6,400 research outputs found

    An efficient error resilience scheme based on wyner-ziv coding for region-of-Interest protection of wavelet based video transmission

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    In this paper, we propose a bandwidth efficient error resilience scheme for wavelet based video transmission over wireless channel by introducing an additional Wyner-Ziv (WZ) stream to protect region of interest (ROI) in a frame. In the proposed architecture, the main video stream is compressed by a generic wavelet domain coding structure and passed through the error prone channel without any protection. Meanwhile, the predefined ROI area related wavelet coefficients obtained after an integer wavelet transform will be specially protected by WZ codec in an additional channel during transmission. At the decoder side, the error-prone ROI related wavelet coefficients will be used as side information to help decoding the WZ stream. Different size of WZ bit streams can be applied in order to meet different bandwidth condition and different requirement of end users. The simulation results clearly revealed that the proposed scheme has distinct advantages in saving bandwidth comparing with fully applied FEC algorithm to whole video stream and in the meantime offer the robust transmission over error prone channel for certain video applications

    A Fusion Framework for Camouflaged Moving Foreground Detection in the Wavelet Domain

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    Detecting camouflaged moving foreground objects has been known to be difficult due to the similarity between the foreground objects and the background. Conventional methods cannot distinguish the foreground from background due to the small differences between them and thus suffer from under-detection of the camouflaged foreground objects. In this paper, we present a fusion framework to address this problem in the wavelet domain. We first show that the small differences in the image domain can be highlighted in certain wavelet bands. Then the likelihood of each wavelet coefficient being foreground is estimated by formulating foreground and background models for each wavelet band. The proposed framework effectively aggregates the likelihoods from different wavelet bands based on the characteristics of the wavelet transform. Experimental results demonstrated that the proposed method significantly outperformed existing methods in detecting camouflaged foreground objects. Specifically, the average F-measure for the proposed algorithm was 0.87, compared to 0.71 to 0.8 for the other state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 13 pages, accepted by IEEE TI

    Multi-view image coding with wavelet lifting and in-band disparity compensation

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    Variable Block Size Motion Compensation In The Redundant Wavelet Domain

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    Video is one of the most powerful forms of multimedia because of the extensive information it delivers. Video sequences are highly correlated both temporally and spatially, a fact which makes the compression of video possible. Modern video systems employ motion estimation and motion compensation (ME/MC) to de-correlate a video sequence temporally. ME/MC forms a prediction of the current frame using the frames which have been already encoded. Consequently, one needs to transmit the corresponding residual image instead of the original frame, as well as a set of motion vectors which describe the scene motion as observed at the encoder. The redundant wavelet transform (RDWT) provides several advantages over the conventional wavelet transform (DWT). The RDWT overcomes the shift invariant problem in DWT. Moreover, RDWT retains all the phase information of wavelet coefficients and provides multiple prediction possibilities for ME/MC in wavelet domain. The general idea of variable size block motion compensation (VSBMC) technique is to partition a frame in such a way that regions with uniform translational motions are divided into larger blocks while those containing complicated motions into smaller blocks, leading to an adaptive distribution of motion vectors (MV) across the frame. The research proposed new adaptive partitioning schemes and decision criteria in RDWT that utilize more effectively the motion content of a frame in terms of various block sizes. The research also proposed a selective subpixel accuracy algorithm for the motion vector using a multiband approach. The selective subpixel accuracy reduces the computations produced by the conventional subpixel algorithm while maintaining the same accuracy. In addition, the method of overlapped block motion compensation (OBMC) is used to reduce blocking artifacts. Finally, the research extends the applications of the proposed VSBMC to the 3D video sequences. The experimental results obtained here have shown that VSBMC in the RDWT domain can be a powerful tool for video compression

    Generalised additive multiscale wavelet models constructed using particle swarm optimisation and mutual information for spatio-temporal evolutionary system representation

