12 research outputs found

    Analog Property Checkers: A Ddr2 Case Study

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    The formal specification component of verification can be exported to simulation through the idea of property checkers. The essence of this approach is the automatic construction of an observer from the specification in the form of a program that can be interfaced with a simulator and alert the user if the property is violated by a simulation trace. Although not complete, this lighter approach to formal verification has been effectively used in software and digital hardware to detect errors. Recently, the idea of property checkers has been extended to analog and mixed-signal systems. In this paper, we apply the property-based checking methodology to an industrial and realistic example of a DDR2 memory interface. The properties describing the DDR2 analog behavior are expressed in the formal specification language stl/psl in form of assertions. The simulation traces generated from an actual DDR2 interface design are checked with respect to the stl/psl assertions using the amt tool. The focus of this paper is on the translation of the official (informal and descriptive) specification of two non-trivial DDR2 properties into stl/psl assertions. We study both the benefits and the current limits of such approach

    A Retrospective Look at the Monitoring and Checking (MaC) Framework

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    The Monitoring and Checking (MaC) project gave rise to a framework for runtime monitoring with respect to formally specified properties, which later came to be known as runtime verification. The project also built a pioneering runtime verification tool, Java-MaC, that was an instantiation of the approach to check properties of Java programs. In this retrospective, we discuss decisions made in the design of the framework and summarize lessons learned in the course of the project

    Towards Run-time Assurance of Advanced Propulsion Algorithms

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    This paper covers the motivation and rationale for investigating the application of run-time assurance methods as a potential means of providing safety assurance for advanced propulsion control systems. Certification is becoming increasingly infeasible for such systems using current verification practices. Run-time assurance systems hold the promise of certifying these advanced systems by continuously monitoring the state of the feedback system during operation and reverting to a simpler, certified system if anomalous behavior is detected. The discussion will also cover initial efforts underway to apply a run-time assurance framework to NASA's model-based engine control approach. Preliminary experimental results are presented and discussed

    Онлайн тестирование динамических реконфигураций по отношению к политикам адаптации

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    Self-adaptation of complex systems is a very active domain of research with numerous application domains. Component systems are designed as sets of components that may reconfigure themselves according to adaptation policies, which describe needs for reconfiguration. In this context, an adaptation policy is designed as a set of rules that indicate, for a given set of configurations, which reconfiguration operations can be triggered, with fuzzy values representing their utility. The adaptation policy has to be faithfully implemented by the system, especially w.r.t. the utility occurring in the rules, which are generally specified for optimizing some extra-functional properties (e.g. minimizing resource consumption). In order to validate adaptive systems’ behaviour, this paper presents a model-based testing approach, which aims to generate large test suites in order to measure the occurrences of reconfigurations and compare them to their utility values specified in the adaptation rules. This process is based on a usage model of the system used to stimulate the system and provoke reconfigurations. As the system may reconfigure dynamically, this online test generator observes the system responses and evolution in order to decide the next appropriate test step to perform. As a result, the relative frequencies of the reconfigurations can be measured in order to determine whether the adaptation policy is faithfully implemented. To illustrate the approach the paper reports on experiments on the case study of platoons of autonomous vehicles.Самоадаптация сложных систем является активной областью теоретических и прикладных исследований, имеющей чрезвычайно широкий спектр применения. Компонентно-ориентированные адаптивные системы разрабатываются на базе компонент, которые могут перенастроиться в соответствии с политиками адаптации, описывающими потребности в реконфигурировании. В этом контексте политика адаптации представляет собой набор правил, которые указывают для данного множества конфигураций, какие операции реконфигурирования могут быть инициированы, при этом их полезность представлена нечеткими значениями. Правила обычно разрабатываются для оптимизации некоторых нефункциональных свойств, например, минимизации потребления ресурсов, поэтому реализация системы с политиками адаптации должна быть точной, особенно по отношению к описанной в правилах полезности реконфигурирования. С целью валидации поведения адаптивных систем в этой статье представлен модельно-ориентированный подход к тестированию, который направлен на создание больших наборов тестов для оценки случаев реконфигурирования и сравнения частоты этих случаев со значениями полезности, описанными в правилах адаптации. Этот процесс основан на модели использования системы в ее среде, для стимулирования ее реконфигурирований. Поскольку система может динамически изменять свою архитектуру, этот генератор тестов наблюдает за откликами системы на события и ее изменениями в режиме онлайн, чтобы решить каким будет следующий подходящий шаг теста. В результате относительные частоты реконфигурирований могут быть измерены, чтобы определить, правильно ли реализована политика адаптации. Чтобы проиллюстрировать предложенный подход, статья описывает эксперименты по моделированию поведения колонн автономных машин

