105 research outputs found

    Simulation of AEB system testing

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    Tato diplomová práce popisuje simulační nástroj, který byl vytvořen pro analýzu funkcí ADAS systémů a dynamiky vozidel. Nástroj byl vytvořen v aplikacích CarMaker a Microsoft Excel. Software lze použít jako SIL test pro analýzu výstupních dat senzoru před provedením fyzických zkoušek.This master thesis describes a simulation tool which was created to analyze ADAS functions and vehicle dynamics. The tool was created in CarMaker and Microsoft Excel. The software can be used as SIL testing to analyze sensor output data before proving ground test

    Holistic simulation for integrated vehicle design

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    A holistic vehicle simulation capability is necessary for front-loading component, subsystem, and controller design, for the early detection of component and subsystem design flaws, as well as for the model-based calibration of powertrain control modules. The current document explores the concept of holistic vehicle simulation by means of reviewing the current trends automotive system design and available solutions in terms of model interfaces and neutral modelling environments. The review is followed by the presentation of a Simulink-based Multi- disciplinary Modelling Environment (MME) developed by the authors to accommodate simulation work across the vehicle development cycle

    Modelling and Co-simulation of hybrid vehicles: A thermal management perspective

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    Thermal management plays a vital role in the modern vehicle design and delivery. It enables the thermal analysis and optimisation of energy distribution to improve performance, increase efficiency and reduce emissions. Due to the complexity of the overall vehicle system, it is necessary to use a combination of simulation tools. Therefore, the co-simulation is at the centre of the design and analysis of electric, hybrid vehicles. For a holistic vehicle simulation to be realized, the simulation environment must support many physical domains. In this paper, a wide variety of system designs for modelling vehicle thermal performance are reviewed, providing an overview of necessary considerations for developing a cost-effective tool to evaluate fuel consumption and emissions across dynamic drive-cycles and under a range of weather conditions. The virtual models reviewed in this paper provide tools for component-level, system-level and control design, analysis, and optimisation. This paper concerns the latest techniques for an overall vehicle model development and software integration of multi-domain subsystems from a thermal management view and discusses the challenges presented for future studies

    Interface OpenSCENARIO for CARLA simulator using ROS control

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    O potencial que os carros autónomos apresentam para o futuro da sociedade torna esta tecnologia aliciante, capturando o interesse da comunidade científica. Recentemente, a sua popularidade e financiamento têm aumentado consideravelmente devido ao apoio de startups e grandes produtoras de carros. No entanto, ainda existem muitos desafios pela frente, nomeadamente o facto de as pesquisas mais promissoras se basearem em algoritmos de aprendizagem computacional que requerem treinar os sistemas na vida real ou com datasets de tamanho considerável. Contudo, este tipo de treino não é possível em estradas públicas devido aos riscos para a segurança dos utilizadores destas vias, impedindo o seu rápido desenvolvimento. Deste modo, os simuladores de condução urbana poderão ser a solução ao permitirem o treino em ambientes virtuais, com cenários realistas e complexos, de uma forma barata e sem pôr em perigo vidas humanas. Existem vários simuladores de condução urbana no mercado mas cada um apresenta uma interface única e uma API personalizada o que resulta numa incompatibilidade dentro da indústria. Esta tese pretende contribuir para a solução deste problema desenvolvendo um sistema que permita a comunicação do controlo de veículos autónomos com o simulador CARLA utilizando apenas os standards ROS e OpenScenario.The potential impact self-driving cars could have in our society's future inspired many researchers to switch their focus to further develop this technology. In the recent years its popularity and financing has increased substantially with startups and some major car companies getting involved. Regardless of this trend, the technology still faces many challenges ahead. The leading advances are based on machine learning techniques, which require training on a variety of situations in real-life or with large datasets. However, security liabilities and ethical questions prevent these vehicles from performing freely on the public roads, halting the development progress. Urban driving simulators present themselves as the solution, allowing to train ADSs in realistic and complex urban scenarios while reducing costs and without endangering human lives. Many urban driving simulators are available nowadays but all of them developed their own interface and APIs resulting in a largely non-standard industry. This thesis proposes the development of a communication layer for CARLA simulator providing a standard method to interface with the control algorithms. This implementation, although tuned specifically for this simulator, will allow full interaction with the simulator using only ROS and OpenScenario standard

