20,778 research outputs found

    A Multi-Code Analysis Toolkit for Astrophysical Simulation Data

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    The analysis of complex multiphysics astrophysical simulations presents a unique and rapidly growing set of challenges: reproducibility, parallelization, and vast increases in data size and complexity chief among them. In order to meet these challenges, and in order to open up new avenues for collaboration between users of multiple simulation platforms, we present yt (available at http://yt.enzotools.org/), an open source, community-developed astrophysical analysis and visualization toolkit. Analysis and visualization with yt are oriented around physically relevant quantities rather than quantities native to astrophysical simulation codes. While originally designed for handling Enzo's structure adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) data, yt has been extended to work with several different simulation methods and simulation codes including Orion, RAMSES, and FLASH. We report on its methods for reading, handling, and visualizing data, including projections, multivariate volume rendering, multi-dimensional histograms, halo finding, light cone generation and topologically-connected isocontour identification. Furthermore, we discuss the underlying algorithms yt uses for processing and visualizing data, and its mechanisms for parallelization of analysis tasks.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, emulateapj format. Resubmitted to Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series with revisions from referee. yt can be found at http://yt.enzotools.org

    Multivariate Approaches to Classification in Extragalactic Astronomy

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    Clustering objects into synthetic groups is a natural activity of any science. Astrophysics is not an exception and is now facing a deluge of data. For galaxies, the one-century old Hubble classification and the Hubble tuning fork are still largely in use, together with numerous mono-or bivariate classifications most often made by eye. However, a classification must be driven by the data, and sophisticated multivariate statistical tools are used more and more often. In this paper we review these different approaches in order to situate them in the general context of unsupervised and supervised learning. We insist on the astrophysical outcomes of these studies to show that multivariate analyses provide an obvious path toward a renewal of our classification of galaxies and are invaluable tools to investigate the physics and evolution of galaxies.Comment: Open Access paper. http://www.frontiersin.org/milky\_way\_and\_galaxies/10.3389/fspas.2015.00003/abstract\>. \<10.3389/fspas.2015.00003 \&g

    The Theoretical Astrophysical Observatory: Cloud-Based Mock Galaxy Catalogues

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    We introduce the Theoretical Astrophysical Observatory (TAO), an online virtual laboratory that houses mock observations of galaxy survey data. Such mocks have become an integral part of the modern analysis pipeline. However, building them requires an expert knowledge of galaxy modelling and simulation techniques, significant investment in software development, and access to high performance computing. These requirements make it difficult for a small research team or individual to quickly build a mock catalogue suited to their needs. To address this TAO offers access to multiple cosmological simulations and semi-analytic galaxy formation models from an intuitive and clean web interface. Results can be funnelled through science modules and sent to a dedicated supercomputer for further processing and manipulation. These modules include the ability to (1) construct custom observer light-cones from the simulation data cubes; (2) generate the stellar emission from star formation histories, apply dust extinction, and compute absolute and/or apparent magnitudes; and (3) produce mock images of the sky. All of TAO's features can be accessed without any programming requirements. The modular nature of TAO opens it up for further expansion in the future.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables; accepted for publication in ApJS. The Theoretical Astrophysical Observatory (TAO) is now open to the public at https://tao.asvo.org.au/. New simulations, models and tools will be added as they become available. Contact [email protected] if you have data you would like to make public through TAO. Feedback and suggestions are very welcom

    The Lov\'asz Hinge: A Novel Convex Surrogate for Submodular Losses

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    Learning with non-modular losses is an important problem when sets of predictions are made simultaneously. The main tools for constructing convex surrogate loss functions for set prediction are margin rescaling and slack rescaling. In this work, we show that these strategies lead to tight convex surrogates iff the underlying loss function is increasing in the number of incorrect predictions. However, gradient or cutting-plane computation for these functions is NP-hard for non-supermodular loss functions. We propose instead a novel surrogate loss function for submodular losses, the Lov\'asz hinge, which leads to O(p log p) complexity with O(p) oracle accesses to the loss function to compute a gradient or cutting-plane. We prove that the Lov\'asz hinge is convex and yields an extension. As a result, we have developed the first tractable convex surrogates in the literature for submodular losses. We demonstrate the utility of this novel convex surrogate through several set prediction tasks, including on the PASCAL VOC and Microsoft COCO datasets

    Tangos: the agile numerical galaxy organization system

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    We present Tangos, a Python framework and web interface for database-driven analysis of numerical structure formation simulations. To understand the role that such a tool can play, consider constructing a history for the absolute magnitude of each galaxy within a simulation. The magnitudes must first be calculated for all halos at all timesteps and then linked using a merger tree; folding the required information into a final analysis can entail significant effort. Tangos is a generic solution to this information organization problem, aiming to free users from the details of data management. At the querying stage, our example of gathering properties over history is reduced to a few clicks or a simple, single-line Python command. The framework is highly extensible; in particular, users are expected to define their own properties which tangos will write into the database. A variety of parallelization options are available and the raw simulation data can be read using existing libraries such as pynbody or yt. Finally, tangos-based databases and analysis pipelines can easily be shared with collaborators or the broader community to ensure reproducibility. User documentation is provided separately.Comment: Clarified various points and further improved code performance; accepted for publication in ApJS. Tutorials (including video) at http://tiny.cc/tango

    Multi-Agent Search for a Moving and Camouflaging Target

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    In multi-agent search planning for a randomly moving and camouflaging target, we examine heterogeneous searchers that differ in terms of their endurance level, travel speed, and detection ability. This leads to a convex mixed-integer nonlinear program, which we reformulate using three linearization techniques. We develop preprocessing steps, outer approximations via lazy constraints, and bundle-based cutting plane methods to address large-scale instances. Further specializations emerge when the target moves according to a Markov chain. We carry out an extensive numerical study to show the computational efficiency of our methods and to derive insights regarding which approach should be favored for which type of problem instance

    Exact solutions to a class of stochastic generalized assignment problems

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    This paper deals with a stochastic Generalized Assignment Problem with recourse. Only a random subset of the given set of jobs will require to be actually processed. An assignment of each job to an agent is decided a priori, and once the demands are known, reassignments can be performed if there are overloaded agents. We construct a convex approximation of the objective function that is sharp at all feasible solutions. We then present three versions of an exact algorithm to solve this problem, based on branch and bound techniques, optimality cuts, and a special purpose lower bound. numerical results are reported.

    Orbitopal Fixing

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    The topic of this paper are integer programming models in which a subset of 0/1-variables encode a partitioning of a set of objects into disjoint subsets. Such models can be surprisingly hard to solve by branch-and-cut algorithms if the order of the subsets of the partition is irrelevant, since this kind of symmetry unnecessarily blows up the search tree. We present a general tool, called orbitopal fixing, for enhancing the capabilities of branch-and-cut algorithms in solving such symmetric integer programming models. We devise a linear time algorithm that, applied at each node of the search tree, removes redundant parts of the tree produced by the above mentioned symmetry. The method relies on certain polyhedra, called orbitopes, which have been introduced bei Kaibel and Pfetsch (Math. Programm. A, 114 (2008), 1-36). It does, however, not explicitly add inequalities to the model. Instead, it uses certain fixing rules for variables. We demonstrate the computational power of orbitopal fixing at the example of a graph partitioning problem.Comment: 22 pages, revised and extended version of a previous version that has appeared under the same title in Proc. IPCO 200