12,910 research outputs found

    Stories of a Pleasant Green Space: Cemetery Records and Archives

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    The places and methods for burying the dead have always been a concern of human civilization. Many histories have been written about our changing views of memorials and remembrance, often based upon tombstones and statuary in cemeteries. Often overlooked, however, are the written records associated with cemeteries. This article provides an overview of some of the issues that lead to irregularities in recordkeeping, difficulties with access to and preservation of many of these records, and serious problems that result from poor maintenance of records. Suggestions are offered to begin efforts to address some of these issues, and a call for assistance from the professional archival community to advance the preservation of these vital records is put forth. It is important to recognize that cemetery records are a rich source of historical information that are not recognized as such, and, as a result, are not being protected as they should be

    Town of Benton Maine Comprehensive Plan 2018

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    Property as Constitutional Myth: Utilities and Dangers

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    The ability to perform everyday life occupations is a critical component in both evaluation and intervention for persons with mental retardation (MR). While the ability to perform personal and instrumental activities of daily living (ADL) has always been important for occupational therapy (OT) practice, there is an absence in OT literature and research with a focus on ADL and persons with MR. The overall aim of this thesis was to evaluate the validity of the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS) for evaluation and intervention of ADL ability for persons with MR. In order to evaluate the evidence of validity of the AMPS ability measures based on relation to level of MR, two groups of participants with MR were evaluated with the AMPS (,#=22; #= 39). The results indicated expected moderate relationships between ADL motor and ADL process ability measures and level of MR, despite different methods used for evaluating level of MR. The results also indicated that the results of the AMPS evaluation could be used to directly describe and measure the consequences in performance of ADL tasks for persons with different levels of MR. The evidence of validity of the AMPS was further examined in a study including participants with different types of developmental disabilities (e.g., MR, cerebral palsy, spina bifida) (#=1724). An application of many-faceted Rasch analysis was used to examine goodness-of-fit of the responses for the tasks, skill items, and participants included in the study. All tasks and all items except one demonstrated acceptable goodness-of-fit to the model on the ADL motor and ADL process scales. An expected proportion of participants demonstrated acceptable goodness-of-fit on the ADL motor scale. On the ADL process scale, a slightly lower proportion of participants than expected demonstrated acceptable goodness-of-fit. The results indicated further that persons with more severe levels of MR and persons with more limited ADL process abilities demonstrated different response patterns across tasks and possibly items. The evidence of validity of the internal structure of the AMPS scales was also evaluated between persons with mild and moderate MR (#=178; #=170). Group specific ADL motor and ADL process skill item hierarchies were generated using many-faceted Rasch analyses and compared. The hierarchies of ADL motor and ADL process skill items remained stable across groups, indicating evidence of validity of the AMPS scales when used to evaluate persons with MR. The results also indicated that although participants with moderate MR demonstrated overall lower mean ADL motor and ADL process ability, they did perform some specific ADL motor and ADL process skills at a similar level as persons with mild MR. Finally, the utility of the AMPS ability measures for detecting change were examined in an intervention study including three female participants with moderate MR. The study was based on a single case design and evaluated the effectiveness of a structured occupational therapy intervention program. Improvements were found for the participants in relation to the implementation of the program, but the pattern of changes were different between the participants and across the dependent variables. ADL process ability was the only variable that improved across all participants. The results supported the ADL process abilities as sensitive measures for detecting changes in ADL ability of persons with MR. In conclusion, the results of these studies contribute to the evidence of validity of the AMPS ability measures and scales, specifically in relation to the evaluation of persons with MR. The finding that an OT program resulted in improved ADL process ability also suggest that the results of the AMPS can be used to plan as well as evaluate outcomes of OT practice. Further research is also suggested in order to improve validity evidence and utility of the AMPS when used with persons with MR.Diss. (sammanfattning) UmeĂĄ : UmeĂĄ universitet, 2003</p

    Role of Regularization in Quantum Corrections to the Scalar-Tensor Theories of Gravity

