1,363 research outputs found

    Using the space-borne NASA scatterometer (NSCAT) to determine the frozen and thawed seasons

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    We hypothesize that the strong sensitivity of radar backscatter to surface dielectric properties, and hence to the phase (solid or liquid) of any water near the surface should make space-borne radar observations a powerful tool for large-scale spatial monitoring of the freeze/thaw state of the land surface, and thus ecosystem growing season length. We analyzed the NASA scatterometer (NSCAT) backscatter from September 1996 to June 1997, along with temperature and snow depth observations and ecosystem modeling, for three BOREAS sites in central Canada. Because of its short wavelength (2.14 cm), NSCAT was sensitive to canopy and surface water. NSCAT had 25 km spatial resolution and approximately twice-daily temporal coverage at the BOREAS latitude. At the northern site the NSCAT signal showed strong seasonality, with backscatter around −8 dB in winter and −12 dB in early summer and fall. The NSCAT signal for the southern sites had less seasonality. At all three sites there was a strong decrease in backscatter during spring thaw (4–6 dB). At the southern deciduous site, NSCAT backscatter rose from −11 to −9.2 dB during spring leaf-out. All sites showed 1–2 dB backscatter shifts corresponding to changes in landscape water state coincident with brief midwinter thaws, snowfall, and extreme cold (Tmax\u3c−25°C). Freeze/thaw detection algorithms developed for other radar instruments gave reasonable results for the northern site but were not successful at the two southern sites. We developed a change detection algorithm based on first differences of 5-day smoothed NSCAT backscatter measurements. This algorithm had some success in identifying the arrival of freezing conditions in the autumn and the beginning of thaw in the spring. Changes in surface freeze/thaw state generally coincided with the arrival and departure of the seasonal snow cover and with simulated shifts in the directions of net carbon exchange at each of the study sites

    Sentinel-1 backscatter time series for characterization of evapotranspiration dynamics over temperate coniferous forests

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    Forests’ ecosystems are an essential part of the global carbon cycle with vast carbon storage potential. These systems are currently under external pressures showing increasing change due to climate change. A better understanding of the biophysical properties of forests is, therefore, of paramount importance for research and monitoring purposes. While there are many biophysical properties, the focus of this study is on the in-depth analysis of the connection between the C-band Copernicus Sentinel-1 SAR backscatter and evapotranspiration (ET) estimates based on in situ meteorological data and the FAO-based Penman–Monteith equation as well as the well-established global terrestrial ET product from the Terra and Aqua MODIS sensors. The analysis was performed in the Free State of Thuringia, central Germany, over coniferous forests within an area of 2452 km2, considering a 5-year time series (June 2016–July 2021) of 6- to 12-day Sentinel-1 backscatter acquisitions/observations, daily in situ meteorological measurements of four weather stations as well as an 8-day composite of ET products of the MODIS sensors. Correlation analyses of the three datasets were implemented independently for each of the microwave sensor’s acquisition parameters, ascending and descending overpass direction and co- or cross-polarization, investigating different time series seasonality filters. The Sentinel-1 backscatter and both ET time series datasets show a similar multiannual seasonally fluctuating behavior with increasing values in the spring, peaks in the summer, decreases in the autumn and troughs in the winter months. The backscatter difference between summer and winter reaches over 1.5 dB, while the evapotranspiration difference reaches 8 mm/day for the in situ measurements and 300 kg/m2/8-day for the MODIS product. The best correlation between the Sentinel-1 backscatter and both ET products is achieved in the ascending overpass direction, with datasets acquired in the late afternoon, and reaches an R2-value of over 0.8. The correlation for the descending overpass direction reaches values of up to 0.6. These results suggest that the SAR backscatter signal of coniferous forests is sensitive to the biophysical property evapotranspiration under some scenarios

    Forest disturbance and recovery: A general review in the context of spaceborne remote sensing of impacts on aboveground biomass and canopy structure

