201 research outputs found

    Foetal echocardiographic segmentation

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    Congenital heart disease affects just under one percentage of all live births [1]. Those defects that manifest themselves as changes to the cardiac chamber volumes are the motivation for the research presented in this thesis. Blood volume measurements in vivo require delineation of the cardiac chambers and manual tracing of foetal cardiac chambers is very time consuming and operator dependent. This thesis presents a multi region based level set snake deformable model applied in both 2D and 3D which can automatically adapt to some extent towards ultrasound noise such as attenuation, speckle and partial occlusion artefacts. The algorithm presented is named Mumford Shah Sarti Collision Detection (MSSCD). The level set methods presented in this thesis have an optional shape prior term for constraining the segmentation by a template registered to the image in the presence of shadowing and heavy noise. When applied to real data in the absence of the template the MSSCD algorithm is initialised from seed primitives placed at the centre of each cardiac chamber. The voxel statistics inside the chamber is determined before evolution. The MSSCD stops at open boundaries between two chambers as the two approaching level set fronts meet. This has significance when determining volumes for all cardiac compartments since cardiac indices assume that each chamber is treated in isolation. Comparison of the segmentation results from the implemented snakes including a previous level set method in the foetal cardiac literature show that in both 2D and 3D on both real and synthetic data, the MSSCD formulation is better suited to these types of data. All the algorithms tested in this thesis are within 2mm error to manually traced segmentation of the foetal cardiac datasets. This corresponds to less than 10% of the length of a foetal heart. In addition to comparison with manual tracings all the amorphous deformable model segmentations in this thesis are validated using a physical phantom. The volume estimation of the phantom by the MSSCD segmentation is to within 13% of the physically determined volume

    TAI-GAN: A Temporally and Anatomically Informed Generative Adversarial Network for early-to-late frame conversion in dynamic cardiac PET inter-frame motion correction

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    Inter-frame motion in dynamic cardiac positron emission tomography (PET) using rubidium-82 (82-Rb) myocardial perfusion imaging impacts myocardial blood flow (MBF) quantification and the diagnosis accuracy of coronary artery diseases. However, the high cross-frame distribution variation due to rapid tracer kinetics poses a considerable challenge for inter-frame motion correction, especially for early frames where intensity-based image registration techniques often fail. To address this issue, we propose a novel method called Temporally and Anatomically Informed Generative Adversarial Network (TAI-GAN) that utilizes an all-to-one mapping to convert early frames into those with tracer distribution similar to the last reference frame. The TAI-GAN consists of a feature-wise linear modulation layer that encodes channel-wise parameters generated from temporal information and rough cardiac segmentation masks with local shifts that serve as anatomical information. Our proposed method was evaluated on a clinical 82-Rb PET dataset, and the results show that our TAI-GAN can produce converted early frames with high image quality, comparable to the real reference frames. After TAI-GAN conversion, the motion estimation accuracy and subsequent myocardial blood flow (MBF) quantification with both conventional and deep learning-based motion correction methods were improved compared to using the original frames.Comment: Under revision at Medical Image Analysi

    Measuring Regional Changes in the Diastolic Deformation of the Left Ventricle of SHR Rats Using microPET Technology and Hyperelastic Warping

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    The objective of this research was to assess applicability of a technique known as hyperelastic warping for the measurement of local strains in the left ventricle (LV) directly from microPET image data sets. The technique uses differences in image intensities between template (reference) and target (loaded) image data sets to generate a body force that deforms a finite element (FE) representation of the template so that it registers with the target images. For validation, the template image was defined as the end-systolic microPET image data set from a Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rat. The target image was created by mapping the template image using the deformation results obtained from a FE model of diastolic filling. Regression analysis revealed highly significant correlations between the simulated forward FE solution and image derived warping predictions for fiber stretch (R2 = 0.96), circumferential strain (R2 = 0.96), radial strain (R2 = 0.93), and longitudinal strain (R2 = 0.76) (p<0.001for all cases). The technology was applied to microPET image data of two spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and a WKY control. Regional analysis revealed that, the lateral freewall in the SHR subjects showed the greatest deformation compared with the other wall segments. This work indicates that warping can accurately predict the strain distributions during diastole from the analysis of microPET data sets

