9 research outputs found

    Contribution to Integrating Maintainability into Preliminary Design Based on TRIZ

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    In the face of the competition, the companies have, possibly more than in the past, a need to innovate. However, if the innovation can be of various natures (product, process, methods, organization…), the search for new solutions to technical problems as soon as the Design phase takes a non-negligible part, and certainly constitutes most of the Innovations “radical”, especially when they relate to the product. Conventional methods designed to resolve these problems are often psychological character: methods of creativity. The best known example is the brainstorming session. In all object creation models, of products or of development it is essential, today, to take into account the dimension safety of operation and valuing each project of creation. Of this fact, in addition to the factors related to the optimization of resources, the use of materials and the minimization of releases, it is important to be attentive to the parameters of the safety of operation in the design phase and more specifically to the maintainability of a system repaired. In effect, for its successful integration, and in order to assist teams of design in meeting of creativity or small businesses in the development of their product, we propose a methodological approach based on TRIZ that will solve the problem of the integration of the maintainability in preliminary design phase by generating new concepts of solution in a time reduces which constitutes a decision aid for designers in the case of innovative concepts of product, of space or process. In fact, to succeed its integration, and to assist creative teams in creative sessions or small businesses in the development of their product, we propose a methodological approach based on the TRIZ that will solve the problem of integrating maintainability into the preliminary design phase by generating new solution concepts in reduced time that provide decision support for designers in case of innovative concepts of product, space or process concepts

    It Worked There, So It Should Work Here: Sustaining Change while Improving Product Development Processes

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    Organizations operate under ongoing pressure to conduct product development (PD) in ways that reduce errors, improve product designs, and increase speed and efficiency. Often, managers are expected to respond to this pressure by implementing process improvement programs (PIPs) based on best practices elsewhere (e.g., in another part of their organization or in another industrial context). Successful PIP implementation depends on two criteria: (a) demonstrating (symbolic) success by meeting externally imposed deadlines and producing mandated artifacts and (b) sustaining the expected (substantive) changes in their employees' underlying beliefs and practices. Given the mixed success of PIPs in nonmanufacturing contexts, identifying factors that contribute to both symbolic and substantive implementation is important to both researchers and practitioners. We explore this challenge through an in‐depth field study at a PD company (DevCo) that implemented a PIP across its 11 PD projects. We examine DevCo's change message to implement the PIP, how DevCo's engineers experienced it, factors that impeded implementation, and factors that could improve substantive success. Along with this empirical evidence, we leverage organizational change concepts to facilitate effective PIP implementation in new contexts such as PD. We distill our findings into eight propositions that expand theory about effectively transferring PIPs across contexts

    Synthesis of Manufacturing Systems Using Co-Platforming

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    Modern manufacturing environment is characterized by frequent changes within product design in order to satisfy evolving customer requirements. Various strategies are implemented in order to efficiently manage the consequences arising from the product design changes starting from design of the product, planning, manufacturing…etc. This dissertation focuses mainly on the manufacturing phase in which a new concept in manufacturing system synthesis is proposed. A new concept in manufacturing system synthesis has been introduced and coined as “Co-platforming”. Co-platforming is the synthesis of manufacturing systems through mapping product platform features and components to platform machines on one side, and non-platform product features and components to non-platform machines on the other side, in order to reduce the manufacturing system investment cost and prolong the manufacturing system useful life as product variants evolve and change. Tools and methods are developed to synthesize the manufacturing system based on Co-platforming within functional and physical levels. At the functional level, the group of platform and non-platform machines and the number of each machine type are determined. A new matrix based mapping model is proposed to determine the platform and non-platform machines candidates. A ranking coefficient is formulated which ranks the platform machines according to their machining capabilities in order to assist manufacturing firms in decision making concerning which type of platform machine to choose. Furthermore, a new mathematical programming optimization model is proposed in order to provide the optimum selection of machine types among machine candidates and their numbers. Moreover, a new mathematical programming model is proposed which synthesizes manufacturing systems taking into consideration machine level and system level changes based on co-platforming. At the physical level, the manufacturing system configuration is determined which is concerned with determining the number of stages, types of machines in each stage and the number of machines in each stage. A new mathematical programming optimization model is proposed which determines, in addition to the type and number of each machine, the optimal manufacturing system configuration based on co-platforming. The Co-platforming methodology is being applied in two case studies from automotive industry. The first case study is concerned with machining of automotive cylinder blocks taken from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and the second case study is concerned with the assembly of automotive cylinder heads taken from ABB flexible automation. The results obtained from the co-platforming methodology indicate that cost reduction can be achieved when synthesizing the manufacturing system based on co-platforming

    Structuring NPD processes: advancements in test scheduling and activity sequencing

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    Contribution à l’amélioration du processus de conception des produits innovants : Développement d’outils d’aide au choix des processus

