261 research outputs found

    Event summarization on social media stream: retrospective and prospective tweet summarization

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    Le contenu généré dans les médias sociaux comme Twitter permet aux utilisateurs d'avoir un aperçu rétrospectif d'évènement et de suivre les nouveaux développements dès qu'ils se produisent. Cependant, bien que Twitter soit une source d'information importante, il est caractérisé par le volume et la vélocité des informations publiées qui rendent difficile le suivi de l'évolution des évènements. Pour permettre de mieux tirer profit de ce nouveau vecteur d'information, deux tâches complémentaires de recherche d'information dans les médias sociaux ont été introduites : la génération de résumé rétrospectif qui vise à sélectionner les tweets pertinents et non redondant récapitulant "ce qui s'est passé" et l'envoi des notifications prospectives dès qu'une nouvelle information pertinente est détectée. Notre travail s'inscrit dans ce cadre. L'objectif de cette thèse est de faciliter le suivi d'événement, en fournissant des outils de génération de synthèse adaptés à ce vecteur d'information. Les défis majeurs sous-jacents à notre problématique découlent d'une part du volume, de la vélocité et de la variété des contenus publiés et, d'autre part, de la qualité des tweets qui peut varier d'une manière considérable. La tâche principale dans la notification prospective est l'identification en temps réel des tweets pertinents et non redondants. Le système peut choisir de retourner les nouveaux tweets dès leurs détections où bien de différer leur envoi afin de s'assurer de leur qualité. Dans ce contexte, nos contributions se situent à ces différents niveaux : Premièrement, nous introduisons Word Similarity Extended Boolean Model (WSEBM), un modèle d'estimation de la pertinence qui exploite la similarité entre les termes basée sur le word embedding et qui n'utilise pas les statistiques de flux. L'intuition sous- jacente à notre proposition est que la mesure de similarité à base de word embedding est capable de considérer des mots différents ayant la même sémantique ce qui permet de compenser le non-appariement des termes lors du calcul de la pertinence. Deuxièmement, l'estimation de nouveauté d'un tweet entrant est basée sur la comparaison de ses termes avec les termes des tweets déjà envoyés au lieu d'utiliser la comparaison tweet à tweet. Cette méthode offre un meilleur passage à l'échelle et permet de réduire le temps d'exécution. Troisièmement, pour contourner le problème du seuillage de pertinence, nous utilisons un classificateur binaire qui prédit la pertinence. L'approche proposée est basée sur l'apprentissage supervisé adaptatif dans laquelle les signes sociaux sont combinés avec les autres facteurs de pertinence dépendants de la requête. De plus, le retour des jugements de pertinence est exploité pour re-entrainer le modèle de classification. Enfin, nous montrons que l'approche proposée, qui envoie les notifications en temps réel, permet d'obtenir des performances prometteuses en termes de qualité (pertinence et nouveauté) avec une faible latence alors que les approches de l'état de l'art tendent à favoriser la qualité au détriment de la latence. Cette thèse explore également une nouvelle approche de génération du résumé rétrospectif qui suit un paradigme différent de la majorité des méthodes de l'état de l'art. Nous proposons de modéliser le processus de génération de synthèse sous forme d'un problème d'optimisation linéaire qui prend en compte la diversité temporelle des tweets. Les tweets sont filtrés et regroupés d'une manière incrémentale en deux partitions basées respectivement sur la similarité du contenu et le temps de publication. Nous formulons la génération du résumé comme étant un problème linéaire entier dans lequel les variables inconnues sont binaires, la fonction objective est à maximiser et les contraintes assurent qu'au maximum un tweet par cluster est sélectionné dans la limite de la longueur du résumé fixée préalablement.User-generated content on social media, such as Twitter, provides in many cases, the latest news before traditional media, which allows having a retrospective summary of events and being updated in a timely fashion whenever a new development occurs. However, social media, while being a valuable source of information, can be also overwhelming given the volume and the velocity of published information. To shield users from being overwhelmed by irrelevant and redundant posts, retrospective summarization and prospective notification (real-time summarization) were introduced as two complementary tasks of information seeking on document streams. The former aims to select a list of relevant and non-redundant tweets that capture "what happened". In the latter, systems monitor the live posts stream and push relevant and novel notifications as soon as possible. Our work falls within these frameworks and focuses on developing a tweet summarization approaches for the two aforementioned scenarios. It aims at providing summaries that capture the key aspects of the event of interest to help users to efficiently acquire information and follow the development of long ongoing events from social media. Nevertheless, tweet summarization task faces many challenges that stem from, on one hand, the high volume, the velocity and the variety of the published information and, on the other hand, the quality of tweets, which can vary significantly. In the prospective notification, the core task is the relevancy and the novelty detection in real-time. For timeliness, a system may choose to push new updates in real-time or may choose to trade timeliness for higher notification quality. Our contributions address these levels: First, we introduce Word Similarity Extended Boolean Model (WSEBM), a relevance model that does not rely on stream statistics and takes advantage of word embedding model. We used word similarity instead of the traditional weighting techniques. By doing this, we overcome the shortness and word mismatch issues in tweets. The intuition behind our proposition is that context-aware similarity measure in word2vec is able to consider different words with the same semantic meaning and hence allows offsetting the word mismatch issue when calculating the similarity between a tweet and a topic. Second, we propose to compute the novelty score of the incoming tweet regarding all words of tweets already pushed to the user instead of using the pairwise comparison. The proposed novelty detection method scales better and reduces the execution time, which fits real-time tweet filtering. Third, we propose an adaptive Learning to Filter approach that leverages social signals as well as query-dependent features. To overcome the issue of relevance threshold setting, we use a binary classifier that predicts the relevance of the incoming tweet. In addition, we show the gain that can be achieved by taking advantage of ongoing relevance feedback. Finally, we adopt a real-time push strategy and we show that the proposed approach achieves a promising performance in terms of quality (relevance and novelty) with low cost of latency whereas the state-of-the-art approaches tend to trade latency for higher quality. This thesis also explores a novel approach to generate a retrospective summary that follows a different paradigm than the majority of state-of-the-art methods. We consider the summary generation as an optimization problem that takes into account the topical and the temporal diversity. Tweets are filtered and are incrementally clustered in two cluster types, namely topical clusters based on content similarity and temporal clusters that depends on publication time. Summary generation is formulated as integer linear problem in which unknowns variables are binaries, the objective function is to be maximized and constraints ensure that at most one post per cluster is selected with respect to the defined summary length limit

