384 research outputs found

    "Structure and Asymptotic Theory for Multivariate Asymmetric Volatility: Empirical Evidence for Country Risk Ratings"

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    Following the rapid growth in the international debt of less developed countries in the 1970s and the increasing incidence of debt rescheduling in the early 1980s, country risk has become a topic of major concern for the international financial community. A critical assessment of country risk is essential because it reflects the ability and willingness of a country to service its financial obligations. Various risk rating agencies employ different methods to determine country risk ratings, combining a range of qualitative and quantitative information regarding alternative measures of economic, financial and political risk into associated composite risk ratings. This paper provides an international comparison of country risk ratings compiled by the International Country Risk Guide (ICRG), which is the only international rating agency to provide detailed and consistent monthly data over an extended period for a large number of countries. As risk ratings can be treated as indexes, their rate of change, or returns, merits attention in the same manner as financial returns. For this reason, a constant correlation multivariate asymmetric ARMA-GARCH model is presented and its underlying structure is established, including the unique, strictly stationary and ergodic solution of the model, its causal expansion, and convenient sufficient conditions for the existence of moments. Alternative empirically verifiable sufficient conditions for the consistency and asymptotic normality of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator are established under non-normality of the conditional (or standardized) shocks. The empirical results provide a comparative assessment of the conditional means and volatilities associated with international country risk returns across countries and over time, enable a validation of the regularity conditions underlying the models, highlight the importance of economic, financial and political risk ratings as components of a composite risk rating, evaluate the multivariate effects of alternative risk returns and different countries, and evaluate the usefulness of the ICRG risk ratings in modelling risk returns.

    Russian equity market linkages before and after the 1998 crisis: Evidence from time-varying and stochastic cointegration tests

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    This paper examines the relationships between the Russian and other Central European (CE) and developed countries’ equity markets over the 1995-2004 period. Along with the traditional Johansen and Juselius (1990) multivariate cointegration tests, we apply novel cointegration approaches, including Gregory-Hansen (1996) test, which allows for a structural break in the relationships, as well as the newly developed stochastic cointegration test by Harris, McCabe and Leybourne (2002) and the non-parametric cointegration method of Breitung (2002). The latter tests point to a significant agreement that in the aftermath of the Russian crisis of 1998 there was an increasing degree of comovements of the Russian market with other developed markets, but not with CE developing markets. This result is further confirmed by dynamic conditional correlation modeling, which allows us to investigate graphically the evolution of comovements in the system. The results of detailed cointegration analysis suggest a. that the time-varying nature of equity markets comovements should be explicitly accounted for while modeling long run relationships b. that there is a decline in diversification benefits for foreign investors seeking to invest in Russian equities over the long horizon.Stock Market Integration; CEE Stock markets; Russian Stock Market; Cointegration

    Regional Integration of Equity Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Equity markets in developing and emerging economies have grown in number and importance as a result of financial market globalisation. However, their role in economic growth and development is enhanced if nascent markets are integrated with well-established ones. Market integration, measured by the transmission of returns volatility, is identified across a sample of SSA countries, using a unique dataset. Evidence for potential integration between financial markets in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is found. Spillovers are found across markets, some unidirectional and others bi-directional. However, continued illiquidity and incomplete institutions indicate that an integrated financial community remains premature, and considerable regulatory reform and harmonisation will be necessary for this to succeed

    A Statistical Methodology for Classifying Time Series in the Context of Climatic Data

