155,516 research outputs found

    Robustness of the Thirty Meter Telescope Primary Mirror Control System

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    The primary mirror control system for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) maintains the alignment of the 492 segments in the presence of both quasi-static (gravity and thermal) and dynamic disturbances due to unsteady wind loads. The latter results in a desired control bandwidth of 1Hz at high spatial frequencies. The achievable bandwidth is limited by robustness to (i) uncertain telescope structural dynamics (control-structure interaction) and (ii) small perturbations in the ill-conditioned influence matrix that relates segment edge sensor response to actuator commands. Both of these effects are considered herein using models of TMT. The former is explored through multivariable sensitivity analysis on a reduced-order Zernike-basis representation of the structural dynamics. The interaction matrix ("A-matrix") uncertainty has been analyzed theoretically elsewhere, and is examined here for realistic amplitude perturbations due to segment and sensor installation errors, and gravity and thermal induced segment motion. The primary influence of A-matrix uncertainty is on the control of "focusmode"; this is the least observable mode, measurable only through the edge-sensor (gap-dependent) sensitivity to the dihedral angle between segments. Accurately estimating focus-mode will require updating the A-matrix as a function of the measured gap. A-matrix uncertainty also results in a higher gain-margin requirement for focus-mode, and hence the A-matrix and CSI robustness need to be understood simultaneously. Based on the robustness analysis, the desired 1 Hz bandwidth is achievable in the presence of uncertainty for all except the lowest spatial-frequency response patterns of the primary mirror

    Experimental and numerical studies of inclined cables: free and parametrically-forced vibrations

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    Because of few experimental studies in the inclined cable literature, this paper is aimed at experimental modelling and investigating the linear free and nonlinear forced vibrations of sagged inclined cables, by discussing the relevant outcomes in the background of theoretical and numerical achievements. Attention is paid to the identification of cable hybrid modes due to system asymmetry, which gives rise to an avoidance phenomenon in the natural frequency spectrum, and to the investigation of some typical 3-D nonlinear dynamics involving the simultaneous parametric/external excitation due to a harmonically time-varying support movement. Large-amplitude out-of-plane/in-plane multi-modal interactions due to non-planar/planar internal resonances are experimentally observed and complemented by space-time numerical simulation of the associated, geometrically nonlinear, partial-differential equations of parametrically-forced cable motion. Overall, the experimental and numerical results highlight the fundamental linear/nonlinear dynamic characteristics of inclined cables, and the crucial role played by the asymmetry induced by cable inclination, in addition to the significant effects of cable sag and dynamic extensibility

    Information flow between resting state networks

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    The resting brain dynamics self-organizes into a finite number of correlated patterns known as resting state networks (RSNs). It is well known that techniques like independent component analysis can separate the brain activity at rest to provide such RSNs, but the specific pattern of interaction between RSNs is not yet fully understood. To this aim, we propose here a novel method to compute the information flow (IF) between different RSNs from resting state magnetic resonance imaging. After haemodynamic response function blind deconvolution of all voxel signals, and under the hypothesis that RSNs define regions of interest, our method first uses principal component analysis to reduce dimensionality in each RSN to next compute IF (estimated here in terms of Transfer Entropy) between the different RSNs by systematically increasing k (the number of principal components used in the calculation). When k = 1, this method is equivalent to computing IF using the average of all voxel activities in each RSN. For k greater than one our method calculates the k-multivariate IF between the different RSNs. We find that the average IF among RSNs is dimension-dependent, increasing from k =1 (i.e., the average voxels activity) up to a maximum occurring at k =5 to finally decay to zero for k greater than 10. This suggests that a small number of components (close to 5) is sufficient to describe the IF pattern between RSNs. Our method - addressing differences in IF between RSNs for any generic data - can be used for group comparison in health or disease. To illustrate this, we have calculated the interRSNs IF in a dataset of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) to find that the most significant differences between AD and controls occurred for k =2, in addition to AD showing increased IF w.r.t. controls.Comment: 47 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, 3 supplementary figures. Accepted for publication in Brain Connectivity in its current for

    The SLH framework for modeling quantum input-output networks

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    Many emerging quantum technologies demand precise engineering and control over networks consisting of quantum mechanical degrees of freedom connected by propagating electromagnetic fields, or quantum input-output networks. Here we review recent progress in theory and experiment related to such quantum input-output networks, with a focus on the SLH framework, a powerful modeling framework for networked quantum systems that is naturally endowed with properties such as modularity and hierarchy. We begin by explaining the physical approximations required to represent any individual node of a network, eg. atoms in cavity or a mechanical oscillator, and its coupling to quantum fields by an operator triple (S,L,H)(S,L,H). Then we explain how these nodes can be composed into a network with arbitrary connectivity, including coherent feedback channels, using algebraic rules, and how to derive the dynamics of network components and output fields. The second part of the review discusses several extensions to the basic SLH framework that expand its modeling capabilities, and the prospects for modeling integrated implementations of quantum input-output networks. In addition to summarizing major results and recent literature, we discuss the potential applications and limitations of the SLH framework and quantum input-output networks, with the intention of providing context to a reader unfamiliar with the field.Comment: 60 pages, 14 figures. We are still interested in receiving correction

    Disruption to control network function correlates with altered dynamic connectivity in the wider autism spectrum.

