67 research outputs found

    Multi-domain Modeling and Simulation

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    One starting point for the analysis and design of a control system is the block diagram representation of a plant. Since it is nontrivial to convert a physical model of a plant into a blockk diagram, this can be performed manually only for small models. Based on reseach from the last 40 years, more andmore mature tools are available to achieve this transformation fully automatically. As a result, multi-domain plants, for example, systems with electrical, mechanical, thermal, and fluid parts, can be modled in a unified way and can be used directly as input-output blocks for control system design. An overview of the basic principles of this approach is given, and it is shown how to utilize nonlinear, multidomain plant models directly in a controller. Finally, the low-level "Functional Mockup Interface" standard is sketched to exchang multi-domain models between many different modeling and simulation environments

    Multi-Domain Modeling and Simulations of the Heterogeneous Systems, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2010, nr 1

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    This paper discusses the multi-domain modeling and simulation issues of the design and analysis of heterogeneous integrated systems. Modeling and simulation methodology and tools are also discussed

    Collaborative simulation method with spatiotemporal synchronization process control

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    When designing a complex mechatronics system, such as high speed trains, it is relatively difficult to effectively simulate the entire system’s dynamic behaviors because it involves multi-disciplinary subsystems. Currently, a most practical approach for multi-disciplinary simulation is interface based coupling simulation method, but it faces a twofold challenge: spatial and time unsynchronizations among multi-directional coupling simulation of subsystems. A new collaborative simulation method with spatiotemporal synchronization process control is proposed for coupling simulating a given complex mechatronics system across multiple subsystems on different platforms. The method consists of 1) a coupler-based coupling mechanisms to define the interfacing and interaction mechanisms among subsystems, and 2) a simulation process control algorithm to realize the coupling simulation in a spatiotemporal synchronized manner. The test results from a case study show that the proposed method 1) can certainly be used to simulate the sub-systems interactions under different simulation conditions in an engineering system, and 2) effectively supports multi-directional coupling simulation among multi-disciplinary subsystems. This method has been successfully applied in China high speed train design and development processes, demonstrating that it can be applied in a wide range of engineering systems design and simulation with improved efficiency and effectiveness

    Higher harmonics compensation in grid-connected PWM converters for renewable energy interface and active filtering

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    The paper presents overview of high-order harmonics compensation methods applied for control of grid-connected converter. Two harmonic compensation methods are presented. One based on band-pass filers cooperating with Direct Power Control with Space Vector Modulation (DPC-SVM) is dedicated for renewable energy interface. Second method based on resonant controllers applied in Voltage Oriented Control (VOC) adds an active filtering function to PWM rectifier. Simulation and preliminary experimental results for these two methods are presented

    Simulation of Networked Control Systems Using TrueTime

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    This paper gives a brief introduction to the TrueTime simulator and then gives several examples on how TrueTime can be used to simulate networked control systems. Among the examples are time-triggered and event-based networked control and AODV routing in wireless ad-hoc networks

    Physics-Based Models, Sensitivity Analysis, and Optimization of Automotive Batteries

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    Replicated with permission by SAE Copyright © 2017 SAE International. Further distribution of this material is not permitted without prior permission from SAE.The analysis of nickel metal hydride (Ni-MH) battery performance is very important for automotive researchers and manufacturers. The performance of a battery can be described as a direct consequence of various chemical and physical phenomena taking place inside the container. In this paper, a physics-based model of a Ni-MH battery will be presented. To analyze its performance, the efficiency of the battery is chosen as the performance measure, which is defined as the ratio of the energy output from the battery and the energy input to the battery while charging. Parametric sensitivity analysis will be used to generate sensitivity information for the state variables of the model. The generated information will be used to showcase how sensitivity information can be used to identify unique model behavior and how it can be used to optimize the capacity of the battery. The results will be validated using a finite difference formulation.Financial support for this work has been provided by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Toyota, and Maplesoft

    Control de fuerza en actuadores hidráulicos mediante válvula de alivio proporcional

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    El control de fuerza tratado en el presente trabajo es aplicado en actuadores hidráulicos mediante una válvula de alivio proporcional. Inicia con una revisión bibliográfica sobre algunas aplicaciones industriales y artículos de carácter investigativo. De acuerdo con ciertas necesidades académicas y los elementos disponibles en el Laboratorio de Sistemas Dinámicos, se optó por el modelo de control de fuerza por medio de una válvula proporcional de alivio. Dada la importancia de las válvulas proporcionales se hizo necesario realizar la caracterización y verificación del comportamiento de este componente, con el fin de evaluar su condición de funcionamiento. Posteriormente se adicionaron los demás elementos necesarios para completar el sistema y se estableció la comunicación e interacción de las señales presentes, obtenidas mediante un módulo de adquisición de datos (NI-USB 6008). El tratamiento de las señales y el control sobre la válvula proporcional de alivio se efectuó mediante el software LabVIEW, previa simulación del sistema en Matlab y la retroalimentación de la planta fue implementada mediante una celda de carga que registra la fuerza ejercida por el actuador; concluyendo con ello la implementación del control de fuerza en cilindros hidráulicos

    Modeling and Control of the Ball and Beam Process

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    One of the most difficult problems that an engineer who works with modeling deals with, is the question about how to translate a physical phenomenon into a set of equations. It is usually difficult to capture all dynamics and phenomena, so one usually strives for a set of equations that describes the physical system approximately and adequately with the accuracy for the purpose. In our case, we model the dynamics relevant for control design. The topic of this thesis was to do an in-depth study of the Ball and Beam process. Two different experimental implementation of the Ball and Beam process have been considered, both available at the course lab at the Department of Automatic Control, Lund. The first step consisted of deriving the equations of motion, that is, to do the mathematical modeling of the process. In order to implement this model Modelica has been used. Modelica, which is a powerful language for modeling of physical systems, uses the tool Dymola. Another model was designed also with Modelica but with the help of the extension of the multi body library, which uses a methodology based on object orientation and symbolic manipulation of equations. With this last model it was possible to visualize an animation in real time 3D. The following step of the project was to do control design for the different models. The obtained simulations were shown in Dymola and Simulink. Finally experiments on the real process were developed, based on vision feedback

    Simulation of Flexible Multibody Systems Using Linear Graph Theory

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