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    A new class of generalised additive multiscale wavelet models (GAMWMs) is introduced for high dimensional spatio-temporal evolutionary (STE) system identification. A novel two-stage hybrid learning scheme is developed for constructing such an additive wavelet model. In the first stage, a new orthogonal projection pursuit (OPP) method, implemented using a particle swarm optimisation(PSO) algorithm, is proposed for successively augmenting an initial coarse wavelet model, where relevant parameters of the associated wavelets are optimised using a particle swarm optimiser. The resultant network model, obtained in the first stage, may however be a redundant model. In the second stage, a forward orthogonal regression (FOR) algorithm, implemented using a mutual information method, is then applied to refine and improve the initially constructed wavelet model. The proposed two-stage hybrid method can generally produce a parsimonious wavelet model, where a ranked list of wavelet functions, according to the capability of each wavelet to represent the total variance in the desired system output signal is produced. The proposed new modelling framework is applied to real observed images, relative to a chemical reaction exhibiting a spatio-temporal evolutionary behaviour, and the associated identification results show that the new modelling framework is applicable and effective for handling high dimensional identification problems of spatio-temporal evolution sytems

    An Efficient Algorithm for Video Super-Resolution Based On a Sequential Model

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    In this work, we propose a novel procedure for video super-resolution, that is the recovery of a sequence of high-resolution images from its low-resolution counterpart. Our approach is based on a "sequential" model (i.e., each high-resolution frame is supposed to be a displaced version of the preceding one) and considers the use of sparsity-enforcing priors. Both the recovery of the high-resolution images and the motion fields relating them is tackled. This leads to a large-dimensional, non-convex and non-smooth problem. We propose an algorithmic framework to address the latter. Our approach relies on fast gradient evaluation methods and modern optimization techniques for non-differentiable/non-convex problems. Unlike some other previous works, we show that there exists a provably-convergent method with a complexity linear in the problem dimensions. We assess the proposed optimization method on {several video benchmarks and emphasize its good performance with respect to the state of the art.}Comment: 37 pages, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 201

    Distributed Representation of Geometrically Correlated Images with Compressed Linear Measurements

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    This paper addresses the problem of distributed coding of images whose correlation is driven by the motion of objects or positioning of the vision sensors. It concentrates on the problem where images are encoded with compressed linear measurements. We propose a geometry-based correlation model in order to describe the common information in pairs of images. We assume that the constitutive components of natural images can be captured by visual features that undergo local transformations (e.g., translation) in different images. We first identify prominent visual features by computing a sparse approximation of a reference image with a dictionary of geometric basis functions. We then pose a regularized optimization problem to estimate the corresponding features in correlated images given by quantized linear measurements. The estimated features have to comply with the compressed information and to represent consistent transformation between images. The correlation model is given by the relative geometric transformations between corresponding features. We then propose an efficient joint decoding algorithm that estimates the compressed images such that they stay consistent with both the quantized measurements and the correlation model. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm effectively estimates the correlation between images in multi-view datasets. In addition, the proposed algorithm provides effective decoding performance that compares advantageously to independent coding solutions as well as state-of-the-art distributed coding schemes based on disparity learning

    A Multiresolution Census Algorithm for Calculating Vortex Statistics in Turbulent Flows

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    The fundamental equations that model turbulent flow do not provide much insight into the size and shape of observed turbulent structures. We investigate the efficient and accurate representation of structures in two-dimensional turbulence by applying statistical models directly to the simulated vorticity field. Rather than extract the coherent portion of the image from the background variation, as in the classical signal-plus-noise model, we present a model for individual vortices using the non-decimated discrete wavelet transform. A template image, supplied by the user, provides the features to be extracted from the vorticity field. By transforming the vortex template into the wavelet domain, specific characteristics present in the template, such as size and symmetry, are broken down into components associated with spatial frequencies. Multivariate multiple linear regression is used to fit the vortex template to the vorticity field in the wavelet domain. Since all levels of the template decomposition may be used to model each level in the field decomposition, the resulting model need not be identical to the template. Application to a vortex census algorithm that records quantities of interest (such as size, peak amplitude, circulation, etc.) as the vorticity field evolves is given. The multiresolution census algorithm extracts coherent structures of all shapes and sizes in simulated vorticity fields and is able to reproduce known physical scaling laws when processing a set of voriticity fields that evolve over time
