7 research outputs found

    A generic framework for context-sensitive analysis of modular programs

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    Context-sensitive analysis provides information which is potentially more accurate than that provided by context-free analysis. Such information can then be applied in order to validate/debug the program and/or to specialize the program obtaining important improvements. Unfortunately, context-sensitive analysis of modular programs poses important theoretical and practical problems. One solution, used in several proposals, is to resort to context-free analysis. Other proposals do address context-sensitive analysis, but are only applicable when the description domain used satisfies rather restrictive properties. In this paper, we argüe that a general framework for context-sensitive analysis of modular programs, Le., one that allows using all the domains which have proved useful in practice in the non-modular setting, is indeed feasible and very useful. Driven by our experience in the design and implementation of analysis and specialization techniques in the context of CiaoPP, the Ciao system preprocessor, in this paper we discuss a number of design goals for context-sensitive analysis of modular programs as well as the problems which arise in trying to meet these goals. We also provide a high-level description of a framework for analysis of modular programs which does substantially meet these objectives. This framework is generic in that it can be instantiated in different ways in order to adapt to different contexts. Finally, the behavior of the different instantiations w.r.t. the design goals that motivate our work is also discussed

    Automatic incrementalization of prolog based static analyses

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    Abstract. Modern development environments integrate various static analyses into the build process. Analyses that analyze the whole project whenever the project changes are impractical in this context. We present an approach to automatic incrementalization of analyses that are specified as tabled logic programs and evaluated using incremental tabled evaluation, a technique for efficiently updating memo tables in response to changes in facts and rules. The approach has been implemented and integrated into the Eclipse IDE. Our measurements show that this technique is effective for automatically incrementalizing a broad range of static analyses.

    Experiments in context-sensitive analysis of modular programs

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    Several models for context-sensitive analysis of modular programs have been proposed, each with different characteristics and representing different trade-offs. The advantage of these context-sensitive analyses is that they provide information which is potentially more accurate than that provided by context-free analyses. Such information can then be applied to validating/debugging the program and/or to specializing the program in order to obtain important performance improvements. Some very preliminary experimental results have also been reported for some of these models which provided initial evidence on their potential. However, further experimentation, which is needed in order to understand the many issues left open and to show that the proposed modes scale and are usable in the context of large, real-life modular programs, was left as future work. The aim of this paper is two-fold. On one hand we provide an empirical comparison of the different models proposed in previous work, as well as experimental data on the different choices left open in those designs. On the other hand we explore the scalability of these models by using larger modular programs as benchmarks. The results have been obtained from a realistic implementation of the models, integrated in a production-quality compiler (CiaoPP/Ciao). Our experimental results shed light on the practical implications of the different design choices and of the models themselves. We also show that contextsensitive analysis of modular programs is indeed feasible in practice, and that in certain critical cases it provides better performance results than those achievable by analyzing the whole program at once, specially in terms of memory consumption and when reanalyzing after making changes to a program, as is often the case during program development

    Evaluation of Datalog queries and its application to the static analysis of Java code

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    Two approaches for evaluating Datalog programs are presented: one based on boolean equation systems, and the other based on rewriting logic. The work is presented in the context of the static analysis of Java programs specified in Datalog.Feliú Gabaldón, MA. (2010). Evaluation of Datalog queries and its application to the static analysis of Java code. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/14016Archivo delegad

    Scalable Automated Incrementalization for Real-Time Static Analyses

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    This thesis proposes a framework for easy development of static analyses, whose results are incrementalized to provide instantaneous feedback in an integrated development environment (IDE). Today, IDEs feature many tools that have static analyses as their foundation to assess software quality and catch correctness problems. Yet, these tools often fail to provide instantaneous feedback and are thus restricted to nightly build processes. This precludes developers from fixing issues at their inception time, i.e., when the problem and the developed solution are both still fresh in mind. In order to provide instantaneous feedback, incrementalization is a well-known technique that utilizes the fact that developers make only small changes to the code and, hence, analysis results can be re-computed fast based on these changes. Yet, incrementalization requires carefully crafted static analyses. Thus, a manual approach to incrementalization is unattractive. Automated incrementalization can alleviate these problems and allows analyses writers to formulate their analyses as queries with the full data set in mind, without worrying over the semantics of incremental changes. Existing approaches to automated incrementalization utilize standard technologies, such as deductive databases, that provide declarative query languages, yet also require to materialize the full dataset in main-memory, i.e., the memory is permanently blocked by the data required for the analyses. Other standard technologies such as relational databases offer better scalability due to persistence, yet require large transaction times for data. Both technologies are not a perfect match for integrating static analyses into an IDE, since the underlying data, i.e., the code base, is already persisted and managed by the IDE. Hence, transitioning the data into a database is redundant work. In this thesis a novel approach is proposed that provides a declarative query language and automated incrementalization, yet retains in memory only a necessary minimum of data, i.e., only the data that is required for the incrementalization. The approach allows to declare static analyses as incrementally maintained views, where the underlying formalism for incrementalization is the relational algebra with extensions for object-orientation and recursion. The algebra allows to deduce which data is the necessary minimum for incremental maintenance and indeed shows that many views are self-maintainable, i.e., do not require to materialize memory at all. In addition an optimization for the algebra is proposed that allows to widen the range of self-maintainable views, based on domain knowledge of the underlying data. The optimization works similar to declaring primary keys for databases, i.e., the optimization is declared on the schema of the data, and defines which data is incrementally maintained in the same scope. The scope makes all analyses (views) that correlate only data within the boundaries of the scope self-maintainable. The approach is implemented as an embedded domain specific language in a general-purpose programming language. The implementation can be understood as a database-like engine with an SQL-style query language and the execution semantics of the relational algebra. As such the system is a general purpose database-like query engine and can be used to incrementalize other domains than static analyses. To evaluate the approach a large variety of static analyses were sampled from real-world tools and formulated as incrementally maintained views in the implemented engine

    Modular Class Analysis with DATALOG

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    datalog can be used to specify a variety of class analyses for object-oriented programs as variations of a common framework. The result of analysing a class is a set of datalog clauses whose least solution is the information analysed for. Modular class analysis of program fragments is then expressed as the resolution of open datalog programs. We provide a theory and a set of operators for the simplification of sets of open clauses

    Modular class analysis with Datalog

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    Abstract datalog can be used to specify a variety of class analyses for object-oriented programs as variations of a common framework. In this framework, the result of analyzing a class is a set of datalog clauses whose least xpoint is the information analysed for. Modular class analysis of program fragments is then expressed as the resolution of open datalog programs. We provide a theory for the partial resolution of sets of open clauses and de ne a number of operators for reducing such open clauses.