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    [ES] De acuerdo con las regulaciones europeas y muchos estudios científicos, es necesario monitorear y analizar las condiciones microclimáticas en museos o edificios, para preservar las obras de arte en ellos. Con el objetivo de ofrecer herramientas para el monitoreo de las condiciones climáticas en este tipo de edificios, en esta tesis doctoral se propone una nueva metodología estadística para clasificar series temporales de parámetros climáticos como la temperatura y humedad relativa. La metodología consiste en aplicar un método de clasificación usando variables que se computan a partir de las series de tiempos. Los dos primeros métodos de clasificación son versiones conocidas de métodos sparse PLS que no se habían aplicado a datos correlacionados en el tiempo. El tercer método es una nueva propuesta que usa dos algoritmos conocidos. Los métodos de clasificación se basan en diferentes versiones de un método sparse de análisis discriminante de mínimos cuadra- dos parciales PLS (sPLS-DA, SPLSDA y sPLS) y análisis discriminante lineal (LDA). Las variables que los métodos de clasificación usan como input, corresponden a parámetros estimados a partir de distintos modelos, métodos y funciones del área de las series de tiempo, por ejemplo, modelo ARIMA estacional, modelo ARIMA- TGARCH estacional, método estacional Holt-Winters, función de densidad espectral, función de autocorrelación (ACF), función de autocorrelación parcial (PACF), rango móvil (MR), entre otras funciones. También fueron utilizadas algunas variables que se utilizan en el campo de la astronomía para clasificar estrellas. En los casos que a priori no hubo información de los clusters de las series de tiempos, las dos primeras componentes de un análisis de componentes principales (PCA) fueron utilizadas por el algoritmo k- means para identificar posibles clusters de las series de tiempo. Adicionalmente, los resultados del método sPLS-DA fueron comparados con los del algoritmo random forest. Tres bases de datos de series de tiempos de humedad relativa o de temperatura fueron analizadas. Los clusters de las series de tiempos se analizaron de acuerdo a diferentes zonas o diferentes niveles de alturas donde fueron instalados sensores para el monitoreo de las condiciones climáticas en los 3 edificios.El algoritmo random forest y las diferentes versiones del método sparse PLS fueron útiles para identificar las variables más importantes en la clasificación de las series de tiempos. Los resultados de sPLS-DA y random forest fueron muy similares cuando se usaron como variables de entrada las calculadas a partir del método Holt-Winters o a partir de funciones aplicadas a las series de tiempo. Aunque los resultados del método random forest fueron levemente mejores que los encontrados por sPLS-DA en cuanto a las tasas de error de clasificación, los resultados de sPLS- DA fueron más fáciles de interpretar. Cuando las diferentes versiones del método sparse PLS utilizaron variables resultantes del método Holt-Winters, los clusters de las series de tiempo fueron mejor discriminados. Entre las diferentes versiones del método sparse PLS, la versión sPLS con LDA obtuvo la mejor discriminación de las series de tiempo, con un menor valor de la tasa de error de clasificación, y utilizando el menor o segundo menor número de variables.En esta tesis doctoral se propone usar una versión sparse de PLS (sPLS-DA, o sPLS con LDA) con variables calculadas a partir de series de tiempo para la clasificación de éstas. Al aplicar la metodología a las distintas bases de datos estudiadas, se encontraron modelos parsimoniosos, con pocas variables, y se obtuvo una discriminación satisfactoria de los diferentes clusters de las series de tiempo con fácil interpretación. La metodología propuesta puede ser útil para caracterizar las distintas zonas o alturas en museos o edificios históricos de acuerdo con sus condiciones climáticas, con el objetivo de prevenir problemas de conservación con las obras de arte.[CA] D'acord amb les regulacions europees i molts estudis científics, és necessari monitorar i analitzar les condiciones microclimàtiques en museus i en edificis similars, per a preservar les obres d'art que s'exposen en ells. Amb l'objectiu d'oferir eines per al monitoratge de les condicions climàtiques en aquesta mena d'edificis, en aquesta tesi es proposa una nova metodologia estadística per a classificar series temporals de paràmetres climàtics com la temperatura i humitat relativa.La metodologia consisteix a aplicar un mètode de classificació usant variables que es computen a partir de les sèries de temps. Els dos primers mètodes de classificació són versions conegudes de mètodes sparse PLS que no s'havien aplicat adades correlacionades en el temps. El tercer mètode és una nova proposta que usados algorismes coneguts. Els mètodes de classificació es basen en diferents versions d'un mètode sparse d'anàlisi discriminant de mínims quadrats parcials PLS (sPLS-DA, SPLSDA i sPLS) i anàlisi discriminant lineal (LDA). Les variables queels mètodes de classificació usen com a input, corresponen a paràmetres estimats a partir de diferents models, mètodes i funcions de l'àrea de les sèries de temps, per exemple, model ARIMA estacional, model ARIMA-TGARCH estacional, mètode estacional Holt-Winters, funció de densitat espectral, funció d'autocorrelació (ACF), funció d'autocorrelació parcial (PACF), rang mòbil (MR), entre altres funcions. També van ser utilitzades algunes variables que s'utilitzen en el camp de l'astronomia per a classificar estreles. En els casos que a priori no va haver-hi información dels clústers de les sèries de temps, les dues primeres components d'una anàlisi de components principals (PCA) van ser utilitzades per l'algorisme k-means per a identificar possibles clústers de les sèries de temps. Addicionalment, els resultats del mètode sPLS-DA van ser comparats amb els de l'algorisme random forest.Tres bases de dades de sèries de temps d'humitat relativa o de temperatura varen ser analitzades. Els clústers de les sèries de temps es van analitzar d'acord a diferents zones o diferents nivells d'altures on van ser instal·lats sensors per al monitoratge de les condicions