, multi output (MIMO) based techniques. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly clear that major new improvements in spectral efficiency of wireless networks will have to entail addressing intercell interference. So, there is a need for a new cellular architecture that can take these factors under consideration. It is in this context that LTE-Advanced arises. One of the most promising LTE-Advanced technology is Coordinated Multipoint (CoMP), which allows base stations to cooperate among them, in order to mitigate or eliminate the intercell interference and, by doing so, increase the system’s capacity. This thesis intends to study this concept, implementing some schemes that fall under the CoMP concept. In this thesis we consider a distributed precoded multicell approach, where the precoders are computed locally at each BS to mitigate the intercell interference. Two precoder are considered: distributed zero forcing (DZF) and distributed virtual signal-to-interference noise ratio (DVSINR) recently proposed. Then the system is further optimized by computing a power allocation algorithm over the subcarriers that minimizes the average bit error rate (BER). The considered algorithms are also evaluated under imperfect channel state information. A quantized version of the CSI associated to the different links between the BS and the UT is feedback from the UT to the BS. This information is then employed by the different BSs to perform the precoding design. A new DVSINR precoder explicitly designed under imperfect CSI is proposed. The proposed schemes were implemented considering the LTE specifications, and the results show that the considered precoders are efficiently to remove the interference even under imperfect CSI.O crescimento exponencial no tráfego de comunicações sem-fios e no número de dispositivos utilizados (smart phones, computadores portáteis, etc.) está a causar um aumento significativo nos níveis de interferência, que prejudicam significativamente os ganhos de capacidade assegurados pelas tecnologias baseadas em ligações ponto-a-ponto MIMO. Deste modo, torna-se cada vez mais necessário que os grandes aperfeiçoamentos na eficiência espectral de sistemas de comunicações sem-fios tenham em consideração a interferência entre células. De forma a tomar em consideração estes aspectos, uma nova arquitectura celular terá de ser desenvolvida. É assim, neste contexto, que surge o LTE-Advanced. Uma das tecnologias mais promissoras do LTE-Advanced é a Coordenação Multi-Ponto (CoMP), que permite que as estações base cooperem de modo a mitigar a interferência entre células e, deste modo, aumentar a capacidade do sistema. Esta dissertação pretende estudar este conceito, implementando para isso algumas técnicas que se enquadram no conceito do CoMP. Nesta dissertação iremos considerar a implementação de um sistema de pré-codificação em múltiplas células, em que os pré-codificadores são calculados em cada BS, de modo a mitigar a interferência entre células. São considerados dois pré-codificadores: Distributed Zero Forcing (DZF) e Distributed Virtual Signal-to-Interferance Noise Ratio (DVSINR), recentemente proposto. De seguida o sistema é optimizado com a introdução de algoritmos de alocação de potência entre as sub-portadoras com o objectivo de minimizar a taxa média de erros (BER). Os algoritmos considerados são também avaliados em situações em que a informação do estado do canal é imperfeita. Uma versão quantizada da CSI associada a cada uma das diferentes ligações entre as BS e os UT é assim enviada do UT para a BS. Esta informação é então utilizada para calcular os diferentes pré-codificadores em cada BS. Uma nova versão do pré-codificador DVSINR é proposta de modo a lidar com CSI imperfeito. Os esquemas propostos foram implementados considerandos especificações do LTE, e os resultados obtidos demonstram que os pré-codificadores removem de uma forma eficiente a interferência, mesmo em situações em que a CSI é imperfeita