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    Abrupt forest disturbances generating gaps \u3e0.001 km2 impact roughly 0.4–0.7 million km2a−1. Fire, windstorms, logging, and shifting cultivation are dominant disturbances; minor contributors are land conversion, flooding, landslides, and avalanches. All can have substantial impacts on canopy biomass and structure. Quantifying disturbance location, extent, severity, and the fate of disturbed biomass will improve carbon budget estimates and lead to better initialization, parameterization, and/or testing of forest carbon cycle models. Spaceborne remote sensing maps large-scale forest disturbance occurrence, location, and extent, particularly with moderate- and fine-scale resolution passive optical/near-infrared (NIR) instruments. High-resolution remote sensing (e.g., ∼1 m passive optical/NIR, or small footprint lidar) can map crown geometry and gaps, but has rarely been systematically applied to study small-scale disturbance and natural mortality gap dynamics over large regions. Reducing uncertainty in disturbance and recovery impacts on global forest carbon balance requires quantification of (1) predisturbance forest biomass; (2) disturbance impact on standing biomass and its fate; and (3) rate of biomass accumulation during recovery. Active remote sensing data (e.g., lidar, radar) are more directly indicative of canopy biomass and many structural properties than passive instrument data; a new generation of instruments designed to generate global coverage/sampling of canopy biomass and structure can improve our ability to quantify the carbon balance of Earth\u27s forests. Generating a high-quality quantitative assessment of disturbance impacts on canopy biomass and structure with spaceborne remote sensing requires comprehensive, well designed, and well coordinated field programs collecting high-quality ground-based data and linkages to dynamical models that can use this information

    Forest attributes mapping with SAR data in the romanian South-Eastern Carpathians requirements and outcomes

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    Esta tesis doctoral se centra en la estimación de variables forestales en la zona Sureste de los Cárpatos Rumanos a partir de imágenes de radar de apertura sintética. La investigación abarca parte del preprocesado de las imágenes, métodos de generación de mosaicos y la extracción de la cobertura de bosque, sus subtipos o su biomasa. La tesis se desarrolló en el Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Forestal Marín Dracea (INCDS) y la Universidad de Alcalá (UAH) gracias a varios proyectos: el proyecto EO-ROFORMON del INCDS (Prototyping an Earth-Observation based monitoring and forecasting system for the Romanian forests), y el proyecto EMAFOR de la UAH (Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) enabled Analysis Ready Data (ARD) cubes for efficient monitoring of agricultural and forested landscapes). El proyecto EO-ROFORMON fue financiado por la Autoridad Nacional para la Investigación Científica de Rumania y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional. El proyecto EMAFOR fue financiado por la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (España). El objetivo de esta tesis es el desarrollo de algoritmos para la extracción de variables forestales de uso general como la cobertura, el tipo o la biomasa del bosque a partir de imagen de radar de apertura sintética. Para alcanzar dicho propósito se analizaron posibles fuentes de sesgo sistemático que podrían aparecer en zonas de montaña (ej., normalización topográfica, generación de mosaicos), y se aplicaron técnicas de aprendizaje de máquina para tareas de clasificación y regresión. La tesis contiene ocho secciones: una introducción, cinco publicaciones en revistas o actas de congresos indexados, una pendiente de publicación (quinto capítulo) y las conclusiones. La introducción contextualiza la importancia del bosque, cómo se recoge la información sobre su estado (ej., inventario forestal) y las iniciativas o marcos legislativos que requieren dicha información. A continuación, se describe cómo la teledetección puede complementar la información de inventario forestal, detallando el contexto histórico de las distintas tecnologías, su funcionamiento, y cómo pueden ser aplicadas para la extracción de información forestal. Por último, se describe la problemática y el monitoreo del bosque en Rumanía, detallando el objetivo de la tesis y su estructura. El primer capítulo analiza la influencia del modelo digital de elevaciones (MDE) en la calidad de la normalización topográfica, analizando tres MDE globales (SRTM, AW3D y TanDEM-X DEM) y uno nacional (PNOA-LiDAR). Los experimentos se basan en la comparación entre órbitas, con un MDE de referencia, y la variación del acierto en la clasificación dependiendo del MDE empleado para la normalización. Los resultados muestran una menor diferencia ente órbitas al utilizar un MDE con una mejor resolución (ej. TanDEM-X, PNOA-LIDAR), especialmente en el caso de zonas con fuertes pendientes o formas del terreno complejas, como pueden ser los valles. En zonas de alta montaña las imágenes de radar de apertura sintética (SAR) sufren frecuentes distorsiones. Estas distorsiones dependen de la geometría de adquisición, por lo que es posible combinar imágenes adquiridas desde varias órbitas para que la cobertura sea lo más completa posible. El segundo capítulo evalúa dos metodologías para la clasificación de usos del suelo utilizando datos de Sentinel-1 adquiridos desde varias órbitas. El primer método crea clasificaciones por órbita y las combina, mientras que el segundo genera un mosaico con datos de múltiples órbitas y lo clasifica. El acierto obtenido mediante combinación de clasificaciones es ligeramente mayor, mientras que la clasificación de mosaicos tiene importantes omisiones de las zonas boscosas debido a problemas en la normalización topográfica y a los efectos direccionales. El tercer capítulo se enfoca en separar la cobertura forestal de otras coberturas del suelo (urbano, vegetación baja, agua) analizando la utilidad de las variables basadas en la coherencia interferométrica. En él se realizan tres clasificaciones de máquina vector-soporte basadas en un conjunto concreto de variables. El primer conjunto contiene las estadísticas anuales de la retrodispersión (media y desviación típica anual), el segundo añade la coherencia a largo plazo (separación temporal mayor a un año), el tercero incluye las estadísticas de la coherencia a corto plazo (mínima separación temporal). Utilizar variables basadas en la coherencia aumenta el acierto de la clasificación hasta un 5% y reduce los errores de omisión de la cobertura forestal. El cuarto capítulo evalúa la posibilidad de detectar talas selectivas utilizando datos de Sentinel-1 y Sentinel-2. Sus resultados muestran que la detección resulta muy difícil debido a la saturación de los sensores y la confusión introducida por el efecto de la fenología. El quinto capítulo se centra en la clasificación de tipos de bosque basado en una serie temporal de datos Sentinel-1. Se basa en la creación de un conjunto de modelos que describen la relación entre la retrodispersión y el ángulo local de incidencia para un determinado tipo de bosque y fecha concreta. Para cada píxel se calcula el residuo respecto al modelo de cada uno de los tipos de bosque, acumulando dichos residuos a lo largo de la serie temporal. Hecho esto, cada píxel es asignado al tipo de bosque que acumula un menor residuo. Los resultados son prometedores, mostrando que frondosas y coníferas tienen un comportamiento distintivo, y que es posible separar ambos tipos de bosque con un alto grado de acierto. El sexto capítulo está dedicado a la estimación de biomasa utilizando datos Sentinel-1, ALOS PALSAR y regresión Random Forest. Se obtiene un error similar para ambos sensores a pesar de utilizar una banda diferente (band-C vs. -L), con poca reducción en el error cuando ambas bandas se utilizan conjuntamente. Sin embargo, el ajuste de un estimador adaptado a las condiciones locales de Rumanía sí ofreció una reducción de del error al ser comparado con las estimaciones globales de biomasa

