132 research outputs found

    Multi-Choice Total Clan Games: Characterizations and Solution Concepts

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    This paper deals with a new class of multi-choice games, the class of multi- choice total clan games. The structure of the core of a multi-choice clan game is explicitly described. Furthermore, characterizations of multi-choice total clan games are given and bi-monotonic allocation schemes related to players' levels are introduced for such games. It turns out that some elements in the core of a multi- choice total clan game are extendable to such bi-monotonic allocation schemes via suitable compensation-sharing rules on the domain of multi-choice (total) clan games.Multi-choice games;Clan games;Monotonic allocation schemes

    Monotonic Allocation Schemes in Clan Games

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    Total clan games are characterized using monotonicity, veto power of the clan members, and a concavity condition reflecting the decreasing marginal contribution of non-clan members to growing coalitions.This decreasing marginal contribution is incorporated in the notion of a bi-monotonic allocation scheme, where the value of each coalition is divided over its members in such a way that the clan members receive a higher, and the non-clan members a lower share as the coalitions grow larger.Each core element of a total clan game can be extended to both a population monotonic and a bi-monotonic allocation scheme.In total clan games where the clan consists of a single member (the so-called big boss) the use of the nucleolus as an allocation mechanism gives rise to a bi-monotonic allocation scheme.cooperative games;population monotonic allocation scheme;bi-monotonic allocation scheme;clan games;big boss games

    Convex games versus clan games

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    In this paper we provide characterizations of convex games and total clan games by using properties of their corresponding marginal games. We show that a "dualize and restrict" procedure transforms total clan games with zero worth for the clan into monotonic convex games. Furthermore, each monotonic convex game generates a total clan game with zero worth for the clan by a "dualize and extend" procedure. These procedures are also useful for relating core elements and elements of the Weber set of the corresponding games.convex games, core, dual games, marginal games, total clan games, Weber set

    Convex Games versus Clan Games

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    In this paper we provide characterizations of convex games and total clan games by using properties of their corresponding marginal games.We show that a "dualize and restrict" procedure transforms total clan games with zero worth for the clan into monotonic convex games.Furthermore, each monotonic convex game generates a total clan game with zero worth for the clan by a "dualize and extend" procedure.These procedures are also useful for relating core elements and elements of the Weber set of the corresponding games.convex games;core;dual games;marginal games;total clan games;Weber set

    Fuzzy Clan Games and Bi-monotonic Allocation Rules

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    Clan game;Big boss game;Core;Decision making;Fuzzy coalition;Fuzzy game;Monotonic allocation rule

    Regular Population Monotonic Allocation Schemes and the Core

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    A subclass of games with population monotonic allocation schemes is studied, namely games with regular population monotonic allocation schemes (rpmas). We focus on the properties of these games and we prove the coincidence between the core and both the Davis-Maschler bargaining set and the Mas-Colell bargaining set.rpmas, bargaining set, pmas, tu-game

    Type Monotonic Allocation Schemes for Multi-Glove Games

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    Multiglove markets and corresponding games are considered.For this class of games we introduce the notion of type monotonic allocation scheme.Allocation rules for multiglove markets based on weight systems are introduced and characterized.These allocation rules generate type monotonic allocation schemes for multiglove games and are also helpful in proving that each core element of the corresponding game is extendable to a type monotonic allocation scheme.The T-value turns out to generate a type monotonic allocation scheme with nice extra properties.The same holds true for the nucleolus, for in multi glove games these two solutions coincide.allocation;games;t-value

    Fuzzy Clan Games and Bi-monotonic Allocation Rules

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    Tijs, S.H.