923 research outputs found

    Multi-objective routing optimisation for battery-powered wireless sensor mesh networks

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    Copyright Ā© 2014 ACM2014 Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO ā€™14), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 12-16 July 2014This paper won the Best Paper award in the Real World Applications category at the GECCO ā€™14 conferenceMesh network topologies are becoming increasingly popular in battery powered wireless sensor networks, primarily due to the extension of network range and resilience against routing failures. However, multi-hop mesh networks suffer from higher energy costs, and the routing strategy directly affects the lifetime of nodes with limited energy sources. Hence while planning routes there are trade-offs to be considered between individual and system-wide battery lifetimes. We present a novel multi-objective routing optimisation approach using evolutionary algorithms to approximate the optimal trade-off between minimum lifetime and the average lifetime of nodes in the network. In order to accomplish this combinatorial optimisation rapidly and thus permit dynamic optimisation for self-healing networks, our approach uses novel k-shortest paths based search space pruning in conjunction with a new edge metric, which associates the energy cost at a pair of nodes with the link between them. We demonstrate our solution on a real network, deployed in the Victoria & Albert Museum, London. We show that this approach provides better trade-off solutions in comparison to the minimum energy option, and how a combination of solutions over the lifetime of the network can enhance the overall minimum lifetime

    Evolutionary multi-path routing for network lifetime and robustness in wireless sensor networks

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    publisher: Elsevier articletitle: Evolutionary multi-path routing for network lifetime and robustness in wireless sensor networks journaltitle: Ad Hoc Networks articlelink: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.adhoc.2016.08.005 content_type: article copyright: Ā© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Hybrid Evolutionary Approaches to Maximum Lifetime Routing and Energy Efficiency in Sensor Mesh Networks

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    Copyright Ā© 2015 The MIT PressThis is the manuscript version of the article accepted for publication in Evolutionary ComputationMesh network topologies are becoming increasingly popular in battery powered wireless sensor networks, primarily due to the extension of network range. However, multi-hop mesh networks suffer from higher energy costs, and the routing strategy employed directly affects the lifetime of nodes with limited energy resources. Hence when planning routes there are trade-offs to be considered between individual and system-wide battery lifetimes. We present a multi-objective routing optimisation approach using hybrid evolutionary algorithms to approximate the optimal trade-off between minimum lifetime and the average lifetime of nodes in the network. In order to accomplish this combinatorial optimisation rapidly, our approach prunes the search space using k-shortest path pruning and a graph reduction method which finds candidate routes promoting long minimum lifetimes. When arbitrarily many routes from a node to the base station are permitted, optimal routes may be found as the solution to a well-known linear program. We present an evolutionary algorithm that finds good routes when each node is allowed only a small number of paths to the base station. On a real network deployed in the Victoria & Albert Museum, London, these solutions, using only three paths per node, are able to achieve minimum lifetimes of over 99% of the optimum linear program solutionā€™s time to first sensor battery failure.Knowledge Transfer Partnership awarded to the University of Exeter and the IMC Group Ltd

    On the Relevance of Using Open Wireless Sensor Networks in Environment Monitoring

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    This paper revisits the problem of the readiness for field deployments of wireless sensor networks by assessing the relevance of using Open Hardware and Software motes for environment monitoring. We propose a new prototype wireless sensor network that fine-tunes SquidBee motes to improve the life-time and sensing performance of an environment monitoring system that measures temperature, humidity and luminosity. Building upon two outdoor sensing scenarios, we evaluate the performance of the newly proposed energy-aware prototype solution in terms of link quality when expressed by the Received Signal Strength, Packet Loss and the battery lifetime. The experimental results reveal the relevance of using the Open Hardware and Software motes when setting up outdoor wireless sensor networks

    Robust Controller for Delays and Packet Dropout Avoidance in Solar-Power Wireless Network

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    Solar Wireless Networked Control Systems (SWNCS) are a style of distributed control systems where sensors, actuators, and controllers are interconnected via a wireless communication network. This system setup has the benefit of low cost, flexibility, low weight, no wiring and simplicity of system diagnoses and maintenance. However, it also unavoidably calls some wireless network time delays and packet dropout into the design procedure. Solar lighting system offers a clean environment, therefore able to continue for a long period. SWNCS also offers multi Service infrastructure solution for both developed and undeveloped countries. The system provides wireless controller lighting, wireless communications network (WI-FI/WIMAX), CCTV surveillance, and wireless sensor for weather measurement which are all powered by solar energy