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    We show that regularizing divergent integrals is crucially important when applied to the loop diagrams corresponding to quantum corrections to the coupling of the ``gravitational" scalar field due to the interaction among matter fields. We use the method of continuous spacetime dimensions to demonstrate that WEP is a robust property of the Brans-Dicke theory beyond the classical level, hence correcting our previous assertion of the contrary. The same technique can be used to yield the violation of WEP when applied to the scale-invariant theory, thus providing another reason for expecting fifth- force-type phenomena.Comment: Latex 12 pages, including 4 eps figure

    Control of heat pumps with CO2 emission intensity forecasts

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    An optimized heat pump control for building heating was developed for minimizing CO2 emissions from related electrical power generation. The control is using weather and CO2 emission forecasts as input to a Model Predictive Control (MPC) - a multivariate control algorithm using a dynamic process model, constraints and a cost function to be minimized. In a simulation study the control was applied using weather and power grid conditions during a full year period in 2017-2018 for the power bidding zone DK2 (East, Denmark). Two scenarios were studied; one with a family house and one with an office building. The buildings were dimensioned on the basis of standards and building codes. The main results are measured as the CO2 emission savings relative to a classical thermostatic control. Note that this only measures the gain achieved using the MPC control, i.e. the energy flexibility, not the absolute savings. The results show that around 16% savings could have been achieved during the period in well insulated new buildings with floor heating. Further, a sensitivity analysis was carried out to evaluate the effect of various building properties, e.g. level of insulation and thermal capacity. Danish building codes from 1977 and forward was used as benchmarks for insulation levels. It was shown that both insulation and thermal mass influence the achievable flexibility savings, especially for floor heating. Buildings that comply with codes later than 1979 could provide flexibility emission savings of around 10%, while buildings that comply with earlier codes provided savings in the range of 0-5% depending on the heating system and thermal mass.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures. Submitted to Energie

    Historic Preservation and its Cultured Despisers: Reflections on the Contemporary Role of Preservation Law in Urban Development

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    The past years have seen widely noticed critiques of historic preservation by “one of our leading urban economists,” Edward Glaeser, and by star architect Rem Koolhaas. Glaeser, an academic economist specializing in urban development, admits that preservation has value. But he argues in his invigorating book, Triumph of the City, and in a contemporaneous article, Preservation Follies, that historic preservation restricts too much development, raises prices, and undermines the vitality of the cities. Koolhaas is a Pritzker Prize-winning architect and oracular theorist of the relation between architecture and culture. In his New York exhibit, Cronocaos, he argued that preservation lacks an organizing theory, imposes inauthentic consumer-friendly glosses on older structures, and inhibits architectural creativity. Although these critiques are as different as the cultural spaces inhabited by their authors (although both are professors at Harvard), both seemed to strike nerves, suggesting an underlying unease about how large a role preservation has come to play in urban development. This article assesses these critiques as part of an ongoing effort to make sense of historic preservation law. This article proceeds as follows: First, it presents Glaeser’s critique in detail, placing it within the context of his larger argument about what makes cities attractive and dynamic. Grappling with the strengths and weaknesses of Glaeser’s critique leads to a discussion of how preservation regulation actually works and clarification of some of the benefits it confers. Second, this Article will attempt to specify Koolhaas’s critique, connecting it to similar complaints about preservation by more linear thinkers. Weighing objections to the coherence or authenticity of preservation leads to further discussion of the role that preservation plays in the larger culture. This article concludes with a call for future research

    Enhancing the work of the Islington Integrated Gangs Team: A pilot study on the response to serious youth violence in Islington

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    This report is the result of research conducted by the Centre for City Criminology at City, University of London, in partnership with Islington’s Integrated Gangs Team (IGT) and the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS). The research was co-funded by MPS and the School of Arts and Social Sciences, City, University of London. Following a collaborative research event in October 2017, City Criminologists were commissioned to carry out a small-scale research project to capture the work of the IGT and to make recommendations regarding its operations, coherence, effectiveness and sustainability. The research team conducted semi-structured interviews over several months with 23 practitioners across the services that constitute the IGT. This report presents the findings and recommendations

    Conservation Easement Violated: What Next - A Discussion of Remedies

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