2,759 research outputs found

    Advances in Clinical Molecular Imaging Instrumentation

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    In this article, we describe recent developments in the design of both single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET) instrumentation that have led to the current range of superior performance instruments. The adoption of solid-state technology for either complete detectors [e.g., cadmium zinc telluride (CZT)] or read-out systems that replace photomultiplier tubes [avalanche photodiodes (APD) or silicon photomultipliers (SiPM)] provide the advantage of compact technology, enabling flexible system design. In SPECT, CZT is well suited to multi-radionuclide and kinetic studies. For PET, SiPM technology provides MR compatibility and superior time-of-flight resolution, resulting in improved signal-to-noise ratio. Similar SiPM technology has also been used in the construction of the first SPECT insert for clinical brain SPECT/MRI

    Dual gated PET/CT imaging of heart

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    Coronary artery disease (CAD) resulting from atherosclerotic arterial changes, plaques, is a progressive process, which can be asymptomatic for many years. Asymptomatic CAD can cause a heart attack that leads to sudden death if the vulnerable coronary plaque ruptures and causes artery occlusion. The plaque inflammation plays an important role in the rupture susceptibility. Reliable anticipation of rupture is still clinically impossible for a single patient. Detection of the vulnerable coronary plaques before clinical signs remains a significant scientific challenge where positron emission tomography (PET) can play an important role. The aim of this dissertation was to find out whether a small, coronary plaque size, heart structures could be detected by a clinically available positron emission tomography and computed tomography (PET/CT) hybrid camera in realistically moving cardiac phantoms, a minipig model, and patients with CAD. Due to cardiac motions accurate detection of small heart structures are known to be problematic in PET imaging. Due to absence of commercial application at the beginning of the study, new dual gating method for cardiac PET imaging was developed and programmed that takes into account both contraction and respiratory induced cardiac motions. Cardiac phantom PET studies showed that small, active and moving plaques can be distinguished from myocardium activity and the gating methods improved the detection sensitivity and resolution of the plaques. In minipig and CAD patient cardiac PET studies small structures of myocardium and coronary arteries was detected more sensitive and accurately when using dual gating method than manufacturer gating methods. In cardiac patient PET study respiratory induced cardiac motions were shown to be linearly dependent with spirometry-measured respiratory volumes. Standard 3-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) measurement can be filtered by anesthesia monitor to detect lung impedance signal. In cardiac patient PET study this lung impedance signal were applied for respiratory gating. In this study was observed that the 3-lead ECG derived impedance signal gating method detects respiratory induced cardiac motion in PET as well as other externally used respiratory gating methods. In summary, the dual gated cardiac PET method is more sensitive and accurate to detect small cardiac structures, as coronary vessel wall pathology, than the commercial methods used in the study.Sydämen kaksoisliiketahdistettu PET/CT kuvantaminen Ateroskleroottisten valtimomuutosten, plakkien, seurauksena asteittain kehittyvä sepelvaltimotauti voi olla vuosia oireeton. Oireeton sepelvaltimotauti voi aiheuttaa äkkikuolemaan johtavan sydäninfarktin, mikäli sepelvaltimon seinämäplakin repeytymisestä aiheutuu verisuonen tukkiva hyytymä. Tutkimuksissa on osoitettu, että plakin tulehduksella on merkittävä rooli repeytymisalttiudelle. Repeytymisen luotettava ennakointi on yksittäisen potilaan kohdalla edelleen kliinisesti mahdotonta. Tulehtuneiden ja repeytymisalttiiden sepelvaltimoplakkien toteaminen ennen kliinisiä oireita on edelleen merkittävä tieteellinen haaste, missä positroniemissiotomografia (PET) kuvantamisella voi olla merkittävä rooli. Väitöskirjan tavoitteena oli selvittää, voidaanko kliinisessä käytössä olevalla positroniemissiotomografia ja tietokonetomografia (PET/TT) yhdistelmäkameralla havaita pieniä, sepelvaltimoplakkien kokoisia, sydämen rakenteita koneellisesti toimivissa todenmukaisissa sydänmalleissa, eläinmallissa ja sepelvaltimotautia sairastavilla potilailla. Sydämen pienten rakenteiden tarkka havaitseminen PET/TTkameroilla on haasteellista sydämen liikkumisen vuoksi. Tutkimuksessa kehitettiin ja ohjelmoitiin uusi sydämen PET-kuvantamisen liiketahdistusmenetelmä, joka ottaa huomioon sekä sydämen supistusliikkeen että hengitysliikkeen vaikutuksen sydämen PET kuvantamissa. Koneellisilla sydänmalleilla osoitettiin, että PET on riittävän herkkä havaitsemaan pieniä ja liikkuvia radioaktiivisia ”sepelvaltimoplakkeja”, ja että liiketahdistusmenetelmät parantavat plakkien havaitsemisherkkyyttä ja tarkkuutta. Eläinmallissa ja sepelvaltimotautipotilailla kaksoisliiketahdistusmenetelmän herkkyys ja tarkkuus havaita pieniä sydänlihaksen ja sepelvaltimoiden rakenteita todettiin kaupallisia tahdistusmenetelmiä paremmaksi. Potilastutkimuksissa todettiin hengityksen aiheuttama sydämen liike PET-kuvissa lineaarisesti riippuvaiseksi spirometrialla mitattujen hengitystilavuuksien kanssa. Tavallisesta 3-johtoisesta sydänsähkökäyrästä voidaan anestesiamonitorin avulla suodattaa keuhkojen impedanssisignaalia. Hengitysliikkeen aiheuttama potilaiden sydämen liike PETkuvissa havaittiin yhtä hyvin käyttämällä tätä keuhkojen impedanssisignaalia kuin muita yleisesti käytettäviä ulkoisia hengitystahdistussignaaleja. Todetaan, että kaksoisliiketahdistettu sydämen PET-kuvantamismenetelmä on tutkimuksessa käytettyjä kaupallisia menetelmiä herkempi ja tarkempi havaitsemaan sydämen pieniä rakenteita sekä sepelvaltimon seinämän tulehdusplakkeja