    Assessment of multi-temporal, multi-sensor radar and ancillary spatial data for grasslands monitoring in Ireland using machine learning approaches

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    Accurate inventories of grasslands are important for studies of carbon dynamics, biodiversity conservation and agricultural management. For regions with persistent cloud cover the use of multi-temporal synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data provides an attractive solution for generating up-to-date inventories of grasslands. This is even more appealing considering the data that will be available from upcoming missions such as Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2. In this study, the performance of three machine learning algorithms; Random Forests (RF), Support Vector Machines (SVM) and the relatively underused Extremely Randomised Trees (ERT) is evaluated for discriminating between grassland types over two large heterogeneous areas of Ireland using multi-temporal, multi-sensor radar and ancillary spatial datasets. A detailed accuracy assessment shows the efficacy of the three algorithms to classify different types of grasslands. Overall accuracies ≥ 88.7% (with kappa coefficient of 0.87) were achieved for the single frequency classifications and maximum accuracies of 97.9% (kappa coefficient of 0.98) for the combined frequency classifications. For most datasets, the ERT classifier outperforms SVM and RF

    Estimation of biophysical parameters in boreal forests from ERS and JERS SAR interferometry

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    The thesis describes investigations concerning the evaluation of ERS and JERS SAR images and repeat-pass interferometric SAR images for the retrieval of biophysical parameters in boreal forests. The availability of extensive data sets of images over several test sites located in Sweden, Finland and Siberia has allowed analysis of temporal dynamics of ERS and JERS backscatter and coherence, and of ERS interferometric phase. Modelling of backscatter, coherence and InSAR phase has been performed by means of the Water Cloud Model (WCM) and the Interferometric Water Cloud Model (IWCM); sensitivity analysis and implications for the retrieval of forest biophysical parameters have been thoroughly discussed. Model inversion has been carried out for stem volume retrieval using ERS coherence, ERS backscatter and JERS backscatter, whereas for tree height estimation the ERS interferometric phase has been used. Multi-temporal combination of ERS coherence images, and to a lesser extent of JERS backscatter images, can provide stem volume estimates comparable to stand-wise ground-based measurements. Since the information content of the interferometric phase is strongly degraded by phase noise and uncorrected atmospheric artefacts, the retrieved tree height shows large errors

    Estimating leaf area index and aboveground biomass of grazing pastures using Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Landsat images

