635 research outputs found

    Crown lengthening disertai perawatan saluran akar dengan restorasi pasak parallel self threading dan mahkota penuh fusi metal

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    Mahkota klinis pendek menimbulkan permasalahan pembuatan restorasi mahkota kurang adekuat sehingga perlu dilakukan tindakan operatif, disebut fungsional crown lengthening. Tujuan laporan kasus ini untuk menginformasikan hasil perawatan crown lengthening agar didapat ferrule effect untuk restorasi mahkota penuh porselin fusi metal disertai pasak radix anchor. Pasien laki-laki 17 tahun datang ke RSGM UGM Prof. Soedomo untuk menambalkan gigi belakang kanan bawah berlubang dengan riwayat sakit spontan, saat datang tidak sakit. Pemeriksaan klinis, gigi 45 nekrosis, kavitas permukaan distal subgingiva. Radiograf menunjukkan kavitas mencapai pulpa, dasarnya hampir sejajar puncak tulang alveolar disertai lesi periapikal. Awalnya, dilakukan crown lengthening pada daerah distal, seminggu setelahnya dilakukan perawatan satu saluran akar multi kunjungan, kemudian dilakukan preparasi dan insersi radix anchor menggunakan semen resin, sekaligus pembuatan core, dilanjutkan preparasi mahkota penuh, kemudian dicetak dengan tehnik double impression. Mahkota penuh PFM diinsersikan dengan semen resin. Hasil evaluasi enam bulan, tidak ada keluhan dari pasien, dan adaptasi tepi restorasi baik. Dengan pemilihan kasus dan diagnosis yang tepat serta prosedur perawatan dan restorasi adekuat maka perawatan saluran akar dapat berhasil dan tahan lama


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    Most enterprise search engines employ data mining classifiers to classify documents. Along with the economic globalization, many companies are starting to have overseas branches or divisions. Those branches are using local languages in documents and emails. When a classifier tries to categorize those documents in another language, the trained model in mono-lingual will not work. The most direct solution would be to translate those documents in other languages into one language by the machine translator. But this solution suffers from inaccuracy of the machine translation, and the over-head work is economically inefficient. Another approach is to translate the feature extracted from one language to another language and use them to classify another language. This approach is efficient but faces a translation inaccuracy and language culture gap. In this project, the author proposes a new method which adapts both the model translation and document translation. This method can take advantage of the very best functionality between both the document translation and model translation methods

    Half-Heard Voices of the Primal Zone; Sleep and Waking in a Poem by Cao Shuying

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    Initially touching artifacts and sculpture from ancient Greece, and the risk of misreading thought or emotion cross-culturally, this essay draws briefly on Wordsworth’s testimony that poetic process arises first in a primally sensual and pre-verbal zone. The essay then proposes that similar practice, carried by craft and poetic experience in the target language, may be equally advantageous in poetry translation, while helping bridge individual and cross-cultural differences. In light of this, the essay’s second half addresses translational details in rendering Cao Shuying’s poem “I Often Read, Early Mornings.

    NMTPY: A Flexible Toolkit for Advanced Neural Machine Translation Systems

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    In this paper, we present nmtpy, a flexible Python toolkit based on Theano for training Neural Machine Translation and other neural sequence-to-sequence architectures. nmtpy decouples the specification of a network from the training and inference utilities to simplify the addition of a new architecture and reduce the amount of boilerplate code to be written. nmtpy has been used for LIUM's top-ranked submissions to WMT Multimodal Machine Translation and News Translation tasks in 2016 and 2017.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Evaluation of Histological Impacts of Three Types of Orthodontic Fixed Retainers on Periodontium of Rabbits

