6,109 research outputs found

    Texture-based crowd detection and localisation

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    This paper presents a crowd detection system based on texture analysis. The state-of-the-art techniques based on co-occurrence matrix have been revisited and a novel set of features proposed. These features provide a richer description of the co-occurrence matrix, and can be exploited to obtain stronger classification results, especially when smaller portions of the image are considered. This is extremely useful for crowd localisation: acquired images are divided into smaller regions in order to perform a classification on each one. A thorough evaluation of the proposed system on a real world data set is also presented: this validates the improvements in reliability of the crowd detection and localisation

    Anti-social behavior detection in audio-visual surveillance systems

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    In this paper we propose a general purpose framework for detection of unusual events. The proposed system is based on the unsupervised method for unusual scene detection in web{cam images that was introduced in [1]. We extend their algorithm to accommodate data from different modalities and introduce the concept of time-space blocks. In addition, we evaluate early and late fusion techniques for our audio-visual data features. The experimental results on 192 hours of data show that data fusion of audio and video outperforms using a single modality

    Detection and Simulation of Dangerous Human Crowd Behavior

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    Tragically, gatherings of large human crowds quite often end in crowd disasters such as the recent catastrophe at the Loveparade 2010. In the past, research on pedestrian and crowd dynamics focused on simulation of pedestrian motion. As of yet, however, there does not exist any automatic system which can detect hazardous situations in crowds, thus helping to prevent these tragic incidents. In the thesis at hand, we analyze pedestrian behavior in large crowds and observe characteristic motion patterns. Based on our findings, we present a computer vision system that detects unusual events and critical situations from video streams and thus alarms security personnel in order to take necessary actions. We evaluate the system’s performance on synthetic, experimental as well as on real-world data. In particular, we show its effectiveness on the surveillance videos recorded at the Loveparade crowd stampede. Since our method is based on optical flow computations, it meets two crucial prerequisites in video surveillance: Firstly, it works in real-time and, secondly, the privacy of the people being monitored is preserved. In addition to that, we integrate the observed motion patterns into models for simulating pedestrian motion and show that the proposed simulation model produces realistic trajectories. We employ this model to simulate large human crowds and use techniques from computer graphics to render synthetic videos for further evaluation of our automatic video surveillance system

    Online real-time crowd behavior detection in video sequences

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    Automatically detecting events in crowded scenes is a challenging task in Computer Vision. A number of offline approaches have been proposed for solving the problem of crowd behavior detection, however the offline assumption limits their application in real-world video surveillance systems. In this paper, we propose an online and real-time method for detecting events in crowded video sequences. The proposed approach is based on the combination of visual feature extraction and image segmentation and it works without the need of a training phase. A quantitative experimental evaluation has been carried out on multiple publicly available video sequences, containing data from various crowd scenarios and different types of events, to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach

    Análise de multidões usando coerência de vizinhança local

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    Large numbers of crowd analysis methods using computer vision have been developed in the past years. This dissertation presents an approach to explore characteristics inherent to human crowds – proxemics, and neighborhood relationship – with the purpose of extracting crowd features and using them for crowd flow estimation and anomaly detection and localization. Given the optical flow produced by any method, the proposed approach compares the similarity of each flow vector and its neighborhood using the Mahalanobis distance, which can be obtained in an efficient manner using integral images. This similarity value is then used either to filter the original optical flow or to extract features that describe the crowd behavior in different resolutions, depending on the radius of the personal space selected in the analysis. To show that the extracted features are indeed relevant, we tested several classifiers in the context of abnormality detection. More precisely, we used Recurrent Neural Networks, Dense Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, Random Forest and Extremely Random Trees. The two developed approaches (crowd flow estimation and abnormality detection) were tested on publicly available datasets involving human crowded scenarios and compared with state-of-the-art methods.Métodos para análise de ambientes de multidões são amplamente desenvolvidos na área de visão computacional. Esta tese apresenta uma abordagem para explorar características inerentes às multidões humanas - comunicação proxêmica e relações de vizinhança - para extrair características de multidões e usá-las para estimativa de fluxo de multidões e detecção e localização de anomalias. Dado o fluxo óptico produzido por qualquer método, a abordagem proposta compara a similaridade de cada vetor de fluxo e sua vizinhança usando a distância de Mahalanobis, que pode ser obtida de maneira eficiente usando imagens integrais. Esse valor de similaridade é então utilizado para filtrar o fluxo óptico original ou para extrair informações que descrevem o comportamento da multidão em diferentes resoluções, dependendo do raio do espaço pessoal selecionado na análise. Para mostrar que as características são realmente relevantes, testamos vários classificadores no contexto da detecção de anormalidades. Mais precisamente, usamos redes neurais recorrentes, redes neurais densas, máquinas de vetores de suporte, floresta aleatória e árvores extremamente aleatórias. As duas abordagens desenvolvidas (estimativa do fluxo de multidões e detecção de anormalidades) foram testadas em conjuntos de dados públicos, envolvendo cenários de multidões humanas e comparados com métodos estado-da-arte