512 research outputs found

    Optimization for Decision Making II

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    In the current context of the electronic governance of society, both administrations and citizens are demanding the greater participation of all the actors involved in the decision-making process relative to the governance of society. This book presents collective works published in the recent Special Issue (SI) entitled “Optimization for Decision Making II”. These works give an appropriate response to the new challenges raised, the decision-making process can be done by applying different methods and tools, as well as using different objectives. In real-life problems, the formulation of decision-making problems and the application of optimization techniques to support decisions are particularly complex and a wide range of optimization techniques and methodologies are used to minimize risks, improve quality in making decisions or, in general, to solve problems. In addition, a sensitivity or robustness analysis should be done to validate/analyze the influence of uncertainty regarding decision-making. This book brings together a collection of inter-/multi-disciplinary works applied to the optimization of decision making in a coherent manner

    14th International Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging

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    14th International Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging addresses current and novel turbocharging system choices and components with a renewed emphasis to address the challenges posed by emission regulations and market trends. The contributions focus on the development of air management solutions and waste heat recovery ideas to support thermal propulsion systems leading to high thermal efficiency and low exhaust emissions. These can be in the form of internal combustion engines or other propulsion technologies (eg. Fuel cell) in both direct drive and hybridised configuration. 14th International Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging also provides a particular focus on turbochargers, superchargers, waste heat recovery turbines and related air managements components in both electrical and mechanical forms

    Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology

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    Current Air Quality Issues

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    Air pollution is thus far one of the key environmental issues in urban areas. Comprehensive air quality plans are required to manage air pollution for a particular area. Consequently, air should be continuously sampled, monitored, and modeled to examine different action plans. Reviews and research papers describe air pollution in five main contexts: Monitoring, Modeling, Risk Assessment, Health, and Indoor Air Pollution. The book is recommended to experts interested in health and air pollution issues

    Recent Advances and Applications of Machine Learning in Metal Forming Processes

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    Machine learning (ML) technologies are emerging in Mechanical Engineering, driven by the increasing availability of datasets, coupled with the exponential growth in computer performance. In fact, there has been a growing interest in evaluating the capabilities of ML algorithms to approach topics related to metal forming processes, such as: Classification, detection and prediction of forming defects; Material parameters identification; Material modelling; Process classification and selection; Process design and optimization. The purpose of this Special Issue is to disseminate state-of-the-art ML applications in metal forming processes, covering 10 papers about the abovementioned and related topics

    Air Quality Monitoring, Assessment and Management

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    Human beings need to breathe oxygen diluted in certain quantity of inert gas for living. In the atmosphere, there is a gas mixture of, mainly, oxygen and nitrogen, in appropriate proportions. However, the air also contains other gases, vapours and aerosols that humans incorporate when breathing and whose composition and concentration vary spatially. Some of these are physiologically inert. Air pollution has become a problem of major concern in the last few decades as it has caused negative effects on human health, nature and properties. This book presents the results of research studies carried out by international researchers in seventeen chapters which can be grouped into two main sections: a) air quality monitoring and b) air quality assessment and management, and serves as a source of material for all those involved in the field, whether as a student, scientific researcher, industrialist, consultant, or government agency with responsibility in this area

    Multidisciplinary design and optimization of innovative electrical power systems for aerospace applications

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    La tesi ha riguardato lo sviluppo di modelli a parametri concentrati di sistemi basati su cella a combustibile PEM e su elettrolizzatori alcalini e PEM. Secondariamente, è stata considerata anche la calibrazione e ottimizzazione di modelli a parametri distribuiti (in CFD) sviluppati durante la tesi di laurea specialistica. I modelli a parametri concentrati, sviluppati in ambiente Matlab-Simulink, hanno considerato tutti gli elementi principali costituenti tale tipo di sistemi, facendo uso di approcci differenti rispetto a quanto disponibile in letteratura. In particolare, sono stati modellati gli stack di cella a combustibile ed elettrolizzatori, gli umidificatori gas-gas e liquido-gas a membrana, gli scambiatori di calore, lo stoccaggio dei reagenti, i compressori e motori elettrici, così come il controllo termico e fluidico degli stack. I modelli sono di tipo dinamico, non isotermo, con modellazione dei flussi bi-fase e multi-componente. Tutti i principali aspetti della fisica coinvolti in tale tipo di sistemi sono stati considerati. I modelli sono stati calibrati e validati con dati sperimentali per ogni tipologia di componente del sistema. Sono inoltre stati applicati metodi di sensitivity analysis ed ottimizzazione con modelli surrogati al modello di cella PEM a parametri distribuiti sviluppato durante la tesi di laurea specialistica

    On the use of autonomous unmanned vehicles in response to hazardous atmospheric release incidents

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    Recent events have induced a surge of interest in the methods of response to releases of hazardous materials or gases into the atmosphere. In the last decade there has been particular interest in mapping and quantifying emissions for regulatory purposes, emergency response, and environmental monitoring. Examples include: responding to events such as gas leaks, nuclear accidents or chemical, biological or radiological (CBR) accidents or attacks, and even exploring sources of methane emissions on the planet Mars. This thesis presents a review of the potential responses to hazardous releases, which includes source localisation, boundary tracking, mapping and source term estimation. [Continues.]</div