    Proceedings of the 4th Baltic Mechatronics Symposium - Tallinn April 25, 2019

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    The Baltic Mechatronics Symposium is annual symposium with the objective to provide a forum for young scientists from Baltic countries to exchange knowledge, experience, results and information in large variety of fields in mechatronics. The symposium was organized in co-operation with Taltech and Aalto University. The venue of the symposium was Nordic Hotel Forum Tallinn.The symposium was organized parallel to the 12th International DAAAM Baltic Conference and 27th International Baltic Conference BALTMATTRIB 2019. The selected papers are published in Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Sciences indexed in ISI Web of Science. The content of the proceedings: 1. Continuous wet spinning of cellulose nanofibrils 2. Development of motor efficiency test setup for direct driven hydraulic actuator 3. Development of pressure former for continuous nanopaper manufacturing 4. Device for tree volume measurements 5. Effect of external load on rotor vibration 6. Granular jamming based gripper for heavy objects 7. Integrated car camera system for monitoring inner cabin and outer traffic 8. Inverted pendulum controlled with CNC control system 9. Multi-material mixer and extruder for 3D printing 10. Object detection and trajectory planning using a LIDAR for an automated overhead cran

    Sensormodelle zur Simulation der Umfelderfassung für Systeme des automatisierten Fahrens

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    The use of sensor models allows the simulation of environmental perception in automated driving systems, aiding in development and testing efforts. This work systematically discusses the different types of sensor models and introduces an architecture for statistics based as well as for physically motivated sensor models. Each approach is grounded in real world observations of sensor measurements and is designed for portability and the ease of further extensions.Die Nutzung von Sensormodellen für die Umfelderfassung ebnet den Weg für die simulationsgestützte Entwicklung von Systemen des automatisierten Fahrens. In dieser Arbeit wird eine Systematik für verschiedene Arten von Sensormodellen eingeführt und eine Umsetzung von statistischen sowie von physikalisch motivierten Modellen vorgestellt. Beide Ansätze basieren auf realen Sensormessdaten und zielen auf eine leichte Übertragbarkeit sowie die Möglichkeit der Erweiterung der Modelle für verschiedene Anwendungsbereiche

    Software testing for embedded applications in autonomous vehicles

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    Diplomová práce Testování softwaru pro vestavné aplikace v autonomních vozidlech se zabývá popisem metod pro testování softwaru v automobilovém průmyslu a představuje možnosti, jak v budoucnu přistoupit k verifikaci a validaci softwaru v autonomních vozidel. Práce prezentuje způsob, jakým testovat software pro autonomní vozidla za použití robotických simulací. Úvodní část práce je teoretickým úvodem do problematiky testování softwaru se zaměřením na automobilový průmysl. V druhé části práce je pak představen Robotický operační systém (ROS) a simulátor Gazebo a jejich využití pro testování autonomního chování auta v měřítku 1:10. Za pomoci tohoto softwaru jsou následně vytvořeny simulační scénáře pro testování chování auta v situacích, které mohou nastat během závodu F1/10. Software v autě je otestován za pomoci vytvořených simulačních scénářů. Poslední část práce se věnuje systému Jenkins a automatizaci rutinních úkolů, jako je například kompilace balíčků a spouštění testů. Zdrojový kód je staticky analyzován pro zajištění kvality kódu a včasnou detekci chyb.Diploma thesis Software testing for embedded applications in autonomous vehicles describes methods for software testing in the automotive industry and presents possible ways how to verify and validate software for autonomous vehicles. Robotics simulation is used to develop and test software for autonomous vehicles. The opening part of this thesis is an introduction to the topic of software testing with a focus on automotive industry. The second part of this thesis introduces Robot operating system (ROS) and Gazebo simulator and how this software is used to test the autonomous behavior of the developed 1/10th scale car. Simulation test scenarios are developed to evaluate car behavior in situations that can occur in the F1/10 race. Car software correct operation is tested using these scenarios. Last part of the thesis describes the use of Jenkins automation server to automate routine tasks such as package building and test running. The quality of project source code is tested and verified by static analysis

    Sensormodelle zur Simulation der Umfelderfassung für Systeme des automatisierten Fahrens

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    The use of sensor models allows the simulation of environmental perception in automated driving systems, aiding in development and testing efforts. This work systematically discusses the different types of sensor models and introduces an architecture for statistics based as well as for physically motivated sensor models. Each approach is grounded in real world observations of sensor measurements and is designed for portability and the ease of further extensions.Die Nutzung von Sensormodellen für die Umfelderfassung ebnet den Weg für die simulationsgestützte Entwicklung von Systemen des automatisierten Fahrens. In dieser Arbeit wird eine Systematik für verschiedene Arten von Sensormodellen eingeführt und eine Umsetzung von statistischen sowie von physikalisch motivierten Modellen vorgestellt. Beide Ansätze basieren auf realen Sensormessdaten und zielen auf eine leichte Übertragbarkeit sowie die Möglichkeit der Erweiterung der Modelle für verschiedene Anwendungsbereiche