5,134 research outputs found

    Real-time 3D reconstruction of non-rigid shapes with a single moving camera

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    © . This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/This paper describes a real-time sequential method to simultaneously recover the camera motion and the 3D shape of deformable objects from a calibrated monocular video. For this purpose, we consider the Navier-Cauchy equations used in 3D linear elasticity and solved by finite elements, to model the time-varying shape per frame. These equations are embedded in an extended Kalman filter, resulting in sequential Bayesian estimation approach. We represent the shape, with unknown material properties, as a combination of elastic elements whose nodal points correspond to salient points in the image. The global rigidity of the shape is encoded by a stiffness matrix, computed after assembling each of these elements. With this piecewise model, we can linearly relate the 3D displacements with the 3D acting forces that cause the object deformation, assumed to be normally distributed. While standard finite-element-method techniques require imposing boundary conditions to solve the resulting linear system, in this work we eliminate this requirement by modeling the compliance matrix with a generalized pseudoinverse that enforces a pre-fixed rank. Our framework also ensures surface continuity without the need for a post-processing step to stitch all the piecewise reconstructions into a global smooth shape. We present experimental results using both synthetic and real videos for different scenarios ranging from isometric to elastic deformations. We also show the consistency of the estimation with respect to 3D ground truth data, include several experiments assessing robustness against artifacts and finally, provide an experimental validation of our performance in real time at frame rate for small mapsPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Shape basis interpretation for monocular deformable 3D reconstruction

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In this paper, we propose a novel interpretable shape model to encode object non-rigidity. We first use the initial frames of a monocular video to recover a rest shape, used later to compute a dissimilarity measure based on a distance matrix measurement. Spectral analysis is then applied to this matrix to obtain a reduced shape basis, that in contrast to existing approaches, can be physically interpreted. In turn, these pre-computed shape bases are used to linearly span the deformation of a wide variety of objects. We introduce the low-rank basis into a sequential approach to recover both camera motion and non-rigid shape from the monocular video, by simply optimizing the weights of the linear combination using bundle adjustment. Since the number of parameters to optimize per frame is relatively small, specially when physical priors are considered, our approach is fast and can potentially run in real time. Validation is done in a wide variety of real-world objects, undergoing both inextensible and extensible deformations. Our approach achieves remarkable robustness to artifacts such as noisy and missing measurements and shows an improved performance to competing methods.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Sequential non-rigid structure from motion using physical priors

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.We propose a new approach to simultaneously recover camera pose and 3D shape of non-rigid and potentially extensible surfaces from a monocular image sequence. For this purpose, we make use of the Extended Kalman Filter based Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (EKF-SLAM) formulation, a Bayesian optimization framework traditionally used in mobile robotics for estimating camera pose and reconstructing rigid scenarios. In order to extend the problem to a deformable domain we represent the object's surface mechanics by means of Navier's equations, which are solved using a Finite Element Method (FEM). With these main ingredients, we can further model the material's stretching, allowing us to go a step further than most of current techniques, typically constrained to surfaces undergoing isometric deformations. We extensively validate our approach in both real and synthetic experiments, and demonstrate its advantages with respect to competing methods. More specifically, we show that besides simultaneously retrieving camera pose and non-rigid shape, our approach is adequate for both isometric and extensible surfaces, does not require neither batch processing all the frames nor tracking points over the whole sequence and runs at several frames per second.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Segmentation of the left ventricle of the heart in 3-D+t MRI data using an optimized nonrigid temporal model

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    Modern medical imaging modalities provide large amounts of information in both the spatial and temporal domains and the incorporation of this information in a coherent algorithmic framework is a significant challenge. In this paper, we present a novel and intuitive approach to combine 3-D spatial and temporal (3-D + time) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data in an integrated segmentation algorithm to extract the myocardium of the left ventricle. A novel level-set segmentation process is developed that simultaneously delineates and tracks the boundaries of the left ventricle muscle. By encoding prior knowledge about cardiac temporal evolution in a parametric framework, an expectation-maximization algorithm optimally tracks the myocardial deformation over the cardiac cycle. The expectation step deforms the level-set function while the maximization step updates the prior temporal model parameters to perform the segmentation in a nonrigid sense

    Sliding to predict: vision-based beating heart motion estimation by modeling temporal interactions

