1,399 research outputs found

    A mathematical model for computerized car crash detection using computer vision techniques

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    My proposed approach to the automatic detection of traffic accidents in a signalized intersection is presented here. In this method, a digital camera is strategically placed to view the entire intersection. The images are captured, processed and analyzed for the presence of vehicles and pedestrians in the proposed detection zones. Those images are further processed to detect if an accident has occurred; The mathematical model presented is a Poisson distribution that predicts the number of accidents in an intersection per week, which can be used as approximations for modeling the crash process. We believe that the crash process can be modeled by using a two-state method, which implies that the intersection is in one of two states: clear (no accident) or obstructed (accident). We can then incorporate a rule-based AI system, which will help us in identifying that a crash has taken or will possibly take place; We have modeled the intersection as a service facility, which processes vehicles in a relatively small amount of time. A traffic accident is then perceived as an interruption of that service

    Detection of major ASL sign types in continuous signing for ASL recognition

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    In American Sign Language (ASL) as well as other signed languages, different classes of signs (e.g., lexical signs, fingerspelled signs, and classifier constructions) have different internal structural properties. Continuous sign recognition accuracy can be improved through use of distinct recognition strategies, as well as different training datasets, for each class of signs. For these strategies to be applied, continuous signing video needs to be segmented into parts corresponding to particular classes of signs. In this paper we present a multiple instance learning-based segmentation system that accurately labels 91.27% of the video frames of 500 continuous utterances (including 7 different subjects) from the publicly accessible NCSLGR corpus (Neidle and Vogler, 2012). The system uses novel feature descriptors derived from both motion and shape statistics of the regions of high local motion. The system does not require a hand tracker

    Data fusion for unsupervised video object detection, tracking and geo-positioning

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    In this work we describe a system and propose a novel algorithm for moving object detection and tracking based on video feed. Apart of many well-known algorithms, it performs detection in unsupervised style, using velocity criteria for the objects detection. The algorithm utilises data from a single camera and Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensors and performs fusion of video and sensory data captured from the UAV. The algorithm includes object tracking and detection, augmented by object geographical co-ordinates estimation. The algorithm can be generalised for any particular video sensor and is not restricted to any specific applications. For object tracking, Bayesian filter scheme combined with approximate inference is utilised. Object localisation in real-world co-ordinates is based on the tracking results and IMU sensor measurements

    Video foreground extraction for mobile camera platforms

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    Foreground object detection is a fundamental task in computer vision with many applications in areas such as object tracking, event identification, and behavior analysis. Most conventional foreground object detection methods work only in a stable illumination environments using fixed cameras. In real-world applications, however, it is often the case that the algorithm needs to operate under the following challenging conditions: drastic lighting changes, object shape complexity, moving cameras, low frame capture rates, and low resolution images. This thesis presents four novel approaches for foreground object detection on real-world datasets using cameras deployed on moving vehicles.The first problem addresses passenger detection and tracking tasks for public transport buses investigating the problem of changing illumination conditions and low frame capture rates. Our approach integrates a stable SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) background seat modelling method with a human shape model into a weighted Bayesian framework to detect passengers. To deal with the problem of tracking multiple targets, we employ the Reversible Jump Monte Carlo Markov Chain tracking algorithm. Using the SVM classifier, the appearance transformation models capture changes in the appearance of the foreground objects across two consecutives frames under low frame rate conditions. In the second problem, we present a system for pedestrian detection involving scenes captured by a mobile bus surveillance system. It integrates scene localization, foreground-background separation, and pedestrian detection modules into a unified detection framework. The scene localization module performs a two stage clustering of the video data.In the first stage, SIFT Homography is applied to cluster frames in terms of their structural similarity, and the second stage further clusters these aligned frames according to consistency in illumination. This produces clusters of images that are differential in viewpoint and lighting. A kernel density estimation (KDE) technique for colour and gradient is then used to construct background models for each image cluster, which is further used to detect candidate foreground pixels. Finally, using a hierarchical template matching approach, pedestrians can be detected.In addition to the second problem, we present three direct pedestrian detection methods that extend the HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradient) techniques (Dalal and Triggs, 2005) and provide a comparative evaluation of these approaches. The three approaches include: a) a new histogram feature, that is formed by the weighted sum of both the gradient magnitude and the filter responses from a set of elongated Gaussian filters (Leung and Malik, 2001) corresponding to the quantised orientation, which we refer to as the Histogram of Oriented Gradient Banks (HOGB) approach; b) the codebook based HOG feature with branch-and-bound (efficient subwindow search) algorithm (Lampert et al., 2008) and; c) the codebook based HOGB approach.In the third problem, a unified framework that combines 3D and 2D background modelling is proposed to detect scene changes using a camera mounted on a moving vehicle. The 3D scene is first reconstructed from a set of videos taken at different times. The 3D background modelling identifies inconsistent scene structures as foreground objects. For the 2D approach, foreground objects are detected using the spatio-temporal MRF algorithm. Finally, the 3D and 2D results are combined using morphological operations.The significance of these research is that it provides basic frameworks for automatic large-scale mobile surveillance applications and facilitates many higher-level applications such as object tracking and behaviour analysis