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    Grassland degradation has accelerated in recent decades in response to increased climate variability and human activity. Rangeland and grassland conditions directly affect forage quality, livestock production, and regional grassland resources. In this study, we examined the potential of integrating synthetic aperture radar (SAR, Sentinel-1) and optical remote sensing (Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2) data to monitor the conditions of a native pasture and an introduced pasture in Oklahoma, USA. Leaf area index (LAI) and aboveground biomass (AGB) were used as indicators of pasture conditions under varying climate and human activities. We estimated the seasonal dynamics of LAI and AGB using Sentinel-1 (S1), Landsat-8 (LC8), and Sentinel-2 (S2) data, both individually and integrally, applying three widely used algorithms: Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Random Forest (RF). Results indicated that integration of LC8 and S2 data provided sufficient data to capture the seasonal dynamics of grasslands at a 10–30-m spatial resolution and improved assessments of critical phenology stages in both pluvial and dry years. The satellite-based LAI and AGB models developed from ground measurements in 2015 reasonably predicted the seasonal dynamics and spatial heterogeneity of LAI and AGB in 2016. By comparison, the integration of S1, LC8, and S2 has the potential to improve the estimation of LAI and AGB more than 30% relative to the performance of S1 at low vegetation cover (LAI \u3c 2m2/m2, AGB \u3c 500 g/m2) and optical data of LC8 and S2 at high vegetation cover (LAI \u3e 2m2/m2, AGB \u3e 500 g/m2). These results demonstrate the potential of combining S1, LC8, and S2 monitoring grazing tallgrass prairie to provide timely and accurate data for grassland management

    Assessing Forest Type and Tree Species Classification Using Sentinel-1 C-Band SAR Data in Southern Sweden

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    The multitemporal acquisition of images from the Sentinel-1 satellites allows continuous monitoring of a forest. This study focuses on the use of multitemporal C-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data to assess the results for forest type (FTY), between coniferous and deciduous forest, and tree species (SPP) classification. We also investigated the temporal stability through the use of backscatter from multiple seasons and years of acquisition. SAR acquisitions were pre-processed, histogram-matched, smoothed, and temperature-corrected. The normalized average backscatter was extracted for interpreted plots and used to train Random Forest models. The classification results were then validated with field plots. A principal component analysis was tested to reduce the dimensionality of the explanatory variables, which generally improved the results. Overall, the FTY classifications were promising, with higher accuracies (OA of 0.94 and K = 0.86) than the SPP classification (OA of 0.66 and K = 0.54). The use of merely winter images (OA = 0.89) reached, on average, results that were almost as good as those using of images from the entire year. The use of images from a single winter season reached a similar result (OA = 0.87). We conclude that multiple Sentinel-1 images acquired in winter conditions are feasible to classify forest types in a hemi-boreal Swedish forest

    Assessing spring phenology of a temperate woodland : a multiscale comparison of ground, unmanned aerial vehicle and Landsat satellite observations

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    PhD ThesisVegetation phenology is the study of plant natural life cycle stages. Plant phenological events are related to carbon, energy and water cycles within terrestrial ecosystems, operating from local to global scales. As plant phenology events are highly sensitive to climate fluctuations, the timing of these events has been used as an independent indicator of climate change. The monitoring of forest phenology in a cost-effective manner, at a fine spatial scale and over relatively large areas remains a significant challenge. To address this issue, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) appear to be a potential new platform for forest phenology monitoring. The aim of this research is to assess the potential of UAV data to track the temporal dynamics of spring phenology, from the individual tree to woodland scale, and to cross-compare UAV results against ground and satellite observations, in order to better understand characteristics of UAV data and assess potential for use in validation of satellite-derived phenology. A time series of UAV data were acquired in tandem with an intensive ground campaign during the spring season of 2015, over Hanging Leaves Wood, Northumberland, UK. The radiometric quality of the UAV imagery acquired by two consumer-grade cameras was assessed, in terms of the ability to retrieve reflectance and Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and successfully validated against ground (0.84≤R2≥0.96) and Landsat (0.73≤R2≥0.89) measurements, but only NDVI resulted in stable time series. The start (SOS), middle (MOS) and end (EOS) of spring season dates were estimated at an individual tree-level using UAV time series of NDVI and Green Chromatic Coordinate (GCC), with GCC resulting in a clearer and stronger seasonal signal at a tree crown scale. UAV-derived SOS could be predicted more accurately than MOS and EOS, with an accuracy of less than 1 week for deciduous woodland and within 2 weeks for evergreen. The UAV data were used to map phenological events for individual trees across the whole woodland, demonstrating that contrasting canopy phenological events can occur within the extent of a single Landsat pixel. This accounted for the poor relationships found between UAV- and Landsat-derived phenometrics (R2<0.45) in this study. An opportunity is now available to track very fine scale land surface changes over contiguous vegetation communities, information which could improve characterization of vegetation phenology at multiple scales.The Science without Borders program, managed by CAPES-Brazil (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior)
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