246 research outputs found

    Parsimonious Clone Tree Integration in cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Every tumor is composed of heterogeneous clones, each corresponding to a distinct subpopulation of cells that accumulated different types of somatic mutations, ranging from single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) to copy-number aberrations (CNAs). As the analysis of this intra-tumor heterogeneity has important clinical applications, several computational methods have been introduced to identify clones from DNA sequencing data. However, due to technological and methodological limitations, current analyses are restricted to identifying tumor clones only based on either SNVs or CNAs, preventing a comprehensive characterization of a tumor's clonal composition. RESULTS: To overcome these challenges, we formulate the identification of clones in terms of both SNVs and CNAs as a integration problem while accounting for uncertainty in the input SNV and CNA proportions. We thus characterize the computational complexity of this problem and we introduce PACTION (PArsimonious Clone Tree integratION), an algorithm that solves the problem using a mixed integer linear programming formulation. On simulated data, we show that tumor clones can be identified reliably, especially when further taking into account the ancestral relationships that can be inferred from the input SNVs and CNAs. On 49 tumor samples from 10 prostate cancer patients, our integration approach provides a higher resolution view of tumor evolution than previous studies. CONCLUSION: PACTION is an accurate and fast method that reconstructs clonal architecture of cancer tumors by integrating SNV and CNA clones inferred using existing methods

    Statistical Methods For Genomic And Transcriptomic Sequencing

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    Part 1: High-throughput sequencing of DNA coding regions has become a common way of assaying genomic variation in the study of human diseases. Copy number variation (CNV) is an important type of genomic variation, but CNV profiling from whole-exome sequencing (WES) is challenging due to the high level of biases and artifacts. We propose CODEX, a normalization and CNV calling procedure for WES data. CODEX includes a Poisson latent factor model, which includes terms that specifically remove biases due to GC content, exon capture and amplification efficiency, and latent systemic artifacts. CODEX also includes a Poisson likelihood-based segmentation procedure that explicitly models the count-based WES data. CODEX is compared to existing methods on germline CNV detection in HapMap samples using microarray-based gold standard and is further evaluated on 222 neuroblastoma samples with matched normal, with focus on somatic CNVs within the ATRX gene. Part 2: Cancer is a disease driven by evolutionary selection on somatic genetic and epigenetic alterations. We propose Canopy, a method for inferring the evolutionary phylogeny of a tumor using both somatic copy number alterations and single nucleotide alterations from one or more samples derived from a single patient. Canopy is applied to bulk sequencing datasets of both longitudinal and spatial experimental designs and to a transplantable metastasis model derived from human cancer cell line MDA-MB-231. Canopy successfully identifies cell populations and infers phylogenies that are in concordance with existing knowledge and ground truth. Through simulations, we explore the effects of key parameters on deconvolution accuracy, and compare against existing methods. Part 3: Allele-specific expression is traditionally studied by bulk RNA sequencing, which measures average expression across cells. Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) allows the comparison of expression distribution between the two alleles of a diploid organism and thus the characterization of allele-specific bursting. We propose SCALE to analyze genome-wide allele-specific bursting, with adjustment of technical variability. SCALE detects genes exhibiting allelic differences in bursting parameters, and genes whose alleles burst non-independently. We apply SCALE to mouse blastocyst and human fibroblast cells and find that, globally, cis control in gene expression overwhelmingly manifests as differences in burst frequency

    Parsimonious Clone Tree Reconciliation in Cancer

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    Every tumor is composed of heterogeneous clones, each corresponding to a distinct subpopulation of cells that accumulated different types of somatic mutations, ranging from single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) to copy-number aberrations (CNAs). As the analysis of this intra-tumor heterogeneity has important clinical applications, several computational methods have been introduced to identify clones from DNA sequencing data. However, due to technological and methodological limitations, current analyses are restricted to identifying tumor clones only based on either SNVs or CNAs, preventing a comprehensive characterization of a tumor's clonal composition. To overcome these challenges, we formulate the identification of clones in terms of both SNVs and CNAs as a reconciliation problem while accounting for uncertainty in the input SNV and CNA proportions. We thus characterize the computational complexity of this problem and we introduce a mixed integer linear programming formulation to solve it exactly. On simulated data, we show that tumor clones can be identified reliably, especially when further taking into account the ancestral relationships that can be inferred from the input SNVs and CNAs. On 49 tumor samples from 10 prostate cancer patients, our reconciliation approach provides a higher resolution view of tumor evolution than previous studies

    The copy-number tree mixture deconvolution problem and applications to multi-sample bulk sequencing tumor data

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    Cancer is an evolutionary process driven by somatic mutation. This process can be represented as a phylogenetic tree. Constructing such a phylogenetic tree from genome sequencing data is a challenging task due to the mutational complexity of cancer and the fact that nearly all cancer sequencing is of bulk tissue, measuring a super-position of somatic mutations present in different cells. We study the problem of reconstructing tumor phylogenies from copy number aberrations (CNAs) measured in bulk-sequencing data. We introduce the Copy-Number Tree Mixture Deconvolution (CNTMD) problem, which aims to find the phylogenetic tree with the fewest number of CNAs that explain the copy number data from multiple samples of a tumor. CNTMD generalizes two approaches that have been researched intensively in recent years: deconvolution/factorization algorithms that aim to infer the number and proportions of clones in a mixed tumor sample; and phylogenetic models of copy number evolution that model the dependencies between copy number events that affect the same genomic loci. We design an algorithm for solving the CNTMD problem and apply the algorithm to both simulated and real data. On simulated data, we find that our algorithm outperforms existing approaches that perform either deconvolution or phylogenetic tree construction under the assumption of a single tumor clone per sample. On real data, we analyze multiple samples from a prostate cancer patient, identifying clones within these samples and a phylogenetic tree that relates these clones and their differing proportions across samples. This phylogenetic tree provides a higher-resolution view of copy number evolution of this cancer than published analyses