    Hybrid Evolutionary Routing Optimisation for Wireless Sensor Mesh Networks

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    Battery powered wireless sensors are widely used in industrial and regulatory monitoring applications. This is primarily due to the ease of installation and the ability to monitor areas that are difficult to access. Additionally, they can be left unattended for long periods of time. However, there are many challenges to successful deployments of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In this thesis we draw attention to two major challenges. Firstly, with a view to extending network range, modern WSNs use mesh network topologies, where data is sent either directly or by relaying data from node-to-node en route to the central base station. The additional load of relaying other nodesā€™ data is expensive in terms of energy consumption, and depending on the routes taken some nodes may be heavily loaded. Hence, it is crucial to locate routes that achieve energy efficiency in the network and extend the time before the first node exhausts its battery, thus improving the network lifetime. Secondly, WSNs operate in a dynamic radio environment. With changing conditions, such as modified buildings or the passage of people, links may fail and data will be lost as a consequence. Therefore in addition to finding energy efficient routes, it is important to locate combinations of routes that are robust to the failure of radio links. Dealing with these challenges presents a routing optimisation problem with multiple objectives: find good routes to ensure energy efficiency, extend network lifetime and improve robustness. This is however an NP-hard problem, and thus polynomial time algorithms to solve this problem are unavailable. Therefore we propose hybrid evolutionary approaches to approximate the optimal trade-offs between these objectives. In our approach, we use novel search space pruning methods for network graphs, based on k-shortest paths, partially and edge disjoint paths, and graph reduction to combat the combinatorial explosion in search space size and consequently conduct rapid optimisation. The proposed methods can successfully approximate optimal Pareto fronts. The estimated fronts contain a wide range of robust and energy efficient routes. The fronts typically also include solutions with a network lifetime close to the optimal lifetime if the number of routes per nodes were unconstrained. These methods are demonstrated in a real network deployed at the Victoria & Albert Museum, London, UK.Part of this work was supported by a knowledge transfer partnership (KTP) awarded to the IMC Group Ltd. and the University of Exeter (KTP008748).University of Exeter has provided financial support for the student

    Enhancing graph-routing algorithm for industrial wireless sensor networks

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    Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSNs) are gaining increasing traction, especially in domains such as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0). Devised for industrial automation, they have stringent requirements regarding data packet delivery, energy consumption balance, and End-to-End Transmission (E2ET) time. Achieving effective communication is critical to the fulfilment of these requirements and is significantly facilitated by the implementation of graph-routing ā€“ the main routing method in the Wireless Highway Addressable Remote Transducer (WirelessHART), which is the global standard of IWSNs. However, graph-routing in IWSN creates a hotspot challenge resulting from unbalanced energy consumption. This issue stems from the typical configuration of WirelessHART paths, which transfers data packets from sensor nodes through mesh topology to a central system called the Network Manager (NM), which is connected to a network gateway. Therefore, the overall aim of this research is to improve the performance of IWSNs by implementing a graph-routing algorithm with unequal clustering and optimisation techniques. In the first part of this thesis, a basic graph-routing algorithm based on unequal clustering topologies is examined with the aim of helping to balance energy consumption, maximise data packet delivery, and reduce the number of hops in the network. To maintain network stability, the creation of static clusters is proposed using the WirelessHART Density-controlled Divide-and-Rule (WDDR) topology. Graph-routing can then be built between Cluster Heads (CHs), which are selected according to the maximum residual energy rate between the sensor nodes in each static cluster. Simulation results indicate that graph-routing with the WDDR topology and probabilistic unequal clustering outperforms mesh topology, even as the network density increased, despite isolated nodes found in the WDDR topology. The second part of this thesis focuses on using the Covariance-Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) algorithm. This addresses the three IWSN requirements that form the focus of this research, by proposing three single-objective graph-routing paths: minimum distance (PODis), maximum residual energy (POEng), and minimum end-to-end transmission time (POE2E). The research also adapts the CMA-ES to balance multiple objectives, resulting in the Best Path of Graph-Routing with a CMA-ES (BPGR-ES). Simulation results show that the BPGR-ES effectively balances IWSN requirements, but single-objective paths of graph-routing does not achieve balanced energy consumption with mesh topology, resulting in a significant reduction in the efficiency of the network. Therefore, the third part of this thesis focuses on an Improvement of the WDDR (IWDDR) topology to avoid isolated nodes in the static cluster approaches. The IWDDR topology is used to evaluate the performance of the single-objective graph-routing paths (PODis, POEng, and POE2E). The results show that in IWDDR topology, single-objective graph-routing paths result in more balanced energy consumption

