806 research outputs found

    Demand and routing models for urban goods movement simulation

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    This paper presents a macro-architecture for simulating goods movements in an urban area. Urban goods supply is analysed when the retailer is the decision-maker and chooses to supply his/her shop. Two components are considered: demand in terms of goods supply and vehicle routing with constraints to simulate goods movements. To analyse demand we consider a multi-step model, while to analyse goods movements a Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) is formalized. We examine the distribution process for a VRPTW in which the optimum paths between all the customers are combined to determine the best vehicle trip chain. As regard optimum path search, a multipath approach is proposed that entails the generation of more than one path between two delivery points. Some procedures (traffic assignment, real time system measurement, reverse assignment) to estimate system performance are also proposed. Finally, heuristics to solve the proposed problem are reported and their results are compared with those exact

    Hybrid metaheuristics for solving multi-depot pickup and delivery problems

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    In today's logistics businesses, increasing petrol prices, fierce competition, dynamic business environments and volume volatility put pressure on logistics service providers (LSPs) or third party logistics providers (3PLs) to be efficient, differentiated, adaptive, and horizontally collaborative in order to survive and remain competitive. In this climate, efficient computerised-decision support tools play an essential role. Especially, for freight transportation, e efficiently solving a Pickup and Delivery Problem (PDP) and its variants by an optimisation engine is the core capability required in making operational planning and decisions. For PDPs, it is required to determine minimum-cost routes to serve a number of requests, each associated with paired pickup and delivery points. A robust solution method for solving PDPs is crucial to the success of implementing decision support tools, which are integrated with Geographic Information System (GIS) and Fleet Telematics so that the flexibility, agility, visibility and transparency are fulfilled. If these tools are effectively implemented, competitive advantage can be gained in the area of cost leadership and service differentiation. In this research, variants of PDPs, which multiple depots or providers are considered, are investigated. These are so called Multi-depot Pickup and Delivery Problems (MDPDPs). To increase geographical coverage, continue growth and encourage horizontal collaboration, efficiently solving the MDPDPs is vital to operational planning and its total costs. This research deals with designing optimisation algorithms for solving a variety of real-world applications. Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) formulations of the MDPDPs are presented. Due to being NP-hard, the computational time for solving by exact methods becomes prohibitive. Several metaheuristics and hybrid metaheuristics are investigated in this thesis. The extensive computational experiments are carried out to demonstrate their speed, preciseness and robustness.Open Acces

    Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows: An Evolutionary Algorithmic Approach

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    The Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) is an important problem in logistics, which is an extension of well known Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), with a central depot. The Objective is to design an optimal set of routes for serving a number of customers without violating the customer’s time window constraints and vehicle capacity constraint. It has received considerable attention in recent years. This paper reviews the research on Evolutionary Algorithms for VRPTW. The main types of evolutionary algorithms for the VRPTW are Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Strategies which may also be described as Evolutionary metaheuristics to distinguish them from other metaheuristics. Along with these evolutionary metaheuristics, this paper reviews heuristic search methods that hybridize ideas of evolutionary algorithms with some other search technique, such as tabu search, guided local search, route construction heuristics, ejection chain approach, adaptive large neighborhood search, variable neighborhood search and hierarchal tournament selection. In addition to the basic features of each method, experimental results for the 56 benchmark problem with 100 customers of Solomon (1987) and Gehring and Homberger (1999) are presented and analyzed

    An evolutionary algorithm for online, resource constrained, multi-vehicle sensing mission planning

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    Mobile robotic platforms are an indispensable tool for various scientific and industrial applications. Robots are used to undertake missions whose execution is constrained by various factors, such as the allocated time or their remaining energy. Existing solutions for resource constrained multi-robot sensing mission planning provide optimal plans at a prohibitive computational complexity for online application [1],[2],[3]. A heuristic approach exists for an online, resource constrained sensing mission planning for a single vehicle [4]. This work proposes a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based heuristic for the Correlated Team Orienteering Problem (CTOP) that is used for planning sensing and monitoring missions for robotic teams that operate under resource constraints. The heuristic is compared against optimal Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming (MIQP) solutions. Results show that the quality of the heuristic solution is at the worst case equal to the 5% optimal solution. The heuristic solution proves to be at least 300 times more time efficient in the worst tested case. The GA heuristic execution required in the worst case less than a second making it suitable for online execution.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L

    A Study on the Vehicle Routing Problem Considering Infeasible Routing Based on the Improved Genetic Algorithm

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    The study aims to optimize the vehicle routing problem, considering infeasible routing, to minimize losses for the company. Firstly, a vehicle routing model with hard time windows and infeasible route constraints is established, considering both the minimization of total vehicle travel distance and the maximization of customer satisfaction. Subsequently, a Floyd-based improved genetic algorithm that incorporates local search is designed. Finally, the computational experiment demonstrates that compared with the classic genetic algorithm, the improved genetic algorithm reduced the average travel distance by 20.6% when focusing on travel distance and 18.4% when prioritizing customer satisfaction. In both scenarios, there was also a reduction of one in the average number of vehicles used. The proposed method effectively addresses the model introduced in this study, resulting in a reduction in total distance and an enhancement of customer satisfaction

    Hybrid Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing for Multi-trip Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows

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    Vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW) is one of NP-hard problem. Multi-trip is approach to solve the VRPTW that looking trip scheduling for gets best result. Even though there are various algorithms for the problem, there is opportunity to improve the existing algorithms in order gaining a better result. In this research, genetic algoritm is hybridized with simulated annealing algoritm to solve the problem. Genetic algoritm is employed to explore global search area and simulated annealing is employed to exploit local search area. Four combination types of genetic algorithm and simulated annealing (GA-SA) are tested to get the best solution. The computational experiment shows that GA-SA1 and GA-SA4 can produced the most optimal fitness average values with each value was 1.0888 and 1.0887. However GA-SA4 can found the best fitness chromosome faster than GA-SA1

    Dynamic optimisation of urban intermodal freight transport with random transit times, flexible tasks and time windows

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    Es una ponencia de The Sixth International Conference on City Logistics, en Puerto Vallarta, México http://toc.proceedings.com/18996webtoc.pdfAn improvement on drayage operations is necessary for intermodal freight transport to become competitive. When drayage takes place in cities or urban centres transit times are usually random, as a consequence finding the optimal fleet schedule is very difficult, and this schedule can even change during the day. The work we present here is a dynamic optimisation model which uses real-time knowledge of the fleet’s position, permanently enabling the planner to reallocate tasks as the problem conditions change. Stochastic trip times are considered, both in the completion of each task and between tasks. Tasks can also be flexible or well-defined. We describe the algorithm in detail for a test problem and then apply it to a set of random drayage problems of different size and characteristics, obtaining significant cost reductions with respect to initial estimates.Junta de Andalucía SR0197/200

    Solving the Dial-a-Ride Problem using Genetic algorithms

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