    What scans we will read: imaging instrumentation trends in clinical oncology

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    Oncological diseases account for a significant portion of the burden on public healthcare systems with associated costs driven primarily by complex and long-lasting therapies. Through the visualization of patient-specific morphology and functional-molecular pathways, cancerous tissue can be detected and characterized non- invasively, so as to provide referring oncologists with essential information to support therapy management decisions. Following the onset of stand-alone anatomical and functional imaging, we witness a push towards integrating molecular image information through various methods, including anato-metabolic imaging (e.g., PET/ CT), advanced MRI, optical or ultrasound imaging. This perspective paper highlights a number of key technological and methodological advances in imaging instrumentation related to anatomical, functional, molecular medicine and hybrid imaging, that is understood as the hardware-based combination of complementary anatomical and molecular imaging. These include novel detector technologies for ionizing radiation used in CT and nuclear medicine imaging, and novel system developments in MRI and optical as well as opto-acoustic imaging. We will also highlight new data processing methods for improved non-invasive tissue characterization. Following a general introduction to the role of imaging in oncology patient management we introduce imaging methods with well-defined clinical applications and potential for clinical translation. For each modality, we report first on the status quo and point to perceived technological and methodological advances in a subsequent status go section. Considering the breadth and dynamics of these developments, this perspective ends with a critical reflection on where the authors, with the majority of them being imaging experts with a background in physics and engineering, believe imaging methods will be in a few years from now. Overall, methodological and technological medical imaging advances are geared towards increased image contrast, the derivation of reproducible quantitative parameters, an increase in volume sensitivity and a reduction in overall examination time. To ensure full translation to the clinic, this progress in technologies and instrumentation is complemented by progress in relevant acquisition and image-processing protocols and improved data analysis. To this end, we should accept diagnostic images as “data”, and – through the wider adoption of advanced analysis, including machine learning approaches and a “big data” concept – move to the next stage of non-invasive tumor phenotyping. The scans we will be reading in 10 years from now will likely be composed of highly diverse multi- dimensional data from multiple sources, which mandate the use of advanced and interactive visualization and analysis platforms powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) for real-time data handling by cross-specialty clinical experts with a domain knowledge that will need to go beyond that of plain imaging

