2,165 research outputs found

    Morphology independent dynamic locomotion control for virtual characters

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    Physically based animation of virtual characters is an attractive technology for computer games. It enables characters to dynamically react to interactions with the environment. Existing dynamic simulation controllers are often complex to understand and manipulate, and so are of limited use for animators. This paper presents an extended spline-based control strategy similar to splines used in standard keyframe animation techniques. Unlike existing dynamic control strategies, this allows animators to modify the control system parameters in a manner similar to traditional kinematic animation techniques. A genetic algorithm is employed to produce the initial control parameters for the desired gait, and extend the parameters to enable sensory feedback. The controllers are simulated in a 3D environment and demonstrated for bipedal, tripedal and snake-like characters

    Training Physics-based Controllers for Articulated Characters with Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    In this thesis, two different applications are discussed for using machine learning techniques to train coordinated motion controllers in arbitrary characters in absence of motion capture data. The methods highlight the resourcefulness of physical simulations to generate synthetic and generic motion data that can be used to learn various targeted skills. First, we present an unsupervised method for learning loco-motion skills in virtual characters from a low dimensional latent space which captures the coordination between multiple joints. We use a technique called motor babble, wherein a character interacts with its environment by actuating its joints through uncoordinated, low-level (motor) excitation, resulting in a corpus of motion data from which a manifold latent space can be extracted. Using reinforcement learning, we then train the character to learn locomotion (such as walking or running) in the low-dimensional latent space instead of the full-dimensional joint action space. The thesis also presents an end-to-end automated framework for training physics-based characters to rhythmically dance to user-input songs. A generative adversarial network (GAN) architecture is proposed that learns to generate physically stable dance moves through repeated interactions with the environment. These moves are then used to construct a dance network that can be used for choreography. Using DRL, the character is then trained to perform these moves, without losing balance and rhythm, in the presence of physical forces such as gravity and friction

    Populating 3D Cities: a True Challenge

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    In this paper, we describe how we can model crowds in real-time using dynamic meshes, static meshes andimpostors. Techniques to introduce variety in crowds including colors, shapes, textures, individualanimation, individualized path-planning, simple and complex accessories are explained. We also present ahybrid architecture to handle the path planning of thousands of pedestrians in real time, while ensuringdynamic collision avoidance. Several behavioral aspects are presented as gaze control, group behaviour, aswell as the specific technique of crowd patches

    Populating 3D Cities: A True Challenge

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    In this paper, we describe how we can model crowds in real-time using dynamic meshes, static meshes andimpostors. Techniques to introduce variety in crowds including colors, shapes, textures, individualanimation, individualized path-planning, simple and complex accessories are explained. We also present ahybrid architecture to handle the path planning of thousands of pedestrians in real time, while ensuringdynamic collision avoidance. Several behavioral aspects are presented as gaze control, group behaviour, aswell as the specific technique of crowd patches

    Jointly Learning to Construct and Control Agents using Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    The physical design of a robot and the policy that controls its motion are inherently coupled, and should be determined according to the task and environment. In an increasing number of applications, data-driven and learning-based approaches, such as deep reinforcement learning, have proven effective at designing control policies. For most tasks, the only way to evaluate a physical design with respect to such control policies is empirical--i.e., by picking a design and training a control policy for it. Since training these policies is time-consuming, it is computationally infeasible to train separate policies for all possible designs as a means to identify the best one. In this work, we address this limitation by introducing a method that performs simultaneous joint optimization of the physical design and control network. Our approach maintains a distribution over designs and uses reinforcement learning to optimize a control policy to maximize expected reward over the design distribution. We give the controller access to design parameters to allow it to tailor its policy to each design in the distribution. Throughout training, we shift the distribution towards higher-performing designs, eventually converging to a design and control policy that are jointly optimal. We evaluate our approach in the context of legged locomotion, and demonstrate that it discovers novel designs and walking gaits, outperforming baselines in both performance and efficiency

    Quantifying Morphological Computation

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    The field of embodied intelligence emphasises the importance of the morphology and environment with respect to the behaviour of a cognitive system. The contribution of the morphology to the behaviour, commonly known as morphological computation, is well-recognised in this community. We believe that the field would benefit from a formalisation of this concept as we would like to ask how much the morphology and the environment contribute to an embodied agent's behaviour, or how an embodied agent can maximise the exploitation of its morphology within its environment. In this work we derive two concepts of measuring morphological computation, and we discuss their relation to the Information Bottleneck Method. The first concepts asks how much the world contributes to the overall behaviour and the second concept asks how much the agent's action contributes to a behaviour. Various measures are derived from the concepts and validated in two experiments which highlight their strengths and weaknesses
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