1,424 research outputs found

    Multi-level hp-adaptivity and explicit error estimation

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    Recently, a multi-level hp-version of the finite element method (FEM) was proposed to ease the difficulties of treating hanging nodes, while providing full hp-approximation capabilities. In the original paper, the refinement procedure made use of a-priori knowledge of the solution. However, adaptive procedures can produce discretizations which are more effective than an intuitive choice of element sizes h and polynomial degree distributions p. This is particularly prominent when a-priori knowledge of the solution is only vague or unavailable. The present contribution demonstrates that multi-level hp-adaptive schemes can be efficiently driven by an explicit a-posteriori error estimator. To this end, we adopt the classical residual-based error estimator. The main insight here is that its extension to multi-level hp-FEM is possible by considering the refined-most overlay elements as integration domains. We demonstrate on several two- and three-dimensional examples that exponential convergence rates can be obtained.(VLID)270440

    An Hp-Adaptive Finite Element Procedure For Fluid-Structure Interaction In Fully Eulerian Framework

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    This thesis attempts to implement a fully automatic hp-adaptive finite element procedure for fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems in two dimensions. This work hypotesizes the efficacy of Fully Eulerian framework of FSI in hp-adaptivity on an a posteriori error estimator and adaptation for minimization of error in energy norm. Automatic mesh adaptation over triangular elements is handled by red-green-blue (RGB) refinement method. An effective mesh adaptivity to avoid excessive growth of unknowns is also addressed. Since the hp-method uses high order polynomials as approximation functions, the resulting system matrices are less sparse leading to the notion of FSI computation with parallelism. The parallel hp-adaptive computation is assessed with the conventional uniform and h refinement on a number of benchmark test cases. Subsequently, the efficacy of the fully Eulerian framework is compared to the well known Arbitrary Lagrangian Framework( ALE) for two different material models, namely, the St. Venant Kirchoff and the Neo-Hookean models. It was found that the fully Eulerian framework provides accurate FSI predictions for large deformation without need of frequent remeshing. The hp-adaptive method was also found to be a viable approach in obtaining accurate solutions without much compromise in computer memory and time. Furthermore, the integration of parallelism is successful in reducing the computation time by up to two orders of magnitude relative to the serial solver. For the comparisons between the ALE and the fully Eulerian frameworks, the computed solutions in all test cases are observed to be in agreement with each other

    A Toy Model for Testing Finite Element Methods to Simulate Extreme-Mass-Ratio Binary Systems

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    Extreme mass ratio binary systems, binaries involving stellar mass objects orbiting massive black holes, are considered to be a primary source of gravitational radiation to be detected by the space-based interferometer LISA. The numerical modelling of these binary systems is extremely challenging because the scales involved expand over several orders of magnitude. One needs to handle large wavelength scales comparable to the size of the massive black hole and, at the same time, to resolve the scales in the vicinity of the small companion where radiation reaction effects play a crucial role. Adaptive finite element methods, in which quantitative control of errors is achieved automatically by finite element mesh adaptivity based on posteriori error estimation, are a natural choice that has great potential for achieving the high level of adaptivity required in these simulations. To demonstrate this, we present the results of simulations of a toy model, consisting of a point-like source orbiting a black hole under the action of a scalar gravitational field.Comment: 29 pages, 37 figures. RevTeX 4.0. Minor changes to match the published versio

    General empirical Bayes wavelet methods and exactly adaptive minimax estimation

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    In many statistical problems, stochastic signals can be represented as a sequence of noisy wavelet coefficients. In this paper, we develop general empirical Bayes methods for the estimation of true signal. Our estimators approximate certain oracle separable rules and achieve adaptation to ideal risks and exact minimax risks in broad collections of classes of signals. In particular, our estimators are uniformly adaptive to the minimum risk of separable estimators and the exact minimax risks simultaneously in Besov balls of all smoothness and shape indices, and they are uniformly superefficient in convergence rates in all compact sets in Besov spaces with a finite secondary shape parameter. Furthermore, in classes nested between Besov balls of the same smoothness index, our estimators dominate threshold and James-Stein estimators within an infinitesimal fraction of the minimax risks. More general block empirical Bayes estimators are developed. Both white noise with drift and nonparametric regression are considered.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053604000000995 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A painless automatic hp-adaptive strategy for elliptic problems

