477 research outputs found

    The impact of pre- and post-image processing techniques on deep learning frameworks: A comprehensive review for digital pathology image analysis

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    Recently, deep learning frameworks have rapidly become the main methodology for analyzing medical images. Due to their powerful learning ability and advantages in dealing with complex patterns, deep learning algorithms are ideal for image analysis challenges, particularly in the field of digital pathology. The variety of image analysis tasks in the context of deep learning includes classification (e.g., healthy vs. cancerous tissue), detection (e.g., lymphocytes and mitosis counting), and segmentation (e.g., nuclei and glands segmentation). The majority of recent machine learning methods in digital pathology have a pre- and/or post-processing stage which is integrated with a deep neural network. These stages, based on traditional image processing methods, are employed to make the subsequent classification, detection, or segmentation problem easier to solve. Several studies have shown how the integration of pre- and post-processing methods within a deep learning pipeline can further increase the model's performance when compared to the network by itself. The aim of this review is to provide an overview on the types of methods that are used within deep learning frameworks either to optimally prepare the input (pre-processing) or to improve the results of the network output (post-processing), focusing on digital pathology image analysis. Many of the techniques presented here, especially the post-processing methods, are not limited to digital pathology but can be extended to almost any image analysis field

    The impact of pre- and post-image processing techniques on deep learning frameworks: A comprehensive review for digital pathology image analysis.

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    Recently, deep learning frameworks have rapidly become the main methodology for analyzing medical images. Due to their powerful learning ability and advantages in dealing with complex patterns, deep learning algorithms are ideal for image analysis challenges, particularly in the field of digital pathology. The variety of image analysis tasks in the context of deep learning includes classification (e.g., healthy vs. cancerous tissue), detection (e.g., lymphocytes and mitosis counting), and segmentation (e.g., nuclei and glands segmentation). The majority of recent machine learning methods in digital pathology have a pre- and/or post-processing stage which is integrated with a deep neural network. These stages, based on traditional image processing methods, are employed to make the subsequent classification, detection, or segmentation problem easier to solve. Several studies have shown how the integration of pre- and post-processing methods within a deep learning pipeline can further increase the model's performance when compared to the network by itself. The aim of this review is to provide an overview on the types of methods that are used within deep learning frameworks either to optimally prepare the input (pre-processing) or to improve the results of the network output (post-processing), focusing on digital pathology image analysis. Many of the techniques presented here, especially the post-processing methods, are not limited to digital pathology but can be extended to almost any image analysis field

    Robust , fast and accurate lane departure warning system using deep learning and mobilenets

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    Every year, millions of people die from fatalities on the road. This paper develops a lane departure warning system that will alert the driver when the driver may be veering off the road. Recent advances in Deep learning and Artificial Intelligence have shown that Convolutional Neural Networks can be excellent at extracting and identifying features in an image. However, Convolutional Neural Networks are often run on Expensive GPU’s with colossal memory and typically run millions of operations in a second. This is a challenging problem for embedded characterized by limited memory or processing power and a real-time capability. In this paper, a lightweight, robust and low memory architecture is explored to enable its incorporation as an embedded system. The proposed final architecture utilizes a novel semantic regression technique that integrates the accuracy of semantic segregation and the speed of regression. An end-to-end Deep learning system is used which takes images as an inputs and outputs the found lane in one shot. The developed system achieves 91.83% accuracy on Malaysian roads

    OSC-CO\u3csup\u3e2\u3c/sup\u3e: Coattention and Cosegmentation Framework for Plant State Change with Multiple Features

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    Cosegmentation and coattention are extensions of traditional segmentation methods aimed at detecting a common object (or objects) in a group of images. Current cosegmentation and coattention methods are ineffective for objects, such as plants, that change their morphological state while being captured in different modalities and views. The Object State Change using Coattention-Cosegmentation (OSC-CO2) is an end-to-end unsupervised deep-learning framework that enhances traditional segmentation techniques, processing, analyzing, selecting, and combining suitable segmentation results that may contain most of our target object’s pixels, and then displaying a final segmented image. The framework leverages coattention-based convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and cosegmentation-based dense Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) to address segmentation accuracy in high-dimensional plant imagery with evolving plant objects. The efficacy of OSC-CO2 is demonstrated using plant growth sequences imaged with infrared, visible, and fluorescence cameras in multiple views using a remote sensing, high-throughput phenotyping platform, and is evaluated using Jaccard index and precision measures. We also introduce CosegPP+, a dataset that is structured and can provide quantitative information on the efficacy of our framework. Results show that OSC-CO2 out performed state-of-the art segmentation and cosegmentation methods by improving segmentation accuracy by 3% to 45%