5 research outputs found

    Group-wise sparse correspondences between images based on a common labelling approach

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    Presentado al VISAPP 2012 celebrado en Roma del 24 al 26 de febrero.Finding sparse correspondences between two images is a usual process needed for several higher-level computer vision tasks. For instance, in robot positioning, it is frequent to make use of images that the robot captures from their cameras to guide the localisation or reduce the intrinsic ambiguity of a specific localisation obtained by other methods. Nevertheless, obtaining good correspondence between two images with a high degree of dissimilarity is a complex task that may lead to important positioning errors. With the aim of increasing the accuracy with respect to the pair-wise image matching approaches, we present a new method to compute group-wise correspondences among a set of images. Thus, pair-wise errors are compensated and better correspondences between images are obtained. These correspondences can be used as a less-noisy input for the localisation process. Group-wise correspondences are computed by finding the common labelling of a set of salient points obtained from the images. Results show a clear increase in effectiveness with respect to methods that use only two images.This research is supported by “Consolider Ingenio 2010”: project CSD2007-00018, by the CICYT project DPI2010-17112 and by the Universitat Rovira I Virgili through a PhD research grant.Peer Reviewe

    Correspondence consensus of two sets of correspondences through optimisation functions.

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    We present a consensus method which, given the two correspondences between sets of elements generated by separate entities, enounces a final correspondence consensus considering the existence of outliers. Our method is based on an optimisation technique that minimises the cost of the correspondence while forcing (to the most) to be the mean correspondence of the two original correspondences. The method decides the mapping of the elements that the original correspondences disagree and returns the same element mapping when both correspondences agree. We first show the validity of the method through an experiment in ideal conditions based on palmprint identification, and subsequently present two practical experiments based on image retrieval

    Dual L1-normalized context aware tensor power iteration and its applications to multi-object tracking and multi-graph matching

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    The multi-dimensional assignment problem is universal for data association analysis such as data association-based visual multi-object tracking and multi-graph matching. In this paper, multi-dimensional assignment is formulated as a rank-1 tensor approximation problem. A dual 1-normalized context/hyper-context aware tensor power iteration optimization method is proposed. The method is applied to multi-object tracking and multi-graph matching. In the optimization method, tensor power iteration with the dual unit norm enables the capture of information across multiple sample sets. Interactions between sample associations are modeled as contexts or hyper-contexts which are combined with the global affinity into a unified optimization. The optimization is flexible for accommodating various types of contextual models. In multi-object tracking, the global affinity is defined according to the appearance similarity between objects detected in different frames. Interactions between objects are modeled as motion contexts which are encoded into the global association optimization. The tracking method integrates high order motion information and high order appearance variation. The multi-graph matching method carries out matching over graph vertices and structure matching over graph edges simultaneously. The matching consistency across multi-graphs is based on the high-order tensor optimization. Various types of vertext affinites and edge/hyper-edge affinities are flexibly integrated. Experiments on several public datasets, such as the MOT16 challenge benchmark, validate the effectiveness of the proposed methods

    Multiple graph matching and applications

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    En aplicaciones de reconocimiento de patrones, los grafos con atributos son en gran medida apropiados. Normalmente, los vértices de los grafos representan partes locales de los objetos i las aristas relaciones entre estas partes locales. No obstante, estas ventajas vienen juntas con un severo inconveniente, la distancia entre dos grafos no puede ser calculada en un tiempo polinómico. Considerando estas características especiales el uso de los prototipos de grafos es necesariamente omnipresente. Las aplicaciones de los prototipos de grafos son extensas, siendo las más habituales clustering, clasificación, reconocimiento de objetos, caracterización de objetos i bases de datos de grafos entre otras. A pesar de la diversidad de aplicaciones de los prototipos de grafos, el objetivo del mismo es equivalente en todas ellas, la representación de un conjunto de grafos. Para construir un prototipo de un grafo todos los elementos del conjunto de enteramiento tienen que ser etiquetados comúnmente. Este etiquetado común consiste en identificar que nodos de que grafos representan el mismo tipo de información en el conjunto de entrenamiento. Una vez este etiquetaje común esta hecho, los atributos locales pueden ser combinados i el prototipo construido. Hasta ahora los algoritmos del estado del arte para calcular este etiquetaje común mancan de efectividad o bases teóricas. En esta tesis, describimos formalmente el problema del etiquetaje global i mostramos una taxonomía de los tipos de algoritmos existentes. Además, proponemos seis nuevos algoritmos para calcular soluciones aproximadas al problema del etiquetaje común. La eficiencia de los algoritmos propuestos es evaluada en diversas bases de datos reales i sintéticas. En la mayoría de experimentos realizados los algoritmos propuestos dan mejores resultados que los existentes en el estado del arte.In pattern recognition, the use of graphs is, to a great extend, appropriate and advantageous. Usually, vertices of the graph represent local parts of an object while edges represent relations between these local parts. However, its advantages come together with a sever drawback, the distance between two graph cannot be optimally computed in polynomial time. Taking into account this special characteristic the use of graph prototypes becomes ubiquitous. The applicability of graphs prototypes is extensive, being the most common applications clustering, classification, object characterization and graph databases to name some. However, the objective of a graph prototype is equivalent to all applications, the representation of a set of graph. To synthesize a prototype all elements of the set must be mutually labeled. This mutual labeling consists in identifying which nodes of which graphs represent the same information in the training set. Once this mutual labeling is done the set can be characterized and combined to create a graph prototype. We call this initial labeling a common labeling. Up to now, all state of the art algorithms to compute a common labeling lack on either performance or theoretical basis. In this thesis, we formally describe the common labeling problem and we give a clear taxonomy of the types of algorithms. Six new algorithms that rely on different techniques are described to compute a suboptimal solution to the common labeling problem. The performance of the proposed algorithms is evaluated using an artificial and several real datasets. In addition, the algorithms have been evaluated on several real applications. These applications include graph databases and group-wise image registration. In most of the tests and applications evaluated the presented algorithms have showed a great improvement in comparison to state of the art applications