244 research outputs found

    Efficient Constant-Round Multi-party Computation Combining BMR and SPDZ

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    © 2019, International Association for Cryptologic Research. Recently, there has been huge progress in the field of concretely efficient secure computation, even while providing security in the presence of malicious adversaries. This is especially the case in the two-party setting, where constant-round protocols exist that remain fast even over slow networks. However, in the multi-party setting, all concretely efficient fully secure protocols, such as SPDZ, require many rounds of communication. In this paper, we present a constant-round multi-party secure computation protocol that is fully secure in the presence of malicious adversaries and for any number of corrupted parties. Our construction is based on the constant-round protocol of Beaver et al. (the BMR protocol) and is the first version of that protocol that is concretely efficient for the dishonest majority case. Our protocol includes an online phase that is extremely fast and mainly consists of each party locally evaluating a garbled circuit. For the offline phase, we present both a generic construction (using any underlying MPC protocol) and a highly efficient instantiation based on the SPDZ protocol. Our estimates show the protocol to be considerably more efficient than previous fully secure multi-party protocols.status: publishe

    Low Cost Constant Round MPC Combining BMR and Oblivious Transfer

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    In this work, we present two new universally composable, actively secure, constant round multi-party protocols for generating BMR garbled circuits with free-XOR and reduced costs. (1) Our first protocol takes a generic approach using any secret-sharing based MPC protocol for binary circuits, and a correlated oblivious transfer functionality. (2) Our specialized protocol uses secret-sharing based MPC with information-theoretic MACs. This approach is less general, but requires no additional correlated OTs to compute the garbled circuit. In both approaches, the underlying secret-sharing based protocol is only used for one secure F2F_2 multiplication per AND gate. An interesting consequence of this is that, with current techniques, constant round MPC for binary circuits is not much more expensive than practical, non-constant round protocols. We demonstrate the practicality of our second protocol with an implementation, and perform experiments with up to 99 parties securely computing the AES and SHA-256 circuits. Our running times improve upon the best possible performance with previous BMR-based protocols by 60 times

    ExTRUST: Reducing Exploit Stockpiles with a Privacy-Preserving Depletion System for Inter-State Relationships

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    Cyberspace is a fragile construct threatened by malicious cyber operations of different actors, with vulnerabilities in IT hardware and software forming the basis for such activities, thus also posing a threat to global IT security. Advancements in the field of artificial intelligence accelerate this development, either with artificial intelligence enabled cyber weapons, automated cyber defense measures, or artificial intelligence-based threat and vulnerability detection. Especially state actors, with their long-term strategic security interests, often stockpile such knowledge of vulnerabilities and exploits to enable their military or intelligence service cyberspace operations. While treaties and regulations to limit these developments and to enhance global IT security by disclosing vulnerabilities are currently being discussed on the international level, these efforts are hindered by state concerns about the disclosure of unique knowledge and about giving up tactical advantages. This leads to a situation where multiple states are likely to stockpile at least some identical exploits, with technical measures to enable a depletion process for these stockpiles that preserve state secrecy interests and consider the special constraints of interacting states as well as the requirements within such environments being non-existent. This paper proposes such a privacy-preserving approach that allows multiple state parties to privately compare their stock of vulnerabilities and exploits to check for items that occur in multiple stockpiles without revealing them so that their disclosure can be considered. We call our system ExTRUST and show that it is scalable and can withstand several attack scenarios. Beyond the intergovernmental setting, ExTRUST can also be used for other zero-trust use cases, such as bug-bounty programs.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, IEEE Transactions on Technology and Societ

    Implementation of a Secure Multiparty Computation Protocol

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    Secure multiparty computation (SMC) allows a set of parties to jointly compute a function on private inputs such that, they learn only the output of the function, and the correctness of the output is guaranteed even when a subset of the parties is controlled by an adversary. SMC allows data to be kept in an uncompromisable form and still be useful, and it also gives new meaning to data ownership, allowing data to be shared in a useful way while retaining its privacy. Thus, applications of SMC hold promise for addressing some of the security issues information-driven societies struggle with. In this thesis, we implement two SMC protocols. Our primary objective is to gain a solid understanding of the basic concepts related to SMC. We present a brief survey of the field, with focus on SMC based on secret sharing. In addition to the protocol im- plementations, we implement circuit randomization, a common technique for efficiency improvement. The implemented protocols are run on a simulator to securely evaluate some simple arithmetic functions, and the round complexities of the implemented protocols are compared. Finally, we attempt to extend the implementation to support more general computations

