28 research outputs found

    Wearable inertial sensors for human movement analysis

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    Introduction: The present review aims to provide an overview of the most common uses of wearable inertial sensors in the field of clinical human movement analysis.Areas covered: Six main areas of application are analysed: gait analysis, stabilometry, instrumented clinical tests, upper body mobility assessment, daily-life activity monitoring and tremor assessment. Each area is analyzed both from a methodological and applicative point of view. The focus on the methodological approaches is meant to provide an idea of the computational complexity behind a variable/parameter/index of interest so that the reader is aware of the reliability of the approach. The focus on the application is meant to provide a practical guide for advising clinicians on how inertial sensors can help them in their clinical practice.Expert commentary: Less expensive and more easy to use than other systems used in human movement analysis, wearable sensors have evolved to the point that they can be considered ready for being part of routine clinical routine

    Healthcare applications of single camera markerless motion capture: a scoping review

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    Funding This work was funded by a University of Aberdeen Elphinstone PhD scholarship. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Desain Arsitektur Sistem Pemantauan Tanda Vital dan Postur Bayi Berbasis Wearable dalam Pencegahan Kejadian Bayi Mati Mendadak

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    Sudden infant death syndrome atau SIDS adalah kematian mendadak pada bayi sehat berusia di bawah 1 tahun yang terjadi secara tidak terduga dimana faktor risiko SIDS yang diidentifikasi dalam studi epidemiologi adalah posisi tengkurap dan miring untuk tidur bayi, paparan asap, alas tidur dan permukaan tidur yang empuk dan suhu ruangan terlalu dingin atau terlalu panas. Salah satu cara paling utama untuk menimalisir faktor resiko kematian bayi mendadak melalui pemantauan secara real-time terhadap kondisi kesehatan bayi. Pada makalah ini dibahas desain arsitektur untuk sebuah rancangan pengembangan sistem pemantauan tanda vital dan postur bayi berbasis teknologi wearable untuk mendeteksi kejadian dini SIDS yang membantu mendukung pengasuh untuk mengambil keputusan preventif SIDS. Desain arsitektur meliputi pembahasan dari lapisan-lapisan sistem maupun alur komunikasi antar lapisan. Kemudian dibahas juga teknik deteksi untuk postur berdasarkan akselerometer dan citra dan teknik deteksi perburukan kondisi bayi menggunakan pediatrik rothman indeks yang dirancang khusus untuk subjek bayi. Desain ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efektifitas solusi sistem pemantauan tanda vital bayi, dimana desain sistem ini dapat meminimalisir resiko faktor SIDS

    Análise biomecânica do movimento de bebés com alto e baixo risco de desenvolver alterações neuromotoras - Revisão sistemática

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    Proceder à revisão sobre as metodologias de avaliação do movimento de bebés até aos 6 meses de idade, recorrendo à análise biomecânica dos seus movimentos espontâneos e do alcance. Pesquisa de estudos publicados entre janeiro de 2010-2020 na PubMed, Science Direct e Web of Science. Foram elegíveis os estudos que incluíram amostras com idades compreendidas entre zero e seis meses, que apresentaram outcomes de avaliação dos parâmetros biomecânicos dos movimentos espontâneos e/ou do alcance, em decúbito dorsal, escritos na língua inglesa e baseados em humanos. A revisão seguiu os critérios da PRISMA. Foram incluídos na presente revisão 27 artigos. O tamanho da amostra variou entre oito e 215, apresentando idades gestacionais entre as 22 e as 42 semanas. Os momentos de avaliação variaram entre um e dez ou mais vezes, entre o nascimento e o primeiro ano. Para a avaliação recorreu-se à acelerometria, mapeamento de pressão, rastreamento eletromagnético, sistemas optoelétricos, inerciais, de gravação de vídeo e ao pedoscópio computadorizado. O sistema optpelétrico foi o recurso mais utilizado. Constatou-se a falta de exposição dos erros instrumentais e do processamento de todos os dados. As metodologias recorreram maioritariamente a variáveis cinemáticas. Embora a análise cinemática se apresente como uma ferramenta promissora para a avaliação do movimento, a literatura é ainda bastante escassa

    Children’s Fitness and Quality of Movement

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    Introduction: Movement is essential to life and plays a key role in development throughout childhood. Movement can be assessed by its quantity and quality. Movement is important to measure as it can aid early intervention. Current research suggests that global levels of fitness are declining, with a lack of research surrounding children’s natural fitness levels as they get older. Quantity of movement is commonly studied, however quality is becoming increasingly popular. A clear understanding of the methods of technology used to measure quality of movement is important as understanding this area will aid in designing appropriate interventions.Methods: This thesis comprises of two experimental studies. Study one is a repeated measures design using previously collected Swanlinx data to investigate how components of children’s fitness change over a one-year period. Study two is a scoping review investigating the measurement of quality of movement with technology in the form of MEM’s devices, while aiming to gain clarity on the definition of quality.Results: Study one revealed that children’s fitness levels increase across a one-year period, in all components of fitness, except sit and reach. Boys performed significantly better in all fitness components, apart from sit and reach. Study two demonstrated the broad field that is included under the term of quality, showing clarity is needed in this area. A large number of devices, movements and populations are being observed, with multiple definitions of quality which is dependent on the metrics collected.Conclusion: Study one concludes that children’s fitness levels increase over one-year, with boys performing better than girls. This can be used to understand children’s natural fitness levels and aid future interventions in participation. Study two concludes that there are multiple ways to assess quality of movement however a clear definition of the quality should be stated, aiding comparison of quality

    Implementation of wearable sensing technology for movement: Pushing forward into the routine physical rehabilitation care field

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    While the promise of wearable sensor technology to transform physical rehabilitation has been around for a number of years, the reality is that wearable sensor technology for the measurement of human movement has remained largely confined to rehabilitation research labs with limited ventures into clinical practice. The purposes of this paper are to: (1) discuss the major barriers in clinical practice and available wearable sensing technology; (2) propose benchmarks for wearable device systems that would make it feasible to implement them in clinical practice across the world and (3) evaluate a current wearable device system against the benchmarks as an example. If we can overcome the barriers and achieve the benchmarks collectively, the field of rehabilitation will move forward towards better movement interventions that produce improved function not just in the clinic or lab, but out in peoples\u27 homes and communities

    Design of a wearable sensor system for neonatal seizure monitoring

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    Design of a wearable sensor system for neonatal seizure monitoring

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    Wearable Movement Sensors for Rehabilitation: From Technology to Clinical Practice

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    This Special Issue shows a range of potential opportunities for the application of wearable movement sensors in motor rehabilitation. However, the papers surely do not cover the whole field of physical behavior monitoring in motor rehabilitation. Most studies in this Special Issue focused on the technical validation of wearable sensors and the development of algorithms. Clinical validation studies, studies applying wearable sensors for the monitoring of physical behavior in daily life conditions, and papers about the implementation of wearable sensors in motor rehabilitation are under-represented in this Special Issue. Studies investigating the usability and feasibility of wearable movement sensors in clinical populations were lacking. We encourage researchers to investigate the usability, acceptance, feasibility, reliability, and clinical validity of wearable sensors in clinical populations to facilitate the application of wearable movement sensors in motor rehabilitation