    Object Tracking in Video with Part-Based Tracking by Feature Sampling

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    Visual tracking of arbitrary objects is an active research topic in computer vision, with applications across multiple disciplines including video surveillance, activity analysis, robot vision, and human computer interface. Despite great progress having been made in object tracking in recent years, it still remains a challenge to design trackers that can deal with difficult tracking scenarios, such as camera motion, object motion change, occlusion, illumination changes, and object deformation. A promising way of tackling these types of problems is to use a part-based method; one which models and tracks small regions of the object and estimates the location of the object based on the tracked part's positions. These approaches typically model parts of objects with histograms of various hand-crafted features extracted from the region in which the part is located. However, it is unclear how such relatively homogeneous regions should be represented to form an effective part-based tracker. In this thesis we present a part-based tracker that includes a model for object parts that is designed to empirically characterise the underlying colour distribution of an image region, representing it by pairs of randomly selected colour features and counts of how many pixels are similar to each feature. This novel feature representation is used to find probable locations for the part in future frames via a Bhattacharyya Distance-based metric, which is modified to prefer higher quality matches. Sets of candidate patch locations are generated by randomly generating non-shearing affine transformations of the part's previous locations and locally optimising the most likely sets of parts to allow for small intra-frame object deformations. We also present a study of model initialisation in online, model-free tracking and evaluate several techniques for selecting the regions of an image, given a target bounding box most likely to contain an object. The strengths and limitations of the combined tracker are evaluated on the VOT2016 and VOT2018 datasets using their evaluation protocol, which also allows an extensive evaluation of parameter robustness. The presented tracker is ranked first among part-based trackers on the VOT2018 dataset and is particularly robust to changes in object and camera motion, as well as object size changes

    Video Object Tracking Using Motion Estimation

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    Real time object tracking is considered as a critical application. Object tracking is one of the most necessary steps for surveillance, augmented reality, smart rooms and perceptual user interfaces, video compression based on object and driver assistance. While traditional methods of Segmentation using Thresholding, Background subtraction and Background estimation provide satisfactory results to detect single objects, noise is produced in case of multiple objects and in poor lighting conditions. Using the segmentation technique we can locate a target in the current frame. By minimizing the distance or maximizing the similarity coefficient we can find out the exact location of the target in the current frame. Target localization in current frame was computationally much complex in the conventional algorithms. Searching an object in the current frame using these algorithms starts from its location of the previous frame in the basis of attraction probably the square of the target area, calculating weighted average for all iteration then comparing similarity coefficients for each new location. To overcome these difficulties, a new method is proposed for detecting and tracking multiple moving objects on night-time lighting conditions. The method is performed by integrating both the wavelet-based contrast change detector and locally adaptive thresholding scheme. In the initial stage, to detect the potential moving objects contrast in local change over time is used. To suppress false alarms motion prediction and spatial nearest neighbour data association are used. A latest change detector mechanism is implemented to detect the changes in a video sequence and divide the sequence into scenes to be encoded independently. Using the change detector algorithm (CD), it was efficient enough to detect abrupt cuts and help divide the video file into sequences. With this we get a sufficiently good output with less noise. But in some cases noise becomes prominent. Hence, a method called correlation is used which gives the relation between two consecutive frames which have sufficient difference to be used as current and previous frame. This gives a way better result in poor light condition and multiple moving objects

    Image Processing in Road Traffic Analysis

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    The article presents an application of computer vision methods to traffic flow monitoring and road traffic analysis. The application is utilizing image-processing and pattern recognition methods designed and modified to the needs and constrains of road traffic analysis. These methods combined together gives functional capabilities of the system to monitor the road, to initiate automated vehicle tracking, to measure the speed, and to recognize number plates of a car. Software developed was applied in and approved with video monitoring system, based on standard CCTV cameras connected to wide area network computers