    Improving the Accuracy of CT-derived Attenuation Correction in Respiratory-Gated PET/CT Imaging

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    The effect of respiratory motion on attenuation correction in Fludeoxyglucose (18F) positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) was investigated. Improvements to the accuracy of computed tomography (CT) derived attenuation correction were obtained through the alignment of the attenuation map to each emission image in a respiratory gated PET scan. Attenuation misalignment leads to artefacts in the reconstructed PET image and several methods were devised for evaluating the attenuation inaccuracies caused by this. These methods of evaluation were extended to finding the frame in the respiratory gated PET which best matched the CT. This frame was then used as a reference frame in mono-modality compensation for misalignment. Attenuation correction was found to affect the quantification of tumour volumes; thus a regional analysis was used to evaluate the impact of mismatch and the benefits of compensating for misalignment. Deformable image registration was used to compensate for misalignment, however, there were inaccuracies caused by the poor signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in PET images. Two models were developed that were robust to a poor SNR allowing for the estimation of deformation from very noisy images. Firstly, a cross population model was developed by statistically analysing the respiratory motion in 10 4DCT scans. Secondly, a 1D model of respiration was developed based on the physiological function of respiration. The 1D approach correctly modelled the expansion and contraction of the lungs and the differences in the compressibility of lungs and surrounding tissues. Several additional models were considered but were ruled out based on their poor goodness of fit to 4DCT scans. Approaches to evaluating the developed models were also used to assist with optimising for the most accurate attenuation correction. It was found that the multimodality registration of the CT image to the PET image was the most accurate approach to compensating for attenuation correction mismatch. Mono-modality image registration was found to be the least accurate approach, however, incorporating a motion model improved the accuracy of image registration. The significance of these findings is twofold. Firstly, it was found that motion models are required to improve the accuracy in compensating for attenuation correction mismatch and secondly, a validation method was found for comparing approaches to compensating for attenuation mismatch

    Improving the Accuracy of CT-derived Attenuation Correction in Respiratory-Gated PET/CT Imaging

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    The effect of respiratory motion on attenuation correction in Fludeoxyglucose (18F) positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) was investigated. Improvements to the accuracy of computed tomography (CT) derived attenuation correction were obtained through the alignment of the attenuation map to each emission image in a respiratory gated PET scan. Attenuation misalignment leads to artefacts in the reconstructed PET image and several methods were devised for evaluating the attenuation inaccuracies caused by this. These methods of evaluation were extended to finding the frame in the respiratory gated PET which best matched the CT. This frame was then used as a reference frame in mono-modality compensation for misalignment. Attenuation correction was found to affect the quantification of tumour volumes; thus a regional analysis was used to evaluate the impact of mismatch and the benefits of compensating for misalignment. Deformable image registration was used to compensate for misalignment, however, there were inaccuracies caused by the poor signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in PET images. Two models were developed that were robust to a poor SNR allowing for the estimation of deformation from very noisy images. Firstly, a cross population model was developed by statistically analysing the respiratory motion in 10 4DCT scans. Secondly, a 1D model of respiration was developed based on the physiological function of respiration. The 1D approach correctly modelled the expansion and contraction of the lungs and the differences in the compressibility of lungs and surrounding tissues. Several additional models were considered but were ruled out based on their poor goodness of fit to 4DCT scans. Approaches to evaluating the developed models were also used to assist with optimising for the most accurate attenuation correction. It was found that the multimodality registration of the CT image to the PET image was the most accurate approach to compensating for attenuation correction mismatch. Mono-modality image registration was found to be the least accurate approach, however, incorporating a motion model improved the accuracy of image registration. The significance of these findings is twofold. Firstly, it was found that motion models are required to improve the accuracy in compensating for attenuation correction mismatch and secondly, a validation method was found for comparing approaches to compensating for attenuation mismatch

    Evaluation of 4D reconstruction methods for gated cardiac SPECT imaging in obese patients