    TweeProfiles4: a weighted multidimensional stream clustering algorithm

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    O aparecimento das redes sociais abriu aos utilizadores a possibilidade de facilmente partilharem as suas ideias a respeito de diferentes temas, o que constitui uma fonte de informação enriquecedora para diversos campos. As plataformas de microblogging sofreram um grande crescimento e de forma constante nos últimos anos. O Twitter é o site de microblogging mais popular, tornando-se uma fonte de dados interessante para extração de conhecimento. Um dos principais desafios na análise de dados provenientes de redes sociais é o seu fluxo, o que dificulta a aplicação de processos tradicionais de data mining. Neste sentido, a extração de conhecimento sobre fluxos de dados tem recebido um foco significativo recentemente. O TweeProfiles é a uma ferramenta de data mining para análise e visualização de dados do Twitter sobre quatro dimensões: espacial (a localização geográfica do tweet), temporal (a data de publicação do tweet), de conteúdo (o texto do tweet) e social (o grafo dos relacionamentos). Este é um projeto em desenvolvimento que ainda possui muitos aspetos que podem ser melhorados. Uma das recentes melhorias inclui a substituição do algoritmo de clustering original, o qual não suportava o fluxo contínuo dos dados, por um método de streaming. O objetivo desta dissertação passa pela continuação do desenvolvimento do TweeProfiles. Em primeiro lugar, será proposto um novo algoritmo de clustering para fluxos de dados com o objetivo de melhorar o existente. Para esse efeito será desenvolvido um algoritmo incremental com suporte para fluxos de dados multi-dimensionais. Esta abordagem deve permitir ao utilizador alterar dinamicamente a importância relativa de cada dimensão do processo de clustering. Adicionalmente, a avaliação empírica dos resultados será alvo de melhoramento através da identificação e implementação de medidas adequadas de avaliação dos padrões extraídos. O estudo empírico será realizado através de tweets georreferenciados obtidos pelo SocialBus.The emergence of social media made it possible for users to easily share their thoughts on different topics, which constitutes a rich source of information for many fields. Microblogging platforms experienced a large and steady growth over the last few years. Twitter is the most popular microblogging site, making it an interesting source of data for pattern extraction. One of the main challenges of analyzing social media data is its continuous nature, which makes it hard to use traditional data mining. Therefore, mining stream data has also received a lot of attention recently.TweeProfiles is a data mining tool for analyzing and visualizing Twitter data over four dimensions: spatial (the location of the tweet), temporal (the timestamp of the tweet), content (the text of the tweet) and social (relationship graph). This is an ongoing project which still has many aspects that can be improved. For instance, it was recently improved by replacing the original clustering algorithm which could not handle the continuous flow of data with a streaming method. The goal of this dissertation is to continue the development of TweeProfiles. First, the stream clustering process will be improved by proposing a new algorithm. This will be achieved by developing an incremental algorithm with support for multi-dimensional streaming data. Moreover, it should make it possible for the user to dynamically change the relative importance of each dimension in the clustering. Additionally, the empirical evaluation of the results will also be improved.Suitable measures to evaluate the extracted patterns will be identified and implemented. An empirical study will be done using data consisting of georeferenced tweets from SocialBus