    Performance and Methodological Aspects in Positron Emission Tomography

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    Performance standards for Positron emission tomography (PET) were developed to be able to compare systems from different generations and manufacturers. This resulted in the NEMA methodology in North America and the IEC in Europe. In practices, the NEMA NU 2- 2001 is the method of choice today. These standardized methods allow assessment of the physical performance of new commercial dedicated PET/CT tomographs. The point spread in image formation is one of the factors that blur the image. The phenomenon is often called the partial volume effect. Several methods for correcting for partial volume are under research but no real agreement exists on how to solve it. The influence of the effect varies in different clinical settings and it is likely that new methods are needed to solve this problem. Most of the clinical PET work is done in the field of oncology. The whole body PET combined with a CT is the standard investigation today in oncology. Despite the progress in PET imaging technique visualization, especially quantification of small lesions is a challenge. In addition to partial volume, the movement of the object is a significant source of error. The main causes of movement are respiratory and cardiac motions. Most of the new commercial scanners are in addition to cardiac gating, also capable of respiratory gating and this technique has been used in patients with cancer of the thoracic region and patients being studied for the planning of radiation therapy. For routine cardiac applications such as assessment of viability and perfusion only cardiac gating has been used. However, the new targets such as plaque or molecular imaging of new therapies require better control of the cardiac motion also caused by respiratory motion. To overcome these problems in cardiac work, a dual gating approach has been proposed. In this study we investigated the physical performance of a new whole body PET/CT scanner with NEMA standard, compared methods for partial volume correction in PET studies of the brain and developed and tested a new robust method for dual cardiac-respiratory gated PET with phantom, animal and human data. Results from performance measurements showed the feasibility of the new scanner design in 2D and 3D whole body studies. Partial volume was corrected, but there is no best method among those tested as the correction also depends on the radiotracer and its distribution. New methods need to be developed for proper correction. The dual gating algorithm generated is shown to handle dual-gated data, preserving quantification and clearly eliminating the majority of contraction and respiration movementSiirretty Doriast

    Algorithmic Analysis Techniques for Molecular Imaging

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    This study addresses image processing techniques for two medical imaging modalities: Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), which can be used in studies of human body functions and anatomy in a non-invasive manner. In PET, the so-called Partial Volume Effect (PVE) is caused by low spatial resolution of the modality. The efficiency of a set of PVE-correction methods is evaluated in the present study. These methods use information about tissue borders which have been acquired with the MRI technique. As another technique, a novel method is proposed for MRI brain image segmen- tation. A standard way of brain MRI is to use spatial prior information in image segmentation. While this works for adults and healthy neonates, the large variations in premature infants preclude its direct application. The proposed technique can be applied to both healthy and non-healthy premature infant brain MR images. Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) is a MRI-based technique that can be used to create images for measuring physiological properties of cells on the structural level. We optimise the scanning parameters of DWI so that the required acquisition time can be reduced while still maintaining good image quality. In the present work, PVE correction methods, and physiological DWI models are evaluated in terms of repeatabilityof the results. This gives in- formation on the reliability of the measures given by the methods. The evaluations are done using physical phantom objects, correlation measure- ments against expert segmentations, computer simulations with realistic noise modelling, and with repeated measurements conducted on real pa- tients. In PET, the applicability and selection of a suitable partial volume correction method was found to depend on the target application. For MRI, the data-driven segmentation offers an alternative when using spatial prior is not feasible. For DWI, the distribution of b-values turns out to be a central factor affecting the time-quality ratio of the DWI acquisition. An optimal b-value distribution was determined. This helps to shorten the imaging time without hampering the diagnostic accuracy.Siirretty Doriast

    Quantitative imaging of coronary blood flow

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    Positron emission tomography (PET) is a nuclear medicine imaging modality based on the administration of a positron-emitting radiotracer, the imaging of the distribution and kinetics of the tracer, and the interpretation of the physiological events and their meaning with respect to health and disease. PET imaging was introduced in the 1970s and numerous advances in radiotracers and detection systems have enabled this modality to address a wide variety of clinical tasks, such as the detection of cancer, staging of Alzheimer's disease, and assessment of coronary artery disease (CAD). This review provides a description of the logic and the logistics of the processes required for PET imaging and a discussion of its use in guiding the treatment of CAD. Finally, we outline prospects and limitations of nanoparticles as agents for PET imaging

    Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) for Positron Emission Particle Tracking (PEPT) and Turbulence Modeling Validation

