918 research outputs found

    A coarse representation of frames oriented video coding by leveraging cuboidal partitioning of image data

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    Video coding algorithms attempt to minimize the significant commonality that exists within a video sequence. Each new video coding standard contains tools that can perform this task more efficiently compared to its predecessors. In this work, we form a coarse representation of the current frame by minimizing commonality within that frame while preserving important structural properties of the frame. The building blocks of this coarse representation are rectangular regions called cuboids, which are computationally simple and has a compact description. Then we propose to employ the coarse frame as an additional source for predictive coding of the current frame. Experimental results show an improvement in bit rate savings over a reference codec for HEVC, with minor increase in the codec computational complexity. © 2020 IEEE

    Bounding Volume Hierarchies for Collision Detection

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    In virtual environment world, performing collision detection between various 3D objects requires sophisticated steps to be followed in order to properly visualize their effect. It is challenging due to the fact that multiple objects undergo various motion depending on the application’s genre. It is however an essential challenge to be resolved since it’s many use in the computer animation, simulation and robotic industry. Thus, object intersection between rigid bodies has become one of the most important areas in order to bring realism to simulation and animation

    Bounding Volume Hierarchies for Collision Detection

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    In virtual environment world, performing collision detection between various 3D objects requires sophisticated steps to be followed in order to properly visualize their effect. It is challenging due to the fact that multiple objects undergo various motion depending on the application’s genre. It is however an essential challenge to be resolved since it’s many use in the computer animation, simulation and robotic industry. Thus, object intersection between rigid bodies has become one of the most important areas in order to bring realism to simulation and animation

    Spatial Reconstruction of Biological Trees from Point Cloud

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    Trees are complex systems in nature whose topology and geometry ar

    A Framework for Dynamic Terrain with Application in Off-road Ground Vehicle Simulations

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    The dissertation develops a framework for the visualization of dynamic terrains for use in interactive real-time 3D systems. Terrain visualization techniques may be classified as either static or dynamic. Static terrain solutions simulate rigid surface types exclusively; whereas dynamic solutions can also represent non-rigid surfaces. Systems that employ a static terrain approach lack realism due to their rigid nature. Disregarding the accurate representation of terrain surface interaction is rationalized because of the inherent difficulties associated with providing runtime dynamism. Nonetheless, dynamic terrain systems are a more correct solution because they allow the terrain database to be modified at run-time for the purpose of deforming the surface. Many established techniques in terrain visualization rely on invalid assumptions and weak computational models that hinder the use of dynamic terrain. Moreover, many existing techniques do not exploit the capabilities offered by current computer hardware. In this research, we present a component framework for terrain visualization that is useful in research, entertainment, and simulation systems. In addition, we present a novel method for deforming the terrain that can be used in real-time, interactive systems. The development of a component framework unifies disparate works under a single architecture. The high-level nature of the framework makes it flexible and adaptable for developing a variety of systems, independent of the static or dynamic nature of the solution. Currently, there are only a handful of documented deformation techniques and, in particular, none make explicit use of graphics hardware. The approach developed by this research offloads extra work to the graphics processing unit; in an effort to alleviate the overhead associated with deforming the terrain. Off-road ground vehicle simulation is used as an application domain to demonstrate the practical nature of the framework and the deformation technique. In order to realistically simulate terrain surface interactivity with the vehicle, the solution balances visual fidelity and speed. Accurately depicting terrain surface interactivity in off-road ground vehicle simulations improves visual realism; thereby, increasing the significance and worth of the application. Systems in academia, government, and commercial institutes can make use of the research findings to achieve the real-time display of interactive terrain surfaces

    Real-time rendering and simulation of trees and snow

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    Tree models created by an industry used package are exported and the structure extracted in order to procedurally regenerate the geometric mesh, addressing the limitations of the application's standard output. The structure, once extracted, is used to fully generate a high quality skeleton for the tree, individually representing each section in every branch to give the greatest achievable level of freedom of deformation and animation. Around the generated skeleton, a new geometric mesh is wrapped using a single, continuous surface resulting in the removal of intersection based render artefacts. Surface smoothing and enhanced detail is added to the model dynamically using the GPU enhanced tessellation engine. A real-time snow accumulation system is developed to generate snow cover on a dynamic, animated scene. Occlusion techniques are used to project snow accumulating faces and map exposed areas to applied accumulation maps in the form of dynamic textures. Accumulation maps are xed to applied surfaces, allowing moving objects to maintain accumulated snow cover. Mesh generation is performed dynamically during the rendering pass using surface o�setting and tessellation to enhance required detail

    QuadStream: {A} Quad-Based Scene Streaming Architecture for Novel Viewpoint Reconstruction

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    Mesh compression: Theory and practice.