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    Exploration of real-time summarization (RTS) methodologies and applications to esports events on Twitter. The goal of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of real-time summarization techniques at esports event detection, highlight summarization, and timeline generation. A two-step system of event-prediction and summarization is proposed. First, using Twitter as the data source, events in an esports game are predicted through machine-learning and classification to determine event occurrences. Four major classification features and five standard classification models (Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, K-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machines) are evaluated to identify an optimal event-detection model. Second, natural-language text processing functions such as term-frequency and TF.IDF are evaluated for effective event summarization and to confirm successful event-detection. The CART (classification and regression tree) model is selected as the most optimal model for event-detection, predicting in-game esports events with 70% accuracy. This study demonstrates the application of Twitter as a data source in detecting real-time esports events.Master of Science in Information Scienc

    Data mining techniques for complex application domains

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    The emergence of advanced communication techniques has increased availability of large collection of data in electronic form in a number of application domains including healthcare, e- business, and e-learning. Everyday a large amount of records are stored electronically. However, finding useful information from such a large data collection is a challenging issue. Data mining technology aims automatically extracting hidden knowledge from large data repositories exploiting sophisticated algorithms. The hidden knowledge in the electronic data may be potentially utilized to facilitate the procedures, productivity, and reliability of several application domains. The PhD activity has been focused on novel and effective data mining approaches to tackle the complex data coming from two main application domains: Healthcare data analysis and Textual data analysis. The research activity, in the context of healthcare data, addressed the application of different data mining techniques to discover valuable knowledge from real exam-log data of patients. In particular, efforts have been devoted to the extraction of medical pathways, which can be exploited to analyze the actual treatments followed by patients. The derived knowledge not only provides useful information to deal with the treatment procedures but may also play an important role in future predictions of potential patient risks associated with medical treatments. The research effort in textual data analysis is twofold. On the one hand, a novel approach to discovery of succinct summaries of large document collections has been proposed. On the other hand, the suitability of an established descriptive data mining to support domain experts in making decisions has been investigated. Both research activities are focused on adopting widely exploratory data mining techniques to textual data analysis, which require overcoming intrinsic limitations for traditional algorithms for handling textual documents efficiently and effectively

