68 research outputs found

    Design, Actuation, and Functionalization of Untethered Soft Magnetic Robots with Life-Like Motions: A Review

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    Soft robots have demonstrated superior flexibility and functionality than conventional rigid robots. These versatile devices can respond to a wide range of external stimuli (including light, magnetic field, heat, electric field, etc.), and can perform sophisticated tasks. Notably, soft magnetic robots exhibit unparalleled advantages among numerous soft robots (such as untethered control, rapid response, and high safety), and have made remarkable progress in small-scale manipulation tasks and biomedical applications. Despite the promising potential, soft magnetic robots are still in their infancy and require significant advancements in terms of fabrication, design principles, and functional development to be viable for real-world applications. Recent progress shows that bionics can serve as an effective tool for developing soft robots. In light of this, the review is presented with two main goals: (i) exploring how innovative bioinspired strategies can revolutionize the design and actuation of soft magnetic robots to realize various life-like motions; (ii) examining how these bionic systems could benefit practical applications in small-scale solid/liquid manipulation and therapeutic/diagnostic-related biomedical fields


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    In this thesis I show achievements for precision feedback control of objects inside micro-fluidic systems and for magnetically guided ferrofluids. Essentially, this is about doing flow control, but flow control on the microscale, and further even to nanoscale accuracy, to precisely and robustly manipulate micro and nano-objects (i.e. cells and quantum dots). Target applications include methods to miniaturize the operations of a biological laboratory (lab-on-a-chip), i.e. presenting pathogens to on-chip sensing cells or extracting cells from messy bio-samples such as saliva, urine, or blood; as well as non-biological applications such as deterministically placing quantum dots on photonic crystals to make multi-dot quantum information systems. The particles are steered by creating an electrokinetic fluid flow that carries all the particles from where they are to where they should be at each time step. The control loop comprises sensing, computation, and actuation to steer particles along trajectories. Particle locations are identified in real-time by an optical system and transferred to a control algorithm that then determines the electrode voltages necessary to create a flow field to carry all the particles to their next desired locations. The process repeats at the next time instant. I address following aspects of this technology. First I explain control and vision algorithms for steering single and multiple particles, and show extensions of these algorithms for steering in three dimensional (3D) spaces. Then I show algorithms for calculating power minimum paths for steering multiple particles in actuation constrained environments. With this microfluidic system I steer biological cells and nano particles (quantum dots) to nano meter precision. In the last part of the thesis I develop and experimentally demonstrate two dimensional (2D) manipulation of a single droplet of ferrofluid by feedback control of 4 external electromagnets, with a view towards enabling feedback control of magnetic drug delivery to reach deeper tumors in the long term. To this end, I developed and experimentally demonstrated an optimal control algorithm to effectively manipulate a single ferrofluid droplet by magnetic feedback control. This algorithm was explicitly designed to address the nonlinear and cross-coupled nature of dynamic magnetic actuation and to best exploit available electromagnetic forces for the applications of magnetic drug delivery

    Magnetically Driven Micro and Nanorobots

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    Manipulation and navigation of micro and nanoswimmers in different fluid environments can be achieved by chemicals, external fields, or even motile cells. Many researchers have selected magnetic fields as the active external actuation source based on the advantageous features of this actuation strategy such as remote and spatiotemporal control, fuel-free, high degree of reconfigurability, programmability, recyclability, and versatility. This review introduces fundamental concepts and advantages of magnetic micro/nanorobots (termed here as "MagRobots") as well as basic knowledge of magnetic fields and magnetic materials, setups for magnetic manipulation, magnetic field configurations, and symmetry-breaking strategies for effective movement. These concepts are discussed to describe the interactions between micro/nanorobots and magnetic fields. Actuation mechanisms of flagella-inspired MagRobots (i.e., corkscrew-like motion and traveling-wave locomotion/ciliary stroke motion) and surface walkers (i.e., surface-assisted motion), applications of magnetic fields in other propulsion approaches, and magnetic stimulation of micro/nanorobots beyond motion are provided followed by fabrication techniques for (quasi)spherical, helical, flexible, wire-like, and biohybrid MagRobots. Applications of MagRobots in targeted drug/gene delivery, cell manipulation, minimally invasive surgery, biopsy, biofilm disruption/eradication, imaging-guided delivery/therapy/surgery, pollution removal for environmental remediation, and (bio)sensing are also reviewed. Finally, current challenges and future perspectives for the development of magnetically powered miniaturized motors are discussed