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    Three-dimensional meshes (3D meshes, for short) are fast becoming an emerging media type, used in a variety of application domains such as engineering design, manufacture, architecture, bio-informatics, medicine, entertainment, commerce, science, defense, etc. The volume of data of this media type that is being circulated on the internet is increasing very rapidly and is being used as frequently as other media types like text, audio (1D), images and video (2D). Hence, 3D meshes need good processing and visualization methods. Also, the sizes of these meshes are much greater than the other media types mentioned above and often exceeds the memory and bandwidth available for their storage and transmission. Compression schemes for such large 3D meshes have become a subject of intense study lately. Meshes are either made up of triangles or quadrilaterals. Meshes made up of only triangles are called triangle meshes and meshes made up of quadrilaterals are called quadrilateral meshes (quad meshes, for short). A mesh is described by specifying its geometry (vertex coordinates) and its connectivity (adjacencies of the triangles or quadrilaterals). Previous research on mesh compression has been mostly for triangle meshes. Quad meshes were traditionally handled by first triangulating them and then applying triangle mesh compression techniques. In order to avoid this additional triangulation step, a direct technique is proposed for compressing and decompressing the connectivity of quad meshes. This technique takes a quad mesh as input and encodes its connectivity as a sequence of opcodes which can be restored back to the quad mesh, using the decompression technique. A data structure called EdgeTable is introduced to aid in the traversal of a quad mesh during compression. Also, a technique based on constrained Delaunay triangulation for reconstructing the connectivity of a 2D mesh from its geometry and a minimum set of edges is proposed. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 44-03, page: 1393. Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2005

    Virtual Reality Methods for Research in the Geosciences

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    In the presented work, I evaluate if and how Virtual Reality (VR) technologies can be used to support researchers working in the geosciences by providing immersive, collaborative visualization systems as well as virtual tools for data analysis. Technical challenges encountered in the development of theses systems are identified and solutions for these are provided. To enable geologists to explore large digital terrain models (DTMs) in an immersive, explorative fashion within a VR environment, a suitable terrain rendering algorithm is required. For realistic perception of planetary curvature at large viewer altitudes, spherical rendering of the surface is necessary. Furthermore, rendering must sustain interactive frame rates of about 30 frames per second to avoid sensory confusion of the user. At the same time, the data structures used for visualization should also be suitable for efficiently computing spatial properties such as height profiles or volumes in order to implement virtual analysis tools. To address these requirements, I have developed a novel terrain rendering algorithm based on tiled quadtree hierarchies using the HEALPix parametrization of a sphere. For evaluation purposes, the system is applied to a 500 GiB dataset representing the surface of Mars. Considering the current development of inexpensive remote surveillance equipment such as quadcopters, it seems inevitable that these devices will play a major role in future disaster management applications. Virtual reality installations in disaster management headquarters which provide an immersive visualization of near-live, three-dimensional situational data could then be a valuable asset for rapid, collaborative decision making. Most terrain visualization algorithms, however, require a computationally expensive pre-processing step to construct a terrain database. To address this problem, I present an on-the-fly pre-processing system for cartographic data. The system consists of a frontend for rendering and interaction as well as a distributed processing backend executing on a small cluster which produces tiled data in the format required by the frontend on demand. The backend employs a CUDA based algorithm on graphics cards to perform efficient conversion from cartographic standard projections to the HEALPix-based grid used by the frontend. Measurement of spatial properties is an important step in quantifying geological phenomena. When performing these tasks in a VR environment, a suitable input device and abstraction for the interaction (a “virtual tool”) must be provided. This tool should enable the user to precisely select the location of the measurement even under a perspective projection. Furthermore, the measurement process should be accurate to the resolution of the data available and should not have a large impact on the frame rate in order to not violate interactivity requirements. I have implemented virtual tools based on the HEALPix data structure for measurement of height profiles as well as volumes. For interaction, a ray-based picking metaphor was employed, using a virtual selection ray extending from the user’s hand holding a VR interaction device. To provide maximum accuracy, the algorithms access the quad-tree terrain database at the highest available resolution level while at the same time maintaining interactivity in rendering. Geological faults are cracks in the earth’s crust along which a differential movement of rock volumes can be observed. Quantifying the direction and magnitude of such translations is an essential requirement in understanding earth’s geological history. For this purpose, geologists traditionally use maps in top-down projection which are cut (e.g. using image editing software) along the suspected fault trace. The two resulting pieces of the map are then translated in parallel against each other until surface features which have been cut by the fault motion come back into alignment. The amount of translation applied is then used as a hypothesis for the magnitude of the fault action. In the scope of this work it is shown, however, that performing this study in a top-down perspective can lead to the acceptance of faulty reconstructions, since the three-dimensional structure of topography is not considered. To address this problem, I present a novel terrain deformation algorithm which allows the user to trace a fault line directly within a 3D terrain visualization system and interactively deform the terrain model while inspecting the resulting reconstruction from arbitrary perspectives. I demonstrate that the application of 3D visualization allows for a more informed interpretation of fault reconstruction hypotheses. The algorithm is implemented on graphics cards and performs real-time geometric deformation of the terrain model, guaranteeing interactivity with respect to all parameters. Paleoceanography is the study of the prehistoric evolution of the ocean. One of the key data sources used in this research are coring experiments which provide point samples of layered sediment depositions at the ocean floor. The samples obtained in these experiments document the time-varying sediment concentrations within the ocean water at the point of measurement. The task of recovering the ocean flow patterns based on these deposition records is a challenging inverse numerical problem, however. To support domain scientists working on this problem, I have developed a VR visualization tool to aid in the verification of model parameters by providing simultaneous visualization of experimental data from coring as well as the resulting predicted flow field obtained from numerical simulation. Earth is visualized as a globe in the VR environment with coring data being presented using a billboard rendering technique while the time-variant flow field is indicated using Line-Integral-Convolution (LIC). To study individual sediment transport pathways and their correlation with the depositional record, interactive particle injection and real-time advection is supported
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