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    Statement of the Problem: Fixed retainers were developed to maintain incisor alignments after orthodontic treatments. Although the effects of fixed retainers on periodontal health are clinically studied, no studies have still evaluated the histological changes in the periodontium after the placement of thefixed retainers. Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of customised retainers on periodontium histologically. Materials and Method: Forty pairs of maxillary and mandibular central incisors of twenty rabbits were randomly divided into four equal groups: The first group was considered as the control and in the second group, Fiber Reinforced Composite (FRC), in the third group, 0.014 inch stainless steel (SS) wire and in the fourth group, 0.175 inch multistrand stainless steel (MSS) wire were bonded on the labial surfaces of the incisors. After sixty days; animals' periodontium were evaluated histologically. Results: The number of bone resorption lacuna in the control group was significantly less than FRC and 0.014 SS groups. The periodontal vessel count and their diameter in the control group was significantly lower than the other groups. The pulp vessel count and their diameter in controls were significantly more than the 0.014 SS and the 0.175 MSS groups. Conclusion: Findings of this study suggest that FRC fixed retainer might cause detrimental effects on the periodontal ligaments and supporting bone and the 0.014- inch and 0.175- inch fixed retainers can cause hyalinization and possibly the necrosis of the pulp

    Proyecto NewsReader

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    The European project NewsReader develops advanced technology to process daily news streams in 4 languages, extracting what happened, when and where it happened and who was involved. NewsReader reads massive amounts of news coming from thousands of sources. It compares the results across sources to complement information and determine where the different sources disagree. Furthermore, it merges current news with previous news, creating a long-term history rather than separate events. The result is cumulated over time, producing an extremely large knowledge base that is visualized using new techniques to provide more comprehensive access.El proyecto europeo NewsReader desarrolla tecnología avanzada para procesar flujos continuos de noticias diarias en 4 idiomas, extrayendo lo que pasó, cuándo, dónde y quién estuvo involucrado. NewsReader lee grandes cantidades de noticias procedentes de miles de fuentes. Se comparan los resultados a través de las fuentes para complementar la información y determinar en qué están de acuerdo. Además, se fusionan noticias actuales con noticias previas, creando una historia a largo plazo en lugar de eventos separados. El resultado se acumula a lo largo del tiempo, produciendo una inmensa base de conocimiento que puede ser visualizada usando nuevas técnicas que permiten un acceso a la información más exhaustivo.This work has been supported by the EC within the 7th framework programme under grant agreement nr. FP7-IST-316040

    Restorasi Resin Komposit Menggunakan Pasak Tapered Self Threading Pada Molar Ketiga Kiri Mandibula

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    Morfologi saluran akar gigi molar mandibula ketiga memiliki variasi yang lebih kompleks dibandingkan gigi molar lainnya.   Pada gigi molar ketiga sering dilakukan pencabutan, namun dalam keadaan tertentu gigi molar ketiga dapat dipertahankan. Perawatan saluran akar satu kunjungan merupakan pilihan untuk terapi kasus ini. Tujuan laporan kasus ini untuk memperlihatkan keberhasilan dari perawatan saluran akar satu kunjungan pada gigi molar ketiga nekrosis pulpa disertai restorasi resin komposit dengan pasak tapered self theading. Pasien wanita 20 tahun datang ke RSGM Prof Soedomo FKG UGM dengan keluhan sakit saat pengunyahan pada gigi molar ketiga dan positif pada perkusi. Gambaran radiografis menunjukkan restorasi yang tidak sempurna, terdapat celah antara kavitas dengan restorasi. Rencana perawatan pada kasus ini, perawatan saluran akar satu kunjungan dan resin komposit dengan pasak tapered self threading sebagai restorasi akhir. Kesimpulan dari perawatan saluran akar satu kunjungan memiliki rekontaminasi mikroorganisme yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan multi kunjungan sehingga menjamin keberhasilan perawatannya. Restorasi resin komposit secara direkdengan pasak tapered self threadingmerupakan restorasi alternatif pasca perawatan endodontikkarena lebih cepat dan kuat.Composite Resin Restoration Using Tapered Self Threading Poston Left Mandibular Third Molar. Root canal morphology of mandibular third molar has more complex variation than the other molars. In third molar, the extraction teeth are often executed; however, the third molar can be maintained in other conditions. One visit root canal treatment is a therapy option for this case. The purpose of this case report is to show the success of one visit root canal treatment in third molar with pulp necrosis by restoring the composite resin through tapered self-treading post. A 20 year-old female patient who came to the Prof Soedomo RSGM, FKG UGM complained about the pain when chewing food on her third molar and positive in percussion. The radiographs showed that there was an incomplete restoration. There was a gap between cavities with restoration. The treatment plan for this case was one visit root canal treatment and composite resin with tapered self-threading post as final restoration. From the case, it can concluded that one visit root canal treatment results in a smaller chance for microorganism recontamination than the multi-visit in order to ensure the success of the treatment. Direct composite resin restoration with tapered self-threading dowel is an alternative restoration after endodontic treatment because it works out faster and more retentive