climàtiques en els edificis.L'algorisme random forest i les diferents versions del mètode sparse PLS van ser útils per a identificar les variables més importants en la classificació de les series de temps. Els resultats de sPLS-DA i random forest van ser molt similars quan es van usar com a variables d'entrada les calculades a partir del mètode Holt-winters o a partir de funcions aplicades a les sèries de temps. Encara que els resultats del mètode random forest van ser lleument millors que els trobats per sPLS-DA quant a les taxes d'error de classificació, els resultats de sPLS-DA van ser més fàcils d'interpretar.Quan les diferents versions del mètode sparse PLS van utilitzar variables resultants del mètode Holt-Winters, els clústers de les sèries de temps van ser més ben discriminats. Entre les diferents versions del mètode sparse PLS, la versió sPLS amb LDA va obtindre la millor discriminació de les sèries de temps, amb un menor valor de la taxa d'error de classificació, i utilitzant el menor o segon menor nombre de variables.En aquesta tesi proposem usar una versió sparse de PLS (sPLS-DA, o sPLS amb LDA) amb variables calculades a partir de sèries de temps per a classificar series de temps. En aplicar la metodologia a les diferents bases de dades estudiades, es van trobar models parsimoniosos, amb poques variables, i varem obtindre una discriminació satisfactòria dels diferents clústers de les sèries de temps amb fácil interpretació. La metodologia proposada pot ser útil per a caracteritzar les diferents zones o altures en museus o edificis similars d'acord amb les seues condicions climàtiques, amb l'objectiu de previndre problemes amb les obres d'art.[EN] According to different European Standards and several studies, it is necessary to monitor and analyze the microclimatic conditions in museums and similar buildings, with the goal of preserving artworks. With the aim of offering tools to monitor the climatic conditions, a new statistical methodology for classifying time series of different climatic parameters, such as relative humidity and temperature, is pro- posed in this dissertation.The methodology consists of applying a classification method using variables that are computed from time series. The two first classification methods are ver- sions of known sparse methods which have not been applied to time dependent data. The third method is a new proposal that uses two known algorithms. These classification methods are based on different versions of sparse partial least squares discriminant analysis PLS (sPLS-DA, SPLSDA, and sPLS) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). The variables that are computed from time series, correspond to parameter estimates from functions, methods, or models commonly found in the area of time series, e.g., seasonal ARIMA model, seasonal ARIMA-TGARCH model, seasonal Holt-Winters method, spectral density function, autocorrelation function (ACF), partial autocorrelation function (PACF), moving range (MR), among others functions. Also, some variables employed in the field of astronomy (for classifying stars) were proposed.The methodology proposed consists of two parts. Firstly, different variables are computed applying the methods, models or functions mentioned above, to time series. Next, once the variables are calculated, they are used as input for a classification method like sPLS-DA, SPLSDA, or SPLS with LDA (new proposal). When there was no information about the clusters of the different time series, the first two components from principal component analysis (PCA) were used as input for k-means method for identifying possible clusters of time series. In addition, results from random forest algorithm were compared with results from sPLS-DA.This study analyzed three sets of time series of relative humidity or temperate, recorded in different buildings (Valencia's Cathedral, the archaeological site of L'Almoina, and the baroque church of Saint Thomas and Saint Philip Neri) in Valencia, Spain. The clusters of the time series were analyzed according to different zones or different levels of the sensor heights, for monitoring the climatic conditions in these buildings.Random forest algorithm and different versions of sparse PLS helped identifying the main variables for classifying the time series. When comparing the results from sPLS-DA and random forest, they were very similar for variables from seasonal Holt-Winters method and functions which were applied to the time series. The results from sPLS-DA were easier to interpret than results from random forest. When the different versions of sparse PLS used variables from seasonal Holt- Winters method as input, the clusters of the time series were identified effectively.The variables from seasonal Holt-Winters helped to obtain the best, or the second best results, according to the classification error rate. Among the different versions of sparse PLS proposed, sPLS with LDA helped to classify time series using a fewer number of variables with the lowest classification error rate.We propose using a version of sparse PLS (sPLS-DA, or sPLS with LDA) with variables computed from time series for classifying time series. For the different data sets studied, the methodology helped to produce parsimonious models with few variables, it achieved satisfactory discrimination of the different clusters of the time series which are easily interpreted. This methodology can be useful for characterizing and monitoring micro-climatic conditions in museums, or similar buildings, for preventing problems with artwork.I gratefully acknowledge the financial support of Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali – PUJ and Instituto Colombiano de Crédito Educativo y Estudios Técnicos en el Exterior – ICETEX who awarded me the scholarships ’Convenio de Capacitación para Docentes O. J. 086/17’ and ’Programa Crédito Pasaporte a la Ciencia ID 3595089 foco-reto salud’ respectively. The scholarships were essential for obtaining the Ph.D. Also, I gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 814624.Ramírez Buelvas, SM. (2022). A Statistical Methodology for Classifying Time Series in the Context of Climatic Data [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181123TESI

