37 research outputs found

    Multi-Layer Background Subtraction Based on Color and Texture

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    In this paper, we propose a robust multi-layer background subtraction technique which takes advantages of local texture features represented by local binary patterns (LBP) and photometric invariant color measurements in RGB color space. LBP can work robustly with respective to light variation on rich texture regions but not so efficiently on uniform regions. In the latter case, color information should overcome LBP’s limitation. Due to the illumination invariance of both the LBP feature and the selected color feature, the method is able to handle local illumination changes such as cast shadows from moving objects. Due to the use of a simple layer-based strategy, the approach can model moving background pixels with quasiperiodic flickering as well as background scenes which may vary over time due to the addition and removal of long-time stationary objects. Finally, the use of a cross-bilateral filter allows to implicitly smooth detection results over regions of similar intensity and preserve object boundaries. Numerical and qualitative experimental results on both simulated and real data demonstrate the robustness of the proposed method

    A generic framework for video understanding applied to group behavior recognition

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    This paper presents an approach to detect and track groups of people in video-surveillance applications, and to automatically recognize their behavior. This method keeps track of individuals moving together by maintaining a spacial and temporal group coherence. First, people are individually detected and tracked. Second, their trajectories are analyzed over a temporal window and clustered using the Mean-Shift algorithm. A coherence value describes how well a set of people can be described as a group. Furthermore, we propose a formal event description language. The group events recognition approach is successfully validated on 4 camera views from 3 datasets: an airport, a subway, a shopping center corridor and an entrance hall.Comment: (20/03/2012


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    Surveillance videos are recorded pervasively and their retrieval currently still relies on human operators. As an intermediate representation, this work develops a new temporal profile of video to convey accurate temporal information in the video while keeping certain spatial characteristics of targets of interest for recognition. The profile is obtained at critical positions where major target flow appears. We set a sampling line crossing the motion direction to profile passing targets in the temporal domain. In order to add spatial information to the temporal profile to certain extent, we integrate multiple profiles from a set of lines with blending method to reflect the target motion direction and position in the temporal profile. Different from mosaicing/montage methods for video synopsis in spatial domain, our temporal profile has no limit on the time length, and the created profile significantly reduces the data size for brief indexing and fast search of video

    Full Reference Objective Quality Assessment for Reconstructed Background Images

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    With an increased interest in applications that require a clean background image, such as video surveillance, object tracking, street view imaging and location-based services on web-based maps, multiple algorithms have been developed to reconstruct a background image from cluttered scenes. Traditionally, statistical measures and existing image quality techniques have been applied for evaluating the quality of the reconstructed background images. Though these quality assessment methods have been widely used in the past, their performance in evaluating the perceived quality of the reconstructed background image has not been verified. In this work, we discuss the shortcomings in existing metrics and propose a full reference Reconstructed Background image Quality Index (RBQI) that combines color and structural information at multiple scales using a probability summation model to predict the perceived quality in the reconstructed background image given a reference image. To compare the performance of the proposed quality index with existing image quality assessment measures, we construct two different datasets consisting of reconstructed background images and corresponding subjective scores. The quality assessment measures are evaluated by correlating their objective scores with human subjective ratings. The correlation results show that the proposed RBQI outperforms all the existing approaches. Additionally, the constructed datasets and the corresponding subjective scores provide a benchmark to evaluate the performance of future metrics that are developed to evaluate the perceived quality of reconstructed background images.Comment: Associated source code: https://github.com/ashrotre/RBQI, Associated Database: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bg8YRPIBcxpKIF9BIPisULPBPcA5x-Bk?usp=sharing (Email for permissions at: ashrotreasuedu

    An edge-based approach for robust foreground detection

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    Foreground segmentation is an essential task in many image processing applications and a commonly used approach to obtain foreground objects from the background. Many techniques exist, but due to shadows and changes in illumination the segmentation of foreground objects from the background remains challenging. In this paper, we present a powerful framework for detections of moving objects in real-time video processing applications under various lighting changes. The novel approach is based on a combination of edge detection and recursive smoothing techniques.We use edge dependencies as statistical features of foreground and background regions and define the foreground as regions containing moving edges. The background is described by short- and long-term estimates. Experiments prove the robustness of our method in the presence of lighting changes in sequences compared to other widely used background subtraction techniques

    A Fusion Framework for Camouflaged Moving Foreground Detection in the Wavelet Domain

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    Detecting camouflaged moving foreground objects has been known to be difficult due to the similarity between the foreground objects and the background. Conventional methods cannot distinguish the foreground from background due to the small differences between them and thus suffer from under-detection of the camouflaged foreground objects. In this paper, we present a fusion framework to address this problem in the wavelet domain. We first show that the small differences in the image domain can be highlighted in certain wavelet bands. Then the likelihood of each wavelet coefficient being foreground is estimated by formulating foreground and background models for each wavelet band. The proposed framework effectively aggregates the likelihoods from different wavelet bands based on the characteristics of the wavelet transform. Experimental results demonstrated that the proposed method significantly outperformed existing methods in detecting camouflaged foreground objects. Specifically, the average F-measure for the proposed algorithm was 0.87, compared to 0.71 to 0.8 for the other state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 13 pages, accepted by IEEE TI

    Penggunaan Deteksi Gerak untuk Pengurangan Ukuran Data Rekaman Video Kamera CCTV

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    Some cases the recording data of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) is stored for future use. In the long term usage, the files size will grow larger and requiring large storage devices. In some cases, the recorded data not only image with the desired object but also the background images that may be recorded for long periods of time. This cases make data storage device usage to be less effective. So this research will design a system of CCTV devices that capable to select images to reduce the size of stored images data by image processing.The images selection of this system is based on based on adaptive median algorithm. When any object get detected, the images data to be saved is current input frame. Otherwise, the data to be saved is background model image. Background model on this system is adapted with the change visual data of background image.The results obtained from this research in the form of a CCTV system that are able to select recording data to be stored with image processing. The background model will be kept adapting with background visual data changes