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    In this work, we introduce a novel hp-adaptive strategy. The main goal is to minimize the complexity and implementational efforts hence increasing the robustness of the algorithm while keeping close to optimal numerical results. We employ a multi-level hierarchical data structure imposing Dirichlet nodes to manage the so-called hanging nodes. The hp-adaptive strategy is based on performing quasi-optimal unrefinements. Taking advantage of the hierarchical structure of the basis functions both in terms of the element size h and the polynomial order of approximation p, we mark those with the lowest contributions to the energy of the solution and remove them. This straightforward unrefinement strategy does not need from a fine grid or complex data structures, making the algorithm flexible to many practical situations and existing implementations. On the other side, we also identify some limitations of the proposed strategy, namely: (a) data structures only support isotropic h-refinements (although p-anisotropic refinements are enabled), (b) we assume certain quasi-orthogonality properties of the basis functions in the energy norm, and (c) in this work, we restrict to symmetric and positive definite problems. We illustrate these and other advantages and limitations of the proposed hp-adaptive strategy with several one-, two- and three-dimensional Poisson examples.The first two authors are supported by Projects of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness with reference MTM2016-76329-R(AEI/FEDER, EU),MTM2016-81697-ERC and the Basque Government Consolidated Research Group Grant IT649-13 on “Mathematical Modeling, Simulation, and Industrial Applications (M2SI)”, the BCAM “Severo Ochoa” accreditation of excellence SEV-2017-0718, and the Basque Government through the BERC2018-2021 program and the European Union’s Horizon2020, research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 777778. Last two authors have been partially supported by the Spanish Government through TEC2016-80386-P

    A Painless Automatic hp-Adaptive Strategy for Elliptic Problems

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    In this work, we introduce a novel hp-adaptive strategy. The main goal is to minimize the complexity and implementational efforts hence increasing the robustness of the algorithm while keeping close to optimal numerical results. We employ a multi-level hierarchical data structure imposing Dirichlet nodes to manage the so-called hanging nodes. The hp-adaptive strategy is based on performing quasi-optimal unre finements. Taking advantage of the hierarchical structure of the basis functions both in terms of the element size h and the polynomial order of approximation p, we mark those with the lowest contributions to the energy of the solution and remove them. This straightforward unrefi nement strategy does not need from a fi ne grid or complex data structures, making the algorithm flexible to many practical situations and existing implementations. On the other side, we also identify some limitations of the proposed strategy, namely: (a) data structures only support isotropic h-re nements (although p-anisotropic re nements are enabled), (b) we assume certain quasi-orthogonality properties of the basis functions in the energy norm, and (c) in this work, we restrict to symmetric and positive defi nite problems. We illustrate these and other advantages and limitations of the proposed hp-adaptive strategy with several one-, two- and three-dimensional Poisson examples

    hp-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin solver for elliptic equations in numerical relativity

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    A considerable amount of attention has been given to discontinuous Galerkin methods for hyperbolic problems in numerical relativity, showing potential advantages of the methods in dealing with hydrodynamical shocks and other discontinuities. This paper investigates discontinuous Galerkin methods for the solution of elliptic problems in numerical relativity. We present a novel hp-adaptive numerical scheme for curvilinear and non-conforming meshes. It uses a multigrid preconditioner with a Chebyshev or Schwarz smoother to create a very scalable discontinuous Galerkin code on generic domains. The code employs compactification to move the outer boundary near spatial infinity. We explore the properties of the code on some test problems, including one mimicking Neutron stars with phase transitions. We also apply it to construct initial data for two or three black holes