475 research outputs found

    Generalised Mersenne Numbers Revisited

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    Generalised Mersenne Numbers (GMNs) were defined by Solinas in 1999 and feature in the NIST (FIPS 186-2) and SECG standards for use in elliptic curve cryptography. Their form is such that modular reduction is extremely efficient, thus making them an attractive choice for modular multiplication implementation. However, the issue of residue multiplication efficiency seems to have been overlooked. Asymptotically, using a cyclic rather than a linear convolution, residue multiplication modulo a Mersenne number is twice as fast as integer multiplication; this property does not hold for prime GMNs, unless they are of Mersenne's form. In this work we exploit an alternative generalisation of Mersenne numbers for which an analogue of the above property --- and hence the same efficiency ratio --- holds, even at bitlengths for which schoolbook multiplication is optimal, while also maintaining very efficient reduction. Moreover, our proposed primes are abundant at any bitlength, whereas GMNs are extremely rare. Our multiplication and reduction algorithms can also be easily parallelised, making our arithmetic particularly suitable for hardware implementation. Furthermore, the field representation we propose also naturally protects against side-channel attacks, including timing attacks, simple power analysis and differential power analysis, which is essential in many cryptographic scenarios, in constrast to GMNs.Comment: 32 pages. Accepted to Mathematics of Computatio

    Efficient Elliptic Curve Cryptography Software Implementation on Embedded Platforms

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    Low-Weight Primes for Lightweight Elliptic Curve Cryptography on 8-bit AVR Processors

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    Small 8-bit RISC processors and micro-controllers based on the AVR instruction set architecture are widely used in the embedded domain with applications ranging from smartcards over control systems to wireless sensor nodes. Many of these applications require asymmetric encryption or authentication, which has spurred a body of research into implementation aspects of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) on the AVR platform. In this paper, we study the suitability of a special class of finite fields, the so-called Optimal Prime Fields (OPFs), for a "lightweight" implementation of ECC with a view towards high performance and security. An OPF is a finite field Fp defined by a prime of the form p = u*2^k + v, whereby both u and v are "small" (in relation to 2^k) so that they fit into one or two registers of an AVR processor. OPFs have a low Hamming weight, which allows for a very efficient implementation of the modular reduction since only the non-zero words of p need to be processed. We describe a special variant of Montgomery multiplication for OPFs that does not execute any input-dependent conditional statements (e.g. branch instructions) and is, hence, resistant against certain side-channel attacks. When executed on an Atmel ATmega processor, a multiplication in a 160-bit OPF takes just 3237 cycles, which compares favorably with other implementations of 160-bit modular multiplication on an 8-bit processor. We also describe a performance-optimized and a security-optimized implementation of elliptic curve scalar multiplication over OPFs. The former uses a GLV curve and executes in 4.19M cycles (over a 160-bit OPF), while the latter is based on a Montgomery curve and has an execution time of approximately 5.93M cycles. Both results improve the state-of-the-art in lightweight ECC on 8-bit processors

    Elliptical Curve Digital Signatures Algorithm

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    Elliptical digital signatures algorithm provides security services for resource constrained embedded devices. The ECDSA level security can be enhanced by several parameters as parameter key size and the security level of ECDSA elementary modules such as hash function, elliptic curve point multiplication on koblitz curve which is used to compute public key and a pseudo-random generator which generates key pair generation. This paper describes novel security approach on authentication schemes as a modification of ECDSA scheme. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of recent developments on elliptic curve digital signatures approaches. The survey of ECDSA involves major issues like security of cryptosystem, RFID-tag authentication, Montgomery multiplication over binary fields, Scaling techniques, Signature generation ,signature verification, point addition and point doubling of the different coordinate system and classification. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150318

    Evaluation of Large Integer Multiplication Methods on Hardware

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    High-performance code generation for polynomials and power series

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    Newton iteration is a versatile tool. In this thesis, we investigate its applications to the computation of power series solutions of first-order non-linear differential equations. To speed-up such computations, we first focus on improving polynomial multi­ plication and its variants: plain multiplication, transposed multiplication and short multiplication, for Karatsuba’s algorithm and its generalizations. Instead of rewriting code for different multiplication algorithms, a general approach is designed to output computer-generated code based on multiplication graph representations. Next, we investigate the existing Newton iteration algorithms for differential equa­ tion solving problems. To improve their efficiency, we recall how one can reduce the amount of useless computations by using transposed multiplication and short mul­ tiplication. We provide an optimized code generator that applies these techniques automatically to a given differential equation

    Elliptic Curve Cryptography on Modern Processor Architectures

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    Abstract Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) has been adopted by the US National Security Agency (NSA) in Suite "B" as part of its "Cryptographic Modernisation Program ". Additionally, it has been favoured by an entire host of mobile devices due to its superior performance characteristics. ECC is also the building block on which the exciting field of pairing/identity based cryptography is based. This widespread use means that there is potentially a lot to be gained by researching efficient implementations on modern processors such as IBM's Cell Broadband Engine and Philip's next generation smart card cores. ECC operations can be thought of as a pyramid of building blocks, from instructions on a core, modular operations on a finite field, point addition & doubling, elliptic curve scalar multiplication to application level protocols. In this thesis we examine an implementation of these components for ECC focusing on a range of optimising techniques for the Cell's SPU and the MIPS smart card. We show significant performance improvements that can be achieved through of adoption of EC

    High-Performance VLSI Architectures for Lattice-Based Cryptography

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    Lattice-based cryptography is a cryptographic primitive built upon the hard problems on point lattices. Cryptosystems relying on lattice-based cryptography have attracted huge attention in the last decade since they have post-quantum-resistant security and the remarkable construction of the algorithm. In particular, homomorphic encryption (HE) and post-quantum cryptography (PQC) are the two main applications of lattice-based cryptography. Meanwhile, the efficient hardware implementations for these advanced cryptography schemes are demanding to achieve a high-performance implementation. This dissertation aims to investigate the novel and high-performance very large-scale integration (VLSI) architectures for lattice-based cryptography, including the HE and PQC schemes. This dissertation first presents different architectures for the number-theoretic transform (NTT)-based polynomial multiplication, one of the crucial parts of the fundamental arithmetic for lattice-based HE and PQC schemes. Then a high-speed modular integer multiplier is proposed, particularly for lattice-based cryptography. In addition, a novel modular polynomial multiplier is presented to exploit the fast finite impulse response (FIR) filter architecture to reduce the computational complexity of the schoolbook modular polynomial multiplication for lattice-based PQC scheme. Afterward, an NTT and Chinese remainder theorem (CRT)-based high-speed modular polynomial multiplier is presented for HE schemes whose moduli are large integers