171 research outputs found

    A novel control architecture based on behavior trees for an omni-directional mobile robot

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    Robotic systems are increasingly present in dynamic environments. This paper proposes a hierarchical control structure wherein a behavior tree (BT) is used to improve the flexibility and adaptability of an omni-directional mobile robot for point stabilization. Flexibility and adaptability are crucial at each level of the sense–plan–act loop to implement robust and effective robotic solutions in dynamic environments. The proposed BT combines high-level decision making and continuous execution monitoring while applying non-linear model predictive control (NMPC) for the point stabilization of an omni-directional mobile robot. The proposed control architecture can guide the mobile robot to any configuration within the workspace while satisfying state constraints (e.g., obstacle avoidance) and input constraints (e.g., motor limits). The effectiveness of the controller was validated through a set of realistic simulation scenarios and experiments in a real environment, where an industrial omni-directional mobile robot performed a point stabilization task with obstacle avoidance in a workspace.This work was financed by national funds from the FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology), I.P., through IDMEC under LAETA, project UIDB\50022\2020. The work of Rodrigo Bernardo was supported by the PhD Scholarship BD\6841\2020 from the FCT. This work indirectly received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme under StandICT.eu 2026 (Grant Agreement No. 101091933).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modular Platform for Commercial Mobile Robots

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    Coordination and Control for a Team of Mobile Robots in an Unknown Dynamic Environment

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    This research presents a dual-level control structure for controlling a mobile robot or a group of robots to navigate through a dynamic environment (such as an object is moving in the workspace of a robot). The higher-level controller operates in cooperation with robot’s state estimation and mapping algorithm, Extended Kalman Filter – Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (EKFSLAM), and the lower-level controller (PID) controls the motion of the robot when it, encounters an obstacle, i.e., it reorients the robot to a predefined rebound angle and move it straight to maneuver around the obstacle until the robot is out of the obstacle range. The higher-level controller jumps in as soon as the robot is out of the obstacle range and moves the robot to the goal. The obstacle avoidance technique involves a novel approach to calculate the rebound angle. Further, the research implements the aforementioned technique to a Leader-Follower formation. Simulation and Experimental results have verified the effectiveness of the proposed control law

    Efficient Navigation and Motion Control for Autonomous Forklifts in Smart Warehouses: LSPB Trajectory Planning and MPC Implementation

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    The rise of smart factories and warehouses has ushered in an era of intelligent manufacturing, with autonomous robots playing a pivotal role. This study focuses on improving the navigation and control of autonomous forklifts in warehouse environments. It introduces an innovative approach that combines a modified Linear Segment with Parabolic Blends (LSPB) trajectory planning with Model Predictive Control (MPC) to ensure efficient and secure robot movement. To validate the performance of our proposed path-planning method, MATLAB-based simulations were conducted in various scenarios, including rectangular and warehouse-like environments, to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method. The results demonstrated the feasibility of employing Mecanum wheel-based robots in automated warehouses. Also, to show the superiority of the proposed control algorithm performance, the navigation results were compared with the performance of a system using the PID control as a lower-level controller. By offering an optimized path-planning approach, our study enhances the operational efficiency and effectiveness of Mecanum wheel robots in real-world applications such as automated warehousing systems

    MAP - A Mobile Agile Printer Robot for on-site Construction

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    In this paper, we present a Mobile Agile Printer (MAP) construction robot; a highly agile, 4-legged, omnidirectional robot capable of 3D printing large structures. To overcome dynamic challenges when operating within an outdoors construction site, MAP incorporates a high-DoF 3D printing system connected to a mobile platform with novel features designed to enable disturbance rejection and live adaption to the robot's pose. In doing so, we demonstrate the benefits of designing construction robots with a focus on agility, a compact working volume and ability to operate within a potentially unlimited workspace. Performance tests were conducted showing smooth omni-directional motion as a key requirement for maintaining low 3D printing trajectory deviations over a large volume. In doing so, we show that MAP has the ability to construct in new ways more sensitive to its environment, context and concurrent on-site operations
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