167 research outputs found

    Data Persistence in Eiffel

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    This dissertation describes an extension to the Eiffel programming language that provides automatic object persistence (the ability of programs to store objects and later recreate those objects in a subsequent execution of a program). The mechanism is orthogonal to other aspects of the Eiffel language. The mechanism serves four main purposes: 1) it gives Eiffel programmers a needed service, filling a gap between serialization, which provides limited persistence functions and database-mapping, which is cumbersome to use; 2) it greatly reduces the coding burden incurred by the programmer when objects must persist, allowing the programmer to focus instead on the business model; 3) it provides a platform for testing the benefits of orthogonal persistence in Eiffel, and 4) it furnishes a model for orthogonal persistence in other object-oriented languages. During my research, I created a prototype implementation of the persistence mechanism using it effectively in several programs. Performance measurements showed acceptable performance with some increase in program memory usage. The prototype gives the programmer the ability to add automatic persistence to existing code with the addition of only a few lines of code. The size of this additional code remains constant regardless of the total number of lines of code in the project. Eiffel syntax remains unchanged and nonpersistent Eiffel code runs as is while incur- ring only a very small speed penalty

    Models of higher-order, type-safe, distributed computation over autonomous persistent object stores

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    A remote procedure call (RPC) mechanism permits the calling of procedures in another address space. RPC is a simple but highly effective mechanism for interprocess communication and enjoys nowadays a great popularity as a tool for building distributed applications. This popularity is partly a result of their overall simplicity but also partly a consequence of more than 20 years of research in transpaxent distribution that have failed to deliver systems that meet the expectations of real-world application programmers. During the same 20 years, persistent systems have proved their suitability for building complex database applications by seamlessly integrating features traditionally found in database management systems into the programming language itself. Some research. effort has been invested on distributed persistent systems, but the outcomes commonly suffer from the same problems found with transparent distribution. In this thesis I claim that a higher-order persistent RPC is useful for building distributed persistent applications. The proposed mechanism is: realistic in the sense that it uses current technology and tolerates partial failures; understandable by application programmers; and general to support the development of many classes of distributed persistent applications. In order to demonstrate the validity of these claims, I propose and have implemented three models for distributed higher-order computation over autonomous persistent stores. Each model has successively exposed new problems which have then been overcome by the next model. Together, the three models provide a general yet simple higher-order persistent RPC that is able to operate in realistic environments with partial failures. The real strength of this thesis is the demonstration of realism and simplicity. A higherorder persistent RPC was not only implemented but also used by programmers without experience of programming distributed applications. Furthermore, a distributed persistent application has been built using these models which would not have been feasible with a traditional (non-persistent) programming language