    The efficient market hypothesis in developing economies: an investigation of the Monday effect and January effect on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange post the multi-currency system (2009-2013): a Garch approach analysis

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF MANAGEMENT IN FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS Of WITS BUSINESS SCHOOL March 2015The paper investigates the presence of two calendar anomalies; the day of the week or Mon-day effect and the Month of the year or January effect by modelling volatility of the industrial index returns on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) pre and post the multi-currency sys-tem. The procedure is carried out by employing non-parametric models from the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (GARCH) family; GARCH, Exponential GARCH (EGARCH) and Threshold GARCH (TGARCH). The models are better suited in modelling daily and monthly seasonality as they can capture the time-varying volatility of the stock return data. The period of analysis is from the January 2004 to April 2008 (pre-dollarization period) and the second period of analysis is from the post-currency reform which runs from February 2009 to December 2013. The results obtained from the study are mixed. The day of the week test finds significantly negative returns on Monday, Wednesday and Friday pre the currency reform whilst a nega-tive Wednesday effect is found post the currency reform period. The TGARCH model is the only one that captures a negative monthly effects on all the months of the year with the ex-ception of January pre the currency reform period. No monthly effects are found on the ZSE post the currency reform period by all models employed. The absence of monthly seasonality effects and the reduced number of days of day of the week effects from all the GARCH mod-els employed can infer that the currency reform had a positive impact which translated to market efficiency

    Untangling hotel industry’s inefficiency: An SFA approach applied to a renowned Portuguese hotel chain

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    The present paper explores the technical efficiency of four hotels from Teixeira Duarte Group - a renowned Portuguese hotel chain. An efficiency ranking is established from these four hotel units located in Portugal using Stochastic Frontier Analysis. This methodology allows to discriminate between measurement error and systematic inefficiencies in the estimation process enabling to investigate the main inefficiency causes. Several suggestions concerning efficiency improvement are undertaken for each hotel studied.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dynamic Mixed Models for Irregularly Observed Time Series

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    We review the conventional dynamic linear model in state-space form and give a useful generalization that admits fixed covariates to the measurement equation while treating the state vectors as time-varying random effects
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