4,686 research outputs found

    On Advanced Mobility Concepts for Intelligent Planetary Surface Exploration

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    Surface exploration by wheeled rovers on Earth's Moon (the two Lunokhods) and Mars (Nasa's Sojourner and the two MERs) have been followed since many years already very suc-cessfully, specifically concerning operations over long time. However, despite of this success, the explored surface area was very small, having in mind a total driving distance of about 8 km (Spirit) and 21 km (Opportunity) over 6 years of operation. Moreover, ESA will send its ExoMars rover in 2018 to Mars, and NASA its MSL rover probably this year. However, all these rovers are lacking sufficient on-board intelligence in order to overcome longer dis-tances, driving much faster and deciding autonomously on path planning for the best trajec-tory to follow. In order to increase the scientific output of a rover mission it seems very nec-essary to explore much larger surface areas reliably in much less time. This is the main driver for a robotics institute to combine mechatronics functionalities to develop an intelligent mo-bile wheeled rover with four or six wheels, and having specific kinematics and locomotion suspension depending on the operational terrain of the rover to operate. DLR's Robotics and Mechatronics Center has a long tradition in developing advanced components in the field of light-weight motion actuation, intelligent and soft manipulation and skilled hands and tools, perception and cognition, and in increasing the autonomy of any kind of mechatronic systems. The whole design is supported and is based upon detailed modeling, optimization, and simula-tion tasks. We have developed efficient software tools to simulate the rover driveability per-formance on various terrain characteristics such as soft sandy and hard rocky terrains as well as on inclined planes, where wheel and grouser geometry plays a dominant role. Moreover, rover optimization is performed to support the best engineering intuitions, that will optimize structural and geometric parameters, compare various kinematics suspension concepts, and make use of realistic cost functions like mass and consumed energy minimization, static sta-bility, and more. For self-localization and safe navigation through unknown terrain we make use of fast 3D stereo algorithms that were successfully used e.g. in unmanned air vehicle ap-plications and on terrestrial mobile systems. The advanced rover design approach is applica-ble for lunar as well as Martian surface exploration purposes. A first mobility concept ap-proach for a lunar vehicle will be presented

    A Dynamic Localized Adjustable Force Field Method for Real-time Assistive Non-holonomic Mobile Robotics

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    Providing an assistive navigation system that augments rather than usurps user control of a powered wheelchair represents a significant technical challenge. This paper evaluates an assistive collision avoidance method for a powered wheelchair that allows the user to navigate safely whilst maintaining their overall governance of the platform motion. The paper shows that by shaping, switching and adjusting localized potential fields we are able to negotiate different obstacles by generating a more intuitively natural trajectory, one that does not deviate significantly from the operator in the loop desired-trajectory. It can also be seen that this method does not suffer from the local minima problem, or narrow corridor and proximity oscillation, which are common problems that occur when using potential fields. Furthermore this localized method enables the robotic platform to pass very close to obstacles, such as when negotiating a narrow passage or doorway

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 204

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    This bibliography lists 140 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in February 1980

    In Depth Analysis of Power Balance, Handling, and the Traction Subsystem of an Articulated Skid-Steering Robot for Sustainable Agricultural Monitoring

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    This paper reports on the energy balance test performed on Agri.Q, an eight-wheel articulated robot intended to be a sustainable monitoring tool within the precision agriculture paradigm, and proposes an in-depth analysis of the traction subsystem in order to develop an appropriate traction allocation strategy to improve navigation through hilly or mountainous crops. Tests were conducted on the contribution of the orientable photovoltaic panel to the mission duration and overall sustainability, showing that a suitable mission plan, including dedicated charging phases, could significantly increase the robot’s operating time. A series of simulations of circular trajectories of different curvature and at different longitudinal velocities on flat ground were performed, with the aim of mapping the robot’s behaviour at steady state. The results of the simulations were analysed, paying particular attention to the required torques, manoeuvrability and forces exchanged on the ground. The simulations conducted demonstrated and extended previous results obtained on similar robotic architectures, which suffer from significant understeer behaviour due to significant lateral wheel slip during turning. They also showed the limitations of currently employed traction motors, but also the advantages of a proper traction allocation strategy involving the rear module. Article highlights. Agri.Q energy balance tests have been carried out to assess its endurance and sustainability The traction and handling behaviours of Agri.Q were mapped and discussed in detail in order to improve them Agri.Q has proven to be a basis for the future implementation of precision agriculture to advance the SDG