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    A Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) experiment is designed and data collected with intention to validate Positron Emission Particle Tracking (PEPT) methods. The PIV data are collected in a narrow rectangular channel for flow Reynolds number near 20,000. The narrow channel and attendant pump, header tanks and flow instrumentation are portable and designed to allow identical tests in a Concord Microsystems MicroPET P4 pre-clinical PET scanner at the pre-clinical Imaging Suite at the UT Hospital. The PIV data are instantaneous velocity field data, allowing statistics on the flow turbulence to be collected in the Eulerian frame. The PEPT method measures activated particle trajectories in time, corresponding to a Lagrangian measurement. The relationship between the PIV data collected herein, and the anticipated PEPT data is explored to provide a path for validating the performance of the PEPT method for flow measurement. The utility of the PEPT method extends to opaque fluids and flow in complex and opaque flow boundaries. These flow conditions are impossible or technically difficult for optical PIV methods to address. The PEPT method also provides full 4 dimensional particle trajectory data, with temporal and spatial resolution competitive with the most advanced optical PIV methods

    PET-CMR in heart failure - synergistic or redundant imaging?

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    Imaging in heart failure (HF) provides data for diagnosis, prognosis and disease monitoring. Both MRI and nuclear imaging techniques have been successfully used for this purpose in HF. Positron Emission Tomography-Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (PET-CMR) is an example of a new multimodality diagnostic imaging technique with potential applications in HF. The threshold for adopting a new diagnostic tool to clinical practice must necessarily be high, lest they exacerbate costs without improving care. New modalities must demonstrate clinical superiority, or at least equivalence, combined with another important advantage, such as lower cost or improved patient safety. The purpose of this review is to outline the current status of multimodality PET-CMR with regard to HF applications, and determine whether the clinical utility of this new technology justifies the cost

    Quantification of atherosclerotic plaque in the elderly with positron emission tomography/computed tomography

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    L'athérosclérose est une maladie cardiovasculaire inflammatoire qui est devenue la première cause de morbidité et de mortalité dans les pays développés et parmi les principales causes d’invalidité au monde. Elle se caractérise par l’épaississement de la paroi vasculaire artérielle suite à l'accumulation de lipides et le dépôt d'autres substances au niveau de l’intima (endothélium) pour former la plaque d’athérome. Avec l'âge, cette plaque peut grossir, se calcifier et ainsi rétrécir le calibre de l'artère pour diminuer son débit et à un stade avancé de la maladie, elle peut se rompre et obstruer les petites artères dans n'importe quelle partie du corps causant des complications aigues, y compris la mort soudaine. L'objectif de cette thèse est de pouvoir détecter l'inflammation de la plaque athérosclérotique quantitativement avec la TEP/TDM dans le but de prévenir son détachement. Les mesures avec la TDM et la TEP avec le 18F-FDG ont été acquises chez des sujets humains âgés de 65 à 85 ans. Des analyses quantitatives ont été conduites sur les images de TDM en fonction de l'intensité et des étendues des calcifications, et sur les images de la TEP pour évaluer le métabolisme des plaques. L'effet des traitements par les statines a aussi été étudié. Au-delà la couverture de cette étude de façon détaillée au niveau physiologique en corrélant différents paramètres des plaques, et au niveau méthodologique en utilisant de nouvelles approches pour l'analyse pharmacocinétique, il en ressort principalement la suggestion de la détection de la vulnérabilité de la plaque artérielle par la TDM, plus disponible et moins coûteuse, en remplacement des analyses biochimiques, surtout la protéine C-réactive (CRP) considérée être la méthode standard.Abstract : Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory cardiovascular disease considered the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in developed countries and among the leading causes of disability worldwide. It is characterized by the thickening of the arterial vascular wall due to the accumulation of lipids and the deposition of other substances in the intima (endothelium) to form atheroma plaque. With age, this plaque can grow larger, calcify and thus narrow the size of the artery to decrease blood flow and at an advanced stage of the disease, it can rupture, be transported by blood and block the small arteries in any part of the body causing acute complications, including sudden death. The objective of this thesis was to be able to detect the inflammation of the atherosclerotic plaque quantitatively with PET/CT in order to prevent its detachment. Measurements with CT and PET with 18F-FDG were acquired in human subjects aged 65 to 85 years. Quantitative analyzes were performed on CT images based on the intensity and extent of calcifications, and on PET images to assess plaque metabolism. The effect of statin treatments has also been studied. Beyond the coverage of this study in a detailed manner at the physiological level by correlating different parameters of the plaques, and at the methodological level by using new approaches for pharmacokinetic analysis, it mainly emerges the suggestion for the detection of the vulnerability of the arterial plaque by CT alone, more available and less expensive, replacing biochemical analyzes, especially Creactive protein (CRP) considered to be the standard method