32 research outputs found

    Multi-Core DSP Based Parallel Architecture for FMCW SAR Real-Time Imaging

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    This paper presents an efficient parallel processing architecture using multi-core Digital Signal Processor (DSP) to improve the capability of real-time imaging for Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Synthetic Aperture Radar (FMCW SAR). With the application of the proposed processing architecture, the imaging algorithm is modularized, and each module is efficiently realized by the proposed processing architecture. In each module, the data processing of different cores is executed in parallel, also the data transmission and data processing of each core are synchronously carried out, so that the processing time for SAR imaging is reduced significantly. Specifically, the time of corner turning operation, which is very time-consuming, is ignored under computationally intensive case. The proposed parallel architecture is applied to a compact Ku-band FMCW SAR prototype to achieve real-time imageries with 34 cm x 51 cm (range x azimuth) resolution

    Motion Compensation for Near-Range Synthetic Aperture Radar Applications

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    The work focuses on the analysis of influences of motion errors on near-range SAR applications and design of specific motion measuring and compensation algorithms. First, a novel metric to determine the optimum antenna beamwidth is proposed. Then, a comprehensive investigation of influences of motion errors on the SAR image is provided. On this ground, new algorithms for motion measuring and compensation using low cost inertial measurement units (IMU) are developed and successfully demonstrated

    A Short-Range FMCW Radar-Based Approach for Multi-Target Human-Vehicle Detection

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    In this article, a new microwave-radar-based technique for short-range detection and classification of multiple human and vehicle targets crossing a monitored area is proposed. This approach, which can find applications in both security and infrastructure surveillance, relies upon the processing of the scattered-field data acquired by low-cost off-The-shelf components, i.e., a 24 GHz frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar module and a Raspberry Pi mini-PC. The developed method is based on an ad hoc processing chain to accomplish the automatic target recognition (ATR) task, which consists of blocks performing clutter and leakage removal with an infinite impulse response (IIR) filter, clustering with a density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) approach, tracking using a Benedict-Bordner alphaalpha -etaeta filter, features extraction, and finally classification of targets by means of a kk-nearest neighbor ( kk-NN) algorithm. The approach is validated in real experimental scenarios, showing its capabilities in correctly detecting multiple targets belonging to different classes (i.e., pedestrians, cars, motorcycles, and trucks)

    Development of a Cost-Efficient Multi-Target Classification System Based on FMCW Radar for Security Gate Monitoring

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    Radar systems have a long history. Like many other great inventions, the origin of radar systems lies in warfare. Only in the last decade, radar systems have found widespread civil use in industrial measurement scenarios and automotive safety applications. Due to their resilience against harsh environments, they are used instead of or in addition to optical or ultrasonic systems. Radar sensors hold excellent capabilities to estimate distance and motion accurately, penetrate non-metallic objects, and remain unaffected by weather conditions. These capabilities make these devices extremely flexible in their applications. Electromagnetic waves centered at frequencies around 24 GHz offer high precision target measurements, compact antenna, and circuitry design, and lower atmospheric absorption than higher frequency-based systems. This thesis studies non-cooperative automatic radar multi-target detection and classification. A prototype of a radar system with a new microwave-radar-based technique for short-range detection and classification of multiple human and vehicle targets passing through a road gate is presented. It allows identifying different types of targets, i.e., pedestrians, motorcycles, cars, and trucks. The developed system is based on a low-cost 24 GHz off-the-shelf FMCW radar, combined with an embedded Raspberry Pi PC for data acquisition and transmission to a remote processing PC, which takes care of detection and classification. This approach, which can find applications in both security and infrastructure surveillance, relies upon the processing of the scattered-field data acquired by the radar. The developed method is based on an ad-hoc processing chain to accomplish the automatic target recognition task, which consists of blocks performing clutter and leakage removal with a frame subtraction technique, clustering with a DBSCAN approach, tracking algorithm based on the \u3b1-\u3b2 filter to follow the targets during traversal, features extraction, and finally classification of targets with a classification scheme based on support vector machines. The approach is validated in real experimental scenarios, showing its capabilities incorrectly detecting multiple targets belonging to different classes (i.e., pedestrians, cars, motorcycles, and trucks). The approach has been validated with experimental data acquired in different scenarios, showing good identification capabilities

    Polarimetric Radar for Automotive Applications

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    Current automotive radar sensors prove to be a weather robust and low-cost solution, but are suffering from low resolution and are not capable of classifying detected targets. However, for future applications like autonomous driving, such features are becoming ever increasingly important. On the basis of successful state-of-the-art applications, this work presents the first in-depth analysis and ground-breaking, novel results of polarimetric millimeter wave radars for automotive applications