    Enhancing graph routing algorithm of industrial wireless sensor networks using the covariance-matrix adaptation evolution strategy

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    The emergence of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has accelerated the adoption of Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSNs) for numerous applications. Effective communication in such applications requires reduced end-to-end transmission time, balanced energy consumption and increased communication reliability. Graph routing, the main routing method in IWSNs, has a significant impact on achieving effective communication in terms of satisfying these requirements. Graph routing algorithms involve applying the first-path available approach and using path redundancy to transmit data packets from a source sensor node to the gateway. However, this approach can affect end-to-end transmission time by creating conflicts among transmissions involving a common sensor node and promoting imbalanced energy consumption due to centralised management. The characteristics and requirements of these networks encounter further complications due to the need to find the best path on the basis of the requirements of IWSNs to overcome these challenges rather than using the available first-path. Such a requirement affects the network performance and prolongs the network lifetime. To address this problem, we adopt a Covariance-Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) to create and select the graph paths. Firstly, this article proposes three best single-objective graph routing paths according to the IWSN requirements that this research focused on. The sensor nodes select best paths based on three objective functions of CMA-ES: the best Path based on Distance (PODis), the best Path based on residual Energy (POEng) and the best Path based on End-to-End transmission time (POE2E). Secondly, to enhance energy consumption balance and achieve a balance among IWSN requirements, we adapt the CMA-ES to select the best path with multiple-objectives, otherwise known as the Best Path of Graph Routing with a CMA-ES (BPGR-ES). A simulation using MATALB with different configurations and parameters is applied to evaluate the enhanced graph routing algorithms. Furthermore, the performance of PODis, POEng, POE2E and BPGR-ES is compared with existing state-of-the-art graph routing algorithms. The simulation results reveal that the BPGR-ES algorithm achieved 87.53% more balanced energy consumption among sensor nodes in the network compared to other algorithms, and the delivery of data packets of BPGR-ES reached 99.86%, indicating more reliable communication

    Integrated Data and Energy Communication Network: A Comprehensive Survey

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    OAPA In order to satisfy the power thirsty of communication devices in the imminent 5G era, wireless charging techniques have attracted much attention both from the academic and industrial communities. Although the inductive coupling and magnetic resonance based charging techniques are indeed capable of supplying energy in a wireless manner, they tend to restrict the freedom of movement. By contrast, RF signals are capable of supplying energy over distances, which are gradually inclining closer to our ultimate goal – charging anytime and anywhere. Furthermore, transmitters capable of emitting RF signals have been widely deployed, such as TV towers, cellular base stations and Wi-Fi access points. This communication infrastructure may indeed be employed also for wireless energy transfer (WET). Therefore, no extra investment in dedicated WET infrastructure is required. However, allowing RF signal based WET may impair the wireless information transfer (WIT) operating in the same spectrum. Hence, it is crucial to coordinate and balance WET and WIT for simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT), which evolves to Integrated Data and Energy communication Networks (IDENs). To this end, a ubiquitous IDEN architecture is introduced by summarising its natural heterogeneity and by synthesising a diverse range of integrated WET and WIT scenarios. Then the inherent relationship between WET and WIT is revealed from an information theoretical perspective, which is followed by the critical appraisal of the hardware enabling techniques extracting energy from RF signals. Furthermore, the transceiver design, resource allocation and user scheduling as well as networking aspects are elaborated on. In a nutshell, this treatise can be used as a handbook for researchers and engineers, who are interested in enriching their knowledge base of IDENs and in putting this vision into practice

    From MANET to people-centric networking: Milestones and open research challenges

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    In this paper, we discuss the state of the art of (mobile) multi-hop ad hoc networking with the aim to present the current status of the research activities and identify the consolidated research areas, with limited research opportunities, and the hot and emerging research areas for which further research is required. We start by briefly discussing the MANET paradigm, and why the research on MANET protocols is now a cold research topic. Then we analyze the active research areas. Specifically, after discussing the wireless-network technologies, we analyze four successful ad hoc networking paradigms, mesh networks, opportunistic networks, vehicular networks, and sensor networks that emerged from the MANET world. We also present an emerging research direction in the multi-hop ad hoc networking field: people centric networking, triggered by the increasing penetration of the smartphones in everyday life, which is generating a people-centric revolution in computing and communications
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