    Making non-volatile memory programmable

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    Byte-addressable, non-volatile memory (NVM) is emerging as a revolutionary memory technology that provides persistence, near-DRAM performance, and scalable capacity. By using NVM, applications can directly create and manipulate durable data in place without the need for serialization out to SSDs. Ideally, through NVM, persistent applications will be able to maintain crash-consistency at a minimal cost. However, before this is possible, improvements must be made at both the hardware and software level to support persistent applications. Currently, software support for NVM places too high of a burden on the developer, introducing many opportunities for mistakes while also being too rigid for compiler optimizations. Likewise, at the hardware level, too little information is passed to the processor about the instruction-level ordering requirements of persistent applications; this forces the hardware to require the use of coarse fences, which significantly slow down execution. To help realize the promise of NVM, this thesis proposes both new software and hardware support that make NVM programmable. From the software side, this thesis proposes a new NVM programming model which relieves the programmer from performing much of the accounting work in persistent applications, instead relying on the runtime to perform error-prone tasks. Specifically, within the proposed model, the user only needs to provide minimal markings to identify the persistent data set and to ensure data is updated in a crash-consistent manner. Given this new NVM programming model, this thesis next presents an implementation of the model in Java. I call my implementation AutoPersist and build my support into the Maxine research Java Virtual Machine (JVM). In this thesis I describe how the JVM can be changed to support the proposed NVM programming model, including adding new Java libraries, adding new JVM runtime features, and augmenting the behavior of existing Java bytecodes. In addition to being easy-to-use, another advantage of the proposed model is that it is amenable to compiler optimizations. In this thesis I highlight two profile-guided optimizations: eagerly allocating objects directly into NVM and speculatively pruning control flow to only include expected-to-be taken paths. I also describe how to apply these optimizations to AutoPersist and show they have a substantial performance impact. While designing AutoPersist, I often observed that dependency information known by the compiler cannot be passed down to the underlying hardware; instead, the compiler must insert coarse-grain fences to enforce needed dependencies. This is because current instruction set architectures (ISA) cannot describe arbitrary instruction-level execution ordering constraints. To fix this limitation, I introduce the Execution Dependency Extension (EDE), and describe how EDE can be added to an existing ISA as well as be implemented in current processor pipelines. Overall, emerging NVM technologies can deliver programmer-friendly high performance. However, for this to happen, both software and hardware improvements are necessary. This thesis takes steps to address current the software and hardware gaps: I propose new software support to assist in the development of persistent applications and also introduce new instructions which allow for arbitrary instruction-level dependencies to be conveyed and enforced by the underlying hardware. With these improvements, hopefully the dream of programmable high-performance NVM is one step closer to being realized

    Management of Long-Running High-Performance Persistent Object Stores

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    The popularity of object-oriented programming languages, such as Java and C++, for large application development has stirred an interest in improved technologies for high-performance, reliable, and scalable object storage. Such storage systems are typically referred to as Persistent Object Stores. This thesis describes the design and implementation of Sphere, a new persistent object store developed at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. The requirements for Sphere included high performance, support for transactional multi-threaded loads, scalability, extensibility, portability, reliability, referential integrity via the use of disk garbage collection, provision for flexible schema evolution, and minimised interaction with the mutator. The Sphere architecture is split into two parts: the core and the application-specific customisations. The core was designed to be modular, in order to encourage research and experimentation, and to be as light-weight as possible, in an attempt to achieve high performance through simplicity. The customisation part includes the code that deals with and is optimised for the specific load of the application that Sphere has to support: object formats, free-space management, etc. Even though specialising this part of the store is not trivial, it has the benefit that the interaction between the mutator and Sphere is direct and more efficient, as translation layers are not necessary. Major design decisions for Sphere included (i) splitting the store into partitions, to facilitate incremental disk garbage collection and schema evolution, (ii) using a flexible two-level free-space management, (Hi) introducing a three-dimensional method-dispatch matrix to invoke store operations, which contributes to Sphere's ease-of-extensibility, (iv) adopting a logical addressing scheme, to allow straightforward object and partition relocation, (v) requiring that Sphere can identify reference fields inside objects, so that it does not have to interact with the mutator in order to do so, and (vi) adopting the well-known ARIES recovery algorithm to ensure fault-tolerance. The thesis contains a detailed overview of Sphere and the context in which it was developed. Then, it concentrates on two areas that were explored using Sphere as the implementation platform. First, bulk object-loading issues are discussed and the Ghosted Allocation promotion algorithm is described. This algorithm was designed to allocate large numbers of objects to a store efficiently and with minimal log traffic and was evaluated using large-scale experiments. Second, the disk garbage collection framework of Sphere is overviewed and the implemented compacting, relocating garbage collector is described, along with the model of synchronisation with the mutator

    An Architecture for the Compilation of Persistent Polymorphic Reflective Higher-Order Languages

