42 research outputs found

    3D multi-robot patrolling with a two-level coordination strategy

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    Teams of UGVs patrolling harsh and complex 3D environments can experience interference and spatial conflicts with one another. Neglecting the occurrence of these events crucially hinders both soundness and reliability of a patrolling process. This work presents a distributed multi-robot patrolling technique, which uses a two-level coordination strategy to minimize and explicitly manage the occurrence of conflicts and interference. The first level guides the agents to single out exclusive target nodes on a topological map. This target selection relies on a shared idleness representation and a coordination mechanism preventing topological conflicts. The second level hosts coordination strategies based on a metric representation of space and is supported by a 3D SLAM system. Here, each robot path planner negotiates spatial conflicts by applying a multi-robot traversability function. Continuous interactions between these two levels ensure coordination and conflicts resolution. Both simulations and real-world experiments are presented to validate the performances of the proposed patrolling strategy in 3D environments. Results show this is a promising solution for managing spatial conflicts and preventing deadlocks

    Game Theory Models for Multi-Robot Patrolling of Infraestructures

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    Abstract This work is focused on the problem of performing multi‐robot patrolling for infrastructure security applications in order to protect a known environment at critical facilities. Thus, given a set of robots and a set of points of interest, the patrolling task consists of constantly visiting these points at irregular time intervals for security purposes. Current existing solutions for these types of applications are predictable and inflexible. Moreover, most of the previous centralized and deterministic solutions and only few efforts have been made to integrate dynamic methods. Therefore, the development of new dynamic and decentralized collaborative approaches in order to solve the aforementioned problem by implementing learning models from Game Theory. The model selected in this work that includes belief‐based and reinforcement models as special cases is called Experience‐Weighted Attraction. The problem has been defined using concepts of Graph Theory to represent the environment in order to work with such Game Theory techniques. Finally, the proposed methods have been evaluated experimentally by using a patrolling simulator. The results obtained have been compared with previous availabl

    When Patrolmen Become Corrupted: Monitoring a Graph Using Faulty Mobile Robots

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    A team of k mobile robots is deployed on a weighted graph whose edge weights represent distances. The robots move perpetually along the domain, represented by all points belonging to the graph edges, without exceeding their maximum speed. The robots need to patrol the graph by regularly visiting all points of the domain. In this paper, we consider a team of robots (patrolmen), at most f of which may be unreliable, i.e., they fail to comply with their patrolling duties. What algorithm should be followed so as to minimize the maximum time between successive visits of every edge point by a reliable patrolman? The corresponding measure of efficiency of patrolling called idleness has been widely accepted in the robotics literature. We extend it to the case of untrusted patrolmen; we denote by Ifk(G) the maximum time that a point of the domain may remain unvisited by reliable patrolmen. The objective is to find patrolling strategies minimizing Ifk(G). We investigate this problem for various classes of graphs. We design optimal algorithms for line segments, which turn out to be surprisingly different from strategies for related patrolling problems proposed in the literature. We then use these results to study general graphs. For Eulerian graphs G, we give an optimal patrolling strategy with idleness Ifk(G)=(f+1)|E|/k, where |E| is the sum of the lengths of the edges of G. Further, we show the hardness of the problem of computing the idle time for three robots, at most one of which is faulty, by reduction from 3-edge-coloring of cubic graphs—a known NP-hard problem. A byproduct of our proof is the investigation of classes of graphs minimizing idle time (with respect to the total length of edges); an example of such a class is known in the literature under the name of Kotzig graphs

    Collision avoidance for persistent monitoring in multi-robot systems with intersecting trajectories

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    Persistent robot tasks such as monitoring and cleaning are concerned with controlling mobile robots to act in a changing environment in a way that guarantees that the uncertainty in the system (due to change and to the actions of the robot) remains bounded for all time. Prior work in persistent robot tasks considered only robot systems with collision-free paths that move following speed controllers. In this paper we describe a solution to multi-robot persistent monitoring, where robots have intersecting trajectories. We develop collision and deadlock avoidance algorithms that are based on stopping policies, and quantify the impact of the stopping times on the overall stability of the speed controllers.United States. Office of Naval Research. Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (Award N00014-09-1-1051)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Graduate Research Fellowship Program (Award 0645960)Boeing Compan