206 research outputs found

    Towards all-optical label switching nodes with multicast

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    Fiber optics has developed so rapidly during the last decades that it has be- come the backbone of our communication systems. Evolved from initially static single-channel point-to-point links, the current advanced optical backbone net- work consists mostly of wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) networks with optical add/drop multiplexing nodes and optical cross-connects that can switch data in the optical domain. However, the commercially implemented optical net- work nodes are still performing optical circuit switching using wavelength routing. The dedicated use of wavelength and infrequent recon¯guration result in relatively poor bandwidth utilization. The success of electronic packet switching has inspired researchers to improve the °exibility, e±ciency, granularity and network utiliza- tion of optical networks by introducing optical packet switching using short, local optical labels for forwarding decision making at intermediate optical core network nodes, a technique that is referred to as optical label switching (OLS). Various research demonstrations on OLS systems have been reported with transparent optical packet payload forwarding based on electronic packet label processing, taking advantage of the mature technologies of electronic logical cir- cuitry. This approach requires optic-electronic-optic (OEO) conversion of the op- tical labels, a costly and power consuming procedure particularly for high-speed labels. As optical packet payload bit rate increases from gigabit per second (Gb/s) to terabit per second (Tb/s) or higher, the increased speed of the optical labels will eventually face the electronic bottleneck, so that the OEO conversion and the electronic label processing will be no longer e±cient. OLS with label processing in the optical domain, namely, all-optical label switching (AOLS), will become necessary. Di®erent AOLS techniques have been proposed in the last ¯ve years. In this thesis, AOLS node architectures based on optical time-serial label processing are presented for WDM optical packets. The unicast node architecture, where each optical packet is to be sent to only one output port of the node, has been in- vestigated and partially demonstrated in the EU IST-LASAGNE project. This thesis contributes to the multicast aspects of the AOLS nodes, where the optical packets can be forwarded to multiple or all output ports of a node. Multicast capable AOLS nodes are becoming increasingly interesting due to the exponen- tial growth of the emerging multicast Internet and modern data services such as video streaming, high de¯nition TV, multi-party online games, and enterprise ap- plications such as video conferencing and optical storage area networks. Current electronic routers implement multicast in the Internet protocol (IP) layer, which requires not only the OEO conversion of the optical packets, but also exhaus- tive routing table lookup of the globally unique IP addresses. Despite that, there has been no extensive studies on AOLS multicast nodes, technologies and tra±c performance, apart from a few proof-of-principle experimental demonstrations. In this thesis, three aspects of the multicast capable AOLS nodes are addressed: 1. Logical design of the AOLS multicast node architectures, as well as func- tional subsystems and interconnections, based on state-of-the-art literature research of the ¯eld and the subject. 2. Computer simulations of the tra±c performance of di®erent AOLS unicast and multicast node architectures, using a custom-developed AOLS simulator AOLSim. 3. Experimental demonstrations in laboratory and computer simulations using the commercially available simulator VPItransmissionMakerTM, to evaluate the physical layer performance of the required all-optical multicast technolo- gies. A few selected multi-wavelength conversion (MWC) techniques are particularly looked into. MWC is an essential subsystem of the AOLS node for realizing optical packet multicast by making multiple copies of the optical packet all-optically onto di®er- ent wavelengths channels. In this thesis, theMWC techniques based on cross-phase modulation and four-wave mixing are extensively investigated. The former tech- nique o®ers more wavelength °exibility and good conversion e±ciency, but it is only applicable to intensity modulated signals. The latter technique, on the other hand, o®ers strict transparency in data rate and modulation format, but its work- ing wavelengths are limited by the device or component used, and the conversion e±ciency is considerably lower. The proposals and results presented in this thesis show feasibility of all-optical packet switching and multicasting at line speed without any OEO conversion and electronic processing. The scalability and the costly optical components of the AOLS nodes have been so far two of the major obstacles for commercialization of the AOLS concept. This thesis also introduced a novel, scalable optical labeling concept and a label processing scheme for the AOLS multicast nodes. The pro- posed scheme makes use of the spatial positions of each label bit instead of the total absolute value of all the label bits. Thus for an n-bit label, the complexity of the label processor is determined by n instead of 2n

    Optical Networks for Future Internet Design

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    Simulation and experimental characterization of SOA-MZI-based multiwavelength conversion

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    We present, for the first time, extensive simulation and experimental characterizations of single SOA-MZI-based multiwavelength conversion (MWC) of NRZ data at 10 Gb/s and RZ data at 40 Gb/s under various parametric conditions deploying ITU standard 100- and 200-GHz channel spacing. We analyze, in particular, the physical performance impairments caused by high-order four-wave mixing interference. Our simulation results indicate the promising performance of the MWC up to eight channels with 200-GHz channel spacing. We further experimentally demonstrate four-channel 10-Gb/s error-free MWC with signal regeneration possibilities and 40-Gb/s MWC with moderate penalties, based on commercially available integrated SOA-MZIs. We obtained clear, open converted eye diagrams and achieved negligible difference in channel performance among all MWC channels at both bit rates. Our results proved the excellent performance of a simple scheme for various future network and system applications, such as all-optical wavelength multicast and grid networking

    Ultrashort, High Power, And Ultralow Noise Mode-locked Optical Pulse Generation Using Quantum-dot Semiconductor Lasers