    Restorasi direk resin komposit preparasi onlei pada gigi pasca perawatan saluran akar

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    Gigi pasca perawatan saluran akar lebih rapuh daripada gigi vital karena  kehilangan integritas struktur gigi akibat dari preparasi akses atau karies. Hal ini menjadi pertimbangan utama untuk menentukan kualitas restorasi pada gigi pasca perawatan saluran akar. Direk restorasi komposit merupakan salah satu desain alternatif restorasi yang dapat dilakukan pada gigi pasca perawatan saluran akar. Keuntungan dari restorasi ini, mempertahankan sisa struktur gigi yang ada dan tampilan estetik baik. Laporan kasus ini bertujuan menginformasikan restorasi direk resin komposit teknik preparasi onlei dengan parallel  self threading dowel dan penguat  fiber pada molar pertama kiri mandibula pasca perawatan saluran akar. Seorang pasien perempuan berusia 20 tahun datang ke RSGM dengan keluhan ingin menambalkan gigi geraham besar bawah kiri. Pasien pernah merasakan sakit spontan beberapa kali kurang lebih 6 bulan yang lalu dan sekarang tidak pernah merasa sakit lagi. Pada gambaran radiograf terdapat radiolusen pada oklusal hingga pulpa dan radiolusen pada furkasi. Dari pemeriksaan klinis diperoleh diagnosa karies profunda dengan nekrosis pulpa disertai lesi furkasi. Perawatan  gigi tersebut adalah perawatan saluran akar teknik preparasi crown down, dilanjutkan preparasi onlei dan pemasangan pasak parallel self threading pada akar distal disertai penguat fiber di sepertiga oklusal kemudian direstorasi dengan resin komposit secara direk. Kesimpulan  gigi pasca perawatan saluran akar dapat direstorasi menggunakan resin komposit secara direk dengan hasil yang baik.ABSTRACT: Direct resin composite onlay preparation on endodontically treated teeth. The tooth after root canal treatment is more fragile than vital teeth due to loss of structural integrity of the tooth as a result of the preparation of access or caries. This is a major consideration for determining the quality of the restoration on the tooth after root canal treatment. Direct composite restorations is one of the alternative designs to do the restoration after root canal treatment. Advantages of this restoration is remind the existing tooth structure and good aesthetic appearance. This case report aims to inform the direct composite resin restorations onlay  preparation techniques with parallel self-threading dowel and reinforcing fiber on the left mandibular first molar after root canal treatment. A 20-year-old female patient came to the hospital and complaints her left  mandibular  molar. Pain spontaneously several times about 6 months ago and now never feel pain again. On radiographs are radiolucent on occlusal to the pulp and radiolucent on furcation. Clinical examination diagnoses obtained from deep caries with pulp necrosis accompanied furcation lesions. The dental care is the treatment of root canal preparation techniques crown down, followed onlay preparation and installation of self-threading parallel pegs on the distal root with fiber amplifier in a third occlusal then restored with direct composite resin. Conclusion tooth after root canal treatment can be restored with direct composite resin with good results
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