    Design and Implementation of Electromagnetic Actuation System to Actuate Micro/NanoRobots in Viscous Environment

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    The navigation of Micro/Nanorobots (MNRs) with the ability to track a selected trajectory accurately holds significant promise for different applications in biomedicine, providing methods for diagnoses and treatments inside the human body. The critical challenge is ensuring that the required power can be generated within the MNR. Furthermore, ensuring that it is feasible for the robot to travel inside the human body with the necessary power availability. Currently, MNRs are widely driven either by exogenous power sources (light energy, magnetic fields, electric fields, acoustics fields, etc.) or by endogenous energy sources, such as chemical interaction energy. Various driving techniques have been established, including piezoelectric as a driving source, thermal driving, electro-osmotic force driven by biological bacteria, and micro-motors powered by chemical fuel. These driving techniques have some restrictions, mainly when used in biomedicine. External magnetic fields are another potential power source of MNRs. Magnetic fields can permeate deep tissues and be safe for human organisms. As a result, magnetic fields’ magnetic forces and moments can be applied to MNRs without affecting biological fluids and tissues. Due to their features and characteristics of magnetic fields in generating high power, they are naturally suited to control the electromagnetically actuated MNRs in inaccessible locations due to their ability to go through tiny spaces. From the literature, it can be inferred from the available range of actuation technologies that magnetic actuation performs better than other technologies in terms of controllability, speed, flexibility of the working environment, and far less harm may cause to people. Also, electromagnetic actuation systems may come in various configurations that offer many degrees of freedom, different working mediums, and controllability schemes. Although this is a promising field of research, further simulation studies, and analysis, new smart materials, and the development and building of new real systems physically, and testing the concepts under development from different aspects and application requirements are required to determine whether these systems could be implemented in natural clinical settings on the human body. Also, to understand the latest development in MNRs and the actuation techniques with the associated technologies. Also, there is a need to conduct studies and comparisons to conclude the main research achievements in the field, highlight the critical challenges waiting for answers, and develop new research directions to solve and improve the performance. Therefore, this thesis aims to model and analyze, simulate, design, develop, and implement (with complete hardware and software integration) an electromagnetic actuation (EMA) system to actuate MNRs in the sixdimensional (6D) motion space inside a relatively large region of interest (ROI). The second stage is a simulation; simulation and finite element analysis were conducted. COMSOL multi-physics software is used to analyze the performance of different coils and coil pairs for Helmholtz and Maxwell coil configurations and electromagnetic actuation systems. This leads to the following.: • Finite element analysis (FEA) demonstrates that the Helmholtz coils generate a uniform and consistent magnetic field within a targeted ROI, and the Maxwell coils generate a uniform magnetic gradient. • The possibility to combine Helmholtz and Maxwell coils in different space dimensions. With the ability to actuate an MNR in a 6D space: 3D as a position and 3D as orientation. • Different electromagnetic system configurations are proposed, and their effectiveness in guiding an MNR inside a mimicked blood vessel environment was assessed. • Three pairs of Helmholtz coils and three pairs of coils of Maxwell coils are combined to actuate different size MNRs inside a mimicked blood vessel environment and in 6D. Based on the modeling results, a magnetic actuation system prototype that can control different sizes MNRs was conceived. A closed-loop control algorithm was proposed, and motion analysis of the MNR was conducted and discussed for both position and orientation. Improved EMA location tracking along a chosen trajectory was achieved using a PID-based closed-loop control approach with the best possible parameters. Through the model and analysis stage, the developed system was simulated and tested using open- and closed-loop circumstances. Finally, the closedloop controlled system was concluded and simulated to verify the ability of the proposed EMA to actuate an MN under different trajectory tracking examples with different dimensionality and for different sizes of MNRs. The last stage is developing the experimental setup by manufacturing the coils and their base in-house. Drivers and power supplies are selected according to the specifications that actuate the coils to generate the required magnetic field. Three digital microscopes were integrated with the electromagnetic actuation system to deliver visual feedback aiming to track in real-time the location of the MNR in the 6D high viscous fluidic environment, which leads to enabling closed-loop control. The closed-loop control algorithm is developed to facilitate MNR trajectory tracking and minimize the error accordingly. Accordingly, different tests were carried out to check the uniformity of the magnetic field generated from the coils. Also, a test was done for the digital microscope to check that it was calibrated and it works correctly. Experimental tests were conducted in 1D, 2D plane, and 3D trajectories with two different MNR sizes. The results show the ability of the proposed EMA system to actuate the two different sizes with a tracking error of 20-45 µm depending on the axis and the size of the MNR. The experiments show the ability of the developed EMA system to hold the MNR at any point within the 3D fluidic environment while overcoming the gravity effects. A comparison was made between the results achieved (in simulation and physical experiments) and the results deduced from the literature. The comparison shows that the thesis’s outcomes regarding the error and MNR size used are significant, with better performance relative to the MNR size and value of the error