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    This dissertation explores various aspects and potential of optical pulse generation based on active, passive, and hybrid mode-locked quantum dot semiconductor lasers with target applications such as optical interconnect and high speed signal processing. Design guidelines are developed for the single mode operation with suppressed reflection from waveguide discontinuities. The device fabrication procedure is explained, followed by characteristics of FP laser, SOA, and monolithic two-section devices. Short pulse generation from an external cavity mode-locked QD two-section diode laser is studied. High quality, sub-picosecond (960 fs), high peak power (1.2 W) pulse trains are obtained. The sign and magnitude of pulse chirp were measured for the first time. The role of the self-phase modulation and the linewidth enhancement factor in QD mode-locked lasers is addressed. The noise performance of two-section mode-locked lasers and a SOA-based ring laser was investigated. Significant reduction of the timing jitter under hybrid mode-locked operation was achieved owing to more than one order of magnitude reduction of the linewidth in QD gain media. Ultralow phase noise performance (integrated timing jitter of a few fs at a 10 GHz repetition rate) was demonstrated from an actively mode-locked unidirectional ring laser. These results show that quantum dot mode-locked lasers are strong competitors to conventional semiconductor lasers in noise performance. Finally we demonstrated an opto-electronic oscillator (OEO) and coupled opto-electronic oscillators (COEO) which have the potential for both high purity microwave and low noise optical pulse generation. The phase noise of the COEO is measured by the photonic delay line frequency discriminator method. Based on this study we discuss the prospects of the COEO as a low noise optical pulse source

    Optical packet switching using multi-wavelength labels

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    Investigation of performance issues affecting optical circuit and packet switched WDM networks

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    Optical switching represents the next step in the evolution of optical networks. This thesis describes work that was carried out to examine performance issues which can occur in two distinct varieties of optical switching networks. Slow optical switching in which lightpaths are requested, provisioned and torn down when no longer required is known as optical circuit switching (OCS). Services enabled by OCS include wavelength routing, dynamic bandwidth allocation and protection switching. With network elements such as reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexers (ROADMs) and optical cross connects (OXCs) now being deployed along with the generalized multiprotocol label switching (GMPLS) control plane this represents the current state of the art in commercial networks. These networks often employ erbium doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) to boost the optical signal to noise ratio of the WDM channels and as channel configurations change, wavelength dependent gain variations in the EDFAs can lead to channel power divergence that can result in significant performance degradation. This issue is examined in detail using a reconfigurable wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) network testbed and results show the severe impact that channel reconfiguration can have on transmission performance. Following the slow switching work the focus shifts to one of the key enabling technologies for fast optical switching, namely the tunable laser. Tunable lasers which can switch on the nanosecond timescale will be required in the transmitters and wavelength converters of optical packet switching networks. The switching times and frequency drifts, both of commercially available lasers, and of novel devices are investigated and performance issues which can arise due to this frequency drift are examined. An optical packet switching transmitter based on a novel label switching technique and employing one of the fast tunable lasers is designed and employed in a dual channel WDM packet switching system. In depth performance evaluations of this labelling scheme and packet switching system show the detrimental impact that wavelength drift can have on such systems

    Wavelength reconfigurability for next generation optical access networks

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    Next generation optical access networks should not only increase the capacity but also be able to redistribute the capacity on the fly in order to manage larger variations in traffic patterns. Wavelength reconfigurability is the instrument to enable such capability of network-wide bandwidth redistribution since it allows dynamic sharing of both wavelengths and timeslots in WDM-TDM optical access networks. However, reconfigurability typically requires tunable lasers and tunable filters at the user side, resulting in cost-prohibitive optical network units (ONU). In this dissertation, I propose a novel concept named cyclic-linked flexibility to address the cost-prohibitive problem. By using the cyclic-linked flexibility, the ONU needs to switch only within a subset of two pre-planned wavelengths, however, the cyclic-linked structure of wavelengths allows free bandwidth to be shifted to any wavelength by a rearrangement process. Rearrangement algorithm are developed to demonstrate that the cyclic-linked flexibility performs close to the fully flexible network in terms of blocking probability, packet delay, and packet loss. Furthermore, the evaluation shows that the rearrangement process has a minimum impact to in-service ONUs. To realize the cyclic-linked flexibility, a family of four physical architectures is proposed. PRO-Access architecture is suitable for new deployments and disruptive upgrades in which the network reach is not longer than 20 km. WCL-Access architecture is suitable for metro-access merger with the reach up to 100 km. PSB-Access architecture is suitable to implement directly on power-splitter-based PON deployments, which allows coexistence with current technologies. The cyclically-linked protection architecture can be used with current and future PON standards when network protection is required

    An Optical Grooming Switch for High-Speed Traffic Aggregation in Time, Space and Wavelength

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    In this book a novel optical switch is designed, developed, and tested. The switch integrates optical switching, transparent traffic aggregation/grooming, and optical regener-ation. Innovative switch subsystems are developed that enable these functionalities, including all-optical OTDM-to-WDM converters. High capacity ring interconnection between metro-core rings, carrying 130 Gbit/s OTDM traffic, and metro-access rings carring 43 Gbit/s WDM traffic is experimentally demonstrated. The developed switch features flexibility in bandwidth provisioning, scalability to higher traffic volumes, and backward compatibility with existing network implementations in a future-proof way