    Experimental low-THz imaging radar for automotive applications

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    This thesis reports initial experimental results that provide the foundation for low-THz radar imagery for outdoor scenarios as expected in automotive sensing. The requirements for a low-THz single imaging radar sensor are outlined. The imaging capability of frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) radar operating at 150 GHz is discussed. A comparison of experimental images of on-road and off- road scenarios made by a 150 GHz FMCW radar and a reference 30 GHz stepped frequency radar is made, and their performance is analysed

    Experimental low-THz imaging radar for automotive applications

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    This thesis reports initial experimental results that provide the foundation for low-THz radar imagery for outdoor scenarios as expected in automotive sensing. The requirements for a low-THz single imaging radar sensor are outlined. The imaging capability of frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) radar operating at 150 GHz is discussed. A comparison of experimental images of on-road and off- road scenarios made by a 150 GHz FMCW radar and a reference 30 GHz stepped frequency radar is made, and their performance is analysed

    Bio-Radar: sistema de aquisição de sinais vitais sem contacto

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    The Bio-Radar system is capable to measure vital signs accurately, namely the respiratory and cardiac signal, using electromagnetic waves. In this way, it is possible to monitor subjects remotely and comfortably for long periods of time. This system is based on the micro-Doppler effect, which relates the received signal phase variation with the distance change between the subject chest-wall and the radar antennas, which occurs due to the cardiopulmonary function. Considering the variety of applications where this system can be used, it is required to evaluate its performance when applied to real context scenarios and thus demonstrate the advantages that bioradar systems can bring to the general population. In this work, a bio-radar prototype was developed in order to verify the viability to be integrated in specific applications, using robust and low profile solutions that equally guarantee the general system performance while addressing the market needs. Considering these two perspectives to be improved, different level solutions were developed. On the hardware side, textile antennas were developed to be embedded in a car seat upholstery, thus reaching a low profile solution and easy to include in the industrialization process. Real context scenarios imply long-term monitoring periods, where involuntary body motion can occur producing high amplitude signals that overshadow the vital signs. Non-controlled monitoring environments might also produce time varying parasitic reflections that have a direct impact in the signal. Additionally, the subject's physical stature and posture during the monitoring period can have a different impact in the signals quality. Therefore, signal processing algorithms were developed to be robust to low quality signals and non-static scenarios. On the other hand, the bio-radar potential can also be maximized if the acquired signals are used pertinently to help identify the subject's psychophysiological state enabling one to act accordingly. The random body motion until now has been seen as a noisy source, however it can also provide useful information regarding subject's state. In this sense, the acquired vital signs as well as other body motions were used in machine learning algorithms with the goal to identify the subject's emotions and thus verify if the remotely acquired vital signs can also provide useful information.O sistema Bio-Radar permite medir sinais vitais com precisão, nomeadamente o sinal respiratório e cardíaco, utilizando ondas eletromagnéticas para esse fim. Desta forma, é possível monitorizar sujeitos de forma remota e confortável durante longos períodos de tempo. Este sistema é baseado no efeito de micro-Doppler, que relaciona a variação de fase do sinal recebido com a alteração da distância entre as antenas do radar e a caixa torácica do sujeito, que ocorre durante a função cardiopulmonar. Considerando a variedade de aplicações onde este sistema pode ser utilizado, é necessário avaliar o seu desempenho quando aplicado em contextos reais e assim demonstrar as vantagens que os sistemas bio-radar podem trazer à população geral. Neste trabalho, foi desenvolvido um protótipo do bio radar com o objetivo de verificar a viabilidade de integrar estes sistemas em aplicações específicas, utilizando soluções robustas e discretas que garantam igualmente o seu bom desempenho, indo simultaneamente de encontro às necessidades do mercado. Considerando estas duas perspetivas em que o sistema pode ser melhorado, foram desenvolvidas soluções de diferentes níveis. Do ponto de vista de hardware, foram desenvolvidas antenas têxteis para serem integradas no estofo de um banco automóvel, alcançando uma solução discreta e fácil de incluir num processo de industrialização. Contextos reais de aplicação implicam períodos de monitorização longos, onde podem ocorrer movimentos corporais involuntários que produzem sinais de elevada amplitude que se sobrepõem aos sinais vitais. Ambientes de monitorização não controlados podem produzir reflexões parasitas variantes no tempo que têm impacto direto no sinal. Adicionalmente, a estrutura física do sujeito e a sua postura durante o período de monitorização podem ter impactos diferentes na qualidade dos sinais. Desta forma, foram desenvolvidos algoritmos de processamento de sinal robustos a sinais de baixa qualidade e a cenários não estáticos. Por outro lado, o potencial do bio radar pode também ser maximizado se os sinais adquiridos forem pertinentemente utilizados de forma a ajudar a identificar o estado psicofisiológico do sujeito, permitindo mais tarde agir em conformidade. O movimento corporal aleatório que foi até agora visto como uma fonte de ruído, pode no entanto também fornecer informação útil sobre o estado do sujeito. Neste sentido, os sinais vitais e outros movimentos corporais adquiridos foram utilizados em algoritmos de aprendizagem automática com o objetivo de identificar as emoções do sujeito e assim verificar que sinais vitais adquiridos remotamente podem também conter informação útil.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Eletrotécnic