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    Purpose: Technical advancements have been part of modern medical solutions as they promote better surgical alternatives that serve to the benefit of patients. Particularly with cardiovascular surgeries, robotic surgical systems enable surgeons to perform delicate procedures on a beating heart, avoiding the complications of cardiac arrest. This advantage comes with the price of having to deal with a dynamic target which presents technical challenges for the surgical system. In this work, we propose a solution for cardiac motion estimation. Methods: Our estimation approach uses a variational framework that guarantees preservation of the complex anatomy of the heart. An advantage of our approach is that it takes into account different disturbances, such as specular reflections and occlusion events. This is achieved by performing a preprocessing step that eliminates the specular highlights and a predicting step, based on a conditional restricted Boltzmann machine, that recovers missing information caused by partial occlusions. Results: We carried out exhaustive experimentations on two datasets, one from a phantom and the other from an in vivo procedure. The results show that our visual approach reaches an average minima in the order of magnitude of 10-7 while preserving the heart’s anatomical structure and providing stable values for the Jacobian determinant ranging from 0.917 to 1.015. We also show that our specular elimination approach reaches an accuracy of 99% compared to a ground truth. In terms of prediction, our approach compared favorably against two well-known predictors, NARX and EKF, giving the lowest average RMSE of 0.071. Conclusion: Our approach avoids the risks of using mechanical stabilizers and can also be effective for acquiring the motion of organs other than the heart, such as the lung or other deformable objects.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Learning the dynamics and time-recursive boundary detection of deformable objects

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    We propose a principled framework for recursively segmenting deformable objects across a sequence of frames. We demonstrate the usefulness of this method on left ventricular segmentation across a cardiac cycle. The approach involves a technique for learning the system dynamics together with methods of particle-based smoothing as well as non-parametric belief propagation on a loopy graphical model capturing the temporal periodicity of the heart. The dynamic system state is a low-dimensional representation of the boundary, and the boundary estimation involves incorporating curve evolution into recursive state estimation. By formulating the problem as one of state estimation, the segmentation at each particular time is based not only on the data observed at that instant, but also on predictions based on past and future boundary estimates. Although the paper focuses on left ventricle segmentation, the method generalizes to temporally segmenting any deformable object

    Unsupervised Odometry and Depth Learning for Endoscopic Capsule Robots

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    In the last decade, many medical companies and research groups have tried to convert passive capsule endoscopes as an emerging and minimally invasive diagnostic technology into actively steerable endoscopic capsule robots which will provide more intuitive disease detection, targeted drug delivery and biopsy-like operations in the gastrointestinal(GI) tract. In this study, we introduce a fully unsupervised, real-time odometry and depth learner for monocular endoscopic capsule robots. We establish the supervision by warping view sequences and assigning the re-projection minimization to the loss function, which we adopt in multi-view pose estimation and single-view depth estimation network. Detailed quantitative and qualitative analyses of the proposed framework performed on non-rigidly deformable ex-vivo porcine stomach datasets proves the effectiveness of the method in terms of motion estimation and depth recovery.Comment: submitted to IROS 201

    A Generic Framework for Tracking Using Particle Filter With Dynamic Shape Prior

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    ©2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2007.894244Tracking deforming objects involves estimating the global motion of the object and its local deformations as functions of time. Tracking algorithms using Kalman filters or particle filters (PFs) have been proposed for tracking such objects, but these have limitations due to the lack of dynamic shape information. In this paper, we propose a novel method based on employing a locally linear embedding in order to incorporate dynamic shape information into the particle filtering framework for tracking highly deformable objects in the presence of noise and clutter. The PF also models image statistics such as mean and variance of the given data which can be useful in obtaining proper separation of object and backgroun

    Intrinsic Dynamic Shape Prior for Fast, Sequential and Dense Non-Rigid Structure from Motion with Detection of Temporally-Disjoint Rigidity

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    While dense non-rigid structure from motion (NRSfM) has been extensively studied from the perspective of the reconstructability problem over the recent years, almost no attempts have been undertaken to bring it into the practical realm. The reasons for the slow dissemination are the severe ill-posedness, high sensitivity to motion and deformation cues and the difficulty to obtain reliable point tracks in the vast majority of practical scenarios. To fill this gap, we propose a hybrid approach that extracts prior shape knowledge from an input sequence with NRSfM and uses it as a dynamic shape prior for sequential surface recovery in scenarios with recurrence. Our Dynamic Shape Prior Reconstruction (DSPR) method can be combined with existing dense NRSfM techniques while its energy functional is optimised with stochastic gradient descent at real-time rates for new incoming point tracks. The proposed versatile framework with a new core NRSfM approach outperforms several other methods in the ability to handle inaccurate and noisy point tracks, provided we have access to a representative (in terms of the deformation variety) image sequence. Comprehensive experiments highlight convergence properties and the accuracy of DSPR under different disturbing effects. We also perform a joint study of tracking and reconstruction and show applications to shape compression and heart reconstruction under occlusions. We achieve state-of-the-art metrics (accuracy and compression ratios) in different scenarios