    MArBled Circuits: Mixing Arithmetic and Boolean Circuits with Active Security

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    Most modern actively-secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocols involve generating random data that is secret-shared and authenticated, and using it to evaluate arithmetic or Boolean circuits in different ways. In this work we present a generic method for converting authenticated secret-shared data between different fields, and show how to use it to evaluate so-called ``mixed\u27\u27 circuits with active security and in the full-threshold setting. A mixed circuit is one in which parties switch between different subprotocols dynamically as computation proceeds, the idea being that some protocols are more efficient for evaluating arithmetic circuits, and others for Boolean circuits. One use case of our switching mechanism is for converting between secret-sharing-based MPC and garbled circuits (GCs). The former is more suited to the evaluation of arithmetic circuits and can easily be used to emulate arithmetic over the integers, whereas the latter is better for Boolean circuits and has constant round complexity. Much work already exists in the two-party semi-honest setting, but the nn-party dishonest majority case was hitherto neglected. We call the actively-secure mixed arithmetic/Boolean circuit a marbled circuit. Our implementation showed that mixing protocols in this way allows us to evaluate a linear Support Vector Machine with 400400 times fewer AND gates than a solution using GC alone albeit with twice the preprocessing required using only SPDZ (Damgård et al., CRYPTO \u2712), and thus our solution offers a tradeoff between online and preprocessing complexity. When evaluating over a WAN network, our online phase is 1010 times faster than the plain SPDZ protocol

    MPCircuits: Optimized Circuit Generation for Secure Multi-Party Computation

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    Secure Multi-party Computation (MPC) is one of the most influential achievements of modern cryptography: it allows evaluation of an arbitrary function on private inputs from multiple parties without revealing the inputs. A crucial step of utilizing contemporary MPC protocols is to describe the function as a Boolean circuit. While efficient solutions have been proposed for special case of two-party secure computation, the general case of more than two-party is not addressed. This paper proposes MPCircuits, the first automated solution to devise the optimized Boolean circuit representation for any MPC function using hardware synthesis tools with new customized libraries that are scalable to multiple parties. MPCircuits creates a new end-to-end tool-chain to facilitate practical scalable MPC realization. To illustrate the practicality of MPCircuits, we design and implement a set of five circuits that represent real-world MPC problems. Our benchmarks inherently have different computational and communication complexities and are good candidates to evaluate MPC protocols. We also formalize the metrics by which a given protocol can be analyzed. We provide extensive experimental evaluations for these benchmarks; two of which are the first reported solutions in multi-party settings. As our experimental results indicate, MPCircuits reduces the computation time of MPC protocols by up to 4.2x

    Mixed-Technique Multi-Party Computations Composed of Two-Party Computations

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    Protocols for secure multi-party computation are commonly composed of different sub-protocols, combining techniques such as homomorphic encryption, secret or Boolean sharing, and garbled circuits. In this paper, we design a new class of multi-party computation protocols which themselves are composed out of two-party protocols. We integrate both types of compositions, compositions of fully homomorphic encryption and garbled circuits with compositions of multi-party protocols from two-party protocols. As a result, we can construct communication-efficient protocols for special problems. Furthermore, we show how to efficiently ensure the security of composed protocols against malicious adversaries by proving in zero-knowledge that conversions between individual techniques are correct. To demonstrate the usefulness of this approach, we give an example scheme for private set analytics, i.e., private set disjointness. This scheme enjoys lower communication complexity than a solution based on generic multi-party computation and lower computation cost than fully homomorphic encryption. So, our design is more suitable for deployments in wide-area networks, such as the Internet, with many participants or problems with circuits of moderate or high multiplicative depth