    Approach for Highly Dependable Software-Intensive Systems

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    Author-contributed print itemhe objectives of the proposal are creating new methods and tools for effective constructing software-intensive systems based on multiple perspectives that are used to reflect differing stakeholder's concerns. The models and methods will incorporate rapid prototyping, explicit architecting and consistent engineering techniques into a synthesis approach for highly dependable software-intensive systems (HDSIS)

    Methods for Reducing Monitoring Overhead in Runtime Verification

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    Runtime verification is a lightweight technique that serves to complement existing approaches, such as formal methods and testing, to ensure system correctness. In runtime verification, monitors are synthesized to check a system at run time against a set of properties the system is expected to satisfy. Runtime verification may be used to determine software faults before and after system deployment. The monitor(s) can be synthesized to notify, steer and/or perform system recovery from detected software faults at run time. The research and proposed methods presented in this thesis aim to reduce the monitoring overhead of runtime verification in terms of memory and execution time by leveraging time-triggered techniques for monitoring system events. Traditionally, runtime verification frameworks employ event-triggered monitors, where the invocation of the monitor occurs after every system event. Because systems events can be sporadic or bursty in nature, event-triggered monitoring behaviour is difficult to predict. Time-triggered monitors, on the other hand, periodically preempt and process system events, making monitoring behaviour predictable. However, software system state reconstruction is not guaranteed (i.e., missed state changes/events between samples). The first part of this thesis analyzes three heuristics that efficiently solve the NP-complete problem of minimizing the amount of memory required to store system state changes to guarantee accurate state reconstruction. The experimental results demonstrate that adopting near-optimal algorithms do not greatly change the memory consumption and execution time of monitored programs; hence, NP-completeness is likely not an obstacle for time-triggered runtime verification. The second part of this thesis introduces a novel runtime verification technique called hybrid runtime verification. Hybrid runtime verification enables the monitor to toggle between event- and time-triggered modes of operation. The aim of this approach is to reduce the overall runtime monitoring overhead with respect to execution time. Minimizing the execution time overhead by employing hybrid runtime verification is not in NP. An integer linear programming heuristic is formulated to determine near-optimal hybrid monitoring schemes. Experimental results show that the heuristic typically selects monitoring schemes that are equal to or better than naively selecting exclusively one operation mode for monitoring

    Time-Triggered Program Monitoring

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    Debugging is an important phase in the embedded software development cycle because of its high proportion in the overall cost in the product development. Debugging is difficult for real-time applications as such programs are time-sensitive and must meet deadlines in often a resource constrained environment. A common approach for real-time systems is to monitor the execution instead of stepping through the program, because stepping will usually violate all deadline constraints. We consider a time-triggered approach for program monitoring at runtime, resulting in bounded and predictable overhead. In time-triggered execution monitoring, a monitor runs as a separate process in parallel with an application program and samples the program's state periodically to evaluate a set of properties. Applying this technique in computing systems, results in bounded and predictable overhead. However, the time-triggered approach can have high overhead depending on the granularity of the monitoring effort. To reduce this overhead, we instrument the program with markers that will require to sample less frequently and thus reduce the overhead. This leads to interesting problems of (a) where to place the markers in the code and (b) how to manipulate the markers. While related work investigates the first part, in this work, we investigate the second part. We investigate different instrumentation schemes and propose two new schemes based on bitvectors that significantly reduce the overhead for time-triggered execution monitoring. Time-triggered execution monitoring suffers from several drawbacks such as; the time-triggered monitor requires certain synchronization features at the operating system level and may suffer from various concurrency and synchronization dependencies in a real-time setting. Furthermore, the time-triggered execution monitoring scheme requires the embedded environment to provide multi-tasking features. To address the aforementioned problems, we propose a new method called time-triggered self-monitoring, where the program under inspection is instrumented, so that it self-samples its state in a periodic fashion without requiring assistance from an external monitor or an internal timer. The experimental results show that a time-triggered self-monitored program performs significantly better in terms of execution time, binary code size, and context switches when compared to the same program monitored by an external time-triggered monitor