    Using Surface-Motions for Locomotion of Microscopic Robots in Viscous Fluids

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    Microscopic robots could perform tasks with high spatial precision, such as acting in biological tissues on the scale of individual cells, provided they can reach precise locations. This paper evaluates the feasibility of in vivo locomotion for micron-size robots. Two appealing methods rely only on surface motions: steady tangential motion and small amplitude oscillations. These methods contrast with common microorganism propulsion based on flagella or cilia, which are more likely to damage nearby cells if used by robots made of stiff materials. The power potentially available to robots in tissue supports speeds ranging from one to hundreds of microns per second, over the range of viscosities found in biological tissue. We discuss design trade-offs among propulsion method, speed, power, shear forces and robot shape, and relate those choices to robot task requirements. This study shows that realizing such locomotion requires substantial improvements in fabrication capabilities and material properties over current technology.Comment: 14 figures and two Quicktime animations of the locomotion methods described in the paper, each showing one period of the motion over a time of 0.5 milliseconds; version 2 has minor clarifications and corrected typo

    Distributed active traction control system applied to the RoboCup middle size league

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    This work addresses the problem of traction control in mobile wheeled robots in the particular case of the RoboCup Middle Size League (MSL). The slip control problem is formulated using simple friction models for ISePorto Team robots with a differential wheel configuration. Traction was also characterized experimentally in the MSL scenario for relevant game events. This work proposes a hierarchical traction control architecture which relies in local slip detection and control at each wheel, with relevant information being relayed to a higher level responsible for global robot motion control. A dedicated one axis control embedded hardware subsystem allowing complex local control, high frequency current sensing and odometric information procession was developed. This local axis control board is integrated in a distributed system using CAN bus communications. The slipping observer was implemented in the axis control hardware nodes integrated in the ISePorto robots and was used to control and detect loss of for traction. %and to detect the ball in the kicking device. An external vision system was used to perform a qualitative analysis of the slip detection and observer performance results are presented

    Engineering Dynamics and Life Sciences

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    From Preface: This is the fourteenth time when the conference “Dynamical Systems: Theory and Applications” gathers a numerous group of outstanding scientists and engineers, who deal with widely understood problems of theoretical and applied dynamics. Organization of the conference would not have been possible without a great effort of the staff of the Department of Automation, Biomechanics and Mechatronics. The patronage over the conference has been taken by the Committee of Mechanics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland. It is a great pleasure that our invitation has been accepted by recording in the history of our conference number of people, including good colleagues and friends as well as a large group of researchers and scientists, who decided to participate in the conference for the first time. With proud and satisfaction we welcomed over 180 persons from 31 countries all over the world. They decided to share the results of their research and many years experiences in a discipline of dynamical systems by submitting many very interesting papers. This year, the DSTA Conference Proceedings were split into three volumes entitled “Dynamical Systems” with respective subtitles: Vibration, Control and Stability of Dynamical Systems; Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Dynamical System Analysis and Engineering Dynamics and Life Sciences. Additionally, there will be also published two volumes of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics entitled “Dynamical Systems in Theoretical Perspective” and “Dynamical Systems in Applications”

    Balancing a Segway robot using LQR controller based on genetic and bacteria foraging optimization algorithms

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    A two-wheeled single seat Segway robot is a special kind of wheeled mobile robot, using it as a human transporter system needs applying a robust control system to overcome its inherent unstable problem. The mathematical model of the system dynamics is derived and then state space formulation for the system is presented to enable design state feedback controller scheme. In this research, an optimal control system based on linear quadratic regulator (LQR) technique is proposed to stabilize the mobile robot. The LQR controller is designed to control the position and yaw rotation of the two-wheeled vehicle. The proposed balancing robot system is validated by simulating the LQR using Matlab software. Two tuning methods, genetic algorithm (GA) and bacteria foraging optimization algorithm (BFOA) are used to obtain optimal values for controller parameters. A comparison between the performance of both controllers GA-LQR and BFO-LQR is achieved based on the standard control criteria which includes rise time, maximum overshoot, settling time and control input of the system. Simulation results suggest that the BFOA-LQR controller can be adopted to balance the Segway robot with minimal overshoot and oscillation frequency
