277,713 research outputs found

    Computer program for solving laminar, transitional, or turbulent compressible boundary-layer equations for two-dimensional and axisymmetric flow

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    A numerical algorithm and computer program are presented for solving the laminar, transitional, or turbulent two dimensional or axisymmetric compressible boundary-layer equations for perfect-gas flows. The governing equations are solved by an iterative three-point implicit finite-difference procedure. The software, program VGBLP, is a modification of the approach presented in NASA TR R-368 and NASA TM X-2458, respectively. The major modifications are: (1) replacement of the fourth-order Runge-Kutta integration technique with a finite-difference procedure for numerically solving the equations required to initiate the parabolic marching procedure; (2) introduction of the Blottner variable-grid scheme; (3) implementation of an iteration scheme allowing the coupled system of equations to be converged to a specified accuracy level; and (4) inclusion of an iteration scheme for variable-entropy calculations. These modifications to the approach presented in NASA TR R-368 and NASA TM X-2458 yield a software package with high computational efficiency and flexibility. Turbulence-closure options include either two-layer eddy-viscosity or mixing-length models. Eddy conductivity is modeled as a function of eddy viscosity through a static turbulent Prandtl number formulation. Several options are provided for specifying the static turbulent Prandtl number. The transitional boundary layer is treated through a streamwise intermittency function which modifies the turbulence-closure model. This model is based on the probability distribution of turbulent spots and ranges from zero to unity for laminar and turbulent flow, respectively. Several test cases are presented as guides for potential users of the software

    Modeling of transitional flows

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    An effort directed at developing improved transitional models was initiated. The focus of this work was concentrated on the critical assessment of a popular existing transitional model developed by McDonald and Fish in 1972. The objective of this effort was to identify the shortcomings of the McDonald-Fish model and to use the insights gained to suggest modifications or alterations of the basic model. In order to evaluate the transitional model, a compressible boundary layer code was required. Accordingly, a two-dimensional compressible boundary layer code was developed. The program was based on a three-point fully implicit finite difference algorithm where the equations were solved in an uncoupled manner with second order extrapolation used to evaluate the non-linear coefficients. Iteration was offered as an option if the extrapolation error could not be tolerated. The differencing scheme was arranged to be second order in both spatial directions on an arbitrarily stretched mesh. A variety of boundary condition options were implemented including specification of an external pressure gradient, specification of a wall temperature distribution, and specification of an external temperature distribution. Overall the results of the initial phase of this work indicate that the McDonald-Fish model does a poor job at predicting the details of the turbulent flow structure during the transition region

    Implementation and Evaluation of a Structured Mentorship Program

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    The project addresses mentorship in a graduate nursing anesthesia program. The goal is to improve the existing mentorship program and to implement a durable and consistent system that gathers and responds to feedback from the students. Two literature reviews form the underpinnings of the structure and evaluation components of the project. Three structural components were identified in the review as highly effective in multiple studies of diverse mentorship programs. The first component is establishing an effective dyad matching scheme. The second component is establishing clear goals. The third component is maintaining the relationship and achieving goals through frequent and consistent meetings. In evaluation, an effective tool to assess the program was identified, with small modifications to allow for both quantitative and qualitative responses. A Plan, Do, Study, Act model forms the core of the implementation process. Finally, baseline and ongoing data collection will be used to further guide continuing improvement of the mentorship program

    Development of a Systems Engineering Model of the Chemical Separations Process

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    Project Overview: • Two Components – Refine AMUSE Code – Develop Systems Engineering Model • Research Objectives – Develop a framework and environment for a systems engineering analysis of the chemical separations system for the AAA program. – Establish a baseline systems engineering model from which modifications and improvements can be made. – Refine the existing AMUSE program that gives a detailed examination of the UREX process, a critical component of the overall separation scheme

    Nudging the particle filter

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    Documento depositado en el repositorio arXiv.org. Versión: arXiv:1708.07801v2 [stat.CO]We investigate a new sampling scheme to improve the performance of particle filters in scenarios where either (a) there is a significant mismatch between the assumed model dynamics and the actual system producing the available observations, or (b) the system of interest is high dimensional and the posterior probability tends to concentrate in relatively small regions of the state space. The proposed scheme generates nudged particles, i.e., subsets of particles which are deterministically pushed towards specific areas of the state space where the likelihood is expected to be high, an operation known as nudging in the geophysics literature. This is a device that can be plugged into any particle filtering scheme, as it does not involve modifications in the classical algorithmic steps of sampling, computation of weights, and resampling. Since the particles are modified, but the importance weights do not account for this modification, the use of nudging leads to additional bias in the resulting estimators. However, we prove analytically that particle filters equipped with the proposed device still attain asymptotic convergence (with the same error rates as conventional particle methods) as long as the nudged particles are generated according to simple and easy-to-implement rules. Finally, we show numerical results that illustrate the improvement in performance and robustness that can be attained using the proposed scheme. In particular, we show the results of computer experiments involving misspecified Lorenz 63 model, object tracking with misspecified models, and a large dimensional Lorenz 96 chaotic model. For the examples we have investigated, the new particle filter outperforms conventional algorithms empirically, while it has only negligible computational overhead.This work was partially supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (TEC2015-69868-C2-1-R ADVENTURE), the Office of Naval Research Global (N62909-15-1-2011), and the regional government of Madrid (program CA SICAM-CM S2013/ICE-2845

    The Monte Carlo Program KoralW version 1.51 and The Concurrent Monte Carlo KoralW&YFSWW3 with All Background Graphs and First Order Corrections to W-Pair Production

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    The version 1.51 of the Monte Carlo (MC) program KoralW for all e+e−→f1fˉ2f3fˉ4e^+e^-\to f_1\bar f_2 f_3\bar f_4 processes is presented. The most important change since the previous version 1.42 is the facility for writing MC events on the mass storage device and re-processing them later on. In the re-processing one may modify parameters of the Standard Model in order to fit them to experimental data. Another important new feature is a possibility of including complete O(α){\cal O}(\alpha) corrections to double-resonant W-pair component-processes in addition to all background (non-WW) graphs. The inclusion is done with the help of the YFSWW3 MC event generator for fully exclusive differential distributions (event-per-event). Technically, it is done in such a way that YFSWW3 runs concurrently with KoralW as a separate slave process, reading momenta of the MC event generated by KoralW and returning the correction weight to KoralW. KoralW introduces the O(α){\cal O}(\alpha) correction using this weight, and finishes processing the event (rejection due to total MC weight, hadronization, etc.). The communication between KoralW and YFSWW3 is done with the help of the FIFO facility of the UNIX/Linux operating system. This does not require any modifications of the FORTRAN source codes. The resulting Concurrent MC event generator KoralW&YFSWW3 looks from the user's point of view as a regular single MC event generator with all the standard features.Comment: 8 figures, 5 tables, submitted to Comput. Phys. Commu
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