8 research outputs found

    A Stability-Estimator to Unify Humanoid Locomotion: Walking, Stair-Climbing and Ladder-Climbing

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    The field of Humanoid robotics research has often struggled to find a unique niche that is not better served by other forms of robot. Unlike more traditional industrials robots with a specific purpose, a humanoid robot is not necessarily optimized for any particular task, due to the complexity and balance issues of being bipedal. However, the versatility of a humanoid robot may be ideal for applications such as search and rescue. Disaster sites with chemical, biological, or radiation contamination mean that human rescue workers may face untenable risk. Using a humanoid robot in these dangerous circumstances could make emergency response faster and save human lives. Despite the many successes of existing mobile robots in search and rescue, stair and ladder climbing remains a challenging task due to their form. To execute ladder climbing motions effectively, a humanoid robot requires a reliable estimate of stability. Traditional methods such as Zero Moment Point are not applicable to vertical climbing, and do not account for force limits imposed on end-effectors. This dissertation implements a simple contact wrench space method using a linear combination of contact wrenches. Experiments in simulation showed ZMP equivalence on flat ground. Furthermore, the estimator was able to predict stability with four point contact on a vertical ladder. Finally, an extension of the presented method is proposed based on these findings to address the limitations of the linear combination.Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics -- Drexel University, 201

    The Future of Humanoid Robots

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    This book provides state of the art scientific and engineering research findings and developments in the field of humanoid robotics and its applications. It is expected that humanoids will change the way we interact with machines, and will have the ability to blend perfectly into an environment already designed for humans. The book contains chapters that aim to discover the future abilities of humanoid robots by presenting a variety of integrated research in various scientific and engineering fields, such as locomotion, perception, adaptive behavior, human-robot interaction, neuroscience and machine learning. The book is designed to be accessible and practical, with an emphasis on useful information to those working in the fields of robotics, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, computational methods and other fields of science directly or indirectly related to the development and usage of future humanoid robots. The editor of the book has extensive R&D experience, patents, and publications in the area of humanoid robotics, and his experience is reflected in editing the content of the book

    High-precision grasping and placing for mobile robots

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    This work presents a manipulation system for multiple labware in life science laboratories using the H20 mobile robots. The H20 robot is equipped with the Kinect V2 sensor to identify and estimate the position of the required labware on the workbench. The local features recognition based on SURF algorithm is used. The recognition process is performed for the labware to be grasped and for the workbench holder. Different grippers and labware containers are designed to manipulate different weights of labware and to realize a safe transportation

    Towards an understanding of humanoid robots in eLC applications

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    Improving the power efficiency of humanoid robots

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    Humanoid robots are sophisticated machines developed to assist humans perform various tasks. Their ability to replicate most human joint movements allow them to manipulate environments designed for humans, enabling them to perform dangerous or unpleasant jobs that otherwise would have to be completed by human workers. One major weakness in the humanoid robotics field is the limited onboard capacity for power storage. Most state-of-the-art robots can only operate for an hour at most unless they are tethered to a power supply, which limits their ability to perform tasks for long periods of time in environments without outlets or other power sources. In addition, a tethered robot may not be able to perform in all environments since the tether can get in the way. The objective of the work presented in this thesis is to: (1) analyze the power distribution of the HUBO humanoid robot and develop a model to predict the power consumption in a simulated environment that replicates the real world, (2) implement dynamic power management; and (3) design a battery supercapacitor hybrid to replace the existing power source. The power model provides a good approximation for the power consumed for every joint in both HUBO’s upper body and lower body. Dynamic power management allows one to investigate the possibility of conserving power by powering off motor boards that are not used in a specified trajectory. The battery supercapacitor hybrid studies the possibility of reducing the stress on the battery by having the supercapacitors operate in tandem with the battery. Taken together, the results of the work provide guidance and ideas towards eliminating unnecessary power consumption, allowing a humanoid robot to operate longer on its self-contained power source.M.S., Electrical Engineering -- Drexel University, 201