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate 4D reconstruction methods for the processing of gated cardiac single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) images from obese patients. Gated SPECT on obese patients is extremely noisy and often clinically useless; it is hypothesized that 4D reconstruction methods may help. The methods compared are the ordered-subsets expectation-maximization (OS-EM) algorithm with a 3D Gaussian filter, OS-EM with a 3D Gaussian combined with a time-domain Butterworth filter, and the rescaled block-iterative maximum a posteriori (RBI-MAP) algorithm with Gibbs priors for spatial and time-domain smoothing. Clinical gated SPECT data were used to derive a table of Tc-99m tetrofosmin activity uptake ratios. Moderately and morbidly obese male and female phantom models were created for the 4D NURBS-based Cardiac Torso (NCAT) phantom, and mild and severe motion defects were generated in addition to a normal heart model. A blood pool phantom study enabled optimization of reconstruction parameters for the methods so they result in similar noise statistics in the heart. Poisson noise was added to the projection data (including the effects of detector response, attenuation and scatter) generated from the phantoms. The noisy phantom and patient projection data were reconstructed with the three methods, and imported onto the clinical workstations, to be analyzed with the Quantitative Gated SPECT (QGS) software. Quantitative parameters (chamber volumes) were recorded for the phantom and patient data. Statistical analysis led to the conclusion that OS-EM with 4D filtering was markedly different, a result confirmed in the normal phantom models, with better quantitation. Visually, RBI-MAP appeared to result in smoother, more realistic cardiac motion. A preference study was performed with four physicians who read the patient images using QGS and rated them on a 7-point scale to indicate which method most improved their confidence in the diagnoses. The one-way ANOVA showed no significant difference in preference for the processing methods. The conclusion is that the choice of reconstruction method may make more of a difference in patients with greater heart motion, and that the OS-EM method with 4D filtering may have an advantage over the other methods when it comes to LV chamber volume quantification

    Flow pattern analysis for magnetic resonance velocity imaging

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    Blood flow in the heart is highly complex. Although blood flow patterns have been investigated by both computational modelling and invasive/non-invasive imaging techniques, their evolution and intrinsic connection with cardiovascular disease has yet to be explored. Magnetic resonance (MR) velocity imaging provides a comprehensive distribution of multi-directional in vivo flow distribution so that detailed quantitative analysis of flow patterns is now possible. However, direct visualisation or quantification of vector fields is of little clinical use, especially for inter-subject or serial comparison of changes in flow patterns due to the progression of the disease or in response to therapeutic measures. In order to achieve a comprehensive and integrated description of flow in health and disease, it is necessary to characterise and model both normal and abnormal flows and their effects. To accommodate the diversity of flow patterns in relation to morphological and functional changes, we have described in this thesis an approach of detecting salient topological features prior to analytical assessment of dynamical indices of the flow patterns. To improve the accuracy of quantitative analysis of the evolution of topological flow features, it is essential to restore the original flow fields so that critical points associated with salient flow features can be more reliably detected. We propose a novel framework for the restoration, abstraction, extraction and tracking of flow features such that their dynamic indices can be accurately tracked and quantified. The restoration method is formulated as a constrained optimisation problem to remove the effects of noise and to improve the consistency of the MR velocity data. A computational scheme is derived from the First Order Lagrangian Method for solving the optimisation problem. After restoration, flow abstraction is applied to partition the entire flow field into clusters, each of which is represented by a local linear expansion of its velocity components. This process not only greatly reduces the amount of data required to encode the velocity distribution but also permits an analytical representation of the flow field from which critical points associated with salient flow features can be accurately extracted. After the critical points are extracted, phase portrait theory can be applied to separate them into attracting/repelling focuses, attracting/repelling nodes, planar vortex, or saddle. In this thesis, we have focused on vortical flow features formed in diastole. To track the movement of the vortices within a cardiac cycle, a tracking algorithm based on relaxation labelling is employed. The constraints and parameters used in the tracking algorithm are designed using the characteristics of the vortices. The proposed framework is validated with both simulated and in vivo data acquired from patients with sequential MR examination following myocardial infarction. The main contribution of the thesis is in the new vector field restoration and flow feature abstraction method proposed. They allow the accurate tracking and quantification of dynamic indices associated with salient features so that inter- and intra-subject comparisons can be more easily made. This provides further insight into the evolution of blood flow patterns and permits the establishment of links between blood flow patterns and localised genesis and progression of cardiovascular disease.Open acces