    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing multiple-input multiple-output automotive radar with novel signal processing algorithms

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    Advanced driver assistance systems that actively assist the driver based on environment perception achieved significant advances in recent years. Along with this development, autonomous driving became a major research topic that aims ultimately at development of fully automated, driverless vehicles. Since such applications rely on environment perception, their ever increasing sophistication imposes growing demands on environmental sensors. Specifically, the need for reliable environment sensing necessitates the development of more sophisticated, high-performance radar sensors. A further vital challenge in terms of increased radar interference arises with the growing market penetration of the vehicular radar technology. To address these challenges, in many respects novel approaches and radar concepts are required. As the modulation is one of the key factors determining the radar performance, the research of new modulation schemes for automotive radar becomes essential. A topic that emerged in the last years is the radar operating with digitally generated waveforms based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). Initially, the use of OFDM for radar was motivated by the combination of radar with communication via modulation of the radar waveform with communication data. Some subsequent works studied the use of OFDM as a modulation scheme in many different radar applications - from adaptive radar processing to synthetic aperture radar. This suggests that the flexibility provided by OFDM based digital generation of radar waveforms can potentially enable novel radar concepts that are well suited for future automotive radar systems. This thesis aims to explore the perspectives of OFDM as a modulation scheme for high-performance, robust and adaptive automotive radar. To this end, novel signal processing algorithms and OFDM based radar concepts are introduced in this work. The main focus of the thesis is on high-end automotive radar applications, while the applicability for real time implementation is of primary concern. The first part of this thesis focuses on signal processing algorithms for distance-velocity estimation. As a foundation for the algorithms presented in this thesis, a novel and rigorous signal model for OFDM radar is introduced. Based on this signal model, the limitations of the state-of-the-art OFDM radar signal processing are pointed out. To overcome these limitations, we propose two novel signal processing algorithms that build upon the conventional processing and extend it by more sophisticated modeling of the radar signal. The first method named all-cell Doppler compensation (ACDC) overcomes the Doppler sensitivity problem of OFDM radar. The core idea of this algorithm is the scenario-independent correction of Doppler shifts for the entire measurement signal. Since Doppler effect is a major concern for OFDM radar and influences the radar parametrization, its complete compensation opens new perspectives for OFDM radar. It not only achieves an improved, Doppler-independent performance, it also enables more favorable system parametrization. The second distance-velocity estimation algorithm introduced in this thesis addresses the issue of range and Doppler frequency migration due to the target’s motion during the measurement. For the conventional radar signal processing, these migration effects set an upper limit on the simultaneously achievable distance and velocity resolution. The proposed method named all-cell migration compensation (ACMC) extends the underlying OFDM radar signal model to account for the target motion. As a result, the effect of migration is compensated implicitly for the entire radar measurement, which leads to an improved distance and velocity resolution. Simulations show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms in overcoming the two major limitations of the conventional OFDM radar signal processing. As multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar is a well-established technology for improving the direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation, the second part of this work studies the multiplexing methods for OFDM radar that enable simultaneous use of multiple transmit antennas for MIMO radar processing. After discussing the drawbacks of known multiplexing methods, we introduce two advanced multiplexing schemes for OFDM-MIMO radar based on non-equidistant interleaving of OFDM subcarriers. These multiplexing approaches exploit the multicarrier structure of OFDM for generation of orthogonal waveforms that enable a simultaneous operation of multiple MIMO channels occupying the same bandwidth. The primary advantage of these methods is that despite multiplexing they maintain all original radar parameters (resolution and unambiguous range in distance and velocity) for each individual MIMO channel. To obtain favorable interleaving patterns with low sidelobes, we propose an optimization approach based on genetic algorithms. Furthermore, to overcome the drawback of increased sidelobes due to subcarrier interleaving, we study the applicability of sparse processing methods for the distance-velocity estimation from measurements of non-equidistantly interleaved OFDM-MIMO radar. We introduce a novel sparsity based frequency estimation algorithm designed for this purpose. The third topic addressed in this work is the robustness of OFDM radar to interference from other radar sensors. In this part of the work we study the interference robustness of OFDM radar and propose novel interference mitigation techniques. The first interference suppression algorithm we introduce exploits the robustness of OFDM to narrowband interference by dropping subcarriers strongly corrupted by interference from evaluation. To avoid increase of sidelobes due to missing subcarriers, their values are reconstructed from the neighboring ones based on linear prediction methods. As a further measure for increasing the interference robustness in a more universal manner, we propose the extension of OFDM radar with cognitive features. We introduce the general concept of cognitive radar that is capable of adapting to the current spectral situation for avoiding interference. Our work focuses mainly on waveform adaptation techniques; we propose adaptation methods that allow dynamic interference avoidance without affecting adversely the estimation performance. The final part of this work focuses on prototypical implementation of OFDM-MIMO radar. With the constructed prototype, the feasibility of OFDM for high-performance radar applications is demonstrated. Furthermore, based on this radar prototype the algorithms presented in this thesis are validated experimentally. The measurements confirm the applicability of the proposed algorithms and concepts for real world automotive radar implementations