    A Statistical Framework for the Interpretation of mtDNA Mixtures: Forensic and Medical Applications

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    BACKGROUND: Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation is commonly analyzed in a wide range of different biomedical applications. Cases where more than one individual contribute to a stain genotyped from some biological material give rise to a mixture. Most forensic mixture cases are analyzed using autosomal markers. In rape cases, Y-chromosome markers typically add useful information. However, there are important cases where autosomal and Y-chromosome markers fail to provide useful profiles. In some instances, usually involving small amounts or degraded DNA, mtDNA may be the only useful genetic evidence available. Mitochondrial DNA mixtures also arise in studies dealing with the role of mtDNA variation in tumorigenesis. Such mixtures may be generated by the tumor, but they could also originate in vitro due to inadvertent contamination or a sample mix-up. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We present the statistical methods needed for mixture interpretation and emphasize the modifications required for the more well-known methods based on conventional markers to generalize to mtDNA mixtures. Two scenarios are considered. Firstly, only categorical mtDNA data is assumed available, that is, the variants contributing to the mixture. Secondly, quantitative data (peak heights or areas) on the allelic variants are also accessible. In cases where quantitative information is available in addition to allele designation, it is possible to extract more precise information by using regression models. More precisely, using quantitative information may lead to a unique solution in cases where the qualitative approach points to several possibilities. Importantly, these methods also apply to clinical cases where contamination is a potential alternative explanation for the data. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We argue that clinical and forensic scientists should give greater consideration to mtDNA for mixture interpretation. The results and examples show that the analysis of mtDNA mixtures contributes substantially to forensic casework and may also clarify erroneous claims made in clinical genetics regarding tumorigenesis

    Evaluation of simulation methods for tumor subclonal reconstruction

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    Most neoplastic tumors originate from a single cell, and their evolution can be genetically traced through lineages characterized by common alterations such as small somatic mutations (SSMs), copy number alterations (CNAs), structural variants (SVs), and aneuploidies. Due to the complexity of these alterations in most tumors and the errors introduced by sequencing protocols and calling algorithms, tumor subclonal reconstruction algorithms are necessary to recapitulate the DNA sequence composition and tumor evolution in silico. With a growing number of these algorithms available, there is a pressing need for consistent and comprehensive benchmarking, which relies on realistic tumor sequencing generated by simulation tools. Here, we examine the current simulation methods, identifying their strengths and weaknesses, and provide recommendations for their improvement. Our review also explores potential new directions for research in this area. This work aims to serve as a resource for understanding and enhancing tumor genomic simulations, contributing to the advancement of the field

    Implications of non-uniqueness in phylogenetic deconvolution of bulk DNA samples of tumors

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    Background Tumors exhibit extensive intra-tumor heterogeneity, the presence of groups of cellular populations with distinct sets of somatic mutations. This heterogeneity is the result of an evolutionary process, described by a phylogenetic tree. In addition to enabling clinicians to devise patient-specific treatment plans, phylogenetic trees of tumors enable researchers to decipher the mechanisms of tumorigenesis and metastasis. However, the problem of reconstructing a phylogenetic tree T given bulk sequencing data from a tumor is more complicated than the classic phylogeny inference problem. Rather than observing the leaves of T directly, we are given mutation frequencies that are the result of mixtures of the leaves of T. The majority of current tumor phylogeny inference methods employ the perfect phylogeny evolutionary model. The underlying PERFECT PHYLOGENY MIXTURE (PPM) combinatorial problem typically has multiple solutions. Results We prove that determining the exact number of solutions to the PPM problem is #P-complete and hard to approximate within a constant factor. Moreover, we show that sampling solutions uniformly at random is hard as well. On the positive side, we provide a polynomial-time computable upper bound on the number of solutions and introduce a simple rejection-sampling based scheme that works well for small instances. Using simulated and real data, we identify factors that contribute to and counteract non-uniqueness of solutions. In addition, we study the sampling performance of current methods, identifying significant biases. Conclusions Awareness of non-uniqueness of solutions to the PPM problem is key to drawing accurate conclusions in downstream analyses based on tumor phylogenies. This work provides the theoretical foundations for non-uniqueness of solutions in tumor phylogeny inference from bulk DNA samples.Ope

    A phylogenetic latent feature model for clonal deconvolution

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    Tumours develop in an evolutionary process, in which the accumulation of mutations produces subpopulations of cells with distinct mutational profiles, called clones. This process leads to the genetic heterogeneity widely observed in tumour sequencing data, but identifying the genotypes and frequencies of the different clones is still a major challenge. Here, we present Cloe, a phylogenetic latent feature model to deconvolute tumour sequencing data into a set of related genotypes. Our approach extends latent feature models by placing the features as nodes in a latent tree. The resulting model can capture both the acquisition and the loss of mutations, as well as episodes of convergent evolution. We establish the validity of Cloe on synthetic data and assess its performance on controlled biological data, comparing our reconstructions to those of several published state-of-the-art methods. We show that our method provides highly accurate reconstructions and identifies the number of clones, their genotypes and frequencies even at a modest sequencing depth. As a proof of concept, we apply our model to clinical data from three cases with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and one case with acute myeloid leukaemia.CRUK (Core grant C14303/A17197, A20240 (Rosenfeld lab core grant), A19274 (Markowetz lab core grant)), University of Cambridge, Hutchison Whampoa Limite
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