    MicroBioRobots for Single Cell Manipulation

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    One of the great challenges in nano and micro scale science and engineering is the independent manipulation of biological cells and small man-made objects with active sensing. For such biomedical applications as single cell manipulation, telemetry, and localized targeted delivery of chemicals, it is important to fabricate microstructures that can be powered and controlled without a tether in fluidic environments. These microstructures can be used to develop microrobots that have the potential to make existing therapeutic and diagnostic procedures less invasive. Actuation can be realized using various different organic and inorganic methods. Previous studies explored different forms of actuation and control with microorganisms. Bacteria, in particular, offer several advantages as controllable micro actuators: they draw chemical energy directly from their environment, they are genetically modifiable, and they are scalable and configurable in the sense that any number of bacteria can be selectively patterned. Additionally, the study of bacteria inspires inorganic schemes of actuation and control. For these reasons, we chose to employ bacteria while controlling their motility using optical and electrical stimuli. In the first part of the thesis, we demonstrate a bio-integrated approach by introducing MicroBioRobots (MBRs). MBRs are negative photosensitive epoxy (SU8) microfabricated structures with typical feature sizes ranging from 1-100 μm coated with a monolayer of the swarming Serratia marcescens. The adherent bacterial cells naturally coordinate to propel the microstructures in fluidic environments, which we call Self-Actuation. First, we demonstrate the control of MBRs using self-actuation, DC electric fields and ultra-violet radiation and develop an experimentally-validated mathematical model for the MBRs. This model allows us to to steer the MBR to any position and orientation in a planar micro channel using visual feedback and an inverted microscope. Examples of sub-micron scale transport and assembly as well as computer-based closed-loop control of MBRs are presented. We demonstrate experimentally that vision-based feedback control allows a four-electrode experimental device to steer MBRs along arbitrary paths with micrometer precision. At each time instant, the system identifies the current location of the robot, a control algorithm determines the power supply voltages that will move the charged robot from its current location toward its next desired position, and the necessary electric field is then created. Second, we develop biosensors for the MBRs. Microscopic devices with sensing capabilities could significantly improve single cell analysis, especially in high-resolution detection of patterns of chemicals released from cells in vitro. Two different types of sensing mechanisms are employed. The first method is based on harnessing bacterial power, and in the second method we use genetically engineered bacteria. The small size of the devices gives them access to individual cells, and their large numbers permit simultaneous monitoring of many cells. In the second part, we describe the construction and operation of truly micron-sized, biocompatible ferromagnetic micro transporters driven by external magnetic fields capable of exerting forces at the pico Newton scale. We develop micro transporters using a simple, single step micro fabrication technique that allows us to produce large numbers in the same step. We also fabricate microgels to deliver drugs. We demonstrate that the micro transporters can be navigated to separate single cells with micron-size precision and localize microgels without disturbing the local environment