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    The optimization of the design process is a research evolving highlighted in numerous references and business practices with the aim improving and developing new products. Our approach is a continuation of those activities that takes as its starting point the diversity of existing design processes and the difficulty of achieving a selection where adaptation. Hence our problem is summarized around a central question which we formulate as follows: how to optimize the choice of the design process subject to a constrained environment? The answer to this question is through the proposition of a tool Help in choosing which converges to the installation of a design process. This tool is three-dimensional, where the first dimension relates to the preparation of the upstream design phase, the second dimension selects a design process on a map classification and the objective of the third dimension is the identification of trades tools and methods for product development. The experimental part of our work has led us to validate the developed tool and propose how to use by designers. Optimization is achieved in our work by the proposal of a three-dimensional tool side and the other by the use of optimization algorithms for modeling tool. New avenues of research for improvement are identified and proposed for future work.L'optimisation des processus de conception est une activité de recherche en pleine évolution, soulignée dans de nombreuses références et pratiques des entreprises dans l'objectif l'amélioration et le développement de produits nouveaux. Notre démarche s'inscrit dans la continuité de ces activités qui prend comme point de départ la diversité des processus de conception existants et la difficulté de réaliser un choix où une adaptation. D'ou notre problématique est résumée autour d'une question centrale que nous formulons de la manière suivante : comment optimiser le choix d'un processus de conception soumis à un environnement contraint ? La réponse à cette question est à travers la proposition d'un outil d'aide au choix qui converge vers l'installation d'un processus de conception. Cet outil est tridimensionnel, où la première dimension vise la préparation de la phase amont de conception, la deuxième dimension sélectionne un processus de conception sur une carte de classement et l'objectif de la troisième dimension est l'identification des métiers, outils et méthodes pour le développement des produits. La partie expérimentale de notre travail nous a conduit à valider l'outil développer et proposer comment l'exploiter par des concepteurs. L'optimisation est réalisée dans notre travail par la proposition de l'outil tridimensionnel d'un coté et de l'autre par l'exploitation des algorithmes d'optimisation pour la modélisation de l'outil. Des nouvelles pistes de recherche pour l'amélioration sont identifiées et proposées pour des futurs travaux

    Beyond lean manufacturing: the productivity, innovator's and proactivity dilemmas resolved

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    This dissertation provides direction for the management of exploration in an exploitative context by specifying the theory for a universal model of ambidexterity. Research in ambidexterity centres upon how exploration for the future and exploitation of the present can be achieved simultaneously through the management of innovation. Ambidexterity theory strives to resolve the Productivity and Innovator’s Dilemmas, which assert collectively that exploration is inherently antagonistic to exploitation. The Productivity Dilemma asserts that the organisation and routinisation of processes required for efficient exploitation are incompatible with the flexibility required for exploration. The Innovator’s Dilemma asserts that a focus on exploitation through incremental innovation in a stable environment inhibits exploratory innovation, which leaves an enterprise vulnerable to obsolescence from disruptive innovation. Whilst ambidexterity is an issue that dominates in the literature for innovation management and manufacturing systems, the theory for a unifying framework that reconciles competing approaches is not reported. Moreover, the methods and tools for the execution of ambidexterity require significant development. The candidate contends in this dissertation that the ambidexterity issue is epitomised by Toyota’s announcement in 2007 of its intent to implement transformational innovation (kakushin) in a controlled and historically consistent environment. Toyota is known for its system of “Lean Manufacturing”, which is regarded widely for its high productivity and institutionalised continuous improvement (kaizen). This dissertation gives a new perspective on Lean Manufacturing by its critical evaluation through an interdisciplinary framework of innovation, economic and behavioural criteria. Lean Manufacturing is de-constructed and shown to be a systematic evolution from ordered antecedents, which represent an exploration-exploitation continuum that can be used to reconcile the competing approaches towards ambidexterity. Furthermore, a third dilemma is presented by this dissertation, which acts in concert with the Productivity and Innovator’s Dilemmas and is named by the candidate the “Proactivity Dilemma”. The Proactivity Dilemma asserts that exploratory behaviour is perceived increasingly non-proactive as proactivity in exploitation increases. The candidate uses the insights from their new perspective on Lean Manufacturing to specify the theory for a universal model of ambidexterity. The candidate’s model of ambidexterity encompasses nine core organisational processes, which are categorised by Operations Management, Product Development and Strategic Planning. This dissertation provides comprehensive direction for the simultaneous management of productivity and innovation, from “boardroom” strategy to “shopfloor” tactics

    Models for Concurrent Product and Process Design

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    We propose procedures to address product design and manufacturing process configurations concurrently in environments characterized by large degrees of product proliferation. Exploiting the intrinsic flexibility of product and process design, we present two approaches that synchronize production flows through the manufacturing system. These approaches integrate product and manufacturing system design decisions with operational concerns and provide powerful means for managing production in environments characterized by a proliferation of products. Experimental results show that the proposed methods can substantially reduce manufacturing lead times, work in process (WIP), and overall system complexity

    Models for concurrent product and process design

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    We propose procedures to address product design and manufacturing process configurations concurrently in environments characterized by large degrees of product proliferation. Exploiting the intrinsic flexibility of product and process design, we present two approaches that synchronize production flows through the manufacturing system. These approaches integrate product and manufacturing system design decisions with operational concerns and provide powerful means for managing production in environments characterized by a proliferation of products. Experimental results show that the proposed methods can substantially reduce manufacturing lead times, work in process (WIP), and overall system complexity.Design flexibility Process flow AND-OR trees Heuristics