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    Persistent Application Systems are potentially very large and long-lived application systems which use information technology: computers, communications, networks, software and databases. They are vital to the organisations that depend on them and have to be adaptable to organisational and technological changes and evolvable without serious interruption of service. Persistent Programming Languages are a promising technology that facilitate the task of incrementally building and maintaining persistent application systems. This thesis identifies a number of technical challenges in making persistent programming languages scalable, with adequate performance and sufficient longevity and in amortising costs by providing general services. A new architecture to support the compilation of long-lived, large-scale applications is proposed. This architecture comprises an intermediate language to be used by front-ends, high-level and machine independent optimisers, low-level optimisers and code generators of target machine code. The intermediate target language, TPL, has been designed to allow compiler writers to utilise common technology for several different orthogonally persistent higher-order reflective languages. The goal is to reuse optimisation and code-generation or interpretation technology with a variety of front-ends. A subsidiary goal is to provide an experimental framework for those investigating optimisation and code generation. TPL has a simple, clean type system and will support orthogonally persistent, reflective, higher-order, polymorphic languages. TPL allows code generation and the abstraction over details of the underlying software and hardware layers. An experiment to build a prototype of the proposed architecture was designed, developed and evaluated. The experimental work includes a language processor and examples of its use are presented in this dissertation. The design space was covered by describing the implications of the goals of supporting the class of languages anticipated while ensuring long-term persistence of data and programs, and sufficient efficiency. For each of the goals, the design decisions were evaluated in face of the results

    Distributed Concurrent Persistent Languages: An Experimental Design and Implementation

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    A universal persistent object store is a logical space of persistent objects whose localities span over machines reachable over networks. It provides a conceptual framework in which, on one hand, the distribution of data is transparent to application programmers and, on the other, store semantics of conventional languages is preserved. This means the manipulation of persistent objects on remote machines is both syntactically and semantically the same as in the case of local data. Consequently, many aspects of distributed programming in which computation tasks cooperate over different processors and different stores can be addressed within the confines of persistent programming. The work reported in this thesis is a logical generalization of the notion of persistence in the context of distribution. The concept of a universal persistent store is founded upon a universal addressing mechanism which augments existing addressing mechanisms. The universal addressing mechanism is realized based upon remote pointers which although containing more locality information than ordinary pointers, do not require architectural changes. Moreover, these remote pointers are transparent to the programmers. A language, Distributed PS-algol, is designed to experiment with this idea. The novel features of the language include: lightweight processes with a flavour of distribution, mutexes as the store-based synchronization primitive, and a remote procedure call mechanism as the message-based interprocess communication mechanism. Furthermore, the advantages of shared store programming and network architecture are obtained with the introduction of the programming concept of locality in an unobtrusive manner. A characteristic of the underlying addressing mechanism is that data are never copied to satisfy remote demands except where efficiency can be attained without compromising the semantics of data. A remote store operation model is described to effect remote updates. It is argued that such a choice is the most natural given that remote store operations resemble remote procedure calls

    Modern temporal network theory: A colloquium

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    The power of any kind of network approach lies in the ability to simplify a complex system so that one can better understand its function as a whole. Sometimes it is beneficial, however, to include more information than in a simple graph of only nodes and links. Adding information about times of interactions can make predictions and mechanistic understanding more accurate. The drawback, however, is that there are not so many methods available, partly because temporal networks is a relatively young field, partly because it more difficult to develop such methods compared to for static networks. In this colloquium, we review the methods to analyze and model temporal networks and processes taking place on them, focusing mainly on the last three years. This includes the spreading of infectious disease, opinions, rumors, in social networks; information packets in computer networks; various types of signaling in biology, and more. We also discuss future directions.Comment: Final accepted versio

