14 research outputs found

    Towards correct-by-construction product variants of a software product line: GFML, a formal language for feature modules

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    Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) is a software engineering paradigm that focuses on reuse and variability. Although feature-oriented programming (FOP) can implement software product line efficiently, we still need a method to generate and prove correctness of all product variants more efficiently and automatically. In this context, we propose to manipulate feature modules which contain three kinds of artifacts: specification, code and correctness proof. We depict a methodology and a platform that help the user to automatically produce correct-by-construction product variants from the related feature modules. As a first step of this project, we begin by proposing a language, GFML, allowing the developer to write such feature modules. This language is designed so that the artifacts can be easily reused and composed. GFML files contain the different artifacts mentioned above.The idea is to compile them into FoCaLiZe, a language for specification, implementation and formal proof with some object-oriented flavor. In this paper, we define and illustrate this language. We also introduce a way to compose the feature modules on some examples.Comment: In Proceedings FMSPLE 2015, arXiv:1504.0301

    Reasoning about modular datatypes with Mendler induction

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    In functional programming, datatypes a la carte provide a convenient modular representation of recursive datatypes, based on their initial algebra semantics. Unfortunately it is highly challenging to implement this technique in proof assistants that are based on type theory, like Coq. The reason is that it involves type definitions, such as those of type-level fixpoint operators, that are not strictly positive. The known work-around of impredicative encodings is problematic, insofar as it impedes conventional inductive reasoning. Weak induction principles can be used instead, but they considerably complicate proofs. This paper proposes a novel and simpler technique to reason inductively about impredicative encodings, based on Mendler-style induction. This technique involves dispensing with dependent induction, ensuring that datatypes can be lifted to predicates and relying on relational formulations. A case study on proving subject reduction for structural operational semantics illustrates that the approach enables modular proofs, and that these proofs are essentially similar to conventional ones.Comment: In Proceedings FICS 2015, arXiv:1509.0282

    Reusable Components of Semantic Specifications

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    Semantic specifications of programming languages typically have poor modularity. This hinders reuse of parts of the semantics of one language when specifying a different language – even when the two languages have many constructs in common – and evolution of a language may require major reformulation of its semantics. Such drawbacks have discouraged language developers from using formal semantics to document their designs. In the PLanCompS project, we have developed a component-based approach to semantics. Here, we explain its modularity aspects, and present an illustrative case study: a component-based semantics for Caml Light. We have tested the correctness of the semantics by running programs on an interpreter generated from the semantics, comparing the output with that produced on the standard implementation of the language. Our approach provides good modularity, facilitates reuse, and should support co-evolution of languages and their formal semantics. It could be particularly useful in connection with domain-specific languages and language-driven software development

    Reusable components of semantic specifications

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    Design and Implementation of Family Polymorphism for Interactive Theorem Proving

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    With the growing practice of mechanizing language metatheories, it has become ever more pressing that interactive theorem provers make it easy to write reusable, extensible code and proofs. This thesis presents a novel language design geared towards extensible metatheory mechanization in a proof assistant. The new design achieves reuse and extensibility via a form of family polymorphism, an object-oriented idea, that allows code and proofs to be polymorphic to their enclosing families. Our development addresses technical challenges that arise from the underlying language of a proof assistant being simultaneously functional, dependently typed, a logic, and an interactive tool. Our results include (1) a prototypical implementation of the language design as a Coq plugin, (2) a dependent type theory capturing the essence of the language mechanism and its consistency and canonicity results, and (3) case studies showing how the new expressiveness naturally addresses real programming challenges in metatheory mechanization

    The modular compilation of effects

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    The introduction of new features to a programming language often requires that its compiler goes to the effort of ensuring they are introduced in a manner that does not interfere with the existing code base. Engineers frequently find themselves changing code that has already been designed, implemented and (ideally) proved correct, which is bad practice from a software engineering point of view. This thesis addresses the issue of constructing a compiler for a source language that is modular in the computational features that it supports. Utilising a minimal language that allows us to demonstrate the underlying techniques, we go on to introduce a significant range of effectful features in a modular manner, showing that their syntax can be compiled independently, and that source languages containing multiple features can be compiled by making use of a fold. In the event that new features necessitate changes in the underlying representation of either the source language or that of the compiler, we show that our framework is capable of incorporating these changes with minimal disruption. Finally, we show how the framework we have developed can be used to define both modular evaluators and modular virtual machines

    The modular compilation of effects

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    The introduction of new features to a programming language often requires that its compiler goes to the effort of ensuring they are introduced in a manner that does not interfere with the existing code base. Engineers frequently find themselves changing code that has already been designed, implemented and (ideally) proved correct, which is bad practice from a software engineering point of view. This thesis addresses the issue of constructing a compiler for a source language that is modular in the computational features that it supports. Utilising a minimal language that allows us to demonstrate the underlying techniques, we go on to introduce a significant range of effectful features in a modular manner, showing that their syntax can be compiled independently, and that source languages containing multiple features can be compiled by making use of a fold. In the event that new features necessitate changes in the underlying representation of either the source language or that of the compiler, we show that our framework is capable of incorporating these changes with minimal disruption. Finally, we show how the framework we have developed can be used to define both modular evaluators and modular virtual machines

    Modular Monadic Meta-Theory

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    Session 11: Modular Meta-TheoryThis paper presents 3MT, a framework for modular mechanized meta-theory of languages with effects. Using 3MT, individual language features and their corresponding definitions -- semantic functions, theorem statements and proofs-- can be built separately and then reused to create different languages with fully mechanized meta-theory. 3MT combines modular datatypes and monads to define denotational semantics with effects on a per-feature basis, without fixing the particular set of effects or language constructs. One well-established problem with type soundness proofs for denotational semantics is that they are notoriously brittle with respect to the addition of new effects. The statement of type soundness for a language depends intimately on the effects it uses, making it particularly challenging to achieve modularity. 3MT solves this long-standing problem by splitting these theorems into two separate and reusable parts: a feature theorem that captures the well-typing of denotations produced by the semantic function of an individual feature with respect to only the effects used, and an effect theorem that adapts well-typings of denotations to a fixed superset of effects. The proof of type soundness for a particular language simply combines these theorems for its features and the combination of their effects. To establish both theorems, 3MT uses two key reasoning techniques: modular induction and algebraic laws about effects. Several effectful language features, including references and errors, illustrate the capabilities of 3MT. A case study reuses these features to build fully mechanized definitions and proofs for 28 languages, including several versions of mini-ML with effects