    Hybrid optical and magnetic manipulation of microrobots

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    Microrobotic systems have the potential to provide precise manipulation on cellular level for diagnostics, drug delivery and surgical interventions. These systems vary from tethered to untethered microrobots with sizes below a micrometer to a few microns. However, their main disadvantage is that they do not have the same capabilities in terms of degrees-of-freedom, sensing and control as macroscale robotic systems. In particular, their lack of on-board sensing for pose or force feedback, their control methods and interface for automated or manual user control are limited as well as their geometry has few degrees-of-freedom making three-dimensional manipulation more challenging. This PhD project is on the development of a micromanipulation framework that can be used for single cell analysis using the Optical Tweezers as well as a combination of optical trapping and magnetic actuation for recon gurable microassembly. The focus is on untethered microrobots with sizes up to a few tens of microns that can be used in enclosed environments for ex vivo and in vitro medical applications. The work presented investigates the following aspects of microrobots for single cell analysis: i) The microfabrication procedure and design considerations that are taken into account in order to fabricate components for three-dimensional micromanipulation and microassembly, ii) vision-based methods to provide 6-degree-offreedom position and orientation feedback which is essential for closed-loop control, iii) manual and shared control manipulation methodologies that take into account the user input for multiple microrobot or three-dimensional microstructure manipulation and iv) a methodology for recon gurable microassembly combining the Optical Tweezers with magnetic actuation into a hybrid method of actuation for microassembly.Open Acces