    Safe Class and Data Evolution in Large and Long-Lived Java Applications

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    There is a growing class of applications implemented in object-oriented languages that are large and complex, that exploit object persistence, and need to run uninterrupted for long periods of time. Development and maintenance of such applications can present challenges in the following interrelated areas: consistent and scalable evolution of persistent data and code, optimal build management, and runtime changes to applications. The research presented in this thesis addresses the above issues. Since Java is becoming increasingly popular platform for implementing large and long-lived applications, it was chosen for experiments. The first part of the research was undertaken in the context of the PJama system, an orthogonally persistent platform for Java. A technology that supports persistent class and object evolution for this platform was designed, built and evaluated. This technology integrates build management, persistent class evolution, and support for several forms of eager conversion of persistent objects. Research in build management for Java has resulted in the creation of a generally applicable, compiler-independent smart recompilation technology, which can be re-used in a Java IDE, or as a standalone Java-specific utility similar to make. The technology for eager object conversion that we developed allows the developers to perform arbitrarily complex changes to persistent objects and their collections. A high level of developer's control over the conversion process was achieved in part due to introduction of a mechanism for dynamic renaming of old class versions. This mechanism was implemented using minor non-standard extensions to the Java language. However, we also demonstrate how to achieve nearly the same results without modifying the language specification. In this form, we believe, our technology can be largely re-used with practically any persistent object solution for Java. The second part of this research was undertaken using as an implementation platform the HotSpot Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which is currently Sun's main production JVM. A technology was developed that allows the engineers to redefine classes on-the-fly in the running VM. Our main focus was on the runtime evolution of server-type applications, though we also address modification of applications running in the debugger. Unlike the only other similar system for Java known to us, our technology supports redefinition of classes that have methods currently active. Several policies for handling such methods have been proposed, one of them is currently operational, another one is in the experimental stage. We also propose to re-use the runtime evolution technology for dynamic fine-grain profiling of applications

    New Architectural Models for Visibly Controllable Computing: The Relevance of Dynamic Object Oriented Architectures and Plan Based Computing Models

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    Traditionally, we've focussed on the question of how to make a system easy to code the first time, or perhaps on how to ease the system's continued evolution. But if we look at life cycle costs, then we must conclude that the important question is how to make a system easy to operate. To do this we need to make it easy for the operators to see what's going on and to then manipulate the system so that it does what it is supposed to. This is a radically different criterion for success. What makes a computer system visible and controllable? This is a difficult question, but it's clear that today's modern operating systems with nearly 50 million source lines of code are neither. Strikingly, the MIT Lisp Machine and its commercial successors provided almost the same functionality as today's mainstream sytsems, but with only 1 Million lines of code. This paper is a retrospective examination of the features of the Lisp Machine hardware and software system. Our key claim is that by building the Object Abstraction into the lowest tiers of the system, great synergy and clarity were obtained. It is our hope that this is a lesson that can impact tomorrow's designs. We also speculate on how the spirit of the Lisp Machine could be extended to include a comprehensive access control model and how new layers of abstraction could further enrich this model

    Object-Oriented Recovery for Non-volatile Memory

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    New non-volatile memory (NVM) technologies enable direct, durable storage of data in an application's heap. Durable, randomly accessible memory facilitates the construction of applications that do not lose data at system shutdown or power failure. Existing NVM programming frameworks provide mechanisms to consistently capture a running application's state. They do not, however, fully support object-oriented languages or ensure that the persistent heap is consistent with the environment when the application is restarted. In this paper, we propose a new NVM language extension and runtime system that supports object-oriented NVM programming and avoids the pitfalls of prior approaches. At the heart of our technique is \emph{object reconstruction}, which transparently restores and reconstructs a persistent object's state during program restart. It is implemented in NVMReconstruction, a Clang/LLVM extension and runtime library that provides: (i) transient fields in persistent objects, (ii) support for virtual functions and function pointers, (iii) direct representation of persistent pointers as virtual addresses, and (iv) type-specific reconstruction of a persistent object during program restart. In addition, NVMReconstruction supports updating an application's code, even if this causes objects to expand, by providing object migration. NVMReconstruction also can compact the persistent heap to reduce fragmentation. In experiments, we demonstrate the versatility and usability of object reconstruction and its low runtime performance cost
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