    Breadth analysis of Online Social Networks

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    This thesis is mainly motivated by the analysis, understanding, and prediction of human behaviour by means of the study of their digital fingeprints. Unlike a classical PhD thesis, where you choose a topic and go further on a deep analysis on a research topic, we carried out a breadth analysis on the research topic of complex networks, such as those that humans create themselves with their relationships and interactions. These kinds of digital communities where humans interact and create relationships are commonly called Online Social Networks. Then, (i) we have collected their interactions, as text messages they share among each other, in order to analyze the sentiment and topic of such messages. We have basically applied the state-of-the-art techniques for Natural Language Processing, widely developed and tested on English texts, in a collection of Spanish Tweets and we compare the results. Next, (ii) we focused on Topic Detection, creating our own classifier and applying it to the former Tweets dataset. The breakthroughs are two: our classifier relies on text-graphs from the input text and we achieved a figure of 70% accuracy, outperforming previous results. After that, (iii) we moved to analyze the network structure (or topology) and their data values to detect outliers. We hypothesize that in social networks there is a large mass of users that behaves similarly, while a reduced set of them behave in a different way. However, specially among this last group, we try to separate those with high activity, or low activity, or any other paramater/feature that make them belong to different kind of outliers. We aim to detect influential users in one of these outliers set. We propose a new unsupervised method, Massive Unsupervised Outlier Detection (MUOD), labeling the outliers detected os of shape, magnitude, amplitude or combination of those. We applied this method to a subset of roughly 400 million Google+ users, identifying and discriminating automatically sets of outlier users. Finally, (iv) we find interesting to address the monitorization of real complex networks. We created a framework to dynamically adapt the temporality of large-scale dynamic networks, reducing compute overhead by at least 76%, data volume by 60% and overall cloud costs by at least 54%, while always maintaining accuracy above 88%.PublicadoPrograma de Doctorado en Ingeniería Matemática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Rosa María Benito Zafrilla.- Secretario: Ángel Cuevas Rumín.- Vocal: José Ernesto Jiménez Merin

    Attention-based Approaches for Text Analytics in Social Media and Automatic Summarization

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    [ES] Hoy en día, la sociedad tiene acceso y posibilidad de contribuir a grandes cantidades de contenidos presentes en Internet, como redes sociales, periódicos online, foros, blogs o plataformas de contenido multimedia. Todo este tipo de medios han tenido, durante los últimos años, un impacto abrumador en el día a día de individuos y organizaciones, siendo actualmente medios predominantes para compartir, debatir y analizar contenidos online. Por este motivo, resulta de interés trabajar sobre este tipo de plataformas, desde diferentes puntos de vista, bajo el paraguas del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. En esta tesis nos centramos en dos áreas amplias dentro de este campo, aplicadas al análisis de contenido en línea: análisis de texto en redes sociales y resumen automático. En paralelo, las redes neuronales también son un tema central de esta tesis, donde toda la experimentación se ha realizado utilizando enfoques de aprendizaje profundo, principalmente basados en mecanismos de atención. Además, trabajamos mayoritariamente con el idioma español, por ser un idioma poco explorado y de gran interés para los proyectos de investigación en los que participamos. Por un lado, para el análisis de texto en redes sociales, nos enfocamos en tareas de análisis afectivo, incluyendo análisis de sentimientos y detección de emociones, junto con el análisis de la ironía. En este sentido, se presenta un enfoque basado en Transformer Encoders, que consiste en contextualizar \textit{word embeddings} pre-entrenados con tweets en español, para abordar tareas de análisis de sentimiento y detección de ironía. También proponemos el uso de métricas de evaluación como funciones de pérdida, con el fin de entrenar redes neuronales, para reducir el impacto del desequilibrio de clases en tareas \textit{multi-class} y \textit{multi-label} de detección de emociones. Adicionalmente, se presenta una especialización de BERT tanto para el idioma español como para el dominio de Twitter, que tiene en cuenta la coherencia entre tweets en conversaciones de Twitter. El desempeño de todos estos enfoques ha sido probado con diferentes corpus, a partir de varios \textit{benchmarks} de referencia, mostrando resultados muy competitivos en todas las tareas abordadas. Por otro lado, nos centramos en el resumen extractivo de artículos periodísticos y de programas televisivos de debate. Con respecto al resumen de artículos, se presenta un marco teórico para el resumen extractivo, basado en redes jerárquicas siamesas con mecanismos de atención. También presentamos dos instancias de este marco: \textit{Siamese Hierarchical Attention Networks} y \textit{Siamese Hierarchical Transformer Encoders}. Estos sistemas han sido evaluados en los corpora CNN/DailyMail y NewsRoom, obteniendo resultados competitivos en comparación con otros enfoques extractivos coetáneos. Con respecto a los programas de debate, se ha propuesto una tarea que consiste en resumir las intervenciones transcritas de los ponentes, sobre un tema determinado, en el programa "La Noche en 24 Horas". Además, se propone un corpus de artículos periodísticos, recogidos de varios periódicos españoles en línea, con el fin de estudiar la transferibilidad de los enfoques propuestos, entre artículos e intervenciones de los participantes en los debates. Este enfoque muestra mejores resultados que otras técnicas extractivas, junto con una transferibilidad de dominio muy prometedora.[CA] Avui en dia, la societat té accés i possibilitat de contribuir a grans quantitats de continguts presents a Internet, com xarxes socials, diaris online, fòrums, blocs o plataformes de contingut multimèdia. Tot aquest tipus de mitjans han tingut, durant els darrers anys, un impacte aclaparador en el dia a dia d'individus i organitzacions, sent actualment mitjans predominants per compartir, debatre i analitzar continguts en línia. Per aquest motiu, resulta d'interès treballar sobre aquest tipus de plataformes, des de diferents punts de vista, sota el paraigua de l'Processament de el Llenguatge Natural. En aquesta tesi ens centrem en dues àrees àmplies dins d'aquest camp, aplicades a l'anàlisi de contingut en línia: anàlisi de text en xarxes socials i resum automàtic. En paral·lel, les xarxes neuronals també són un tema central d'aquesta tesi, on tota l'experimentació s'ha realitzat utilitzant enfocaments d'aprenentatge profund, principalment basats en mecanismes d'atenció. A més, treballem majoritàriament amb l'idioma espanyol, per ser un idioma poc explorat i de gran interès per als projectes de recerca en els que participem. D'una banda, per a l'anàlisi de text en xarxes socials, ens enfoquem en tasques d'anàlisi afectiu, incloent anàlisi de sentiments i detecció d'emocions, juntament amb l'anàlisi de la ironia. En aquest sentit, es presenta una aproximació basada en Transformer Encoders, que consisteix en contextualitzar \textit{word embeddings} pre-entrenats amb tweets en espanyol, per abordar tasques d'anàlisi de sentiment i detecció d'ironia. També proposem l'ús de mètriques d'avaluació com a funcions de pèrdua, per tal d'entrenar xarxes neuronals, per reduir l'impacte de l'desequilibri de classes en tasques \textit{multi-class} i \textit{multi-label} de detecció d'emocions. Addicionalment, es presenta una especialització de BERT tant per l'idioma espanyol com per al domini de Twitter, que té en compte la coherència entre tweets en converses de Twitter. El comportament de tots aquests enfocaments s'ha provat amb diferents corpus, a partir de diversos \textit{benchmarks} de referència, mostrant resultats molt competitius en totes les tasques abordades. D'altra banda, ens centrem en el resum extractiu d'articles periodístics i de programes televisius de debat. Pel que fa a l'resum d'articles, es presenta un marc teòric per al resum extractiu, basat en xarxes jeràrquiques siameses amb mecanismes d'atenció. També presentem dues instàncies d'aquest marc: \textit{Siamese Hierarchical Attention Networks} i \textit{Siamese Hierarchical Transformer Encoders}. Aquests sistemes s'han avaluat en els corpora CNN/DailyMail i Newsroom, obtenint resultats competitius en comparació amb altres enfocaments extractius coetanis. Pel que fa als programes de debat, s'ha proposat una tasca que consisteix a resumir les intervencions transcrites dels ponents, sobre un tema determinat, al programa "La Noche en 24 Horas". A més, es proposa un corpus d'articles periodístics, recollits de diversos diaris espanyols en línia, per tal d'estudiar la transferibilitat dels enfocaments proposats, entre articles i intervencions dels participants en els debats. Aquesta aproximació mostra millors resultats que altres tècniques extractives, juntament amb una transferibilitat de domini molt prometedora.[EN] Nowadays, society has access, and the possibility to contribute, to large amounts of the content present on the internet, such as social networks, online newspapers, forums, blogs, or multimedia content platforms. These platforms have had, during the last years, an overwhelming impact on the daily life of individuals and organizations, becoming the predominant ways for sharing, discussing, and analyzing online content. Therefore, it is very interesting to work with these platforms, from different points of view, under the umbrella of Natural Language Processing. In this thesis, we focus on two broad areas inside this field, applied to analyze online content: text analytics in social media and automatic summarization. Neural networks are also a central topic in this thesis, where all the experimentation has been performed by using deep learning approaches, mainly based on attention mechanisms. Besides, we mostly work with the Spanish language, due to it is an interesting and underexplored language with a great interest in the research projects we participated in. On the one hand, for text analytics in social media, we focused on affective analysis tasks, including sentiment analysis and emotion detection, along with the analysis of the irony. In this regard, an approach based on Transformer Encoders, based on contextualizing pretrained Spanish word embeddings from Twitter, to address sentiment analysis and irony detection tasks, is presented. We also propose the use of evaluation metrics as loss functions, in order to train neural networks for reducing the impact of the class imbalance in multi-class and multi-label emotion detection tasks. Additionally, a specialization of BERT both for the Spanish language and the Twitter domain, that takes into account inter-sentence coherence in Twitter conversation flows, is presented. The performance of all these approaches has been tested with different corpora, from several reference evaluation benchmarks, showing very competitive results in all the tasks addressed. On the other hand, we focused on extractive summarization of news articles and TV talk shows. Regarding the summarization of news articles, a theoretical framework for extractive summarization, based on siamese hierarchical networks with attention mechanisms, is presented. Also, we present two instantiations of this framework: Siamese Hierarchical Attention Networks and Siamese Hierarchical Transformer Encoders. These systems were evaluated on the CNN/DailyMail and the NewsRoom corpora, obtaining competitive results in comparison to other contemporary extractive approaches. Concerning the TV talk shows, we proposed a text summarization task, for summarizing the transcribed interventions of the speakers, about a given topic, in the Spanish TV talk shows of the ``La Noche en 24 Horas" program. In addition, a corpus of news articles, collected from several Spanish online newspapers, is proposed, in order to study the domain transferability of siamese hierarchical approaches, between news articles and interventions of debate participants. This approach shows better results than other extractive techniques, along with a very promising domain transferability.González Barba, JÁ. (2021). Attention-based Approaches for Text Analytics in Social Media and Automatic Summarization [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172245TESI

    Multicloud Resource Allocation:Cooperation, Optimization and Sharing

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    Nowadays our daily life is not only powered by water, electricity, gas and telephony but by "cloud" as well. Big cloud vendors such as Amazon, Microsoft and Google have built large-scale centralized data centers to achieve economies of scale, on-demand resource provisioning, high resource availability and elasticity. However, those massive data centers also bring about many other problems, e.g., bandwidth bottlenecks, privacy, security, huge energy consumption, legal and physical vulnerabilities. One of the possible solutions for those problems is to employ multicloud architectures. In this thesis, our work provides research contributions to multicloud resource allocation from three perspectives of cooperation, optimization and data sharing. We address the following problems in the multicloud: how resource providers cooperate in a multicloud, how to reduce information leakage in a multicloud storage system and how to share the big data in a cost-effective way. More specifically, we make the following contributions: Cooperation in the decentralized cloud. We propose a decentralized cloud model in which a group of SDCs can cooperate with each other to improve performance. Moreover, we design a general strategy function for SDCs to evaluate the performance of cooperation based on different dimensions of resource sharing. Through extensive simulations using a realistic data center model, we show that the strategies based on reciprocity are more effective than other strategies, e.g., those using prediction based on historical data. Our results show that the reciprocity-based strategy can thrive in a heterogeneous environment with competing strategies. Multicloud optimization on information leakage. In this work, we firstly study an important information leakage problem caused by unplanned data distribution in multicloud storage services. Then, we present StoreSim, an information leakage aware storage system in multicloud. StoreSim aims to store syntactically similar data on the same cloud, thereby minimizing the user's information leakage across multiple clouds. We design an approximate algorithm to efficiently generate similarity-preserving signatures for data chunks based on MinHash and Bloom filter, and also design a function to compute the information leakage based on these signatures. Next, we present an effective storage plan generation algorithm based on clustering for distributing data chunks with minimal information leakage across multiple clouds. Finally, we evaluate our scheme using two real datasets from Wikipedia and GitHub. We show that our scheme can reduce the information leakage by up to 60% compared to unplanned placement. Furthermore, our analysis in terms of system attackability demonstrates that our scheme makes attacks on information much more complex. Smart data sharing. Moving large amounts of distributed data into the cloud or from one cloud to another can incur high costs in both time and bandwidth. The optimization on data sharing in the multicloud can be conducted from two different angles: inter-cloud scheduling and intra-cloud optimization. We first present CoShare, a P2P inspired decentralized cost effective sharing system for data replication to optimize network transfer among small data centers. Then we propose a data summarization method to reduce the total size of dataset, thereby reducing network transfer