    Rolled up microtubes for the capture, guidance and release of single spermatozoa

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    Hybride Mikroschwimmer, die einen biologischen Antrieb und eine künstlich hergestellte Mikrostruktur enthalten sind ein attraktiver Ansatz um kontrollierte Bewegung auf kleinstem Maßstab zu erreichen. In dieser Dissertation wird ein neuer hybrider Mikroschwimmer vorgestellt, der aus ferromagnetischen Nanomembranen besteht, die sich zu Mikroröhrchen aufrollen und in der Lage sind, einzelne Spermien einzufangen. Dieser Mikrobioroboter nutzt die starke Antriebskraft der Spermazelle um das magnetische Mikroröhrchen fortzubewegen. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt, wie dieser Mikroschwimmer seine Bewegung vollzieht und wie verschiedene Faktoren wie Temperatur, Radius der Mikroröhrchen, Eindringtiefe der Spermien in das Röhrchen und Länge der Röhrchen einen Einfluss auf sein Verhalten haben. Richtungskontrolle wird durch externe magnetische Felder realisiert und es wird dargestellt, wie dies zur Trennung der Mikrobioroboter aus einer Mischung von Spermien und Mikroröhrchen genutzt werden kann. Weiterhin werden zwei Oberflächenmodifizierungsmethoden angewandt um die Kupplungseffizienz zwischen Mikroröhrchen und Spermien zu erhöhen. In diesen Methoden wird das extrazelluläre Protein Fibronektin auf die innere Röhrchenoberfläche aufgebracht und dient als Bindungsstoff für Spermien. Schließlich wird durch den Einbau temperatursensitiver Material in die Mikroröhrchen ein ferngesteuerter Freisetzungsmechanismus für die Spermazelle vorgestellt. Dabei falten sich die Mikroröhrchen bei kleinen Temperaturerhöhungen auf und setzen die Zelle frei. Diese Arbeit diskutiert letztendlich das Potential solch eines hybriden Mikroschwimmers für die Anwendung in assistierter Reproduktion.:TABLE OF CONTENTS SELBSTSTÄNDIGKEITSERKLÄRUNG 0 ABSTRACT 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 1 MOTIVATION AND GOALS 5 1.1 MINIATURIZATION: “THERE IS PLENTY OF ROOM AT THE BOTTOM…” 5 1.2 SPERMBOTS: POTENTIAL IMPACT 7 2 BACKGROUND AND STATE-OF-THE-ART 11 2.1 MICROBIOROBOTICS 11 2.2 SPERM MORPHOLOGY AND THEIR JOURNEY TO THE EGG 15 2.3 INFERTILITY AND ASSISTED REPRODUCTION TECHNIQUES 19 2.4 SINGLE CELL RELEASE 22 2.5 STIMULI-RESPONSIVE MATERIALS 25 3 MATERIAL AND METHODS 29 3.1 ROLLED UP TECHNOLOGY 29 3.2 TREATMENT OF BOVINE SPERMATOZOA 32 3.2.1 Preparation of Spermbots 32 3.2.2 Speed Measurements 33 3.2.3 Separation On Chip 33 3.3 SURFACE MODIFICATION OF MICROTUBES 34 3.3.1 Surface Chemistry 35 3.3.2 Microcontact printing 39 3.4 POLYMER TUBE FABRICATION 44 3.4.1 Synthesis of photosensitive monomer 4-Acryloylbenzophenone 44 3.4.2 Synthesis of poly (N-isopropylacrylamide-co-Acryloylbenzophenone) 46 3.4.3 Photolithography of polymeric films 48 3.5 VIABILITY TESTS 51 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 53 4.1 CHARACTERIZATION OF SPERMBOTS 55 4.2 TEMPERATURE INFLUENCE 60 4.3 MAGNETIC CONTROL 62 4.4 SEPARATION ON CHIP 68 4.5 EFFECT OF DECREASED MICROTUBE LENGTH 72 4.6 COUPLING EFFICIENCY 74 4.7 THERMORESPONSIVE POLYMERIC MICROTUBES FOR CELL RELEASE 80 4.8 SPERM VIABILITY TESTS 94 5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 97 6 OUTLOOK 101 7 LIST OF FIGURES 107 8 LIST OF TABLES 113 9 ABBREVIATIONS 115 10 CURRICULUM VITAE 117 11 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 119 JOURNAL ARTICLES 119 CONTRIBUTIONS TO COLLECTED EDITIONS/PROCEEDINGS 121 12 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 123 13 REFERENCES 125The search for autonomously moving, highly functional and controllable microdevices is a purpose of current micro/nanobiotechnology research, especially in the area of biomedical applications, for which reason, biocompatible solutions are in demand. In this thesis, a novel type of hybrid microswimmer is fabricated by the combination of rolled up thin nanomembranes with bovine spermatozoa. The microbiorobot presented here uses the powerful motion of the sperm flagella as a propulsion source for the magnetic microtube. This work demonstrates how the microswimmer performs its motion and how several factors such as temperature, radius of the microtube, penetration of the cell inside the microtube and length of the tube have influence on its performance. Directional control mechanisms are offered by external magnetic fields and are presented to be useful for the on-chip separation of the microbiorobots from a mixture of cells and microtubes. Two surface modification methods are presented as means to improve the coupling efficiency between the microtubes and the sperm cells. By these surface functionalizations, the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin is attached on the inner microtube walls and serves as binding agent for the spermatozoa. Finally, a remote release mechanism for the sperm cells is demonstrated by the incorporation of thermoresponsive material into the microtubes, which makes them fold and unfold upon small temperature changes. This work discusses the potential of such microswimmers for the application in assisted reproduction techniques and gives an outlook on future perspectives.:TABLE OF CONTENTS SELBSTSTÄNDIGKEITSERKLÄRUNG 0 ABSTRACT 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 1 MOTIVATION AND GOALS 5 1.1 MINIATURIZATION: “THERE IS PLENTY OF ROOM AT THE BOTTOM…” 5 1.2 SPERMBOTS: POTENTIAL IMPACT 7 2 BACKGROUND AND STATE-OF-THE-ART 11 2.1 MICROBIOROBOTICS 11 2.2 SPERM MORPHOLOGY AND THEIR JOURNEY TO THE EGG 15 2.3 INFERTILITY AND ASSISTED REPRODUCTION TECHNIQUES 19 2.4 SINGLE CELL RELEASE 22 2.5 STIMULI-RESPONSIVE MATERIALS 25 3 MATERIAL AND METHODS 29 3.1 ROLLED UP TECHNOLOGY 29 3.2 TREATMENT OF BOVINE SPERMATOZOA 32 3.2.1 Preparation of Spermbots 32 3.2.2 Speed Measurements 33 3.2.3 Separation On Chip 33 3.3 SURFACE MODIFICATION OF MICROTUBES 34 3.3.1 Surface Chemistry 35 3.3.2 Microcontact printing 39 3.4 POLYMER TUBE FABRICATION 44 3.4.1 Synthesis of photosensitive monomer 4-Acryloylbenzophenone 44 3.4.2 Synthesis of poly (N-isopropylacrylamide-co-Acryloylbenzophenone) 46 3.4.3 Photolithography of polymeric films 48 3.5 VIABILITY TESTS 51 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 53 4.1 CHARACTERIZATION OF SPERMBOTS 55 4.2 TEMPERATURE INFLUENCE 60 4.3 MAGNETIC CONTROL 62 4.4 SEPARATION ON CHIP 68 4.5 EFFECT OF DECREASED MICROTUBE LENGTH 72 4.6 COUPLING EFFICIENCY 74 4.7 THERMORESPONSIVE POLYMERIC MICROTUBES FOR CELL RELEASE 80 4.8 SPERM VIABILITY TESTS 94 5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 97 6 OUTLOOK 101 7 LIST OF FIGURES 107 8 LIST OF TABLES 113 9 ABBREVIATIONS 115 10 CURRICULUM VITAE 117 11 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 119 JOURNAL ARTICLES 119 CONTRIBUTIONS TO COLLECTED EDITIONS/PROCEEDINGS 121 12 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 123 13 REFERENCES 12

