3 research outputs found

    Analyzing synchronized clusters in neuron networks

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    The presence of synchronized clusters in neuron networks is a hallmark of information transmission and processing. Common approaches to study cluster synchronization in networks of coupled oscillators ground on simplifying assumptions, which often neglect key biological features of neuron networks. Here we propose a general framework to study presence and stability of synchronous clusters in more realistic models of neuron networks, characterized by the presence of delays, different kinds of neurons and synapses. Application of this framework to two examples with different size and features (the directed network of the macaque cerebral cortex and the swim central pattern generator of a mollusc) provides an interpretation key to explain known functional mechanisms emerging from the combination of anatomy and neuron dynamics. The cluster synchronization analysis is carried out also by changing parameters and studying bifurcations. Despite some modeling simplifications in one of the examples, the obtained results are in good agreement with previously reported biological data

    Modularity induced gating and delays in neuronal networks

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    Abstract: Neural networks, despite their highly interconnected nature, exhibit distinctly localized and gated activation. Modularity, a distinctive feature of neural networks, has been recently proposed as an important parameter determining the manner by which networks support activity propagation. Here we use an engineered biological model, consisting of engineered rat cortical neurons, to study the role of modular topology in gating the activity between cell populations. We show that pairs of connected modules support conditional propagation (transmitting stronger bursts with higher probability), long delays and propagation asymmetry. Moreover, large modular networks manifest diverse patterns of both local and global activation. Blocking inhibition decreased activity diversity and replaced it with highly consistent transmission patterns. By independently controlling modularity and disinhibition, experimentally and in a model, we pose that modular topology is an important parameter affecting activation localization and is instrumental for population-level gating by disinhibition. Author Summary: The capacity to transmit information between connected parts of a neuronal network is fundamental to its function. The organization of network connections (the topology of the network) is therefore expected to play an important role in determining network transmission. Since modular topology characterizes many brain circuits on multiple scales, investigating the role of modularity in activity gating is clearly desirable. By engineering such modular networks in vitro, we were able to perform such an investigation. Under these experimental conditions, we can independently control the degree of modularity, as well as inhibition in the network. We show that a combination of these two properties is highly beneficial from a communication perspective. Namely, it equips connected modules and large modular networks with the capacity to gate and temporally coordinate activity between the different parts of the network

    Data from: Modularity induced gating and delays in neuronal networks

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    Neural networks, despite their highly interconnected nature, exhibit distinctly localized and gated activation. Modularity, a distinctive feature of neural networks, has been recently proposed as an important parameter determining the manner by which networks support activity propagation. Here we use an engineered biological model, consisting of engineered rat cortical neurons, to study the role of modular topology in gating the activity between cell populations. We show that pairs of connected modules support conditional propagation (transmitting stronger bursts with higher probability), long delays and propagation asymmetry. Moreover, large modular networks manifest diverse patterns of both local and global activation. Blocking inhibition decreased activity diversity and replaced it with highly consistent transmission patterns. By independently controlling modularity and disinhibition, experimentally and in a model, we pose that modular topology is an important parameter affecting activation localization and is instrumental for population-level gating by disinhibition