19 research outputs found

    Focusing Attention on the Health Aspects of Foods Changes Value Signals in vmPFC and Improves Dietary Choice

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    Attention is thought to play a key role in the computation of stimulus values at the time of choice, which suggests that attention manipulations could be used to improve decision-making in domains where self-control lapses are pervasive. We used an fMRI food choice task with non-dieting human subjects to investigate whether exogenous cues that direct attention to the healthiness of foods could improve dietary choices. Behaviorally, we found that subjects made healthier choices in the presence of health cues. In parallel, stimulus value signals in ventromedial prefrontal cortex were more responsive to the healthiness of foods in the presence of health cues, and this effect was modulated by activity in regions of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. These findings suggest that the neural mechanisms used in successful self-control can be activated by exogenous attention cues, and provide insights into the processes through which behavioral therapies and public policies could facilitate self-control

    The influence of nociceptive and neuropathic pain states on the processing of acute electrical nociceptive stimulation : a dynamic causal modeling study

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    Introduction: Despite the worldwide increase in prevalence of chronic pain and the subsequent scientific interest, researchers studying the brain and brain mechanisms in pain patients have not yet clearly identified the exact underlying mechanisms. Quantifying the neuronal interactions in electrophysiological data could help us gain insight into the complexity of chronic pain. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine how different underlying pain states affect the processing of nociceptive information. Methods: Twenty healthy participants, 20 patients with non-neuropathic low back-related leg pain and 20 patients with neuropathic failed back surgery syndrome received nociceptive electrical stimulation at the right sural nerve with simultaneous electroencephalographic recordings. Dynamic Causal Modeling (DCM) was used to infer hidden neuronal states within a Bayesian framework. Results: Pain intensity ratings and stimulus intensity of the nociceptive stimuli did not differ between groups. Compared to healthy participants, both patient groups had the same winning DCM model, with an additional forward and backward connection between the somatosensory cortex and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Discussion: The additional neuronal connection with the prefrontal cortex as seen in both pain patient groups could be a reflection of the higher attention towards pain in pain patients and might be explained by the higher levels of pain catastrophizing in these patients. Conclusion: In contrast to the similar pain intensity ratings of an acute nociceptive electrical stimulus between pain patients and healthy participants, the brain is processing these stimuli in a different way

    Dynamic causal modelling of effective connectivity during perspective taking in a communicative task

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    Previous studies have shown that taking into account another person's perspective to guide decisions is more difficult when their perspective is incongruent from one's own compared to when it is congruent. Here we used dynamic causal modelling (DCM) for functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate effective connectivity between prefrontal and posterior brain regions in a task that requires participants to take into account another person's perspective in order to guide the selection of an action. Using a new procedure to score model evidence without computationally costly estimation, we conducted an exhaustive search for the best of all possible models. The results elucidate how the activity in the areas from our previously reported analysis (Dumontheil et al., 2010) are causally linked and how the connections are modulated by both the social as well as executive task demands of the task. We find that the social demands modulate the backward connections from the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) more strongly than the forward connections from the superior occipital gyrus (SOG) and the medial temporal gyrus (MTG) to the MPFC. This was also the case for the backward connection from the MTG to the SOG. Conversely, the executive task demands modulated the forward connections of the SOG and the MTG to the MPFC more strongly than the backward connections. We interpret the results in terms of hierarchical predictive coding

    The effect of global signal regression on DCM estimates of noise and effective connectivity from resting state fMRI

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    The influence of global BOLD fluctuations on resting state functional connectivity in fMRI data remains a topic of debate, with little consensus. In this study, we assessed the effects of global signal regression (GSR) on effective connectivity within and between resting state networks (RSNs) - as estimated with dynamic causal modelling (DCM) for resting state fMRI (rsfMRI). DCM incorporates a forward (generative) model that quantifies the contribution of different types of noise (including global measurement noise), effective connectivity, and (neuro)vascular processes to functional connectivity measurements. DCM analyses were applied to two different designs; namely, longitudinal and cross-sectional designs. In the modelling of longitudinal designs, we considered four extensive longitudinal resting state fMRI datasets with a total number of 20 subjects. In the analysis of cross-sectional designs, we used rsfMRI data from 361 subjects from the Human Connectome Project. We hypothesized that (1) GSR would have no discernible impact on effective connectivity estimated with DCM, and (2) GSR would be reflected in the parameters representing global measurement noise. Additionally, we performed comparative analyses of information gain with and without GSR. Our results showed negligible to small effects of GSR on effective connectivity within small (separately estimated) RSNs. However, although the effect sizes were small, there was substantial to conclusive evidence for an effect of GSR on connectivity parameters. For between-network connectivity, we found two important effects: the effect of GSR on between-network effective connectivity (averaged over all connections) was negligible to small, while the effect of GSR on individual connections was non-negligible. In the cross-sectional (but not in the longitudinal) data, some connections showed substantial to conclusive evidence for an effect of GSR. Contrary to our expectations, we found either no effect (in the longitudinal designs) or a non-specific (cross-sectional design) effect of GSR on parameters characterising (global) measurement noise. Data without GSR were found to be more informative than data with GSR; however, in small resting state networks the precision of posterior estimates was greater after GSR. In conclusion, GSR is a minor concern in DCM studies; however, quantitative interpretation of between-network connections (as opposed to average between-network connectivity) and noise parameters should be treated with some caution. The Kullback-Leibler divergence of the posterior from the prior (i.e., information gain) - together with the precision of posterior estimates - might offer a useful measure to assess the appropriateness of GSR in resting state fMRI