    Snake Robots for Surgical Applications: A Review

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    Although substantial advancements have been achieved in robot-assisted surgery, the blueprint to existing snake robotics predominantly focuses on the preliminary structural design, control, and human–robot interfaces, with features which have not been particularly explored in the literature. This paper aims to conduct a review of planning and operation concepts of hyper-redundant serpentine robots for surgical use, as well as any future challenges and solutions for better manipulation. Current researchers in the field of the manufacture and navigation of snake robots have faced issues, such as a low dexterity of the end-effectors around delicate organs, state estimation and the lack of depth perception on two-dimensional screens. A wide range of robots have been analysed, such as the i2Snake robot, inspiring the use of force and position feedback, visual servoing and augmented reality (AR). We present the types of actuation methods, robot kinematics, dynamics, sensing, and prospects of AR integration in snake robots, whilst addressing their shortcomings to facilitate the surgeon’s task. For a smoother gait control, validation and optimization algorithms such as deep learning databases are examined to mitigate redundancy in module linkage backlash and accidental self-collision. In essence, we aim to provide an outlook on robot configurations during motion by enhancing their material compositions within anatomical biocompatibility standards

    Challenges and attempts to make intelligent microswimmers

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    The study of microswimmers’ behavior, including their self-propulsion, interactions with the environment, and collective phenomena, has received significant attention over the past few decades due to its importance for various biological and medical applications. Microswimmers can easily access micro-fluidic channels and manipulate microscopic entities, enabling them to perform sophisticated tasks as untethered mobile microrobots inside the human body or microsize devices. Thanks to the advancements in micro/nano-technologies, a variety of synthetic and biohybrid microrobots have been designed and fabricated. Nevertheless, a key challenge arises: how to guide the microrobots to navigate through complex fluid environments and perform specific tasks. The model-free reinforcement learning (RL) technique appears to be a promising approach to address this problem. In this review article, we will first illustrate the complexities that microswimmers may face in realistic biological fluid environments. Subsequently, we will present recent experimental advancements in fabricating intelligent microswimmers using physical intelligence and biohybrid techniques. We then introduce several popular RL algorithms and summarize the recent progress for RL-powered microswimmers. Finally, the limitations and perspectives of the current studies in this field will be discussed