    Signal processing architectures for automotive high-resolution MIMO radar systems

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    To date, the digital signal processing for an automotive radar sensor has been handled in an efficient way by general purpose signal processors and microcontrollers. However, increasing resolution requirements for automated driving on the one hand, as well as rapidly growing numbers of manufactured sensors on the other hand, can provoke a paradigm change in the near future. The design and development of highly specialized hardware accelerators could become a viable option - at least for the most demanding processing steps with data rates of several gigabits per second. In this work, application-specific signal processing architectures for future high-resolution multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) radar sensors are designed, implemented, investigated and optimized. A focus is set on real-time performance such that even sophisticated algorithms can be computed sufficiently fast. The full processing chain from the received baseband signals to a list of detections is considered, comprising three major steps: Spectrum analysis, target detection and direction of arrival estimation. The developed architectures are further implemented on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) and important measurements like resource consumption, power dissipation or data throughput are evaluated and compared with other examples from literature. A substantial dataset, based on more than 3600 different parametrizations and variants, has been established with the help of a model-based design space exploration and is provided as part of this work. Finally, an experimental radar sensor has been built and is used under real-world conditions to verify the effectiveness of the proposed signal processing architectures.Bisher wurde die digitale Signalverarbeitung für automobile Radarsensoren auf eine effiziente Art und Weise von universell verwendbaren Mikroprozessoren bewältigt. Jedoch können steigende Anforderungen an das Auflösungsvermögen für hochautomatisiertes Fahren einerseits, sowie schnell wachsende Stückzahlen produzierter Sensoren andererseits, einen Paradigmenwechsel in naher Zukunft bewirken. Die Entwicklung von hochgradig spezialisierten Hardwarebeschleunigern könnte sich als eine praktikable Alternative etablieren - zumindest für die anspruchsvollsten Rechenschritte mit Datenraten von mehreren Gigabits pro Sekunde. In dieser Arbeit werden anwendungsspezifische Signalverarbeitungsarchitekturen für zukünftige, hochauflösende, MIMO Radarsensoren entworfen, realisiert, untersucht und optimiert. Der Fokus liegt dabei stets auf der Echtzeitfähigkeit, sodass selbst anspruchsvolle Algorithmen in einer ausreichend kurzen Zeit berechnet werden können. Die komplette Signalverarbeitungskette, beginnend von den empfangenen Signalen im Basisband bis hin zu einer Liste von Detektion, wird in dieser Arbeit behandelt. Die Kette gliedert sich im Wesentlichen in drei größere Teilschritte: Spektralanalyse, Zieldetektion und Winkelschätzung. Des Weiteren werden die entwickelten Architekturen auf einem FPGA implementiert und wichtige Kennzahlen wie Ressourcenverbrauch, Stromverbrauch oder Datendurchsatz ausgewertet und mit anderen Beispielen aus der Literatur verglichen. Ein umfangreicher Datensatz, welcher mehr als 3600 verschiedene Parametrisierungen und Varianten beinhaltet, wurde mit Hilfe einer modellbasierten Entwurfsraumexploration erstellt und ist in dieser Arbeit enthalten. Schließlich wurde ein experimenteller Radarsensor aufgebaut und dazu benutzt, die entworfenen Signalverarbeitungsarchitekturen unter realen Umgebungsbedingungen zu verifizieren