    Representation and control of coordinated-motion tasks for human-robot systems

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    It is challenging for robots to perform various tasks in a human environment. This is because many human-centered tasks require coordination in both hands and may often involve cooperation with another human. Although human-centered tasks require different types of coordinated movements, most of the existing methodologies have focused only on specific types of coordination. This thesis aims at the description and control of coordinated-motion tasks for human-robot systems; i.e., humanoid robots as well as multi-robot and human-robot systems. First, for bimanually coordinated-motion tasks in dual-manipulator systems, we propose the Extended-Cooperative-Task-Space (ECTS) representation, which extends the existing Cooperative-Task-Space (CTS) representation based on the kinematic models for human bimanual movements in Biomechanics. The proposed ECTS representation can represent the whole spectrum of dual-arm motion/force coordination using two sets of ECTS motion/force variables in a unified manner. The type of coordination can be easily chosen by two meaningful coefficients, and during coordinated-motion tasks, each set of variables directly describes two different aspects of coordinated motion and force behaviors. Thus, the operator can specify coordinated-motion/force tasks more intuitively in high-level descriptions, and the specified tasks can be easily reused in other situations with greater flexibility. Moreover, we present consistent procedures of using the ECTS representation for task specifications in the upper-body and lower-body subsystems of humanoid robots in order to perform manipulation and locomotion tasks, respectively. Besides, we propose and discuss performance indices derived based on the ECTS representation, which can be used to evaluate and optimize the performance of any type of dual-arm manipulation tasks. We show that using the ECTS representation for specifying both dual-arm manipulation and biped locomotion tasks can greatly simplify the motion planning process, allowing the operator to focus on high-level descriptions of those tasks. Both upper-body and lower-body task specifications are demonstrated by specifying whole-body task examples on a Hubo II+ robot carrying out dual-arm manipulation as well as biped locomotion tasks in a simulation environment. We also present the results from experiments on a dual-arm robot (Baxter) for teleoperating various types of coordinated-motion tasks using a single 6D mouse interface. The specified upper- and lower-body tasks can be considered as coordinated motions with constraints. In order to express various constraints imposed across the whole-body, we discuss the modeling of whole-body structure and the computations for robotic systems having multiple kinematic chains. Then we present a whole-body controller formulated as a quadratic programming, which can take different types of constraints into account in a prioritized manner. We validate the whole-body controller based on the simulation results on a Hubo II+ robot performing specified whole-body task examples with a number of motion and force constraints as well as actuation limits. Lastly, we discuss an extension of the ECTS representation, called Hierarchical Extended-Cooperative-Task Space (H-ECTS) framework, which uses tree-structured graphical representations for coordinated-motion tasks of multi-robot and human-robot systems. The H-ECTS framework is validated by experimental results on two Baxter robots cooperating with each other as well as with an additional human partner

    Generation of whole-body motion for humanoid robots with the complete dynamics

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    Cette thèse propose une solution au problème de la génération de mouvements pour les robots humanoïdes. Le cadre qui est proposé dans cette thèse génère des mouvements corps-complet en utilisant la dynamique inverse avec l'espace des tâches et en satisfaisant toutes les contraintes de contact. La spécification des mouvements se fait à travers objectifs dans l'espace des tâches et la grande redondance du système est gérée avec une pile de tâches où les tâches moins prioritaires sont atteintes seulement si elles n'interfèrent pas avec celles de plus haute priorité. À cette fin, un QP hiérarchique est utilisé, avec l'avantage d'être en mesure de préciser tâches d'égalité ou d'inégalité à tous les niveaux de la hiérarchie. La capacité de traiter plusieurs contacts non-coplanaires est montrée par des mouvements où le robot s'assoit sur une chaise et monte une échelle. Le cadre générique de génération de mouvements est ensuite appliqué à des études de cas à l'aide de HRP-2 et Romeo. Les mouvements complexes et similaires à l'humain sont obtenus en utilisant l'imitation du mouvement humain où le mouvement acquis passe par un processus cinématique et dynamique. Pour faire face à la nature instantanée de la dynamique inverse, un générateur de cycle de marche est utilisé comme entrée pour la pile de tâches qui effectue une correction locale de la position des pieds sur la base des points de contact permettant de marcher sur un terrain accidenté. La vision stéréo est également introduite pour aider dans le processus de marche. Pour une récupération rapide d'équilibre, le capture point est utilisé comme une tâche contrôlée dans une région désirée de l'espace. En outre, la génération de mouvements est présentée pour CHIMP, qui a besoin d'un traitement particulier.This thesis aims at providing a solution to the problem of motion generation for humanoid robots. The proposed framework generates whole-body motion using the complete robot dynamics in the task space satisfying contact constraints. This approach is known as operational-space inverse-dynamics control. The specification of the movements is done through objectives in the task space, and the high redundancy of the system is handled with a prioritized stack of tasks where lower priority tasks are only achieved if they do not interfere with higher priority ones. To this end, a hierarchical quadratic program is used, with the advantage of being able to specify tasks as equalities or inequalities at any level of the hierarchy. Motions where the robot sits down in an armchair and climbs a ladder show the capability to handle multiple non-coplanar contacts. The generic motion generation framework is then applied to some case studies using HRP-2 and Romeo. Complex and human-like movements are achieved using human motion imitation where the acquired motion passes through a kinematic and then dynamic retargeting processes. To deal with the instantaneous nature of inverse dynamics, a walking pattern generator is used as an input for the stack of tasks which makes a local correction of the feet position based on the contact points allowing to walk on non-planar surfaces. Visual feedback is also introduced to aid in the walking process. Alternatively, for a fast balance recovery, the capture point is introduced in the framework as a task and it is controlled within a desired region of space. Also, motion generation is presented for CHIMP which is a robot that needs a particular treatment

    Multi-Process Control Software for HUBO2 Plus Robot

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    © 2013 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Presented at the 5th Annual IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TePRA 2013), 22-23 April 2013, Woburn, MA.DOI: 10.1109/TePRA.2013.6556374Humanoid robots require greater software reliability than traditional mechantronic systems if they are to perform useful tasks in typical human-oriented environments. This paper covers a software architecture which distributes the load of computation and control tasks over multiple processes, enabling fail-safes within the software. These fail-safes ensure that unexpected crashes or latency do not produce damaging behavior in the robot. The distribution also offers benefits for future software development by making the architecture modular and extensible. Utilizing a low-latency inter-process communication protocol (Ach), processes are able to communicate with high control frequencies. The key motivation of this software architecture is to provide a practical framework for safe and reliable humanoid robot software development. The authors test and verify this framework on a HUBO2 Plus humanoid robot