    Détection d'erreur au plus tôt dans les systèmes temps-réel : une approche basée sur la vérification en ligne

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    La vérification en ligne de spécifications formelles permet de créer des détecteurs d'erreur dont le pouvoir de détection dépend en grande partie du formalisme vérifié à l'exécution. Plus le formalisme est puissant plus la séparation entre les exécutions correctes et erronées peut être précise. Cependant, l'utilisation des vérifieurs en-ligne dans le but de détecter des erreurs est entravée par deux problèmes récurrents : le coût à l'exécution de ces vérifications, et le flou entourant les propriétés sémantiques exactes des signaux d'erreur ainsi générés. L'objectif de cette thèse est de clarifier les conditions d'utilisation de tels détecteurs dans le cadre d'applications « temps réel » critiques. Dans ce but, nous avons donné l'interprétation formelle de la notion d'erreur comportementale « temps réel». Nous définissions la propriété de détection « au plus tôt » qui permet de d'identifier la classe des détecteurs qui optimisent la latence de détection. Pour illustrer cette classe de détecteurs, nous proposons un prototype qui vérifie un comportement décrit par un automate temporisé. La propriété de détection au plus tôt est atteinte en raisonnant sur l'abstraction temporelle de l'automate et non sur l'automate lui-même. Nos contributions se déclinent dans trois domaines, la formalisation de la détection au plus tôt, sa traduction pour la synthèse de détecteurs d'erreur à partir d'automate temporisés, puis le déploiement concret de ces détecteurs sur une plate-forme de développement temps réel, Xenomai. ABSTRACT : Runtime verification of formal specifications provides the means to generate error detectors with detection capabilities depending mostly on the kind of formalism considered. The stronger the formalism is the easier the speration between correct and erroneous execution is. Nevertheless, two recurring issues have to be considered before using such error detection mechanisms. First, the cost, at run-time, of such error detector has to be assessed. Then, we have to ensure that the execution of such detectors has a well defined semantics. This thesis aims at better understanding the conditions of use of such detectors within critical real-time software application. Given formal behavioural specification, we defined the notion of "behavioural error". Then, we identify the class of early detectors that optimize the detection latency between the occurence of such errors and their signalling. The whole generation process has been implemented for specifications provided as timed automata. The prototype achieves early error detection thanks to a preprocessing of the automaton to generate its temporal abstraction. Our contributions are threefold : formalisation of early detection, algorithms for timed automata run-time verification, and prototyping of such detectors on a real-time kernel, Xenomai

    SymbexNet: Checking Network Protocol Implementations using Symbolic Execution

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    The implementations of network protocols, such as DNS, DHCP and Zeroconf, are prone to flaws, security vulnerabilities and interoperability issues caused by ambiguous requirements in protocol specifications. Detecting such problems is not easy because (i) many bugs manifest themselves only after prolonged operation; (ii) the state space of complex protocol implementations is large; and (iii) problems often require additional information about correct behaviour from specifications. This thesis presents a novel approach to detect various types of flaws in network protocol implementations by combining symbolic execution and rule-based packet matching. The core idea behind our approach is to generate automatically high-coverage test input packets for a network protocol implementation. For this, the protocol implementation is run using a symbolic execution engine to obtain test input packets. These packets are then used to detect potential violations of rules that constrain permitted input and output packets and were derived from the protocol specification. We propose a technique that repeatedly performs symbolic execution on selected test input packets to achieve broad and deep exploration of the implementation state space. In addition, we use the generated test packets to check interoperability between different implementations of the same network protocol. We present a system based on these techniques, SYMBEXNET, and show that it can automatically generate test input packets that achieve high source code coverage and discover various bugs. We evaluate SYMBEXNET on multiple implementations of two network protocols: Zeroconf, a service discovery protocol, and DHCP, a network configuration protocol. SYMBEXNET is able to discover non-trivial bugs as well as interoperability problems, most of which have been confirmed by the developers