47 research outputs found

    Modelling the Requirements of Rich Internet Applications in WebRe

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    In the last years, several Web methodological approaches were defined in order to support the systematic building of Web software. Together with the constant technological advances, these methods must be constantly improved to deal with a myriad of new feasible application features, such as those involving rich interaction features. Rich Internet Applications (RIA) are Web applications exhibiting interaction and interface features that are typical in desktop software. Some specific methodological resources are required to deal with these characteristics. This paper presents a solution for the treatment of Web Requirements in RIA development. For this aim we present WebRE+, a requirement metamodel that incorporates RIA features into the modelling repertoire. We illustrate our ideas with a meaningful example of a business intelligence application.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2007-67843-C06-03Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2010-20057-C03-0

    Modelling the Requirements of Rich Internet Applications in WebRe

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    In the last years, several Web methodological approaches were defined in order to support the systematic building of Web software. Together with the constant technological advances, these methods must be constantly improved to deal with a myriad of new feasible application features, such as those involving rich interaction features. Rich Internet Applications (RIA) are Web applications exhibiting interaction and interface features that are typical in desktop software. Some specific methodological resources are required to deal with these characteristics. This paper presents a solution for the treatment of Web Requirements in RIA development. For this aim we present WebRE+, a requirement metamodel that incorporates RIA features into the modelling repertoire. We illustrate our ideas with a meaningful example of a business intelligence application.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Applying model-driven paradigm: CALIPSOneo experience

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    Model-Driven Engineering paradigm is being used by the research community in the last years, obtaining suitable results. However, there are few practical experiences in the enterprise field. This paper presents the use of this paradigm in an aeronautical PLM project named CALIPSOneo currently under development in Airbus. In this context, NDT methodology was adapted as methodology in order to be used by the development team. The paper presents this process and the results that we are getting from the project. Besides, some relevant learned lessons from the trenches are concluded.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2010-20057-C03-02Junta de Andalucía TIC-578

    Techniques and Tools for Web Requirements in NDT, UWE and WebML

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    Requirements Engineering (RE) is one of the serious issues for software construction. In the scientific literature we can find several reasons of this affirmation, is spite of this, most of the development process of new software crash due to wrong requirements phase. Several proposals exist for requirements modelling, analysis and elicitation in Software Engineering (SE), however the current market is focusing on the development of Web and mobile applications, specially using Model-Driven methods, this is the reason why we consider it necessary to know the techniques and tools for requirements modelling, analysis and elicitation applied in Model-Driven Web Engineering in order to know their gaps and current trends to propose new solutions. To do this, the most important methods were selected outside the academic area such as NDT, UWE and WebML. A total of 63 publications from ACM, IEEE, Science Direct, DBLP and World Wide Web had been reviewed

    NDT-Suite: A Methodological Tool Solution in the Model-Driven Engineering Paradigm

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    Although the Model-Driven paradigm is being accepted in the research environment as a very useful and powerful option for effective software development, its real application in the enter prise context is still a challenge for software engineering. Several causes can be stacked out, but one of them can be the lack of tool support for the efficient application of this paradigm. This pa per presents a set of tools, grouped in a suite named NDT-Suite, which under the Model-Driven paradigm offer a suitable solution for software development. These tools explore different options that this paradigm can improve such as, development, quality assurance or requirement treat ment. Besides, this paper analyses how they are being successfully applied in the industryMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2013-46928-C3-3-RJunta de Andalucía TIC-578

    A Metamodel Proposal for a Web Development Code Generation Tool

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    Code generation is an important part of Model-Driven Development as well as the abstract representation of the software functionality. One of the strong deficiencies in this paradigm is the lack of research projects regarding to code generation that uses the terminology applied in the industry. In order to ameliorate this scenario, in this work is presented a metamodel proposal for a Web development code generation tool. This proposal is based on the terminology used in the industry for Web development in the region of Sinaloa, México. This is an extension and updated explanation of our work previously presented in a conference

