22 research outputs found

    Number Systems for Deep Neural Network Architectures: A Survey

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have become an enabling component for a myriad of artificial intelligence applications. DNNs have shown sometimes superior performance, even compared to humans, in cases such as self-driving, health applications, etc. Because of their computational complexity, deploying DNNs in resource-constrained devices still faces many challenges related to computing complexity, energy efficiency, latency, and cost. To this end, several research directions are being pursued by both academia and industry to accelerate and efficiently implement DNNs. One important direction is determining the appropriate data representation for the massive amount of data involved in DNN processing. Using conventional number systems has been found to be sub-optimal for DNNs. Alternatively, a great body of research focuses on exploring suitable number systems. This article aims to provide a comprehensive survey and discussion about alternative number systems for more efficient representations of DNN data. Various number systems (conventional/unconventional) exploited for DNNs are discussed. The impact of these number systems on the performance and hardware design of DNNs is considered. In addition, this paper highlights the challenges associated with each number system and various solutions that are proposed for addressing them. The reader will be able to understand the importance of an efficient number system for DNN, learn about the widely used number systems for DNN, understand the trade-offs between various number systems, and consider various design aspects that affect the impact of number systems on DNN performance. In addition, the recent trends and related research opportunities will be highlightedComment: 28 page

    A survey of the application of soft computing to investment and financial trading

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    ID Photograph hashing : a global approach

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    This thesis addresses the question of the authenticity of identity photographs, part of the documents required in controlled access. Since sophisticated means of reproduction are publicly available, new methods / techniques should prevent tampering and unauthorized reproduction of the photograph. This thesis proposes a hashing method for the authentication of the identity photographs, robust to print-and-scan. This study focuses also on the effects of digitization at hash level. The developed algorithm performs a dimension reduction, based on independent component analysis (ICA). In the learning stage, the subspace projection is obtained by applying ICA and then reduced according to an original entropic selection strategy. In the extraction stage, the coefficients obtained after projecting the identity image on the subspace are quantified and binarized to obtain the hash value. The study reveals the effects of the scanning noise on the hash values of the identity photographs and shows that the proposed method is robust to the print-and-scan attack. The approach focusing on robust hashing of a restricted class of images (identity) differs from classical approaches that address any imageCette thèse traite de la question de l’authenticité des photographies d’identité, partie intégrante des documents nécessaires lors d’un contrôle d’accès. Alors que les moyens de reproduction sophistiqués sont accessibles au grand public, de nouvelles méthodes / techniques doivent empêcher toute falsification / reproduction non autorisée de la photographie d’identité. Cette thèse propose une méthode de hachage pour l’authentification de photographies d’identité, robuste à l’impression-lecture. Ce travail met ainsi l’accent sur les effets de la numérisation au niveau de hachage. L’algorithme mis au point procède à une réduction de dimension, basée sur l’analyse en composantes indépendantes (ICA). Dans la phase d’apprentissage, le sous-espace de projection est obtenu en appliquant l’ICA puis réduit selon une stratégie de sélection entropique originale. Dans l’étape d’extraction, les coefficients obtenus après projection de l’image d’identité sur le sous-espace sont quantifiés et binarisés pour obtenir la valeur de hachage. L’étude révèle les effets du bruit de balayage intervenant lors de la numérisation des photographies d’identité sur les valeurs de hachage et montre que la méthode proposée est robuste à l’attaque d’impression-lecture. L’approche suivie en se focalisant sur le hachage robuste d’une classe restreinte d’images (d’identité) se distingue des approches classiques qui adressent une image quelconqu

    Recent Advances in Embedded Computing, Intelligence and Applications

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    The latest proliferation of Internet of Things deployments and edge computing combined with artificial intelligence has led to new exciting application scenarios, where embedded digital devices are essential enablers. Moreover, new powerful and efficient devices are appearing to cope with workloads formerly reserved for the cloud, such as deep learning. These devices allow processing close to where data are generated, avoiding bottlenecks due to communication limitations. The efficient integration of hardware, software and artificial intelligence capabilities deployed in real sensing contexts empowers the edge intelligence paradigm, which will ultimately contribute to the fostering of the offloading processing functionalities to the edge. In this Special Issue, researchers have contributed nine peer-reviewed papers covering a wide range of topics in the area of edge intelligence. Among them are hardware-accelerated implementations of deep neural networks, IoT platforms for extreme edge computing, neuro-evolvable and neuromorphic machine learning, and embedded recommender systems

    Roadmap for quantum simulation of the fractional quantum Hall effect

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    A major motivation for building a quantum computer is that it provides a tool to efficiently simulate strongly correlated quantum systems. In this work, we present a detailed roadmap on how to simulate a two-dimensional electron gas---cooled to absolute zero and pierced by a strong transversal magnetic field---on a quantum computer. This system describes the setting of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), one of the pillars of modern condensed matter theory. We give analytical expressions for the two-body integrals that allow for mixing between NN Landau levels at a cutoff MM in angular momentum and give gate count estimates for the efficient simulation of the energy spectrum of the Hamiltonian on an error-corrected quantum computer. We then focus on studying efficiently preparable initial states and their overlap with the exact ground state for noisy as well as error-corrected quantum computers. By performing an imaginary time evolution of the covariance matrix we find the generalized Hartree-Fock solution to the many-body problem and study how a multi-reference state expansion affects the state overlap. We perform small-system numerical simulations to study the quality of the two initial state Ans\"{a}tze in the Lowest Landau Level (LLL) approximation.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, 4 table