    Feedforward and feedback pathways of nociceptive and tactile processing in human somatosensory system: A study of dynamic causal modeling of fMRI data

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    Nociceptive and tactile information is processed in the somatosensory system via reciprocal (i.e., feedforward and feedback) projections between the thalamus, the primary (S1) and secondary (S2) somatosensory cortices. The exact hierarchy of nociceptive and tactile information processing within this ‘thalamus-S1-S2’ network and whether the processing hierarchy differs between the two somatosensory submodalities remains unclear. In particular, two questions related to the ascending and descending pathways have not been addressed. For the ascending pathways, whether tactile or nociceptive information is processed in parallel (i.e., 'thalamus-S1′ and 'thalamus-S2′) or in serial (i.e., 'thalamus-S1-S2′) remains controversial. For the descending pathways, how corticothalamic feedback regulates nociceptive and tactile processing also remains elusive. Here, we aimed to investigate the hierarchical organization for the processing of nociceptive and tactile information in the ‘thalamus-S1-S2’ network using dynamic causal modeling (DCM) combined with high-temporal-resolution fMRI. We found that, for both nociceptive and tactile information processing, both S1 and S2 received inputs from thalamus, indicating a parallel structure of ascending pathways for nociceptive and tactile information processing. Furthermore, we observed distinct corticothalamic feedback regulations from S1 and S2, showing that S1 generally exerts inhibitory feedback regulation independent of external stimulation whereas S2 provides additional inhibition to the thalamic activity during nociceptive and tactile information processing in humans. These findings revealed that nociceptive and tactile information processing have similar hierarchical organization within the somatosensory system in the human brain

    Peripheral Nervous System Reconstruction Reroutes Cortical Motor Output—Brain Reorganization Uncovered by Effective Connectivity

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    Cortical reorganization in response to peripheral nervous system damage is only poorly understood. In patients with complete brachial plexus avulsion and subsequent reconnection of the end of the musculocutaneous nerve to the side of a phrenic nerve, reorganization leads to a doubled arm representation in the primary motor cortex. Despite, homuncular organization being one of the most fundamental principles of the human brain, movements of the affected arm now activate 2 loci: the completely denervated arm representation and the diaphragm representation. Here, we investigate the details behind this peripherally triggered reorganization, which happens in healthy brains. fMRI effective connectivity changes within the motor network were compared between a group of patients and age matched healthy controls at 7 Tesla (6 patients and 12 healthy controls). Results show the establishment of a driving input of the denervated arm area to the diaphragm area which is now responsible for arm movements. The findings extend current knowledge about neuroplasticity in primary motor cortex: a denervated motor area may drive an auxilliary area to reroute its motor output

    Brain Connectivity changes after Stroke and Rehabilitation

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    Several cortical and subcortical areas of brain interact coherently during various tasks such as motor-imagery (MI) and motor-execution (ME) and even during resting-state (RS). How these interactions are affected following stroke and how the functional organization is regained from rehabilitative treatments as people begin to recover have not been systematically studied. Role of primary motor area during MI task and how this differs during ME task are still questions of interest. To answer such questions, we recorded functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) signals from 30 participants: 17 young healthy controls and 13 aged stroke survivors following stroke and following rehabilitation - either mental practice (MP) or combined session of mental practice and physical therapy (MP + PT). All the participants performed RS task whereas stroke survivors performed MI and ME tasks as well. We investigated the activity of motor network consisting of the left primary motor area (LM1), the right primary motor area (RM1), the left pre-motor cortex (LPMC), the right pre-motor cortex (RPMC) and the midline supplementary motor area (SMA). In this dissertation, first, we report that during RS the causal information flow (i) between the regions was reduced significantly following stroke (ii) did not increase significantly after MP alone and (iii) among the regions after MP+PT increased significantly towards the causal flow values for young able-bodied people. Second, we found that there was suppressive influence of SMA on M1 during MI task where as the influence was unrestricted during ME task. We reported that following intervention the connection between PMC and M1 was stronger during MI task whereas along with connection from PMC to M1, SMA to M1 also dominated during ME task. Behavioral results showed significant improvement in sensation and motor scores and significant correlation between differences in Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) scores and differences in causal flow values as well differences in endogenous connectivity measures before and after intervention. We conclude that the spectra of causal information flow can be used as a reliable biomarker for evaluating rehabilitation in stroke survivors. These studies deepen our understanding of motor network activity during the recovery of motor behaviors in stroke. Understanding the stroke specific effective connectivity may be clinically beneficial in identifying effective treatments to maximize functional recovery in stroke survivors

    Disambiguating brain functional connectivity

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    Functional connectivity (FC) analyses of correlations of neural activity are used extensively in neuroimaging and electrophysiology to gain insights into neural interactions. However, analyses assessing changes in correlation fail to distinguish effects produced by sources as different as changes in neural signal amplitudes or noise levels. This ambiguity substantially diminishes the value of FC for inferring system properties and clinical states. Network modelling approaches may avoid ambiguities, but require specific assumptions. We present an enhancement to FC analysis with improved specificity of inferences, minimal assumptions and no reduction in flexibility. The Additive Signal Change (ASC) approach characterizes FC changes into certain prevalent classes of signal change that involve the input of additional signal to existing activity. With FMRI data, the approach reveals a rich diversity of signal changes underlying measured changes in FC, suggesting that it could clarify our current understanding of FC changes in many contexts. The ASC method can also be used to disambiguate other measures of dependency, such as regression and coherence, providing a flexible tool for the analysis of neural data