    Model-to-Model Transformations for RIA Architectures: a Systematic Mapping Study

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    This study focuses on model-to-model transformations, as part of the Model-Driven Development (MDD) approach, for Rich Internet Applications (RIA). The main aim of this study is to identify fields that require further contributions, and/or research opportunities in the previously mentioned context.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Detecting web requirements conflicts and inconsistencies under a model-based perspective

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    Web requirements engineering is an essential phase in the software project life cycle for the project results. This phase covers different activities and tasks that in many situations, depending on the analyst’s experience or intuition, help getting accurate specifications. One of these tasks is the conciliation of requirements in projects with different groups of users. This article presents an approach for the systematic conciliation of requirements in big projects dealing with a model-based approach. The article presents a possible implementation of the approach in the context of the NDT (Navigational Development Techniques) Methodology and shows the empirical evaluation in a real project by analysing the improvements obtained with our approach. The paper presents interesting results that demonstrate that we can get a reduction in the time required to find conflicts between requirements, which implies a reduction in the global development costs.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Ten Years of Rich Internet Applications: A Systematic Mapping Study, and Beyond

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    BACKGROUND: The term Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) is generally associated with Web appli- cations that provide the features and functionality of traditional desktop applications. Ten years after the introduction of the term, an ample amount of research has been carried out to study various aspects of RIAs. It has thus become essential to summarize this research and provide an adequate overview. OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study is to assemble, classify and analyze all RIA research performed in the scienti c community, thus providing a consolidated overview thereof, and to identify well-established topics, trends and open research issues. Additionally, we provide a qualitative discussion of the most inter- esting ndings. This work therefore serves as a reference work for beginning and established RIA researchers alike, as well as for industrial actors that need an introduction in the eld, or seek pointers to (a speci c subset of) the state-of-the-art. METHOD: A systematic mapping study is performed in order to identify all RIA-related publications, de ne a classi cation scheme, and categorize, analyze, and discuss the identi ed research according to it. RESULTS: Our source identi cation phase resulted in 133 relevant, peer-reviewed publications, published between 2002 and 2011 in a wide variety of venues. They were subsequently classi ed according to four facets: development activity, research topic, contribution type and research type. Pie, stacked bar and bubble charts were used to visualize and analyze the results. A deeper analysis is provided for the most interesting and/or remarkable results. CONCLUSION: Analysis of the results shows that, although the RIA term was coined in 2002, the rst RIA-related research appeared in 2004. From 2007 there was a signi cant increase in research activity, peaking in 2009 and decreasing to pre-2009 levels afterwards. All development phases are covered in the identi ed research, with emphasis on \design" (33%) and \implementation" (29%). The majority of research proposes a \method" (44%), followed by \model" (22%), \methodology" (18%) and \tools" (16%); no publications in the category \metrics" were found. The preponderant research topic is \models, methods and methodologies" (23%) and to a lesser extent, \usability & accessibility" and \user interface" (11% each). On the other hand, the topic \localization, internationalization & multi-linguality" received no attention at all, and topics such as \deep web" (under 1%), \business processing", \usage analysis", \data management", \quality & metrics", (all under 2%), \semantics" and \performance" (slightly above 2%) received very few attention. Finally, there is a large majority of \solution proposals" (66%), few \evaluation research" (14%) and even fewer \validation" (6%), although the latter are increasing in recent years

    Detecting web requirements conflicts and inconsistencies under a model-based perspective

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    Web requirements engineering is an essential phase in the software project life cycle for the project results. This phase covers different activities and tasks that in many situations, depending on the analyst’s experience or intuition, help getting accurate specifications. One of these tasks is the conciliation of requirements in projects with different groups of users. This article presents an approach for the systematic conciliation of requirements in big projects dealing with a model-based approach. The article presents a possible implementation of the approach in the context of the NDT (Navigational Development Techniques) Methodology and shows the empirical evaluation in a real project by analysing the improvements obtained with our approach. The paper presents interesting results that demonstrate that we can get a reduction in the time required to find conflicts between requirements, which implies a reduction in the global development costs.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad