692 research outputs found

    Artificial Neural Networks, Support Vector Machine And Energy Detection For Spectrum Sensing Based On Real Signals

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    A Cognitive Radio (CR) is an intelligent wireless communication system, which is able to improve the utilization of the spectral environment. Spectrum sensing (SS) is one of the most important phases in the cognitive radio cycle, this operation consists in detecting signals presence in a particular frequency band. In order to detect primary user (PU) existence, this paper proposes a low cost and low power consumption spectrum sensing implementation. Our proposed platform is tested based on real world signals. Those signals are generated by a Raspberry Pi card and a 433 MHz Wireless transmitter (ASK (Amplitude-Shift Keying) and FSK (Frequency-Shift Keying) modulation type).  RTL-SDR dongle is used as a reception interface. In this work, we compare the performance of three methods for SS operation: The energy detection technique, the Artificial neural network (ANN) and the support vector machine (SVM). So, the received data could be classified as a PU or not (noise) by the ED method, and by training and testing on a proposed ANN and SVM classification model. The proposed algorithms are implemented under MATLAB software. In order to determine the best architecture, in the case of ANN, two different training algorithms are compared. Furthermore, we have investigated the effect of several SVM functions. The main objective is to find out the best method for signal detection between the three methods. The performance evaluation of our proposed system are the probability of detection and the false alarm probability . This Comparative work has shown that the SS operation by SVM can be more accurate than ANN and ED

    Spectrum Sensing Security in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    This thesis explores the use of unsupervised machine learning for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio (CR) networks from a security perspective. CR is an enabling technology for dynamic spectrum access (DSA) because of a CR's ability to reconfigure itself in a smart way. CR can adapt and use unoccupied spectrum with the help of spectrum sensing and DSA. DSA is an efficient way to dynamically allocate white spaces (unutilized spectrum) to other CR users in order to tackle the spectrum scarcity problem and improve spectral efficiency. So far various techniques have been developed to efficiently detect and classify signals in a DSA environment. Neural network techniques, especially those using unsupervised learning have some key advantages over other methods mainly because of the fact that minimal preconfiguration is required to sense the spectrum. However, recent results have shown some possible security vulnerabilities, which can be exploited by adversarial users to gain unrestricted access to spectrum by fooling signal classifiers. It is very important to address these new classes of security threats and challenges in order to make CR a long-term commercially viable concept. This thesis identifies some key security vulnerabilities when unsupervised machine learning is used for spectrum sensing and also proposes mitigation techniques to counter the security threats. The simulation work demonstrates the ability of malicious user to manipulate signals in such a way to confuse signal classifier. The signal classifier is forced by the malicious user to draw incorrect decision boundaries by presenting signal features which are akin to a primary user. Hence, a malicious user is able to classify itself as a primary user and thus gains unrivaled access to the spectrum. First, performance of various classification algorithms are evaluated. K-means and weighted classification algorithms are selected because of their robustness against proposed attacks as compared to other classification algorithm. Second, connection attack, point cluster attack, and random noise attack are shown to have an adverse effect on classification algorithms. In the end, some mitigation techniques are proposed to counter the effect of these attacks

    Blind recognition of analog modulation schemes for software defined radio

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    With the emergence of software defined radios (SDRs), an adaptive receiver is needed that can configure various parameters, such as carrier frequency, bandwidth, symbol timing, and signal to noise ratio (SNR), and automatically identify modulation schemes. In this dissertation research, several fundamental SDR tasks for analog modulations are investigated, since analog radios are often used by civil government agencies and some unconventional military forces. Hence, the detection and recognition of old technology analog modulations remain an important task both for civil and military electronic support systems and for notional cognitive radios. In this dissertation, a Cyclostationarity-Based Decision Tree classifier is developed to separate between analog modulations and digital modulations, and classify signals into several subsets of modulation types. In order to further recognize the specific modulation type of analog signals, more effort and work are, however, needed. For this purpose, two general methods for automatic modulation classification (AMC), feature- based method and likelihood-based method, are investigated in this dissertation for analog modulation schemes. For feature-based method, a multi-class SVM-based AMC classifier is developed. After training, the developed classifier can achieve high classification accuracy in a wide range of SNR. While the likelihood-based methods for digital modulation types have been well developed, it is noted that the likelihood-based methods for analog modulation types are seldom explored in the literature. Average-Likelihood-Ratio-Testing based AMC algorithms have been developed to automatically classify AM, DSB and FM signals in both coherent and non-coherent situations In addition, the Non-Data-Aided SNR estimation algorithms are investigated, which can be used to estimate the signal power and noise power either before or after modulation classification


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    The current spectrum allocation cannot satisfy the demand for future wireless communications, which prompts extensive studies in search of feasible solutions for the spectrum scarcity. The burden in terms of the spectral efficiency on the radio frequency terminal is intended to be small by cognitive radio (CR) systems that prefer low power transmission, changeable carrier frequencies, and diverse modulation schemes. However, the recent surge in the application of the CR has been accompanied by an indispensable component: the spectrum sensing, to avoid interference towards the primary user. This requirement leads to a complex strategy for sensing and transmission and an increased demand for signal processing at the secondary user. However, the performance of the spectrum sensing can be extended by a robust modulation classification (MC) scheme to distinguish between a primary user and a secondary user along with the interference identification. For instance, the underlying paradigm that enables a concurrent transmission of the primary and secondary links may need a precise measure of the interference that the secondary users cause to the primary users. An adjustment to the transmission power should be made, if there is a change in the modulation of the primary users, implying a noise oor excess at the primary user location; else, the primary user will be subject to interference and a collision may occur.Alternatively, the interweave paradigm that progresses the spectrum efficiency by reusing the allocated spectrum over a temporary space, requires a classification of the intercepted signal into primary and secondary systems. Moreover, a distinction between noise and interference can be accomplished by modulation classification, if spectrum sensing is impossible. Therefore, modulation classification has been a fruitful area of study for over three decades.In this thesis, the modulation classification algorithms using machine learning are investigated while new methods are proposed. Firstly, a supervised machine learning based modulation classification algorithm is proposed. The higher-order cumulants are selected as features, due to its robustness to noise. Stacked denoising autoencoders,which is an extended edition of the neural network, is chosen as the classifier. On one hand stacked pre-train overcomes the shortcoming of local optimization, on the other, denoising function further enhances the anti-noise performance. The performance of this method is compared with the conventional methods in terms of the classification accuracy and execution speed. Secondly, an unsupervised machine learning based modulation classification algorithm is proposed.The features from time-frequency distribution are extracted. Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) is used as the classifier because it is impossible to decide the number of clusters in advance. The simulation reveals that this method has higher classification accuracy than the conventional methods. Moreover, the training phase is unnecessary for this method. Therefore, it has higher workability then supervised method. Finally, the advantages and dis-advantages of them are summarized.For the future work, algorithm optimization is still a challenging task, because the computation capability of hardware is limited. On one hand, for the supervised machine learning, GPU computation is a potential solution for supervised machine learning, to reduce the execution cost. Altering the modulation pool, the network structure has to be redesigned as well. On the other hand, for the unsupervised machine learning, that shifting the symbols to carrier frequency consumes extra computing resources.電気通信大学201

    Applications of Machine Learning in Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radios

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    Spectrum sensing is an essential component in cognitive radios. The machine learning (ML) approach is part of artificial intelligence which develops systems capable of learning and improving from experience. ML algorithms are promising techniques for spectrum sensing as a favored solution to tackle the limitations of conventional spectrum sensing techniques while improving detection performance. The supervised ML algorithms, support vector machine (SVM), k-nearest neighbor (kNN), decision tree (DT), and ensemble are applied to detect the existence of primary users (PUs) in the TV spectrum band. This is accomplished by building classifiers using the collected data for the TV spectrum over different locations in the city of Windsor, Ontario. Then, the dimensionality reduction technique named Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is incorporated to reduce the duration of training and testing of the model, as well as reduce the risk of overfitting. This is achieved by transforming the input data into a lower-dimensional representation, which is known as the principal components. The Ensemble classification-based approach is employed to enhance the classifier predictivity and performance. Furthermore, the performance of the Ensemble classification method is compared with SVM, kNN, and DT classifiers. Simulation results have shown that the highest performance is achieved by combining multiple classifiers, i.e., the Ensemble, therefore, the detection performance has significantly improved. Simulation results have shown the impact of employing PCA on lowering the duration of training while maintaining the performance

    Comparison among Cognitive Radio Architectures for Spectrum Sensing

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    Recently, the growing success of new wireless applications and services has led to overcrowded licensed bands, inducing the governmental regulatory agencies to consider more flexible strategies to improve the utilization of the radio spectrum. To this end, cognitive radio represents a promising technology since it allows to exploit the unused radio resources. In this context, the spectrum sensing task is one of the most challenging issues faced by a cognitive radio. It consists of an analysis of the radio environment to detect unused resources which can be exploited by cognitive radios. In this paper, three different cognitive radio architectures, namely, stand-alone single antenna, cooperative and multiple antennas, are proposed for spectrum sensing purposes. These architectures implement a relatively fast and reliable signal processing algorithm, based on a feature detection technique and support vector machines, for identifying the transmissions in a given environment. Such architectures are compared in terms of detection and classification performances for two transmission standards, IEEE 802.11a and IEEE 802.16e. A set of numerical simulations have been carried out in a challenging scenario, and the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed architectures are discussed