65 research outputs found

    The Role of Computers in Research and Development at Langley Research Center

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    This document is a compilation of presentations given at a workshop on the role cf computers in research and development at the Langley Research Center. The objectives of the workshop were to inform the Langley Research Center community of the current software systems and software practices in use at Langley. The workshop was organized in 10 sessions: Software Engineering; Software Engineering Standards, methods, and CASE tools; Solutions of Equations; Automatic Differentiation; Mosaic and the World Wide Web; Graphics and Image Processing; System Design Integration; CAE Tools; Languages; and Advanced Topics

    Copyright Ownership in a Networked Multimedia Environment

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    The explosion of computer communications in the United States has spurred the development of many new technologies. One of these new technologies is Mosaic and the World-Wide Web. Mosaic is a user interface that uses the internet as a backbone for communications. The Mosaic interface enables a user to manipulate text, images and graphics produced by different authors. The flexibility that Mosaic offers raises significant copyright issues. This paper attempts to analyze these issues using current copyright law as a framework. The author then goes on to offer a different analysis that may result from future developments in copyright law

    Exploration of the InfoMall Concept Building on the Electronic InfoMall

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    This document describes: the InfoMall concept; how it is employed by the Northeast Parallel Architectures center (NPAC) as a technology transfer program, how it could be used by Rome Laboratory and by the United States Air Force Materiel Command (US AFMC). A description of the “Electronic InfoMall” system built on the World Wide Web as a pilot project for Rome Laboratory is also given as well as some experiences building WWW systems for academic, commerce and industry. It should be emphasized that this document is primarily a description of the potential uses of the InfoMall concept and the human interactive processes involved in InfoMall and is not primarily about the HPCC technologies that make the InfoMall process work. These technologies are well described elsewhere although we summarize their main features in this document

    Slisp: A Flexible Software Toolkit for Hybrid, Embedded and Distributed Applications

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    We describe Slisp (pronounced ‘Ess-Lisp’), a hybrid Lisp–C programming toolkit for the development of scriptable and distributed applications. Computationally expensive operations implemented as separate C-coded modules are selectively compiled into a small Xlisp interpreter, then called as Lisp functions in a Lisp-coded program. The resulting hybrid program may run in several modes: as a stand-alone executable, embedded in a different C program, as a networked server accessed from another Slisp client, or as a networked server accessed from a C-coded client. Five years of experience with Slisp, as well experience with other scripting languages such as Tcl and Perl, are summarized. These experiences suggest that Slisp will be most useful for mid-sized applications in which the kinds of scripting and embeddability features provided by Tcl and Perl can be extended in an efficient manner to larger applications, while maintaining a well-defined standard (Common Lisp) for these extensions. In addition, the generality of Lisp makes Lisp a good candidate for an application-level communication language in distributed environments

    Computational tools for the study of the genomes of filamentous fungi

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    During the past year, we have developed and deployed several new computational tools to provide new means of access to information used for research in the biology of filamentous fungi. These new tools complement and extend other resources available for access to both molecular and biological data

    Using the Amsterdam hypermedia model for abstracting presentation behavior

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    Using the Amsterdam Hypermedia Model for Abstracting Presentation Behavior

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    We give a short description of the Amsterdam Hypermedia Model followed by examples of its use in a number of existing and planned applications. The main application to date has been as a basis of the multimedia authoring system, CMIFed, along with its ability to specify trade-offs for resource use. We discuss the models potential for generating differing document formats, followed by future work on using it as a goal format for generating multimedia documents

    Application of methods spam and doorway in the promotion of the product on the internet

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    Інтернет-маркетинг набуває значної самостійності, надаючи широкі можливості по просуванню будь-якого продукту в стислий термін. Метою даної статті є розкриття таких сучасних методів Інтернет-маркетингу як спам та дорвей, котрі потрібно враховувати при плануванні та реалізації процесу просування продукту, визначенні необхідних для цього методів Інтернет-маркетингу та їх застосування. Відображено форми спаму та принцип застосування методу дорвей, котрі необхідно враховувати при формуванні стратегії просування продукту в мережі Інтернет. Розкрито завдання, які потрібно вирішити на кожному з етапів підготовки рекламної кампанії та виборі методів Інтернет-маркетингу. Результатом проведених досліджень є наведений приклад використання даних «чорних» методів оптимізації та просування. Проаналізовано, що у зазначених умовах Інтернет дає масу можливостей для розвитку існуючих маркетингових комунікацій, забезпечуючи потужний зворотний зв'язок компанії-виробника й споживача. Глобальна мережа дозволила звести нанівець проблему великих відстаней і значно зменшити фінансові витрати при забезпеченні комунікацій.Интернет-Маркетинг приобретает значительную самостоятельность, предоставляя широкие возможности по продвижению любого продукта в сжатый срок. Целью данной статьи есть раскрытия таких современных методов интернет-маркетинга как спам и дорвей, которые нужно учитывать при планировании и реализации процесса продвижения продукта, определении необходимых для этого методов Интернет-маркетинга и их применение. Отображено формы спама и принцип применения метода дорвей, которые необходимо учитывать при формировании стратегии продвижения продукта в сети Интернет. Раскрыты задачи, которые нужно решить на каждом из этапов подготовки рекламной кампании и выборе методов Интернет-маркетинга. Результатом проведенных исследований является приведенный пример использования данных «черных» методов оптимизации и продвижение. Проанализировано, что в указанных условиях Интернет дает массу возможностей для развития существующих маркетинговых коммуникаций, обеспечивая мощную обратную связь компании-производителя и потребителя. Глобальная сеть позволила свести на нет проблему больших расстояний и значительно уменьшить финансовые затраты при обеспечении коммуникаций.Internet marketing gaining independence by providing opportunities to promote any product in the short term. The purpose of this article is to outline such modern methods of internet marketing as spam and doorway, which must be considered in the planning and implementation process of product promotion, the definition of the necessary methods of online marketing and their application. Displaying a form of spam and the principle of the method doorway, which must be considered when forming a strategy to promote the product on the Internet. Reveals the problem to be solved at each stage of preparation campaign and choosing methods of online marketing. The result of the research is an example of data "black" methods of optimization and promotion. Analyzed that in these conditions the Internet provides a wealth of opportunities to develop existing marketing communications, providing powerful feedback of the manufacturer and the consumer. The global network allows negate the problem of long distances and significantly reduce the financial costs of providing communications