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    Autism is a common developmental condition with a wide, variable range of co-occurring neuropsychiatric symptoms. Contrasting with most extant studies, we explored whole-brain functional organization at multiple levels simultaneously in a large subject group reflecting autism's clinical diversity, and present the first network-based analysis of transient brain states, or dynamic connectivity, in autism. Disruption to inter-network and inter-system connectivity, rather than within individual networks, predominated. We identified coupling disruption in the anterior-posterior default mode axis, and among specific control networks specialized for task start cues and the maintenance of domain-independent task positive status, specifically between the right fronto-parietal and cingulo-opercular networks and default mode network subsystems. These appear to propagate downstream in autism, with significantly dampened subject oscillations between brain states, and dynamic connectivity configuration differences. Our account proposes specific motifs that may provide candidates for neuroimaging biomarkers within heterogeneous clinical populations in this diverse condition

    Two polymorphisms facilitate differences in plasticity between two chicken major histocompatibility complex class I proteins

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    Major histocompatibility complex class I molecules (MHC I) present peptides to cytotoxic T-cells at the surface of almost all nucleated cells. The function of MHC I molecules is to select high affinity peptides from a large intracellular pool and they are assisted in this process by co-factor molecules, notably tapasin. In contrast to mammals, MHC homozygous chickens express a single MHC I gene locus, termed BF2, which is hypothesised to have co-evolved with the highly polymorphic tapasin within stable haplotypes. The BF2 molecules of the B15 and B19 haplotypes have recently been shown to differ in their interactions with tapasin and in their peptide selection properties. This study investigated whether these observations might be explained by differences in the protein plasticity that is encoded into the MHC I structure by primary sequence polymorphisms. Furthermore, we aimed to demonstrate the utility of a complimentary modelling approach to the understanding of complex experimental data. Combining mechanistic molecular dynamics simulations and the primary sequence based technique of statistical coupling analysis, we show how two of the eight polymorphisms between BF2*15:01 and BF2*19:01 facilitate differences in plasticity. We show that BF2*15:01 is intrinsically more plastic than BF2*19:01, exploring more conformations in the absence of peptide. We identify a protein sector of contiguous residues connecting the membrane bound ?3 domain and the heavy chain peptide binding site. This sector contains two of the eight polymorphic residues. One is residue 22 in the peptide binding domain and the other 220 is in the ?3 domain, a putative tapasin binding site. These observations are in correspondence with the experimentally observed functional differences of these molecules and suggest a mechanism for how modulation of MHC I plasticity by tapasin catalyses peptide selection allosterically

    Linearly polarized GHz magnetization dynamics of spin helix modes in the ferrimagnetic insulator Cu2_{2}OSeO3_{3}

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    Linear dichroism -- the polarization dependent absorption of electromagnetic waves -- is routinely exploited in applications as diverse as structure determination of DNA or polarization filters in optical technologies. Here filamentary absorbers with a large length-to-width ratio are a prerequisite. For magnetization dynamics in the few GHz frequency regime strictly linear dichroism was not observed for more than eight decades. Here, we show that the bulk chiral magnet Cu2_{2}OSeO3_{3} exhibits linearly polarized magnetization dynamics at an unexpectedly small frequency of about 2 GHz. Unlike optical filters that are assembled from filamentary absorbers, the magnet provides linear polarization as a bulk material for an extremely wide range of length-to-width ratios. In addition, the polarization plane of a given mode can be switched by 90^\circ via a tiny variation in width. Our findings shed a new light on magnetization dynamics in that ferrimagnetic ordering combined with anisotropic exchange interaction offers strictly linear polarization and cross-polarized modes for a broad spectrum of sample shapes. The discovery allows for novel design rules and optimization of microwave-to-magnon transduction in emerging microwave technologies.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    The coupling of action and perception in musical meaning formation

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    The embodied perspective on music cognition has stressed the central role of the body and body move- ments in musical meaning formation processes. In the present study, we investigate by means of a behavioral experiment how free body movements in response to music (i.e., action) can be linked to specific linguistic, metaphorical descriptions people use to describe the expressive qualities they perceive in the music (i.e., per- ception). We introduce a dimensional model based on the Effort/Shape theory of Laban in order to target musical expressivity from an embodied perspective. Also, we investigate whether a coupling between action and perception is dependent on the musical background of the participants (i.e., trained versus untrained). The results show that the physical appearance of the free body movements that participants perform in response to music are reliably linked to the linguistic descriptions of musical expressiveness in terms of the underlying quality. Moreover, this result is found to be independent of the participants’ musical background